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In the end, we crossed the desert in less than an hour and have now entered the volcanic area.

“It's a great spectacle.”

Magma is spewing out from everywhere, the sky is covered in smoke, and volcanic rocks of all sizes are raining down.

“Passing here in a horse-drawn carriage is an impossible game.”
“It seems there is a well-maintained carriage road, but I don't know where it is.”

There are pioneers everywhere, I see. I truly respect them.

Flying too high looks dangerous because of volcanic ashes and toxic gases, so we decided to fly at a moderate height.

“Something is swimming...”
“It's a firefish. It's the first time I've seen it.”

Schools of fish were swimming in the magma and were jumping around.
The kind of body structure that allows it to survive without being burned by magma is mysterious, but more than that, I ended up thinking about how to cook it by boiling it or something, which made me want to retort to myself that there must be other things to think about.

As we were advancing smoothly while I collect magma and other materials into Storage, we found a waterfall with a large amount of magma flowing down, and my game brain said that there must be a treasure behind the waterfall, so I said to Alrina, “I’m going to take a look,” and went around to its back, discovering a super-gigantic chunk of crystal the size of a single house.

“Oh, amazing... wait, this isn’t a crystal, it’s a gem!?”

To be more precise, it seems to be a collection of gemstones with some crystals mixed in.

“Diamonds, aquamarines, alexandrites, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, garnets... wow... this has everything...”

I took a quick look at it with my Appraisal Skill, but I also saw names of other gemstones that I had never heard of even in my previous life, such as Desua, Mingi, and Lascadasca, so I wondered if those are isekai gemstones?

“Let's put it into Storage... wait, before that, let’s show it to Alrina...”

I grabbed Alrina's hand as she was getting bored and brought her to the back side of the magma waterfall, whereupon she let out a scream so loud that her jaw might fall off.

“EEEEEEEHHHH!? Lo-Lotorl!! Amazing! This! This big gem! Rich! We are rich! Lotorl!!”

Satisfied with Alrina's surprised look as she waved her arms wildly, I spoke in a low, emotionless tone.

“...Alrina, since when were you under the illusion that this gem was a shared property?”


“I'm the one who found this gem, and I'm the one who can bring it back, so Alrina can only watch, can’t you...?”

“What, what are you talking about...? Lotorl...?”

“Alrina, if you are going to fight me and claim ownership of this jewel, I don’t have a big enough heart to go easy on you just because we are sisters…”

“Lies... lies, lies, lies! Lotorl won't say such mean things! I won't luxuriously say half of it! Just enough that I can hold it in my hand! That much is fine right!? Because... there is this much already!!”


“No, no, no!! Lotorl, that gentle Lotorl, doesn't make that scary face! Lotorl is going crazy because of the gem in front of her right now! So come back to your senses! Go back to the always kind Lotorl!!”

“...I, have never been kind.”

Ruthlessly, cruelly, and mercilessly, I put the whole giant chunk of gem into Storage.


Alrina, who was so angry that the whites of her eyes were exposed, rushed forward and grabbed me with force.


Alrina grabs me and slams me into the ground over and over again as she goes wild, the sight of her is, it's the best, to say the least. I couldn't help but shout out a moan and almost come a little.


Alrina doesn't even notice my moan and continues to go wild, she’s a beast now. How cute.
I’m starting to feel sorry for her now, so it’s about time I tell her it’s a joke.


In a fit of rage, Alrina forcibly removed my helmet and strangled me with great force.

“Wai, stop strangling me, ugh... oh, oh, oggh.”


“That’s, not, it, Alrina, ooh, ogh, oogh, please, listen, to me, gu, gumming, I’m cumming...”



I thought my head was starting to flicker, but suddenly a light sparked and a huge amount of something erupted and pleasure hit my whole body.

“Og, oooggh...”

When my body jerked up unconsciously, Alrina seemed to have come to her senses and loosened her grip on my neck.

“Ah, aah...!? No, no, I, I didn't mean to, do something like this...!"
“Cough! Cough! Haa, haaa... I'm sorry, Alrina. I went too far with the farce.”
“I was just going to tease you a little, but I got so happy when Alrina showed so much bare emotion that I missed when to stop. I'm sorry.”
“What are you, talking about...?”
“I’m saying that, Alrina’s strong feelings directed toward me are more valuable than any gem.”
“...So, are you saying you didn’t have any intention of keeping the gem all to yourself from the beginning?”
“If you want gems, I can give you as many as you want.”

While Arlina was crying and screaming as she repeatedly hit me, I held her and patted her in the back to calm her down. As expected, it was too much. I reflect.

“Haah... I don't think Lotorl will die in a good way.”
“I almost got killed by Alrina who misunderstood me after all.”
“It's Lotorl's fault... It's Lotorl's fault that I...”

Even though it was sudden, Alrina had a murderous intention towards me, so let's make fun of it so that she isn’t tormented by guilt.

“Alrina's strangling felt really good, so I'll ask you to do it again sometime.”
“P-pervert, pervert, pervert! Lotorl is a pervert!”
“Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Thank you very much!”
“Uuuu, Lotorl you idiooot.”

I might have awakened to a new fetish called neck strangling, but I was able to make up with her safely, so it's all good! Yes.

After cleaning my soaking wet suit with Cleaning Magic, I equipped back my helmet and we resumed our volcano sightseeing.

“Are there any other gemstones?”
“Do you like gemstones that much?”
“Rather than like it, I just want to have a lot of it, I guess? You can never have too much money anyway.”
“Greedy older sister”
“Lustful little sister.”

I groped my older sister's tender buttocks.


My older sister slapped me on the butt. Let’s stop with the sexual harassment.

After that, our journey went smoothly, we discovered a magma lake, trees that continued to burn, and a bipedal, smooth-looking lizard with only its tail on fire.
Even if I get the lizard, I didn't know how to raise it, so I patted it on its head and patted its belly and parted ways. Even though it was a wild animal, it's as if it has no sense of caution. Will it be able to continue to survive without caution like that after this?

After parting ways with Lizardmon and flying for a while, we ended up in a place that looked like dragon territory, and the moment the dragons saw us, I hugged Alrina and ran away in a panic using line-of-sight teleportation, forcing our volcano sightseeing to end. Volcanoes are accompanied by dragons. That’s isekai common sense.

“I thought I was going to die...”
“I'm scared... I'm so scared that I can't stop shaking...”

I gently stroke Alrina's back to calm her down as she clings to me and keeps shaking.
To be blunt, my heart is pounding and my breath is crazy rough too. My heart rate might be about 200 right now.

“I heard that dragon steak is delicious.”

I tried joking to calm myself down, but Alrina just shook her head and didn't seem to have the composure to say anything.

Since we already entered the canyon, we decided to go to an open area near a river, build a hut there, and calm ourselves down for a while.
Just in case that a dragon comes and attacks, I made the shelter hut out of aero adamantite so that we will be okay even if they do.

I took off my pilot suit and changed into regular clothes, but Alrina wouldn't take hers off at all, so when I forced her to take it off, I found a puddle of water inside the suit.
It seemed like she let it out, but I kept quiet and cleaned it up using Cleaning Magic and put it in storage.

“Shall we enter the bath?”

Since being outside was scary, I built the bathtub indoors, filled it with water using Water Magic, heated it to the right temperature with a fireball, took an apple out of storage and used Compounding Skill to make it into a bath salt and mixed it with the hot water.


Alrina is hugging me and not letting me go, as if her fear will come back and she’ll start shaking if she doesn't cling to something. I'm also happy with this, so I'll leave it as is.

“Shall we sleep in the same bed tonight?”

I did have some evil intentions, but I’m actually quite traumatized, so if I can sleep hugging Alrina, I can feel at ease.

Just remembering the way the dragons looked at me makes me tremble violently. They truly felt like a superior species of living creatures. Scary scary.

We got out of the bath, had some food, and, although it was a little early, decided to go to bed.

“Su─ha─, su─ha─.”
“Your nasal breathing is noisy.”
“I'm sorry. I got excited.”

The two of us were hugging each other and sleeping in the same bed, so my nasal breathing became heavy.

“Don't rub my butt too hard either.”
“It felt so good that I accidentally put in some strength.”

It seems like she’s recovered enough to give a tsukkomi, so I'm going to obediently sleep.


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