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The voyage went smoothly, and we ended up back at sea near Lycorus country.

“Huh? That’s weird...”

I think we were swept by the waves while I was sleeping soundly, it's too late for regret though. Let’s just set sail.


Alrina is taking a morning bath right now, so there's no one listening to me, which is a little disappointing.

“Well, whatever. Gate open! Release to the sea!”

I teleported to the place we should have traveled to yesterday using Gate, pretending my mistake of not setting up a lookout didn’t exist.

Once we pass through the gate, I see a 360-degree view of the ocean as far as my eye can see.
The land that I had seen earlier disappeared completely, as if it was a dream or an illusion.

“This should be fine now.”

Alrina is in the middle of taking a bath comfortably, so this is a perfect crime.
Right as I think that, Alrina came back from the bath.

“Phew, I feel refreshed.”
“That was quite a long bath... I won't ask you any boorish questions.”
“Eh, what’s with this kid? Are you saying she was just genuinely enjoying her long bath...?”
“You're saying weird things again... Okay, okay, let's have breakfast.”

By the looks of it, it seems she really enjoyed her long bath. It even made me embarrassed because I was having such a strange imagination?
Still, Alrina's ignoring power is increasing day by day, Lotorl is feeling lonely.

Breakfast is grilled fish caught yesterday, salad, and an assortment of fruits.
Since I have high potions, even if we get scurvy, I can cure it in one shot, so we don't have to worry about it too much, but there is nothing better than not getting it, so I think we should eat fruits every day. They are delicious even if you eat them normally.

“Hey, Lotorl... aren't those clouds weird?”

After I finished breakfast and was sunbathing on the deck, Alrina said that she had spotted a weird cloud, so I turned my gaze in the direction she was pointing and saw dark muddy clouds slowly spreading out.

“I've never seen such dangerous-looking clouds, including in my previous life, so I'd like to go above the clouds and avoid them. If we stay outside like this, we’ll just get blown away, so let's go to the wheelhouse.”

After making sure that Alrina had entered the wheelhouse, I operated the lever installed to avoid capsizing and lifted the ship higher than the clouds.

“We should be safe now.”
“Are we really...?”
“Please stop saying things like that because it will raise a strange flag.”
“A strange flag?”
“For example, if you say something like, “Did we get him?” when you defeat an enemy, the enemy you thought you defeated will mysteriously come back to life, or if you say “Was it just my imagination?” when you see something strange, you will generally die, so please be careful.”

There are many other flag lines, such as “I'm getting married after this battle is over,” or “Forget about me, just go on ahead,” and “Get out of my sight before I beat you up,” but I don't think Alrina will say those, so I'll leave them out. I do want to purposely say them though.

“I don't really get it, but I'll be careful, okay?”
“Also, as an additional piece of information, it seems that “talking about flags” is also a flag.”
“In other words, I lost control of the ship. Also, it’s falling. Its Flight Skill is still active, so it's being pulled downwards by a stronger force. Aah, rotation has also been added... also downforce... No, downburst, or no, this is a tornado... a tornado that sucks things down... we’re not soaring up, we’re soaring down... isekai weather phenomenon, huh... I see...”

Alrina's scream brought me back to my senses.
It seems like I was escaping reality by trying to calmly analyze the unrealistic situation.
When you encounter an emergency situation like this, the most important thing to do is run away.

“Gate is, no good, huh... we'll abandon the ship! I'll teleport, so please grab me!”

I tried to teleport the whole ship using Gate, but the movement of the ship was so complicated that I couldn't get a good aim.
The ship itself is sturdy, so it will be fine even when it falls into the sea, but the impact of the fall will likely make the inside a mess.

The instant I hugged Arrina and was about to teleport, the insects crossed my mind and I teleported to the ship's bedroom where I kept the insect cage.

“What are you doing!?”
“I'm sorry. I was worried about the insects and I lost my concentration.”

I wrapped up the insect cage in a cloth bag, and also put the miniature luxury battleship and travel bag that was in the bedroom away into storage, and this time for sure, I'm going to teleport to a safe place.

“Ah, the money!!”

Since I got worried about the insects, I can't blame Alrina for worrying about money.
There's still time until the ship crashes, so I teleport to the treasure room, quickly put away the gold ingots, gold coins, and jewelry into Storage, and then this time for sure, I’ll teleport.

“Oh, I left my clothes in the bathroom!”
“Please give up on the clothes!”
“I-I guess I should! Ahaha.”

We don’t have any more time left, so I'll teleport us to a safe place without accepting any complaint! When it’s time for teleport, we teleport!

“Here we go!”

As expected, I too, didn't have much time to spare, so I didn't even take time to imagine where the teleport destination would be and just teleported to the safest and most secure place for me.


(T/N: 風雲急を告げた - to have grown tense (of a situation); to have become critical (and to be on the verge of a major upheaval) from dictionary. It’s the title, the one I use is the literal translation not mentioned in the dictionary.)

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