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When I got into the carriage, there was no one inside. Tsk.

There’s still some time until departure, so let's make gold from the ore I used in the carriage last time to kill time.

I took out an ore from storage, used Compounding Skill to extract only the metal portion, and used Alchemy Skill to transform the metal.

“Copper, silver, copper, iron, aluminum, copper, lead, tin, titanium, gold, copper, ah, iron...”

Kuooh, even though gold came out, I unconsciously transformed it! The thing you do a lot in games!
But I now know that gold can come out, so let's continue.

“Copper, silver, manganese, iron, mithril, mercury, platinum, magnesium, copper, gold...”
“Sorry for the intrusion─!”

Nyaaaa!? Even though gold came out, I was so surprised that I transformed it!!

“Mya-!? Sorry, did I startle you?”
“No, it's okay... nnu-!?”

What... is this...!?

Even though her whole body should be hairy, her skin looks glossy like a human’s.
Although she has a cat face, her features look more human.
Cat ears and a short tail.
She somewhat resembles the brown tabby cat I had in my previous life.
She falls under furry level 4, but her hands are human. I can't see her feet because of her boots, but they’re probably human. Also, her boobs are huge. Since she has two sagging breasts, it doesn't seem like she has compound breasts. (All of this takes 0.2 seconds)

“W-what is it?”
“N-No, it's nothing. It’s not...” Grin.

No, hold back, you'll be a criminal if you make a move here... But isn’t it fine if it was just a little bit? Just a little, it’s just a little bit...

“Fuu─! Fuu─!”
“A-are you okay? You're breathing heavily, are you claustrophobic or do you have a phobia of vehicles...?”
“That’s not it, but it doesn't seem like it's going to be okay... I don't think, I can hold back anymore... Haa haa... Uhehehe.”

The catkin drew her face back.
I wonder what kind of face am I making right now?

“Haa haa... um...”
“Y-yes!? What is it!?”
“Can I touch a bit...?”
“We’re departing.”
“Ah, ye─s... um, what did you say?”
“...It’s nothing.”

What timing!

We left Zakal city behind while rocked by the horse-drawn carriage.


The catkin-san looked out the window, blatantly looking away from me.
I know very well. That you were surprised by me unusually breathing heavily or suddenly laughing in a strange way.
But it can't be helped, can it? Anyone can understand the feeling of wanting to pet a cute cat right in front of you, right!? You have to understand!

Fuu... let's do some metal transformation and calm down a bit.

“Silver, iron, steel, copper, mithril, copper, silver, damascus, iron, orichalcum, aluminum, gold, copper, ah... lead, copper, platinum, copper.”
“Um, can I ask what you're doing?”
“Eh... um, I'm using Alchemy Skill to transform metal. Pardon me. Was I too noisy?”
“No, not at all. More importantly, you have Alchemy Skill?”
“That’s right, so?”
“It's fine if you refuse, but could you please fix this sword for me?”

Catkin-san took off the short sword still in the scabbard she had on her waist and handed it to me, and I reflexively accepted it.

“There’s a nick in the blade. Um, I don't have a lot of money, so I'm just using it as is, but just when I thought it was time to fix it, I met you, who has Alchemy Skill. I thought it was fate, that’s why, um, I'd be happy if you could fix it for free nya!”
“I’m fine with it, but...?”
“Really nya!? Thank you nya!!”

So ccyyyuuuutttee!!!

This Catkin-san, when she gets excited, she ends her sentence with “nya” I see. So cute nya!

“Can you let me look through...?”
“Look through?”
“Ah, that’s not it, can I draw the sword and take a look?”
“Aah, go ahead, go ahead.”

What did I just let slip?
Did I want this catkin-san to say, “It can't be helped nya... sure”? ...I really want her to say it!!

“Umm, I'll take a look then.”

Calm down, me! Now is the time for patience!
When I pulled the short sword out of its brown leather scabbard, I saw that the blade was rattling, I had no idea how it could be used to get it into such a bad state.

“This is... it would be faster to buy a new one than to fix it, you know?”
“I don't have any money...”
“...I see.”

It would be trivial to just repair it, but looking at this pitiful short sword, it looks like it will fall apart again even if I just repair it, so I think I'll make a short sword made of aero adamantite instead.

“Do you have any emotional attachment to this short sword?”
“Nya, not at all.”
“I see.”

Then, let's recreate it.

That said, rather than repairing this short sword, it would be faster to create a new one with the same shape using Alchemy Skill, so I’ll just rip off its appearance. Copyright? There is no such thing in this world, right? ...There isn't, right?

I take out a lump of aero adamantite from storage and use Alchemy Skill to shape it into a short sword.

“Ooh... amazing nya...”

Since the blade is integrated into it, I textured the handle to make it less slippery, and carved a wave pattern into the upper part of the blade while I’m at it. This wave pattern does not provide any tactical advantage whatsoever, but looking cool is important.
I guess all that’s left is to engrave the owner's name on the pommel.

“I’d like to engrave your name, Neko-san, so please tell me what it is.”
“Myarmyarnya-san, is it?”
“Just Myarmyar is fine...”
“Myarmyar-san, is it? Ah, I’m called Lotorl.”
“Please take care of me nya!”
“Yes, I would like to take care of you in many ways.”
“Un? Many ways...?”

I carved a small ‘Myarmyar’ on the pommel and it's done. After that, I put it in the leather scabbard that Myarmyar-san had and handed it to her.

“Ooh! Amazing nya! So cool nya!”

As soon as I handed it to Myarmyar-san, she took it out of its sheath and began looking over the aero adamantite short sword that I made, as if licking it all over.
She looked so happy, it was worth making it for her.

“What should I do with this battered short sword?”
“Just throw it away nya! More importantly, are you really giving this to me for free, nya?”

It's a waste to throw it away, so I'll keep it in Storage.

“It’s fine. Even more than that, I got to see Myarmyar-san's happy face, so that alone was already a profit for me.”
“You sure say things that make me happy, nya! Alright, I got it nya! You can stroke my body until you’re satisfied nya!”


Just now, what did she just say!?

“Humans are quick to treat beastkins as pets, so it’s the same for Lotorl, right?”
“N-no, I don't particularly want to treat you like a pet, well, maybe a little bit, but I don't have any thoughts of wanting to pet you or hugging you while saying ‘there, there’ at all, okay?!”
“Un, your inner voice is leaking.”
“Just be honest and hug me. If I can thank you with just this, you can do it as much as you want.”


“Ah... okay...!”

Now that the person herself has allowed it, I can't hold back anymore!
I vigorously pounce on Myarmyar-san and hug her, stroking her all over her body, and rubbing my face against Myarmyar-san's fluffy body while sniffing her scent that’s like the fragrant scent of a futon dried in the sun.

“Uhehe, Myaa-san, Myaa-san, su─ ha─ su─ ha─, aah feels so good!”
“Hmm, you can stop now nya... it’s starting to feel weird and it's getting dangerous nya...”
“Myaa-san cute, Myaa-san luv, Myaa-san, Myaa-san!!”
“Nn-?! Not there nya! I’m weak there nya... stop it nya...”
“Uhe, Uhehehe, Myaa-san is already mine, so I won’t hand you to anyone!”
“Calm down, nya.... auuu... calm down, nya... nyauuu...”

As we endlessly had an affair, before I knew it, the carriage stopped and we arrived at a village I didn’t recognize.


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