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The inn where Ruriko-san was staying was right nearby, so it took us only a few minutes to get there.

“Ruriko-san, are you there─?”
“Ye─s. Ara, Lotorl-chan. And Seira is with you, meaning, so that’s how it is.”
“Ruriko-san, you’ve guessed quickly.”
“It's the massage, right? Come on in quickly.”
“Ruriko-san, you're not very perceptive...”
“Huh? Was I wrong?”
“You might not be wrong... but it’s not time yet...”
“Somehow, that's a suggestive way of saying it. For now, come in, come in.”
“Pardon the intrusion.”

When we entered the room, Ruriko-san sat down on the bed, while Seira-san and I sat at the table.

Let's get straight to the point.

“It's about the Skill synthesis. Before doing that, I'd like to take a look at Seira-san's skills, okay?”

Appraisal, appraisal.

I activated my Appraisal Skill and a list of Seira-san’s Skills was displayed.

Recovery Magic Skill level 45, Healing Wave Skill level 1, Patience Skill level 60, Wand Technique Skill level 10.

Her Patience Skill level is high because she has treated injured and sick people who are unbearable to watch, no doubt about it. If I’m wrong, I’m willing to do 100 squats completely naked.

“I see, your Skills are totally like a healer’s.”
“Ehehe, thank you, thank you.”
“Then, please write down the Skills you want or the Skills you think it would be nice to have on paper.”
“I understand.”

While Seira-san was writing down the Skills she wanted on a piece of paper, Ruriko-san spoke to me.

“By the way, that girl, Alrina-chan, was it? She doesn’t seem to be here though?”
“She’s currently training at the Sewing Guild.”
“Heeh, Sewing Guild, huh... maybe I’ll have her make me some cute clothes after she finishes that training?”
“If you pay her upfront, I think she’ll do a good job. She’s a money-hungry person after all.”
“That's a terrible thing to say...”
“I finished writing!”
“So quick-!?”

Seira-san, who cheerfully handed me a piece of paper with Skills written on it, was so innocent and cute.
Let's take a look right away.

“Flight Skill, Storage Skill, Appraisal Skill, if you have recovery-type Skills, all of them, if you have housework-type Skills, all of them, if you have Skills that make me lucky, those too, please. Do you have any Skill that can make me rich? I see, how cute.”
“Is that cute...?”
“If it’s just this, I can do it one way or another, but I don't have any on hand right now, so I'll go make some. I'll be back soon, so please wait for a moment.”
“Yes! I’m counting on you!”

And so, I teleported to a secret base I built in a nearby forest.
I don't think there would be any problem with these two seeing me teleport.

I go out from my secret base and first, I’ll turn my little finger into a potion.
It is an experiment to see how much pain my aero adamantized body can endure, as well as the fact that it is purely out of stock.


I grabbed the little finger of my left hand with my right hand and activated my Potion Creation Skill.


As I thought, it hurts when I get hurt. It's better than before because I have All-Resistance UP Skill, but painful things are painful.

I took out a mega potion from Storage, poured it on my left hand, and watched my little finger grow as it moved in an exquisitely disgusting manner.


I thought it might not heal because it was synthesized with metal, but I'm glad it healed normally.

Next, I used my Compounding Skill to remove unnecessary things from the potion, such as memories, follower, and immortality, synthesized it with grape seeds, and planted the grape seeds that had my Skills in the ground.

“Come to think of it, I'm immortal, aren’t I...?”

I completely forgot about it because it doesn't appear in the Skill list.
Since I already promised Alrina, let’s make a growth potion later.

“I'll start from this one.”

I took out a high fertilizer potion from Storage, sprinkle it on the grape seeds planted on the ground, and harvested the fruit when it grows.

“Ooh, it’s full of mutated variants! Lucky!”

Perhaps thanks to planting grape seeds with multiple Skills, grapes with upward or downward compatibility with those Skills, or even entirely new Skills, have grown.

Assessment Skill, Analysis Skill, Observation Skill, are they derivatives of Appraisal Skill?

Floating Skill, Levitation Skill, Gliding Skill, Soaring Skills, these are flight-type Skills I guess.

Fire Magic Skill, Water Magic Skill... et cetera, et cetera, there are only Skills that are upward compatible with Universal Magic Skill, is it because Universal Magic Skill is the highest level of magic-type Skills?

Energy Recovery Skill, Stamina Recovery Skill, Mental Strength Recovery Skill, they should be derivatives of Magic Power Recovery Skill.

Katana Technique Skill, Tantou Technique Skill, Short Sword Technique Skill, Pole Technique Skill, are they derivatives of Sword Technique Skill?

* (T/N: previously named ‘Swordmanship Skill’, but changed to Sword Technique Skill, to keep up the theme. Tantou can also be Short Katana, should I have used that?)

Item Box Skill, Item Chest skill, Safekeeping Skill, Cache Skill, Depository Skill, Warehouse Skill, Closet Skill, Cabinet Skill, Container Skill, Garage skill, Backyard Skill, Inventory skill, Vault Skill... there’s Inventory Skill!

Lucky! I immediately liquified it and synthesized it into myself.

“Tettere─! Lotorl has obtained Inventory Skill!”

Inventory Skill, activate!
A list of items was displayed in front of me, but there was nothing in it. why?

“Nn─? Aah, it's treated separately from Storage huh...”

For now, I'll put some soil in my Inventory to check its maximum capacity.

“1 kg for 1 stock, up to 99.. Is it because it’s level 1?”

Shall I try leveling it up to max temporarily to see how much I can fit into it?

I planted grapes with Inventory Skills in the ground, sprayed them with high fertilizer potion to mass produce them, synthesize them, and repeat the process until I get the perfected Inventory Skill, and synthesize it into myself.

“The 1kg stock remains the same, up to 999... Although the item list makes it easy to see what I have in there... it's too mediocre...”

My current Storage Skill has risen to level 4 before I knew it, and I can now stock 600 types of items and 600 items of the same type, so if I look at its level of growth, my Storage Skill has an overwhelming victory. Inventory Skill-kun, bye-bye.

“That’s what I was thinking, but can’t I synthesize my Storage Skill with my Inventory Skill? I’m so smart!”

And so, I took out all the soil from my Inventory, used the Compounding Skill to adjust the level of my Inventory Skill to 4, the same level as Storage Skill, and then synthesized them.

“Huh? The items disappeared? Aah, it's treated separately like before. Then, I’ll use Compounding Skill to return it to Storage and Inventory...”

Nn? They’re still gone? What does this mean?

“No way, it can’t be... that's a lie, right? It's a lie, isn’t it...?”

Zero items in Storage.
Zero items in Inventory.

Zero... zero, zero, zero.



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