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The flight across the desert was going smoothly, and although it was still far away, a volcano came into view, and if things continued like this, we should arrive at the volcanic area in two more days.

“We’ll stop here today.”
“Haa... haa... right. Just a bit more and I’d come though.”
“For now, please wipe your nosebleed. Lotorl is really a pervert.”

Traveling while staring at Alrina's plump butt is quite enjoyable. ‘I'm not a witch so I'm not embarrassed!’ That feeling of Inju-chan, the main character, I know it very well now.
In exchange, Alrina sends me a look of deep contempt.

* (T/N: I don’t know the reference.)

What's wrong with staring at my older sister's butt? Are there any laws or rules about that?
Hmm─, I wonder... could you please stop looking at me like I’m a bad guy? I’ll get excited.

While writhing under my older sister's gaze, I used Alchemy Skill to build a hut in this desert where there was nothing but sand, and we’ll stay here for the night.

“Would one bed be enough?”
“Please don't ask questions that have obvious answers. Also, no matter what Lotorl tries to do to me, I'm too tired to respond. I'm sorry.”
“No, um, I guess I'll make two beds after all.”

If I were to be given such a cold reception, as expected, I'd be hurt, so let’s just honestly give up.

I made a bed, dining table, chairs, and kitchen, and started preparing dinner.

“Is there anything you would like to eat?”
“If it’s refreshing, anything is fine. Also, I'm too tired to do it right now, but I want you to let me do things like preparing the meals. I won’t not say it’s for repaying you, but as a former slave, I get restless unless I do something for you.”
“Alrina is a feast for my eyes, so just by being here you’re already repaying me, but Alrina already has Cooking and Sewing Skills, so I'd be grateful if you could improve those. If there is any ingredient or material you need, please tell me.”
“Un... Want to see my panties more?”
“I didn't mean it that way, but it would be really helpful if you could lift up your skirt while looking embarrassed.”
“Master... please enjoy to your heart's content...”

Edo is the name of a place or era in Japan. Please google using Safari’s Yahoo for more information. It doesn’t seem like there is any internet in this world though.

“Now then, shall I start cooking.”
“Before that, why don't you wipe that nosebleed off first?”

For dinner today, I served somen noodles, pork shabu, Caesar salad, and watermelon for dessert.

“Everything looks delicious. Maybe I'll leave the cooking to Lotorl after all?”
“I want to eat the delicious food Alrina made, so please cook every day to raise your Cooking Skill level.”
“I don't think I can make a more delicious dish than this, but I'll try my best.”

After the meal, I made a bath and filled it not with high potion, but a potion made from wood to make a cypress-style bath.

“It smells good.”
“That’s true... and the starry sky is so beautiful, it’s the best.”

The night sky in the desert is truly fantastic. Iridescent stars gather together and twinkling like the flow of a river. If you come to see this with that girl you're interested in, her likeability rating will no doubt go through the roof.

“...I never thought that the starry sky was beautiful. It's really beautiful...”

Alrina raised her right hand to the sky, and I was struck by the feeling as if she was going to go straight to the end of the universe, so I unconsciously hugged her.

“…Are you being sullen again?”
“Let's do lots of fun things from now on.”
“...That's right. For now, I think a nosebleed bath would be fun.”
“That's disrespectful.”

Right when I tried to be serious. Aren't the blood vessels in my nose too weak?
If it comes to this, I'll drink high potion through my nose.

“To think you’d drink potion through your nose, Lotorl sure is skillful.”
“Please don't take what I did for a gag seriously!”
“Fufu, if it’s with Lotorl, I'm sure we can live happily together forever."
“I'll blow away all the serious stuff, so please feel safe and stay with me.”

I guess I’ll have to improve my gag sense so that I don't have to put myself through such a painful experience again.

...Correction. I want to strengthen my mind and heart.

We got out of the bath and quietly went to bed tonight.


“Morning, Lotorl.”
“Nna... why are we sleeping together...?”
“Lotorl’s sleeping face was just so cute, you see.”
“I see... then it can’t be helped, I guess.”
“Eh, don’t I get a wake-up kiss as a reward!?”

“Lotorl, are you okay?”
“You suddenly started groaning, did you have a scary dream?”
“It was... a dream...?”

Kuh, I was so close to kissing Alrina, but Alrina interrupted me!

“Alrina, please give me a wake-up kiss.”
“Yes... the forehead or the cheeks, which one do you prefer?”
“Lips... I'm sorry, I was just joking. The cheeks, please.”

Please don't stare at me like that. I'll be excited in the morning, you know?


A soft sensation and a slight moisture on my cheek.
A fragrant scent distinctive to a girl that tickles my nostrils.
Aah... my brain is melching...

“Have you woken up now?”

It's great to be kissed by a beautiful girl in the morning! Gah ha ha!

“Fufu, weird face.”
“My face has always been like this. Come on, let's have breakfast.”

In the morning, we had a fruit platter that I had Alrina make along with a nut dish that I had saved from Squirrel-san’s restaurant. I thought Alrina was not ready for cooking with fire. Am I being overprotective?

“With Lotorl here, I feel like I'll be able to spend any journey comfortably.”
“We promise you a safe, secure and extremely comfortable journey.”
“Fufu, that sounds like a travel agency’s advertising slogan.”

After eating breakfast, we packed up before departing.

“It will be the same as yesterday, but once you get used to it, please try increasing the speed.”
“I’ll do my best.”

We flew over a mountain of sand that looked the same as yesterday, and Alrina started talking about the animals and plants we can see from time to time. When I confirmed them with my Appraisal Skill, I learned that her information was wrong, so I corrected her, and when I did, Alrina's expression turned sullen. While enjoying her expressions, we steadily approached the volcanic area. Of course, I put things that look like they can be used, like cactus, poisonous watermelon, and the like into Storage.

“Lotorl, I'm thirsty...”
“Understood, I will synthesize Water Magic into you, so please hold out your hand.”
“I wish you could just give me water normally...”

We temporarily got down, I gave the Water Magic Skill grape to Alrina, liquified it and synthesized it into her.

“I think you can do it by chanting Water or imagining water coming out.”
Water, uwaa! It really came out! But I can’t drink this without a cup or a container, right?”
“You do it like this.”

I brought my index finger close to my mouth, chanted “Water,” and water poured in in an amount similar to when I twisted a faucet slightly.

“...It's kind of, vulgar.”
“Nkuh, then please think of another method and try it.”
“Hmm. Water!”

When Alrina chanted Water, what came out wasn’t a stream of water, it was a bite-sized ball of water which she swallowed. This girl, wasn’t she a genius to say the least?

“That's amazing! I'll do that too next time!”

I felt warm and fluffy seeing Alrina smiling so proudly, and now that we had finished hydrating, we moved on.

“We're almost in the volcanic area.”
“That's true. It's crazy how hot it is here.”

If we fly for another half day, we will enter the volcanic area, but the sun is starting to set, so we’ll stop here today.
I built a hut, made a bath, arranged the interior, and now the camp preparation is complete.


Today, I used my Compounding Skill to extract only the scent components from an orange and put it in a bath.
I might be able to make a profit by selling it as a bath bomb to aristocrats and rich people.
I feel like I can use that knowledge cheat, which is rare for me.

“Tomorrow we're finally going to enter the volcanic area. If I feel any danger, I'll carry Alrina and cut through, so please rest assured.”
“I’ll be in your care.”

The two of us laughed as we talked about silly things and stayed up a little late that day before going to bed.


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