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The next morning

“It’s wet...”

I woke up feeling strangely lukewarm, and when I rolled up the blanket, I saw a world map drawn on the bed.
Alrina seems to be having a nightmare, she's hugging my arm so tightly that her nails are digging into it.

“Alrina, please wake up. It's morning.”

I gently shake Alrina and wake her up from her nightmare.

“...I'm sorry...I'll do it right...Please forgive me...I'm sorry...”

It seemed like she was having nightmares about her time as a slave, so I hurriedly woke her up by shouting loudly in imitation of a chicken’s crow.
As for the reason why I woke her up by imitating a chicken's crow, because it was morning.
I could also have imitated a dog's bark, but in that case it’ll come with the option of licking Alrina all over her face, wouldn't she hate it if she woke up from a nightmare only to find out she was in another nightmare?

Eh? I should have just woken her up normally? Going with normal even after coming to another world is... heh (laugh).


As Alrina woke up drenched in night sweats and holy water, she called out to me and my half-asleep head cleared up.
Everything I had been thinking about earlier was completely wiped, and now I am hugging my frightened older sister and calming her down.

“I'll protect you. I'll always be by your side. So please don't worry.”
“Thank you, Lotorl... please... stay by my side forever...”

As Alrina-san's eyelids went on to slowly close, making up her mind to go back to sleep, I groped her body and forced her to wake up.
As a lady, I can't allow her to go back to sleep on a wet bed.

“Coochy-coo chy-coo chy-coo.”
“Uhii!? Noo, wait, stop it, I’m weak there, Hiiin.”
“Please wake up so I can clean the bed and prepare the morning bath.”
“Au... sorry...”
“It's okay. Anyone can wet their bed even at the age of 13.”
“...Thanks for the follow up that wasn't a follow up.”

I got up from the bed, used Cleaning Magic to clean the bed that Alrina and I wet, removed impurities from yesterday's bath using Compounding Skill, boiled it with a fireball, took out grapes from Storage, made them into bath salts and mixed them in hot water, and bath preparation is complete.

“A morning bath is nice too isn’t it.”
“So true.”

This time, I don't hug her and take a bath facing her normally.

“...Your memories of your slave days, shall I erase them?”
“That's... it's a painful memory, but I think it's because I have this memory that I'm able to realize how happy I am now. So it's okay if you don't erase it.”

Alrina's face looked so dignified as she looked straight into my eyes and answered so strongly, and it made my heart tighten. Is this love...?

“Huh? Ah, no, I understand! If Alrina says it's okay, I won't do it! I won't, okay?!”

It's better to cool my head down and collect myself.
I'm not an easy heroine. I'm not an easy heroine. I'm not an easy heroine. All right!

“Now then, shall we go now.”
“...You aren’t sticking to me today. Is it because I'm a bedwetting girl...?”

Heaaaaa! ? Why are you saying such a meek thing at this timing!?
Saying such things while using upturned eyes is cowardly, you know!?

I stopped trying to get out of the bath and timidly hugged Alrina.

“Somehow, you’re more reserved than usual, aren't you? Maybe it's because bedwetting women are dirty?”
“Alrina is clean, you know...”
“Do you really think so?”
“I do.”
“Hmm. Somehow, this is different from usual.”
“It is the same.”
“Usually, you touch me in a more lewd way, but today it’s like you’re touching a tumor.”

Why are you coming so strongly at me only today? And I'm sure I’ve never touched her in a lewd way even once before. Although I did have evil intentions.

“It's just your imagination. Well, that's enough. Let's have breakfast.”
“Weird Lotorl...”

Arrina also has the qualities of a Newtype I see. She is sensitive to the changes in my feelings. She is a former slave though, so there is a possibility that she is an enhanced human.

For breakfast, I left Alrina to make the salad and I grilled steak.
I will definitely try eating dragon steak someday.

“Then, let's depart.”

After finishing our preparation, we set out to cross the canyon.
When I checked the map, I found that the canyon isn't that wide, so I think we'll reach Aribia country by the end of the day.

“I want a mask.”
“That's not a mask, it’s called a helmet. Also, you should get used to being in the flesh, you know?”
“It won’t work even if you puff out your cheeks cutely. Come on, let's get to flying.”

If you rely on cheat equipment, you'll be in trouble when you don’t have it after all.
If Skills were nullified, someone like me would die immediately.
It might be better to acquire skills that are not Skills while I have the chance.

...For example, like synthesizing aero adamantite into my bones...?

“That might be good......?”
“Did you say something?”
“I’m talking to myself.”
“I see.”

Let's try it as soon as we arrive in Aribia country.

While flying along the river, I put materials that caught my eye (gravel, moss, etc.) in Storage, and when we got tired from flying, we took a break and enjoyed leisure activities such as river fishing. At dusk, Aribia country came into view.

“Shall we go down?”
“Eh, it’s still a long way off, you know?”
“If two beautiful girls were flying in the sky, it would stand out in a bad way, you know.”
“Beautiful girl... are you?”
“...Please answer honestly. In Alrina's eyes, am I beautiful? Or am I ugly?”

The people at the orphanage kept telling me that I was ugly, but I started to wonder how my looks were to people on other continents.

“Yes... Y-you are beautiful, you know?”
“Shall I read your memory?”
“I guess it's upper-bottom... I'm sorry.”

Was I ugly on this continent too? Ha, that's tough.

“I see... By the way, where do you place yourself?”
“Eeh, I can’t tell that myself. Maybe somewhere in the lower middle?”

Alrina, who is cute at a level where there may or may not be one in the school, is in the lower middle...?
The values of isekai seem profound.

“Thank you for your valuable opinion.”
“C-come on! Other people's sense of beauty is different from person to person!”
“But what’s important is accepting reality and figuring out what to do from there.”
“Th-that's right! I think so too!”

I wish you’d stop with the poorly made follow-up. It makes me feel miserable.

I took pleasure in Arlina's desperate attempts to follow up on me and intentionally ignored her as we walked to enter Aribia country before being stopped by the gatekeeper.

“Two children... no particular baggage... suspicious.”

He's an old man with a husky voice. He’s wearing a full plate so I can't see his face.

“All my luggage is in this pocket.”
“Item box, huh... it's getting even more suspicious...”

What do you want me to do...?

“For now, why don't you come to the guard station?”
“Um, we're just travelers. We've never committed a crime, nor are we planning to.”

Alrina said that, but didn’t you cause an attempted murder case by strangling me in the neck? Are you saying all criminal acts against me are null and void by extrajudicial measures? Please elaborate.

“Even if you say that, you know, if it’s just saying it, anyone can do that, right?”

From the outside, he is a gatekeeper who takes his job seriously. But as the concerned party, it’s just a pain in the ass. It’s true that two children traveling together were suspicious though.

“Anyway, I'll check your identity at the guard station, so please don't resist.”

We were taken to a guard station near the gate and were questioned one by one.

“Why did you come to this country?”

Since I’m a girl, he was replaced by a female guard.
Although she doesn't wear makeup, she is quite beautiful. The female guard uniforms are also quite good!
But what’s the purpose of the slit design that shows off her beautiful thighs? Is it to bewitch the villains?

By the way, I'm bewitched by it, so if that's what its purpose is, it has successfully pulled it off.

“We’re planning to go to Lycorus country using the Gate.”
“If you have something to prove your identity like a guild card, please show it to me.”
“Here you go.”

I took out the card from my stomach pocket and handed it to the beautiful guard.

“You've registered with quite a few different guilds I see.”
“I just tried going in there.”
“I see.”

It looks like she's taking notes, but I can't see it from here.
The skill section should still have Disguise Magic applied to it, but if she looks at myself using Appraisal Skill, I'll be out in one shot. I'm starting to get anxious inside.

“Can you take out everything inside that item box?”

Please stop giving me that suspicious look. I’ll get excited.

“Taking out everything will be a lot of trouble, is that okay?”
“Do you have something illegal in there?”
“A large amount of sand, gravel, minerals, plants, precious metals, etc. those can easily fill this room to the brim.”
“...How much did you put in there?”
“It's a Storage Box, so I just put things in randomly. Collecting materials is my hobby, you see.”
“...For now, try taking out what you can.”
“I understand.”

I took out things from harmless and inoffensive daily necessities to material and ingredient items to the table.

“Th-that's enough. Please put them away.”
“There's still a lot more, you know?”
“I just want to make sure you don't have any dangerous items, so that's enough.”
“Dangerous items... like knives?”
“If you’d just taken that out first, we wouldn't have wasted so much time.”

I lined up things that could be used as weapons on the table.

“A tattered short sword, a kitchen knife, a frying pan?”
“It looks like it could hurt if you hit people with it.”
“I see... is there anything else?”
“I'm not very good at keeping things tidy and in order, so there may be others, but if I have the materials, I can make things on the spot, so I guess you could say I'm a dangerous item.”
“...I see, I understand. You can put them away now.”

The beautiful guard wrote on the notes while grumbling, after which, she left the room, but just a few seconds before she left the room, the beautiful guard exposed her backside, so I stared at her toned butt.

After waiting for a while, the beautiful guard came back with Alrina.

“While you are staying in this country, you will be monitored. If you act even slightly suspicious, you will be immediately arrested and detained, so please be careful.”
“Ah, I understand.”

The event flag of being involved in an incident is standing high, so let's head straight to the Gate without sightseeing in Aribia country.
It would be fine if it was just me, but I have Alrina with me now, I can't cross such a dangerous bridge.
How many protagonists and heroines got involved in incidents because they were arrogant and thought things would be okay if it’s just a little bit...
The knowledge of Otaku-kun from my previous life sure is useful in times like this.

We left the station and headed straight to the square where the Gate was, holding Alrina's hand. On the way, Alrina said, “Let's go sightseeing for a bit,” that death flag, which I broke with no questions asked, and at the permit counter, I bought two travel permits to Lycorus country, paying a total of 400,000 El, and entered the Gate.


The moment I passed through the Gate and arrived in Lycorus country, Alrina vomited into my stomach pocket.
It happened so abruptly that I didn't even have time to activate my Storage Skill, and now, the lukewarm feeling of vomit was slowly spreading in my stomach.

“Cough! Cough! Ueee... sorry, Lotorl...urp! Oeeeeeeeee!”

A beautiful girl sobbing... a beautiful girl's vomit... Alrina... Why do you make me like this... Ehe, Ehehe, Ehehehehehe.

“Haa... haa... Alrina, you don't need to hold back, just vomit it all out on me. That’s why more... vomit it out more on me...”

Make me feel good!!

“Hiee... that ojou-chan’s face...”
“Don’t bother... just ignore that kind of person.”

Until Alrina's condition calmed down, I continued to look after her gently and carefully, desperately trying to stop myself from going crazy from climaxing over and over again.


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