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Because I teleported in a hurry, we unluckily ended up falling on someone, but that doesn't matter, I'm feeling extremely sick right now... I feel my blood slowly draining away as I stagger around. Ah, this is crazy dangerous... my consciousness is getting fuzzy...

“Aaaah, this is no good... I’ll go out like a light...”

The instant I lost consciousness, I felt a nostalgic sound and smell, but is this a variant of revolving lantern or something?


“Oh, Lotorl. It's a shame that you died.”
“Huh? Goddess? Eh, I died!?”
“Of course you'd die if you teleported recklessly. Now, since you died, which would you choose, heaven, hell, or reincarnation, or maybe reincarnation in another world? Oh, you can’t ask me to be your mother, okay?”
“Eeh... wait a minute.”
“Alright, so it’s reincarnation into another world again this time. I pray that you'll have a good life next time too. Farewell.”

Wait, a, aah, my consciousness is...
If possible, I would like to live in a similar world again this time... time... time...

“Well, you're not actually dead! I'll be watching over you at all times, so enjoy your life to the fullest. Also, I was the one who stole your guitar! I'm sorry!”

If you say that to me who was about to lose consciousness, there’s no way I can say anything back, no waa─y.
It's because you do things like that, that no matter how much time passes, you'll still be a little girl, you know?

“If it’s like that, I’ll change the way I call you to cheeky brat god, okay?”
“Ah, you woke up!”
“Fueh!? Lefie!? Why are you here!?”

When I woke up, I suddenly found myself being hugged by the oasis of my heart during the days at the orphanage, a beautiful girl three years younger than me, Lefie. Am I still inside the dream?

“Uuu, I'm glad you’re alive...”
“You suddenly collapsed after you teleported us from the ship. Your face turned so pale that I thought you had died, I was really surprised!”
“So Alrina is here too... if it's a dream, can I also do you-know-what?”
“It's real life, so don't do that. Or rather, don't try to do that to such a small child!”

Alrina punched me in the head, but I didn't feel much pain.
Then, is this reality? No, it's not. If so, I would be forgiven even if I do you-know-what, but I can't dismiss the possibility that this is reality. As I thought, this is reality huh, come to think of it, haven’t I undergone body remodeling?
Dangerous. If I did you-know-what, Lefie's likability towards me would drop dramatically.

“Sorry, I think I was half asleep. So where is this?”
“It’s the orphanage, you know?”
“I see, so this room that I recognized is... the orphanage?”
“That's right. Lotorl-chan and the others suddenly came falling down and squashed Lefie!”
“Ah, I see... I’m sorry about that...”

I thought I would never come back here, but in the end, does that mean that this is what I think is the safest place is...?
No, I think I can accept it if I think I teleported with Lefie as the base point... maybe.

“Lotorl, are you still feeling sick?”
“It was a mental problem, so please don't worry about it. Well, now that we've escaped the predicament, let's go back to Lycorus country.”
“Eeh!? Lotorl-chan, are you leaving already!? Let's stay together a bit more!”
“Lefie... but I refuse! If the teachers found me, it’ll be so bothersome that I’ll die, so I have to run away quickly!”
“Found you, you say? But I already told the adults while you were unconscious and they took care of you, so isn't it too late now? Right now, we’re waiting for a doctor to come, so I think it’ll be a problem if you suddenly disappeared, you know?”
“Wut!? In that case, we have to run away even more!”

I can't stay like this! I have to take Alrina and teleport to the private beach in Lycorus country and run away quickly!

“Run away where? You're not going to run away anywhere, right? Right, Lotorl?”

Before I knew it, someone opened the door and walked in, she looked like a grown-up yankee girl, with long blonde hair and wearing an employee uniform that bore close resemblance to a certain special attack uniform, I think, objectively without any preconceived notions, she looked like a beautiful savage brute, that’s Motoi-sensei.

* (T/N: special attack uniform, Bōsōzoku, that’s basically what delinquents wear.)

“S-sensei... awawawa, no way, no way, running away, you say, you must have misheard it! Ahaha, come on now. Did you lose your hearing while I wasn't looking just a bit, Sensei?”
“Ah, what'd you say?”
“Hiii-. No, it's nothing...”
“Well, it doesn't matter, but you're now a full-fledged adult. You should at least pay me for calling a doctor, will you?”
“Certainly! Kindly make the payment using this.”

I took out 100,000 El from Storage, pretending I took it from my stomach pocket, and gave it to  the ogre gorilla, I mean, to Sensei.
If this makes her mood even a little better, then that’s most satisfactory.

“Hohoo, Lotorl, you've grown up to be a very good child, haven't you? Sensei is impressed. Anyway, we're always accepting donations, so we'd appreciate your help there too.”
“Go ahead, go ahead!”

I took out an additional 100,000 El and gave it to Sensei. Please spare me with this, I beg of you.

“Hehe, Lotorl-chan is such a good girl. I'll give you a kiss as a reward for being a good girl. Muchuuuuuu!”
“Gyoeeeeee!? My cheeks are dyiiiiiiiiing!”

My body is supposed to be strengthened with aero adamantite, so why? It's piercing damage!?
This is why muscle gorilla is! Just go back to nature! I'll beg of you!

“Can I do the medical checkup now?”

The town doctor uncle who had given me health checkups during my orphanage days looked at us with a fed-up expression on his face.
Thank you for butting in before my cheeks fall off and rot.

“Oops, that's right, that's right. Hehe, I just got so happy. Sorry, Sensei. Come on, Lotorl. Hurry up and take off your clothes! You're wearing such fashionable clothes! You damn precocious child!“
“I can take it off myself! Hiiiin!”

After that, the town doctor uncle examined every part of my body, and not only did he find no abnormalities, he even started to doubt whether I am really a human. Lotorl-chan’s mental health is already zero.
When I secretly used Appraisal Skill to appraise the town doctor uncle, only “Medical Skill level 70” was displayed, ‘what an amazing Medical Skill’, I thought.


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