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I’m Lotorl, the Banished Isekai TS Reincarnator, kicked out of the Sewing Guild for bowing my head over and over again to the receptionist onee-san while asking her to please take care of Alrina who will be staying at the Sewing Guild for training, so much that Alrina kicked my ass out of the guild for being too obstinate about that.

Right now, I'm in the middle of hanging my head on a bench in a park.

“Haa... so painful...”

My body is so heavy at the level of losing half my body.

“It seems like I was too dependent on Alrina... this is no good...”

Ah... I don't feel motivated to do anything... I'm Kyomu Kyomu Purin...

* (T/N: Kyomu Kyomu Purin - that’s probably a meme or something. I don’t know how it came to be like that, the original is probably a song.)

“Fou─nd you.”

When I looked up at the person who had called out to me, I saw that it was a person who often had drinking parties with Shishido-san and others, wearing whitish clothes and, no matter how you look at her, seem to be a neat and clean type healer onee-san. I don't know her name.

“Ah, the onee-san who I know but don’t know your name.”
“Y-yeah. I haven’t told you my name, haven’t I? My name is Seira. Nice to meet you.”
“Once again, my name is Lotorl. Please take care of me.”

After shaking hands, Seira-san came to sit down next to me.

“You seem down, is there something wrong?”
“...I have to part with someone really important to me...”
“I see...”

When I thought I could smell a soft, refreshing scent, I found that I’m being hugged by Seira-san. Umm, what does this mean?

“That was painful, wasn’t it... You can cry a lot now... I'll take it all in.”
“It's painful, isn’t it... It's sad, isn’t it... There, there, good girl, good girl...”

I feel like I'm being misunderstood in a very strange way, but the feeling of those fluffy breasts is the best, and being caressed on the head is also the best, and being whispered in a cute voice is also the best, so isn’t it okay to stay like this for a while? No, I'm sure it’s okay!

“Ha, that voice, Alrina!? Why are you here!?”

I don't remember doing anything untoward even once, but I quickly escaped from Seira-san’s angelic embrace.

“When I came to give you something you forgot, I found you doing this. Even for my heart that is deeper than the ocean, there are things I can forgive and things I can't forgive, you know? Hey, Lotorl? Who is that woman?”

Alrina-san was radiating murderous intent that looked like she could kill someone at any moment as she glared at Seira-san.
This is a very problematic situation. Seira-san is completely getting dragged into this argument, so I have to protect her somehow!

“This is Seira-san. She is a very kind-hearted person who comforted me when I was heartbroken after parting ways with Alrina.”
“Heeh... hmm... well, it doesn't seem like you're lying... but you know... seeing you hugging another woman right after we had such a touching parting... There’s no way my heart will be calm, right? Right?”

She’s probably talking about the kissing scene, not the scene where I got my ass kicked out. ...Even so, if you ask me if it was touching, I think it's a bit different though.

That doesn’t matter right now, my first priority is to think about how I can appease Alrina who was going mad with jealousy.

“I sincerely apologize and kindly ask for your forgiveness.”

I took out a jewel grape from storage and offered it to Alrina.
In the end, I could only come up with valuables.

“I forgive you!”

So easy. You're too easy, Alrina-san. As your younger sister, I'm really worried about you.

I received the insect cage I had forgotten from Alrina, and she held the jewel grape I gave her over to the sun, admiring its beauty as she left for the Sewing Guild, while I saw off my greedy and jealous older sister Alrina with lukewarm eyes.

“What an amazing kid...”
“That’s the important person I talked about earlier.”
“Eh, you weren’t separated by death?”
“She said she will be training at the Sewing Guild for a while, so we will be separated during that time.”
“What, I misunderstood, huh... but I'm glad she’s alive.”

Eh, what’s with this girl, isn’t she too nice? I’m going to fall in love, you know? I already fell in love at first sight, but I'm going to fall in love even more, you know?

“Ha!? A chill!? I felt a chill down my spine!?”

Alrina!? Are you saying you have awakened into a Newtype?? Eei, don't send your thoughts to me!

“Are you okay? Did you get a fever?”

Seira-san, as if it were a matter of course, put our foreheads together, and I helplessly fell.

“Hau, luv...”
“You feel a little bit feverish. Healing.”

As the light enveloped my body, my mind and body were healed, and I felt refreshed, as if even my evil thoughts had been purified. Were Alrina's thoughts evil...?

“Thank you very much. I'm feeling much better already!”
“Hehe, that’s good.”

Ah, what a cute smile. I want to protect this smile!

“So, about the Skill synthesis, if it’s for Seira-san, I'd be happy to do it for free."
“Eh? Were we talking about that?”
“Huh? Didn't you hear from Daigen-san?"
“Eh, yeah. That's right, but, ah, that's what you meant! Sorry I was slow to understand.”
“No, I'm also sorry for skipping over the process. So, if there's a place where not many people can see, I'd like to do it there. Is there a place?”
“Hmm, my home has my family there, so can’t we do it at Lotorl-chan’s inn?”
“Right now, I haven’t booked an inn... then, let’s go to Ruriko-san’s inn.”
“Ruriko was also looking for Lotorl-chan, so you’ve met her?”
“Yes, I recommended her to become a fisherman and synthesized Skills into her.”

And so, let's go to Ruriko-san's inn.


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