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That can't be fun :/



Naomi 'Note Worthy' Slover

*sighs* #calledit I feel bad for Briar here. Not only is she the emissary sent from home to help try and talk some sense into Belfry's (thick) skull, she's had to deal with her Mom and Dad *yelling* at each other--and possibly her--about this. Every day. For the last three odd months. I can't imagine what it's doing to Tess' stress level, Walter's already thin-at-times patience, and the overall quality of service at Hubba Grub. But what's happening to Briar is the most concerning. She didn't make Belfry choose to take Tamberlane in. She didn't have Oakewood come to her in the middle of a rainstorm and get in her face about deciding which way she was going to decide on things. She didn't have to deal with correcting countless mistakes in the kitchen, potential slips, trips and falls that the walking catastrophe of clumsy Belfry sometimes is. She's just dealing with all of the issues and struggles that come with being her age. I've been on the receiving end of verbal abuse for a decent portion of my adult life. Whoever said that sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you was an idiot. I've given it out too. Words are powerful. They claw into you, attaching themselves at your weakest points and gnawing away at the point of confidence or weakness of that issue. What's worse is when you internalize them; then it becomes a battle inside of your own mind. Good luck, Briar, and... for whatever it's worth, I'm sorry. Because I've been there, and I understand.