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The next day.

Yeah. I didn’t get a wink of sleep.
I was so excited that I couldn't sleep at all.

I wanted to see Erofu’s surprised look the instant she woke up and saw my face, so I think I'll stay in this position for a while longer.

Funyu funyu.

Haa, the best. This might be my home base.

“Nn... Hmm?”

It seems like Erofu woke up while I was enjoying her breasts with my whole face. I'm looking forward to it.

“...Nroy, you're still, a child, I see... suu... suu...”

It seems I was mistaken for someone else and she ended up going back to sleep... Nroy-san, are you her younger brother or sister?

“Onee-chan, it's morning. Wake up.”
“...Nn, let me sleep a bit more...”
“Onee-chan, if you don’t wake up, I’m going to play a prank on you, okay?”
“...Nna? A prank...? Nroy... somehow, your voice is strange...?”
“Nn? Are you really Nroy...?”

It seemed that Erofu finally realized that something was wrong, so she slowly opened her heavy eyelids and looked directly at my face.

“Good morning, Onee-chan.”
“A-aah...! No, this, no, no, it's a dream, a dream, a dream...! There's no way that girl is sleeping with me! This can't happen! If it's a dream, hurry up and wake up!”
“Strange Onee-chan. If you don't wake up, I can sleep with you a bit more, right?”
“Stop... stop it... you're not, my little sister...”
"Aah... but... even if this is just a dream... let me, hug you...”

I was hugged in a way that made me feel her desire for my forgiveness for her own mistake, so I thought it was time to stop playing around, and I decided to play one last prank on her.

“Hey, Onee-chan. If you want me to forgive you that much, would you do anything for me?”
“...Yes, if it’s your wish I'll do anything.”
“Yatta! It's a promise, Nrva-sa...n?”

For just a moment, the words ‘Contract Magic’ appeared in my mind, but I’m sure it’s just my imagination.
The little finger on my right hand feeling strangely hot is also just my imagination.
When I took a quick look, I noticed a red ring-shaped mark there, but that is also just my imagination.
If I say it’s just my imagination, it's just my imagination!
I didn’t activate Contract Magic!

“I’ve bound us with Contract Magic. With this, I will do whatever you say. Will you forgive me now?”
“You’re the one that activated the contract?!”
“Eh? Contract Magic isn't enough? Then, I’ll cast a more powerful Forced Contract Magic...”
“No need to cast it! Or rather, just cancel the Contract Magic... wait, it can’t be canceled?”

The outline of Contract Magic flowed to my mind, it said that if the contract is signed by both parties, it will continue to be enforced for 100 years, and after that, they will decide again whether to renew the contract or not.

Or rather, 100 years!? Because of the elves' longevity, their loose magic is just too crazy!

I was only planning to ask for the right to do whatever I wanted to Nrva while she was half asleep, thinking I wanted a massage later, so I don't remember agreeing to anything, and I won’t either, but to think she would try to atone by casting Contract Magic, this erofu, her mental is seriously beaten down, huh.

“...By the way, this is a dream, right?”
“Shall I pinch your cheek? You didn’t answer, so.”

I grabbed both of Nrva's cheeks with both hands and pinched. This also serves as a payback for everything she did until now.

“It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!? This isn’t a dream!? S-stop it! I get it already! If you pull it that hard, my cheek will be torn off!!”

Her skin was so much more squishy than I expected that I ended up using too much strength. Those are cheeks that I want to keep pinching.

“Are you awake now?”
“It's really you, isn't it? Hey, where have you been all this time? Why did you suddenly disappear? I've been looking for you in the forest the whole time, you know? Are you injured or sick? You won't suddenly disappear again, right? How have you been all this time? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Have you informed the Adventurer's Guild of your return? Do you have a place to live? Are you okay with money? Have you told your acquaintances that you are safe? By the way, why are you here? How did you get into my house? Why are you sleeping in my bed with me? Why are you so-ufp!?”

She barraged me with all her questions and concerns all at once, but I closed Nrva’s mouth by sandwiching her cheeks with both of my hands. Her mouth is open vertically, while she's in the ‘it’s decided’ pose of the esper little girl from the work I saw in my previous life called ‘The Black Quack Doctor’.

* (T/N: I don’t know the reference or parody.)

“If you ask me that many questions, I can't answer them, you know. I don't even feel like answering them though.”

I removed my hand from Nrva’s cheek and patted her head with a smile.
I recommend this because most onee-sans will open their mouths and stop thinking when you do a mysterious beautiful girl move.

“Good girl, good girl.”
“You see...?”
“There, there.”
“Aadmirable, admirable.”

I won.
I don't know what battle I won though.

After I was doing face-to-face motherhood ASMR to Nrva for a while, she started to doze off, so I put her to bed and let her go back to sleep. I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep either, so I went to sleep while patting Nrva on the head.


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