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Gonna start uploading Character Q&A answers on Thursdays! Here's the first one!




Aww poor Piper I adore her brattiness and all

Specs AK

Oof now i really feel for her. I know how that goes

Patrick Kingsley

Oddly, as I read this, I could imagine a bouncy little bongo rhythm playing in the background: very quietly at first, slowly building, reaching full volume mixed with some well timed "yeow's" during that final reveal. Cut to black after her threat is delivered, and go right into, "Please allow me to introduce myself . . ." (To be clear, though: I do sympathize with her. And I do like her. She's amusing, and now a bit more understandable. But, yeah. She's still a bit evil. XD )

Diego P

I just can't stand her


Piper is such a darling little monster. :D