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You know when you're mad at someone, and literally everything they do just makes you madder?




Naomi 'Note Worthy' Slover

Well, lemme see here... doing a lot of inferring, but if I read that right, Tess and Belfry haven't seen each other in about 90 days. Neither has made an attempt to reach out to the other (Belfry because she's busy learning how to be a mother and amazingly not killing Tamberlane in the process, Tess because she's either unwilling to admit she was wrong in her hasty anger-filled decision towards Belfry wanting to take care of Tamberlane or she's doubly busy because they're down one hand at Hubba Grub--which having worked any sort of foodservice I can tell you is the WORST.) Belfry's reaction is typical and sadly short-sighted; relaying messages through Briar keeps her in the middle of a mess she didn't want to be in to begin with and is just making it harder for her to forgive Tess; she's also being *incredibly* angry around Tamberlane which can't be any good for the poor kid just trying to figure out where she fits in this big talking animal filled picture. Briar is the unfortunate one stuck between two people not willing to budge but willing to use someone else burdening them with their anger and issues. Her job needs to be to create a scenario by which getting Tess or Bel to come together is natural and not forced. Only then can the rift between daughter and mother begin to be gapped.