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Summary of the previous chapter.
All items lost.
That is all. The end.


It's impossible for all the items I've collected so far to disappear into thin air if I synthesize my Storage Skill with my Inventory Skill, right!?

“This kind of bug must be due to negligence on the part of the management! Maintain it properly!!”

Since the little girl god exists, there must be other gods that also manage this world, so please god in charge of Skill, please return my items, please!

Storage... there’s nothing... Inventory... there’s nothing...”

I try to thrust my hand into the void, but there's nothing.


I was so stressed out that I held my head in my hands, bent myself back,  and let out a cry like a wild animal.

God in charge of Skills, I will definitely make you cry! Absolutely!!

I vent my anger at things indiscriminately, calmed my mind, and thought about the future.

“The valuables are, well, they’re fine, the potions, I can make them again, I can collect material items again, buy clothes again, buy ingredients again, and then... aah, guild cards... re-issuing... it's so troublesome...”

It's as troublesome as when I accidentally erased all the data when transferring data from the SSD to the QTD... By the way, QTD is the abbreviation for next-generation hard disks, and its official name is... Quantum? Quad? ...In the first place, I don't even know the official name of SSD...

“Maybe it’s Solid or Solidus, there's no Liquid...”

I feel like my thoughts are getting more and more off track because I want to escape reality.

Let's go back in time.

“Ugh... each and every time-reversal-type of magic is super-class magic... even just sending telepathy to my past self is super-class magic... Even if I use a maxed Universal Magic, it might just kill me?”

I might be able to use it someday after I grow more.

“In that case, relying on my future self... it’s super-class magic after all... Even if I go into cold sleep, there's no point in it unless I grow... I'm stuck...”

Athlete Lotorl, retiring here.

“Haa... let’s straightforwardly collect them again...”

I feel like the people who live in the ocean of my heart also say ‘that’s good’. I am Thou, the True Self.

“Troublesome, troublesome, troublesome! No way, no way, no way, no, no, Sana no Uta, Futagun!”

* (T/N: I think it’s a reference to cthulhu.)

I accidentally praised a heretic god, but it's a fictional god that appeared in fiction of my previous world, so I'm sure it'll be okay.

“Become a flag... and chase away the god in charge of Skills...”

I don't think it will work out that well, but since this is a different world, it wouldn't be strange if a similar god existed. Or rather, exist!

“Haah... I guess I'll leave escaping reality here, and do my best.”

For now, to keep myself motivated, I used my Body Modification Skill to stretch the skin from my index finger into a string, used Alchemy Skill to liquefy it and cut it, and used a high potion...

“They’re all disappeared into thin air, haven't they... Healing.”

My motivation is─

“Do your best Lotorl! Me!”

To get back my motivation even more, I tied my white-brown hair into a ponytail using the string-like skin.

“Next is the clothes.”

I took out aero adamantite from storage...

“Enough and learn already, me. Everything has disappeared into thin air!”

...I'll make the clothes later.

Now that I have the ponytail, I think I'm half motivated, so let's collect the ingredients for the high potion.

“The medicinal herbs... I don't have a high fertilizer potion, so I have to gather them straightforwardly.”

There are cluster points for medicinal herbs here and there, so it's not that hard, but as expected, its troublesomeness still wins over. I'll still do it though.

I synthesized the medicinal herbs I have gathered, increased their potency, and then turned them into a potion.

“Yes, a high potion is complete!”

All that’s left is to eat unharvested grapes, spit out the seeds, and synthesize the high potion with grape seeds.

“...I need one more high potion.”

Although plants grow slower with high potion than with high fertilizer potion, they still grow quickly even with it, so I thought of mass producing high potion for that, but I don’t know if my mind is unstable, I make a lot of basic mistakes.

I collected some medicinal herbs, made them into a high potion, planted grape seeds with high potion effects in the ground, and poured the high potion I made just now on them.

Tens of minutes later.

“It has fewer fruits than usual, but it’s grown well, hasn’t it.”

I meditated to calm my mind while waiting, but I think I fell asleep halfway through.
I managed to refresh myself, so all is well.

All that's left to do is turn the grapes into potions to create high potions, put them in Storage, and repeat the process.

When I mass-produced apples before, I grew them with high fertilizer potions, so they grew into mega potions, but it seems like if I grow them with high potions, they only become high potions.

After I had created about 100 high potions, I remembered that I could turn the entire tree into potions, so I let out a deep sigh and created about 3000 high potions like that.

“Let's make half of them mega potions.”

I put the 1500 of the high potions that appeared on the ground into Storage, synthesized the rest at once into 750 mega potions and put them into Storage.

“Come to think of it, I've never synthesized mega potions before, haven’t I?”

Let's try it now.

I took out two mega potions from Storage and synthesized them.

“Ex potion is completed!”

I’m the one who decided on the name.

Its official name indicated by the Appraisal Skill is Nourishing Tonic Energizing Physical Strength Omnipotent Universal Disease Curing Health and Longevity Potion. It's too long!

Its effects seem to be curing any injury or illness and even make your body healthier.
In other words, in game terms, it is a potion that has the effect of increasing maximum HP and maximum MP.

“Let's drink it, gulp gulp gulp.”

It’s water.

“What has changed in particular... Hm, has my stomach become a little fuller?”

I also feel like my arms and legs are a little fuller than before.

“Let's drink more.”

I took out 10 mega potions from Storage, synthesized them to 5 ex potions, and drank them.

“Oh, I’m fat, I’m fat. I’m squishy... Ehe, ehehe, Bunshin no Jutsu!”

Let's perform an accurate physical examination using Clone Magic!


Lotorl-chan's formerly spindly body had transformed into a healthy body that was unrecognizable. As might be expected of a pervert.

“Stay away from me, you pervert.”
“Ofuu... say it more...”
“Gross, you damn pervert! Go away somewhere!”
“Ooh... that's the besh...”
“Gross! Gross! Gross! If you get any closer, I'll report you!”
“Lotorl-chwan! Muchuu!”
“Nmm!? Puhah! No! Let go!”
“Ehe, ehehe, ehehehe. Lotorl-chan is so cute.”
“Acting by myself is kinda, it's the most disgusting thing ever, you know?”
“It doesn’t matter what we do to ourselves, right? it’s our own after all.”
“I guess that's true. Then, let's continue, Stop! Don't do anything worse than this!”
“Sniff-sniff, lick-lick-lick-lick, chu-chu-chu-chu!”
“No! Stop it! Let go of me!”
“Ehehe, let's do something that feels even better. Guhehe.”

After that, the Lotorls continued to mass-produce her dark history.


(T/N: raw title: がんばロトルルした - Ganba rotoruru shita = Ganbaru + Lotorl + Shita.)

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