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We returned to the inn and put the luggage we put in the room into Storage, Alrina carried her travel bag and I carried the insect cage wrapped in the shrinkable cloth bag and left the inn.

“We’re really going, aren’t we...”
“It’s a sunny day with a pleasant breeze, so I think it’s a good day to set sail, you know?”
“I know it won't be scary if Lotorl is here, but...”
“...The unknown is scary, but once you make it known, you can laugh at it. Though, I guess I can say that because I can do anything.”
“Are you trying to say some weird nonsensical proverb again?”
“Since Alrina interrupted me, I'll just say the punchline. Rather than regret it, let's set sail!”
“...I feel anxious.”

* (T/N: regret - koukai, set sail - koukai. Yeah, it’s a pun.)

Returning to the private beach earlier, we will hold the launching ceremony of the Lulurina.

I only know the word ‘launching ceremony’ and totally have no idea what it is, but for the time being, if I just pour some alcohol on her, there shouldn't be any problems. After all, I know that most ceremonies involve pouring alcohol.

I took out sand and grapes that would be easy to make into alcohol from storage, used Alchemy Skill to make a sake bottle from the sand, put the grapes in it, and liquefy it. I check the alcohol content using Appraisal Skill and increase the alcohol content to 15% using Compounding Skill, and the red wine is complete. Appraisal Skill displays it as red wine, so there's no mistake.

“Now then, shall we get the Lulurina out into the sea?”

When I released the Lulurina from Storage towards the sea, it floated into the sea with a large splash of water.

“And then... throw it? Oryaa!”

Suddenly, I received a radio signal and threw the bottle of red wine I was carrying at the ship, breaking it.

“W-what are you doing, Lotorl!?”
“No, I received a strange radio wave, you see, apparently this is the etiquette for launching ceremonies.”
“Eeh... I think it’s definitely wrong...”
“I think so too, but when you use Skills and magic, acting according to your senses makes it easier to use, so, wouldn't this be not that much of a mistake?”
“Is that, really so...?”

Besides, the expression on the goddess figurehead's face seems to be smiling somehow.
I won't tell Alrina though, because I'd be in trouble if she gets scared and won't ride.

The launching ceremony ended successfully, so let's board the ship immediately.

“Aah... this is nice. It feels like a fantasy.”
“Weird Lotorl...”
“Don’t you feel something too, Alrina?”
“Eeh, hmm. I think it's a fine ship, but it feels kind of boyish... ah.”
“...I'm a girl, you know?”
“That's true. Lotorl is a girl, isn’t it? Un, un.”

What’s with that? That disgusted face.
Even if I was a boy in my past life, I’m still a proper girl in this life, you know? I'm an idol after all.
How can you say such cruel things, that a ship built by such a cute idol is a boorish, lame ship built by a man?

Does this require punishment? Does it?

“Aa─h! Just now, a big fish jumped! It’s time for fishing, isn’t it?! I'm looking forward to it─!”
“...I just couldn't hold on any longer. How about we come to a compromise and I rub Alrina's butt?”
“...If that makes you feel better, go ahead.”
“Then, excuse me.”
“Nhi-!? Ahahaha! Weren't you going to rub it!? Ihihihi!”
“I'm a girl. I'm a girl. I'm a girl!!”
“Aa─n! Sorry, Lotorl─!”

I administered the punishment of full body tickling. There is no mercy.

After that, we looked around every part of the interior of the ship, and as soon as I guided us to the treasure warehouse that I made for Alrina, she let out a strange voice, took off her clothes, and started swimming in the sea of gold, and at the end she performed a mysterious dance.

“Gehehehe!! What do you think, Lotorl!? Are you having fun!?”
“Ah, yes. That was a wonderful dance.”

Alrina-san is currently mass producing her dark history.
I didn't expect her to go this crazy, but Alrina herself is dancing with a really nice smile on her face. I’d feel bad if I stopped her midway, so I'll go along with her until the end. Even though she is like this, she is still more or less my precious older sister.

I wouldn't do such a wasteful thing as erasing my memory, you know?

I use Memory Preservation Magic to memorize it perfectly, and when Alrina's memory starts to fade, let’s use Memory Projection Magic to hold a viewing party.


When Alrina regained her composure, her face turned so red that it looked like it was on fire, and she fell to her knees on the spot.

“Uuu... don't look at me... leave me alone...”
“Alrina was cute earlier, but Alrina is also really cute right now, you know.”
“That was not cute at all... I wonder why I did that...”
“Hmm, I understand. I'll give all the gold here to Alrina. Please cheer up.”
“Really real. Lotorl won't lie.”

It’s only sometimes, but there are also times when I lie. Because self-preservation is fundamental.
Of course, Alrina has become more than half of my existence, so I will protect her no matter what, even if my limbs are torn off or my head is removed.

“...Ehehe, okay then.”

The self-interested Alrina is so greedy and cute. Let's give her a kiss.

Now that Alrina is in a much better mood, shall we start the Age of Exploration?

“You bastards, set sail!”
“That’s like a pirate!”
“Eeh, then, Ojou-sama! Let us set sail!”
“Aah, un. Set sail!”

When the wheel on the front deck was rotated once clockwise, the propeller began to move and the ship began to advance forward.
I poured a lot of magic power into the magic engine that moves the propeller, so this will probably continue to run like this for 10 years.

“Oh, it moves properly.”
“Yes... will we really be okay?”
“If it's not okay, we will return to land right away, so please rest assured.”
“That statement doesn’t make me feel reassured at all...”
“It’s fine, it's fine, full speed ahead!”

The fully open sails are inflated by the tailwind, encouraging further acceleration.

“Yo─ho─ yo─ho─, tomorrow's weather─ is clear─.”
“What a weird song.”
“Yo─ho─ yo─ho─, Alrina's ass─ will get bigger─.”
“I’ll get angry, you know?!”

As we moved away from the coast and could no longer see land, I eased up our speed.

“Huh? Was there a malfunction?”
“It’s for fishing, you know. Fishing.”
“I see.”

Since we’ve come all the way out to the sea, there's no reason not to go sea fishing.

And so, I took out aero adamantite from storage and made sea fishing rods and reels, floats, sinkers, lines, and hooks. Aah, the sinker will be made of adamantite. Because if I use aero adamantite, it will float.

“What about the bait?”
“We’ll use the torso of a cricket.”

I took a cricket out of the insect cage, cast Paralysis Magic and Sleep Magic on it, decapitated it, applied a mega potion to its head and regenerated it, and repeated the process dozens of times, mass producing fishing bait.

“...It's better not to show that to too many people, you know?”
“I do have common sense, so I think I understand how crazy this act is.”
“That's fine then, but... have you ever done this to a person?”
“...If it's just the little finger.”
“There may come a time when I’ll ask Alrina for this too, so please be prepared.”
“It’s a joke, right?”
“Then, how about I demonstrate it?”
“No thanks!!”

We stuck the mass-produced cricket torso on the fishing hook and cast it into the sea.

* (T/N: Japanese is a pain, there’s usually no subject in a sentence, nor is there indication whether it’s plural or not, so I don’t know if Lotorl made just one or a whole bunch of fishing rod, nor do I know if it’s just Lotorl who cast the line into the sea. But the sentences below infer that they both do it. Sigh, this part is a pain.)

“Alrina, can you do it?”
“It's okay. Wa-!? It's here already!”
“Pull upwards as hard as you can so that the hook pierces the fish's mouth. After that, all that’s left is to reel it in. As long as the fish's mouth isn’t torn off, the line shouldn't snap nor the rod should break.”

Everything was stuck together using Synthesis Skill, so the line won't come undone, it's mostly a cheat item.

“This looks pretty big! Uu─, so heavyy!”
“Do your best! Do your best!”
“Wait, a minute... Uryaa!!”

When Alrina pulled up the rod with great force, a huge crab was pulled in.

“It’s a crab!”
“Ue, a sea spider...”

Aa─h, so in this world they are recognized as spiders...
No, it might really be a spider, so let's examine it using Appraisal Skill.

“Big Enkoutata Ashitaraba Sea Urchin... it’s not even a crab!”
“What what?”
“It seems like it’s neither a spider nor a crab, it's more like a sea urchin.”
“Ee─h, isn’t sea urchin a fish with lots of black spines? No matter how you look at it, this is a spider.”

It seems that the perception of sea urchins is slightly different. The sea urchin is like a fish... Is it like a porcupine fish?

“It doesn't seem to be poisonous, so should we try eating it?”
“I'll pass...”
“I see. Well, you don't have to force yourself to eat it, so I’ll be eating deliciously on my own. Oops, I got one too!”

At the same time as the rod I was holding was pulled down in one go, the bitten hook was pulled up.

“Heavy-! Guoo... wai-, this is way too heavy...!”

I feel like my body will be dragged away along with the fishing rod, this is scary.


I paralyzed my prey by using Paralysis Magic’s Paralyze through my fishing rod.
I don't think it can be helped because even if I continued to fight with my strength, I think the fishing rod would have been dragged away.
I feel a little sense of defeat.

When I managed to pull up the prey that had stopped moving, it turned out to be an extra large crab.

“Spider again.”
“Big Koubako Benizwai Shrimp... so it's shrimp.”

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a crab, but it's actually a shrimp. Well, anything is fine as long as it tastes good.

“This one doesn’t seem to be poisonous either, so want to eat it?”
“I don’t.”

If it's this big, it might be difficult to eat by myself, but if I have any leftover, I can just save it in Storage and eat it at a later date.

Personally, I'm very satisfied with two giant crabs, but Alrina says she'll continue fishing because she wants to eat regular fish, so I think I’ll make a stockpot that can hold giant crabs and boil the crabs in it.

I took out iron from storage and used Alchemy Skill to create an extra-large stockpot.
I filled the pot with water using Water Magic, sank a Fireball in the water and brought it to a boil. While the Big Enkoutata Ashitaraba Sea Urchin was boiling, I created another extra-large stockpot, filled it with water, and brought it to a boil with a Fireball. And then I boiled the Big Koubako Benizwai Shrimp.
I adjusted the size of the Fireballs to prevent the crabs from burning.

“Now I just need to wait.”
“It’s here! It’s here, Lotorl! Fununu!”

The reel feels lighter than before, so I hope it's a fish.


When Alrina pulled hard on the rod, catching the most disgusting thing with raw wiggling legs and slimy human-like lips, eroding my sanity as I looked directly at it, so I released it with no question asked.

“Let’s pretend we didn’t see it.”
“Yes, let’s...”

Alrina, however, seems to be undeterred and continues fishing. That’s some nerve, alright.


“Tuna, bonito, and salmon, Alrina, nice!”

By the time the crabs finished boiling, Alrina had caught three fishes and was extremely happy that she could eat a decent meal. Good for you, Alrina.

As for the crab, I put the boiled water in storage (I planned to use it as soup stock in the future) and used Water Magic and Ice Magic to cover the boiled crab with ice water.

“I guess it’s good enough now?”

I took out aero adamantite from Storage, made two large plates that can hold the giant crabs, placed the crabs taken out of the pot there, and was about to eat them directly just as is.


First of all, let's start with the Big Enkoutata Ashitaraba Sea Urchin.

“Or I tried to but... it won't break at all...”

If it's this hard, it would be difficult for a normal person to eat it.
However, I'm the can-do-anything-Lotorl-chan, I can liquefy the shell and eat just the body.

“Amu, munch munch, SO GOO─────D!!”

Sea urchin! crab! Sea urchin!

The harmony between sea urchin flavor and crab umami spreads throughout my mouth, making this the most delicious thing ever! Too delicious!

* (T/N: I checked Wikipedia, apparently, umami is savoriness, but I'll still use umami, because the wikipedia entry use umami.)

“Is it that delicious?”
“Alrina too, don’t just hate it, try it! It's the most delicious, you know!”
“R-Really? Well, I guess I’ll try it?”

I used Alchemy Skill to liquefy the shell and gave one of the legs to Alrina.

“Itadakimasu. Amu, munch munch, mu!!”
“How is it, Alrina? Delicious, isn't it?”
“Delishios... it's so delicious... Lotorl, can I have some more?”
“Go ahead, go ahead, Alrina also caught some fish after all, don't be shy and eat as much as you want.”
“Thank you, Lotorl! Amu-amu, mmm─! Sho good!”
“Now then, shall we eat the Big Koubako Benizwai Shrimp?”

This crab also has quite a hard shell.
It's not unbreakable, but each leg is huge, making it hard work to break. It doesn't matter to me though.

I liquefied the shell and tried eating one of the legs.

“Amu, munch munch, ooh, this one is delicious too!”

It has a hybrid taste of sweet shrimp and crab. It might have tasted better raw, but this is delicious in its own way, so it's not a problem.

“Me too, me too!”
“Go ahead, go ahead.”
“Aa─mu, mm─!! So good!!”

Seeing a beautiful girl eating deliciously sure is soothing to the soul.
And then, if you do that while also eating, the meal will taste even better, so everyone, please try eating with a beautiful girl when you eat. If you can find one, that is.

They were so delicious that I ate both of them in one go, and my stomach swelled up like a pregnant woman's and I was in pain.
Alrina was also the same, she locked herself in the bathroom about 30 minutes after eating.

Being too delicious made it poisonous. That's the lesson. I genuinely just ate too much, though.

My body is made of aero adamantite, so if it’s just eating too much, I think I can digest it without any problems, but my stomach still bloats and hurts just like before. Urp.


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