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“Morning, Alrina.”
“Morning, Lotorl.”

Today we will finally leave the desert and enter the volcanic area.

“I think it's going to be really hot, so I think I’ll make fire-proof and heat-resistant equipment.”
“So Lotorl can also make equipment. In that case, I've heard that volcanic ash can damage your lungs, so maybe we need masks too?”
“I see, then let’s make those too.”

In that case, should I make it look like a spacesuit?
If it's short and stocky, it will be difficult to move, so let's make it look like a pilot suit worn by people who fight in giant mechs.

I took out aero adamantite from Storage and used Alchemy Skill to stretch it into a thin cloth and make it into something that looks like full-body tights.
If it's just this, we’ll just be a pervert, so I’ll add decorations and mysterious lines to make it look fashionable.

“Hmm. Lame...”

I tried wearing it, but it's a little baggy, I think it would be easier to move around if it was a little tighter. Also, the design is not much different from the cosplay costumes for kindergarteners’ play parties.
I want a Design Ability UP Skill if it exists. Sincerely.

“I think it’s cool, you know?”
“Is that so?”

If Alrina says it’s cool, I should rank it up to as high as the drama club's school festival.
However, I am a very picky person, so I would like to do my best a little bit more.


“This might be good.”

After making several prototypes, such as something similar to the Universal Century, something similar to a Super Long Distance Emigrant Fleet, and something similar to the Galactic Alliance of Humankind Army, I finally made something that I can accept.

* (T/N: reference to Gundam, Macross, and Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet.)

It is a pilot suit with gaming color lines that shines in rainbow colors on the white base that appeared in Neo Genesis.
It is not a rip-off as it incorporates designs that I have previously used in prototypes. It's a homage.

The completed pilot suit is made of aero adamantite, so it has excellent fire and heat resistance as it is, but just in case, let’s synthesize All-Resistance UP Skill.
Of course, the Skill level is not 1, but the perfected one.

“Alright, complete!”
“What about the mask?”
“I completely forgot.”

A mask, or rather, a helmet huh?
Is something like a goldfish bowl good?
And glass... I feel like it’s made from sand.

Since we’re a desert, I might as well just mass produce glass and make things like tableware and furniture and sell them, it should make a good profit.

I went out of the hut and absorbed a large amount of sand around here into Storage to gather the materials for glass.

“...I wonder if sand can be made into a potion?”

Suddenly, I thought of something like that, so I placed my hand on the sand and activated my Potion Creation Skill, and was able to successfully create a sand potion.

“Getting liquid from sand is... thinking about it is pointless huh?”

When I looked at it with Appraisal Skill, it was displayed as silicone liquid. What is sand potion...?

I remember silicone not melting even when put in the microwave, so I think it could be used as a material for helmets.

“Let’s also mass-produce sand potion, no, silicone liquid.”

As I created potions from sand and pushed them into storage until I’m satisfied, my Storage Skill level increased to 3, and I can now store 300 types of items and 300 individual items of the same type in one slot.

As its level progressed, my understanding of Storage also improved and I realized that if I die, everything in my Storage will be thrown out on the spot, so I give my condolences to the people who happen to be present at the site of my death.

Ping - I just thought of this, but if I were to feel like it, one slot of my Storage can fit every sand from within the visible range, so I can fill up every slot of my Storage with sand, and I’d have secured enough sand to destroy an entire country. I won't do it though.

In the first place, 1 ton is enough to make glass, and unless you're making a huge aquarium, you don't need that much sand.

“That’s it, let's build an aquarium.”

My thoughts are starting to go off track, but I want to build an aquarium someday. I wonder if dolphins exist in this world?
...I feel like I could have said it a little better.

* (T/N: she’s probably talking about this pun; dolphin = iruka, to exist = iru.)

Anyway, now that I’ve finished collecting materials, let's go back to the hut.


Alrina was wearing the most risqué of the prototype pilot suits I made, one that resembled the suit worn by security personnel of the cyber world when they were operating in their real world bodies.

* (T/N: I don’t know the reference. Ghost in The Shell, maybe?)

“This is, um...”
“If Alrina likes it, I'll wear it too.”
“Stop nodding like saying ‘I understand’.”

At first glance, the risqué pilot suit that Alrina is wearing looks really revealing, but I’ve decolored the exposed parts and made them transparent using Compounding Skill, so there is no problem even if magma jumps at her. If there’s a problem, it would be about being embarrassed if people saw her.

* (T/N: so compounding skill can remove color.)

“You can wear what you like, when you like, and how you like.”
“Even though you look like you’ve attained enlightenment, I won't wear it outside, okay?”
“Wear it.”
“No way.”
“This is your chance to return the favor!”
“Guh... how cowardly!”
“Things like pride, just throw it in the trash!”

In the end, she gave in to my push and ended up wearing the risqué pilot suit.
I feel like Alrina, who looks like she dislikes it, but kinda doesn't, and is a little reluctant, is more of a closet pervert.

This pilot suit is a prototype, but since this one also has a white base, I used the suit from Neo Genesis as a reference, and changed the metal parts and black lines to a gaming color to give it the feel of being expelled from paradise. And I secretly increased the exposure of the cleavage, navel, and tailbone parts.
Of course, I will also synthesize All-Resistance UP Skill into it.

* (T/N: I don’t know what the reference for expelled paradise is.)

“Alright, finished perfectly.”

Forgetting things as soon as I get absorbed in one thing is my bad habit.

Let's make a helmet instead of a mask.

I took out the sand potion, the silicone liquid I gathered earlier from Storage, and used Alchemy Skill to create a round helmet that looks like a fishbowl.
Even if I put it on as it is, it won't seal properly, so I added grooves to the helmet and pilot suit, like a can lid, and tried it on.

“...I'm suffocating!”

Everyone makes mistakes.
What’s important is to learn something from them.

I enchanted Air Magic to the fishbowl helmet using Universal Magic Skill.
Air Magic is, as the name suggests, magic that creates air. It doesn't make a bocchi unrecognizable like air.
This time, I enchanted it to an object, so the effective time depends on the magic power loaded at the time.
I think it will probably last for a year.

If it only produces, it will burst, so I use Alchemy Skill to add a filter for spitting out to the back part of the goldfish bowl.

“Su─ha─, su─ha─, un. I can breathe normally.”

After that I synthesized aero adamantite and resistance up Skill into it, added sunglasses effect while I’m at it, and it’s perfect.
Once I've made another one of these, let's depart.

While I’m at while I’m at it, I made aero adamantite silicone and aero adamantite glass, so it might be a good idea to open a general store that sells almost unbreakable products.

“Hey, are we really going out in these outfits?”
“There wasn't anyone at all anyway, so I don't think there's any need to be embarrassed.”
“Aren't you embarrassed, Lotorl?”
“I’m happy that Alrina and I are matching, though?”

Thinking that it’s useless no matter what she says, Alrina let out a deep sigh as I grabbed her hand and we headed out of the hut.

“Un un. It's not hot at all compared to when it was just our flesh.”
“I'm so embarrassed that my face is hot, you know.”
“Then let’s depart!”
“...Haa, just do what you like.”

A few minutes after we put on the ero suits and flew into the air, I realized that our flight speed was on a different level compared to yesterday, probably because of things like the helmet, so it seems that we could enter the volcanic area in two hours.

“So I can fly this fast.”

When I looked at Alrina's Flight Skill level using Appraisal Skill, it was displayed as level 8, so I hurriedly checked my own Flight Skill level and found that it had become 15, so I was a little relieved, but at this rate, it was only a matter of time before Alrina surpass me, I thought as I made a wry smile.

Alrina, what a terrifying child...!


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