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I carried the slutty erofu in a koala hug and enjoyed her bon-kyu-bon! body while parading her around the city and purposely asking people on the street, “Where is this person's home?” to leave an impression on them so that embarrassing rumors would spread, until I arrived at Nrva’s home.

“Chimney overgrown with greenery... I thought it was a custom of the elves, but it seems like she just hasn't taken care of it...”

It’s not a chimney, it’s a large brick kiln, thought to be used for pottery, that was built beside the house. Judging by its condition, I think it hasn't been used for several decades. Were they used to bake plates and pots in the past?

More importantly, about Erofu’s house, of course the front door was locked, so I thought of opening it quickly with magic, but I didn't want to set off some kind of trap magic, so I rummaged through Erofu’s erotic clothes, took out the key, and entered with that key.

I realized this after entering the house but, isn’t there a possibility that her clothes were also enchanted with traps...?

While I was rummaging through her clothes, all I thought about was things like “Where's the key?” and “Should I sleep at Erofu's house tonight?'' so it might be a good thing that I didn’t have any hostility at all. In the first place, there's a possibility that they weren't enchanted with traps, and I tried to examine Erofu’s clothes with Appraisal Skill even though it was too late, but they weren't enchanted and were just normal skimpy clothes.

“It wouldn’t be surprising even if they have something like an ancient elf magic that I couldn’t figure out even with Appraisal Skill though...”

They do look like a native dress, so there must be something about them. Otherwise, there's no way she'd walk around outside dressed in such a slutty outfit.

It's possible that this erofu is a slut, but she's supposed to be a government official, I don't think a slut can become one, so the possibility of her being a slut is infinitesimally small, so I think they must have some kind of special power after all, but if the elves' fashion sense is close to that of a slut, I can't say anything anymore.

If male elves were also like that... no, let’s not imagine it.

Setting aside the issue of the elves' skimpy erotic clothes, when I entered the room, there was a type of illumination that turned on when magic power was poured into it, so when I poured magic power into it, the room suddenly became brighter.
I examined its structure using Appraisal Skill and memorized it perfectly, so I would like to copy it someday.

As Erofu transitioned from passing out to sleeping, I laid her down on the uselessly extravagant canopy bed in the room, brushed her beautiful blonde hair away from her face, buried my face in her big breasts and enjoyed their softness, then covered her with a blanket and let her sleep.

“Phew... those were wonderful breasts. I think I'll make her my wife.”

Lotorl fell head over heels with slutty Erofu!
I'm seriously thinking about how to make her fall!
I decided to at least make her pay for her sins regarding me!

“Let’s leave my stupid thoughts behind and think about where I'm going to sleep...  But before that, I'm hungry... I wonder if there's anything to eat here?”

I searched around the kitchen and found a wooden box containing a large amount of vegetables.

“I guess elves only eat vegetables after all?”

I feel like eating meat, so I’ll take some from my Storage, wait I don’t have any! Enough already, me!

The only food I have now is grapes, so I decide to fill my stomach with them, while reminiscing about the meat that disappeared into the void.

As expected, I wouldn’t do such a shameful thing as stealing food from someone else's house, you know?

While eating grapes, I took a look around Erofu’s house, and appraised rare equipment such as bows and daggers that are not available on the market and are unique to the elves, and furniture with a good design sense, and added them to the rip-off list in my brain.

“Hmm, I guess this is enough. Now, let’s make a bed... no, maybe I’ll just sleep with her?”

Yes Yes. I’ve come to the conclusion that sleeping together on Erofu’s uselessly extravagant and spacious canopy bed would be the best solution.

“Alright, that’s enough for today, let’s sleep.”

I turned off the light remotely, moved the sleeping Erofu a little to the side, and went to bed with Erofu’s boing-boing breasts just right in my face.


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