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Now that the work is done, let's cancel the Clone Magic.

“No, I still want to live... Please Lotorl, don't erase me...!”
“You worked hard. Thank you. Please take a good rest.”
“Aaah... I'm disappearing... I'm, disappear-...”

I was just trying to say the lines I wanted to say when a clone sprouts a sense of self, but is ruthlessly erased.
The pitiful Clone-chan didn’t exist, so please rest assured.

As the clone turned into particles of light and disappeared, I suddenly had an idea.

It might be a good idea to rent out my clones to make money.
Rental Lotorl instead of Rental Kanojo. Or perhaps Subscription Lotorl.
My job is to rent them out to only women (male daughters are allowed), and to help them solve this and that that they can't share with others.


Isn't being able to fulfill beautiful women’s you-know-what request for that thing and even get paid for them the best!

“It might be good... No, it’d be really good!”

Alright, let's add a Rental Lotorl shop to my future goals.

‘I thought of a good idea, so it’s about time to go back,’ as I thought that, I looked up at the sky, but the sun was still high in the sky.

It's still too early to go back to the inn, so another thing to do would be...
Ah right. I want to mass-produce Elasticity Skill and synthesize them into my clothes.

I took out the cloth bag from Storage, liquefied and synthesized it into a grape seed, used a high fertilizer potion until it bore fruit, and harvested them.

“Shortening Skill, Contraction Skill, Extension Skill, Expansion Skill, Flexibility Skill, there are a lot of them, huh.”

Shortening Skill is a Skill that makes an object shorter, while Contraction Skill is a Skill that makes an object smaller.
They sound like similar Skills, but if you compare them using a skirt, Shortening Skill would make it into a miniskirt, while Contraction Skill would make it into a child's skirt.
By the way, I'm in the Shortening Skill faction.

Extension Skill is a Skill that makes an object wider, while Expansion Skill is a Skill that makes an object inflate.
...The belly of a pregnant woman. No, it's nothing.

Flexibility Skill is a skill that softens an object, and when used on clothes and the like, it would probably make them fluffy and comfortable.

Let’s stop explaining the Skills here and start collecting a large amount of Elasticity Skill that I’m aiming for, and first synthesize them into my own clothes.

I'm still completely naked now, so I took out the clothes from Storage and synthesized the Skill into each of them.


When I try to move lightly, there are no more snags in my clothes, and I can move my body smoothly.

...The work was completed in an instant, I see.

“Ah, right. Let's make something with the gemstone.”

As expected, a ring would really stand out, so something like a necklace might be better. You can hide it with your clothes after all.

I took out the lump of gemstones from Storage, or rather, I placed it on the ground with a bam, and used Alchemy Skill to extract some gemstone in colors that suited Alrina, and then put the remaining lump of gemstone back into Storage.

“First, shall I make the string?”

I could make a chain out of gold, but thinking of the texture, let's make the string out of my own skin.

Even I myself thought it was crazy.
But I'll do it. Because I think it’ll feel good on the skin.

I use Body Modification Skill to stretch the skin of the tips of my fingers into strings, and use Alchemy Skill to liquefy and cut it off. It hurt a little.

I heal it with a high potion and move on to the next step.

“Spiral structure, beetle, jewel, processing, beetle, design sense, beetle, cross, magatama, star, flower, beetle, ring, planet...”

It's hard to throw away the beetle, but let's go with a safe flower design.

I use Alchemy Skill to process multiple gemstones such as emeralds, aquamarines, amethysts, and garnets into flower petals, and use Synthesis Skill to attach the contact points of both ends of the skin string to the gemstone petals.

“Is this a kid’s toy...?”

How can I improve my design sense?

The word ‘diamond cut’ suddenly appeared in my mind, so I decided to try cutting the surface of the jewel.

“I guess it's better than before... I'll just learn about this at a jewelry store or something.”

I'm sure Alrina will jump with joy even with just this, so let’s give it to her as a present later. I'll make one for myself another time.

Perhaps because I struggled with cutting the jewel, the area was completely in evening color.

“Before I go back...”

I took out grapes and every kind of gem from Storage, synthesized them, planted them on the ground, and sprayed them with high fertilizer potion.

“Wow, so pretty...”

The grapevine bearing various jewels reflected the setting sun and sparkled, making me feel as if I had wandered into a fairy tale world.

...Now that I have a body made of adamantite, I can easily eat them, but it probably won't taste good.

“But I’m eating it. Chomp... crunch crunch crunch, peh! It's so bad! I'll never eat it again!”

I do think I can make it delicious with my Compounding Skill, but I don't think it's something I should go that far to eat. Jewels should only be looked at and admired.

I put the remaining jewel grapevine in Storage and return to the inn where Alrina is waiting.

By the way, I tried making a potion out of the jewel grape, but it seems that if you drink it, your feces and urine will sparkle. I'm an idol though, so it’s already sparkling usually.


“I’m back. Alri...na?”
“Kyaa!? Lotorl!?”

When I returned to the inn and entered the room, I saw Alrina posing in the mirror wearing only her panties.
What’s with that erotic pose?! Who are you planning to invite?? Is it me??

“Hey, are you planning to do some lewd things?”
“I’m not!?”
“Even though you’re doing such an indecent pose?”
“Don't say anything! Just pretend you didn't see anything!”

Alrina seemed really embarrassed and turned red all the way to her ears as she crouched down, hugging her knees.
If I tsukkomi too much when she’s really embarrassed, she might dislike me, so let's change the subject.

“...Ah, that's right. I have a present for you, Alrina. Here, this.”

I took out the necklace with flower design from Storage and gave it to Alrina.

“Eh, this is...?”
“I made it from scratch. It’s fine if you jump with joy, okay?”
“...I'm so happy. Thank you! Lotorl!”
“Owa-, I won’t be able to hold back if you hug me while naked!”
“It's fine right now! Because I'm really happy!”

Dazzling, you’re too dazzling, Alrina-san.
Alrina's pure and innocent smile seems to erase Lotorl-san's evil intention. (I didn't say it would disappear)

“...If you're happy with that, that's good enough.”
“You don't have to hold back...”
“Th-that's right. Let's have a meal. By the looks of it, you skipped lunch, didn't you?”
“Ehehe, I got too absorbed in changing clothes...”
“Do you want to eat out somewhere?”
“Nuh-huh, let me make something today. It’s not like this is for a thank you, but I also want to do something for Lotorl.”
“I see. Then, I’ll take out the ingredients, so let's rent the kitchen.”
“I’ll do my best!”

Alrina, who is not a senseless human being who walks around the inn wearing only panties, tried to change into a V-neck white blouse and gingham check skirt so that she could show off the necklace I had given her. But I advised her, “You're going to be kidnapped if you show off your necklace, you know?” and she changed into a fluffy white T-shirt with a petite high neck, leaving the skirt as it was.

“The string on this necklace, it’s strangely squishy and soft, it feels like it’s alive, you know?”

Alrina picked up the necklace that she placed on the desk so that it would not get in the way of her changing clothes. Perhaps feeling something strange about the texture of the string, she tried pulling it and squishing it to find out what it was, and she tilted her head.

“Ah, it's made from my... special material so that it feels nice against your skin.”
“Heeh. It's certainly nice to the touch, but it feels like I've touched it somewhere before...? Hmm, I can't remember...”

I almost said, “From my skin,” but then I stopped myself, thinking that she shouldn't have to go through a sanity check.
Well, when she eventually realizes its true identity, a forced insanity event will be waiting for her though.

Without realizing the true nature of the necklace's string, Alrina hung it around her neck and began standing in front of the mirror and admiring herself wearing the necklace from various angles with an enraptured look on her face.

“So pretty...”
“When I looked at it again, I wanted to increase the number of cuts, encase the jewel, and add decorations to the strings, but... mumumu.”
“Thank you so much. Lotorl.”
“Next time I will give you something better, so please look forward to it.”

Alrina herself seems to be very satisfied with it, so this is fine for now. Revenge will come at some point.

Alrina put the necklace inside her T-shirt and we went to ask the innkeeper if we could borrow the kitchen, and he complimented us saying, “You girls, it's admirable that you can cook.”

Leaving Alrina aside, I, who was a shut-in and a NEET Otaku-kun in my previous life, couldn't figure out how to react to this, so I just smiled wryly.

We entered the kitchen and I took out ingredients for dishes that seemed easy enough for Alrina to make, such as fried eggs, steak, and salad, and left the rest to Alrina alone.

“All right, here I go!”

Cooking idol Alrina! Is starting!

* (T/N: yuru yuri reference.)


With Cooking Skill at Level 3, Alrina made a number of perfect dishes that don't even need to be compared to other heroines who are bad at cooking.

“Am I going to become a mama?”
“Did you say something?”
“No, it’s nothing.”
“I see?”

Rather than being a mama, I feel like I'd rather have Alrina as my mama, but for now the older sister position is good enough, so I think it's okay to keep things as they are.

As I was having a gross delusion, even if I say so myself, the food seemed to be ready, so let's deliciously eat it.

“Munch munch, delicious! Munch munch, seconds!”
“I’m glad. Go ahead and keep eating!”

After enjoying the stir-fried meat and vegetables and salad with boiled eggs until I was full, I obediently went to bed.

“Good night Alrina.”
“Good night Lotorl... how about the bath?”
“Snoree... whistle─... Snoree... whistle─...”


(T/N: starting this chapter, ‘Level’ will be italicized, I just suddenly thought I should.)

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