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Alrina, who had locked herself in the bathroom after eating too much crab, came back with a sullen face, so, although I don't know if this would be effective on overeating, I gave her a sip of high potion, and she completely recovered. ‘High potions sure are amazing’, I thought ‘I guess I’ll never be able to stop wasting high potions after this’.

“How childish.”
“Small orange?”
“No, nothing. Let’s raise the speed.”

* (T/N: 小並感 - konamikan - childish reaction (like that of an elementary school student); unsophisticated reaction, abbr. of 小学生並みの感想. I translated it to ‘how childish’ she’s talking about herself.

粉ミカン?kona mikan - small orange. The 粉 part mean ‘flour; meal; powder; dust’ but I translated it as small.)

I entered the wheelhouse, checked the compass to make sure we were not drifting, and turned the sub-wheel clockwise to increase the rotation of the propeller, increasing the speed of the ship.

“Alright, done. Now then, I have some free time, so should I take care of the insects?”

Arrina said she would arrange the daily necessities in each of our rooms and went to get the travel bag she had left in the bedroom.
I've bought things like stylish lamps, so I'm sure she will transform the room into a wonderful one.

I took out the insect cage from the cloth bag I had left on the deck and checked the insects inside with my Appraisal Skill, and was a little relieved to find that their body structures were the same as those of the insects in my previous world.

I wasn't even a little freaked out when the crabs turned out to be sea urchins and shrimp, okay?!

I took out aero adamantite from Storage, caught a beetle from the insect cage and synthesized the two.

Lotorl-chan, who starts mad science without hesitation, is dangerous, to say the least.

I've already done the experiment on my own body, so there shouldn't be any problems, but from a beetle's point of view, it might be wondering what I’m doing to it.
You'll be reborn in a stronger body, so forgive me.

When I checked it with the appraisal skill, it was displayed as Aero Adamantite Beetle.
It has ranked up from a beetle to a metal beetle.
Since it was reborn as a nearly indestructible beetle, it will no longer die from external causes such as being trampled or eaten by animals.
As you’d expect, if it was swallowed whole it wouldn't be able get out of the stomach, and if it fell into the sea, it would suffocate to death, but I think it’ll get spat out if it rampage inside the stomach, and since it's light, I think it will quickly float back up before it suffocates. In the first place, it can fly, so it can get back to the ship before it falls, and it is carefully kept in the insect cage, so it should be fine there.

I also synthesized the female one with aero adamantite and then made an insect cage using aero adamantite to prevent the insect cage from being destroyed.

I took out things like soil, dead leaves, tree branches and food, from Storage and put them into the insect cage, and finally put the male and female aero adamantite beetles in there.

I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of children will be born from these aero adamantite beetles.

After that too, I created things like golden beetles and jewel stag beetles, synthesized Recovery Skill with Tone Color Skill to create Sound Recovery Skill and synthesized it into a bell cricket, and separated a cricket’s body from its head over and over again in pursuit of deliciousness using Compounding Skill. They were very fulfilling experiments.
By the way, the taste of crickets is similar to that of spiny lobster. Of course, since crickets also chirp, I synthesized Recovery Sound Skill into it, and since they are also edible, I synthesized Recovery Skill into it as well.

Perhaps finished decorating her room, Alrina came back and witnessed my atrocious act, and was taken aback, saying, “Uwaa...,” but the expression on her face at that time was deeply moving.

“I made some really delicious crickets, would you like to try them?”
“Lotorl... you are a little tired, aren't you? Why don't you take a rest in your room?”
“Can you please stop looking at me like you do when your close friend is mentally ill? It just normally hurts.”

Now that I've finished playing with insects, I decided to go see how the interior of the ship has changed.

“Wow, isn't this stylish, like a movie set? It's overflowing with the feeling of antique, it’s wonderful.”
“Ehehe, thank you.”

When I think about it, in this world, the modern era is currently highly acclaimed, so antique is not a compliment. Alrina doesn't seem to notice at all, so I won't say anything unnecessary.
Also, I mentioned it being stylish, like a movie set, but Lotorl has no memories of movies.
The fact that Alrina didn't have any doubts means movies exist, so I want to see it. I wonder what kind of films exist here? I'm looking forward to it.

“By the way, what is ‘movie’ or ‘antique’?”
“So they don’t exist... please don’t worry about it...”

It seems that Alrina was just happy because of the words “stylish” and “wonderful.”

I wanted to see a movie...


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