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I woke up refreshed and am now having breakfast at the inn's dining room.

“We’ll look for a ship today.”
“Hey... what about the option to live here?”
“I see...”

After eating, let's leave for the harbor.

The ocean, bathed in sunlight, the soothing sound of waves, the chirping of seabirds, the sound of ships scraping against the shore, and the smell of the sea breeze.

“The sea is nice, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it is.”

Together with Alrina, I spread my arms wide and took a deep breath, filling my lungs full.

“Okay, let's go.”


“Dragen Island, huh... it's impossible for us.”

“Dragen Island... go ask another place.”

“Dragen Island? ...if you’d ask me, I could go, but... no, I can't after all, I'm sorry.”

“Dragen Island, my father bragged about going there and coming back, but then he suddenly left after that... I don’t know if he went there or not.”

“To go to Dragen Island, you need at least a large caravel ship that has navigation-type Skill, magic, divine protection, or blessings. If I had to be greedy, a galleon would be a good choice, but those don't come into this port very often. And most of the ships that are currently in port are fishing boats and small merchant ships circling the nearby waters. In other words, if you really want to go to Dragen Island right away, it's faster to build a ship from scratch than to wait for one.”

We asked the sailors at the port if they could take us to Dragen Island, but they all refused.
Every time I get rejected, Alrina smiles more and more, so I think I'll rub her all over later.

“That's a shame, isn’t it, Lotorl.”

Alrina looks like she's desperately trying to suppress her smile, but the corners of her mouth are twitching.

“I suppose so, then, let's start building a ship.”

If you don't have one, make one, that's Lotorl School's secret of success in life.

I had the experience of making a plastic model of the battleship Yamato in my previous life, but it would stupidly stand out if I made it here, so I'm thinking of ripping off the design of a sailing ship parked nearby.
After examining the structure of the ship with Appraisal Skill and memorizing it perfectly with Memory Preservation Magic, I headed to a deserted coast.

“This area should be good enough. Now let's start building the ship.”
“While saying that, you go on and erase rocks, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I'm collecting materials for the ship though?”
“Using rocks... so it’s a ship that’ll sink?”
“You can make a ship that won't sink even with rocks, but well, just take a look.”

Leaving the skeptical Alrina aside, I put every single rock that was lying on the shore in Storage, transforming this place into a sandy beach.

Now that I’ve secured an area the size of a small private beach, I synthesize the rocks I have collected with aero adamantite, mass-producing it to secure a large amount of aero adamantite.

“All right, now that I have this much, I won't be troubled for a while.”

I place the lump of aero adamantite I produced earlier on the sandy beach that I opened and process it into a sailing ship. (This takes about 10 seconds.)
I didn't clap my hands and hit the ground with them, you know? It’s true, you know?
I did snap my fingers to make it look cool to Alrina though.

“Lotorl can really do anything!”

Arrina complimented me, so I used my Body Modification Skill to physically lengthen my nose, but it made her feel uncomfortable instead. It’s a bit depressing that my gag isn't taken as a gag.

The ship design is still a rip-off, so let's start adding some originality to it.

“If I make it too flashy, we might be targeted by pirates, maybe a ghost ship... I guess it’ll stand out instead, huh? How about I make it look like a run-down ship that looks really poor?”

I rework the sails to make it look like they were patched together and change the overall color of the ship to a gray color to make it look like it faded over time.

“Eeh... even though the ship was so beautiful.”
“This is a safety measure. The exterior will look shabby to reduce the chance of being attacked, but the interior will be furnished to look like a luxury liner, so please rest assured.”
“Hmm... but, when I thought about getting on this ship, it’s a bit...”

It seems Alrina's aesthetic sense doesn't really like the terribly run-down appearance of the ship.
I don't want to demoralize Alrina, who hates sailing itself, even further, so should I let her design the ship however she likes?

“Then I will design a ship that Alrina would want to ride, so please tell me what you want it to look like.”
“U-umm... I can't think of anything even if you suddenly ask me.”
“If you don’t say anything, I’ll go with the run-down boat, you know?”
“Wait a minute! Um, uuhh, first of all, the color of the ship will be light brown that clearly look like glossy grains of wood, and the sails will be pure white with no patchwork, and then add a statue of the goddess on the bow, and put as many big cannons as you can. And then, and then...”
“We'll do it one by one, so you don't have to say it all at once.”

After that, I processed the ship according to Alrina's wishes, and I should have stopped when we started fussing over the details of things like handrails and window frames, but I also started getting carried away, and in the end, the extreme modification turned it into a luxurious battleship that could be ridden by royalty.

“So beautiful...”
“So cool...”

Looking at the ship, or rather, the warship, which was modified so completely that it was hard to believe that it was originally a small sailing boat, I muttered to myself, “There’s no way I can ride something like this...”

“Now then, that’s enough playing around, shall we start building a proper ship?”
“...Even if I don’t say anything, Alrina already understands, right?”
“Lotorl... that's too sad...”

Seeing Alrina's face that looked too sad, I couldn’t possibly rework this warship and make it into a different ship.
Besides, if I did something like that, I would deeply hurt Alrina's heart.


And so, I used Universal Magic Skill to use magic that reduce the size of the target, and turned the luxury battleship into a 1/100 scale miniature and handed it to Alrina.

“Please take good care of it.”
“...Even if you say it like giving me a pet, but I'll accept your feelings.”

The sight of Alrina cradling the miniature luxurious battleship as if she was holding a baby was so full of compassion that it would be no exaggeration to say that she was the Virgin Mary herself. It looks as if a halo is shining on her from the direction of the sunlight.

...When I think about it, I feel like Alrina is a bit too greedy to be called Virgin Mary, but if it's just her current appearance, I think it's okay to call her a Virgin Mary... probably.

After that, I safely created a sailing ship that looks like it could be found anywhere.

The main deck has magic cannons installed both on the left side and the right side the combined number being six, which will fire magical cannonballs when loaded with magic power, on the bow and stern, they each have one large magic cannon installed, and although it takes a little time to fill up with magic power, it is powerful enough to sink a blue whale in one hit, and the figurehead is not the little girl god, but a goddess. It has two masts, each having three-tiered sails, with a triangular sail on the front deck, and an auxiliary sail on the rear deck, and a rowing boat on the left side of the main deck. And the wheel on the front deck.

* (T/N: how did Lotorl make the magic cannon work?)

There is a wheelhouse on the rear deck with a sub-steering wheel, a huge compass, a world map, and a flight mode lever to avoid capsizing. Finished by synthesizing Fight Skill with the ship.

On the second deck, there is a guest room and toilet in the front (Alrina and I don't use it because we are idols), a dining room and galley in the middle, and a bedroom and bathroom in the rear.

On the third deck, there is a treasure warehouse for Alrina, filled with various kinds of jewels scattered about, gold ingots arranged like a pyramid and a mountain of gold coins. The deck also has a magic engine room at the rear, and a propeller at the bottom of the ship. Although I said it was a sailing ship, I never said that the only power source was wind.

* (T/N: Like I said, how did Lotorl create the magic engine? I suppose a reasonable explanation would be, she synthesized a skill or magic into something.)

“Finally, give it a name and we're done.”
“You already thought about it huh?”
“And this one is Rinalulu. They’re sister ships.”
“...Ah, yes.”

* (T/N: the ships’ names are actually Lulurina-go and Rinalulu-go, but I feel like the ‘go’ part is just an add-on or something. I don’t know how it works though.)

The highlight disappears from Alrina's eyes as she strokes the miniature luxury battleship.

A muddy feeling sprouted about her little sister's child seeing the light of day before her own child who she has raised with such care, but she has yet to notice that muddy feeling yet, or something like that.
This’s just my own imagination though, I don't actually know what kind of feelings Alrina is feeling right now.
If I do a poor follow-up, I might stir up a hornet's nest, so it would probably be best to stay silent here.

Let’s leave aside Alrina's smile that has lost its light for a moment, it’s time for an experiment to see how big an object can be to fit in Storage.
If it fits, it’ll be lucky, but even if it doesn't fit, I can use magic to make it smaller. Its actual size is 30 meters long and 24 meters high with the mast, when I tried putting it away into Storage, it fit easily.

“Ahaha, as expected, I won’t do this in public.”

With my fine play (you might even call it a rare play), Alrina's expression returned, so all is well!

Now that the preparations for the voyage are complete, all that is left is to vacate the inn and depart.


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