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“Dear passengers, it’s really annoying when you do something like that in the carriage, so please don’t do it again!”

““I’m very sorry””

We got scolded by Rabbit-san. Tehepero.

The sun has completely set, so it seems we’ll stay in this village for the night.

Listening to Rabbit-san carefully, it seems that in the several weeks until we reach Difas country, we will be stopping by various villages and small towns, staying overnight there or camping out in the open.
I have Storage and can build a house with Alchemy Skill, so I probably won't need to camp out.
We will depart tomorrow morning, and if we are late, we will have to pay an additional nuisance fee, so let’s make sure I don't oversleep.

“Lotorl, have you decided where to stay?”
“I’m about to look for it now.”
“Actually, I am too.”

Mu, this is, could this be a prelude to the service scene?

“...So that’s what you mean.”
“What did I mean?”
“Lewd things...”
“Not even close nya!”
“I know right, ahaha...”

What am I blurting out to someone I just met today?

“I said I didn't have any money, didn’t I? That's why I thought it would be cheaper if we stayed in the same room at the same inn, but while Lotorl looks like a frail girl on the outside she's a beast on the inside, so I thought I'll just give it up nya...”
“Sorry for being lewd...”
“Ahaha, it's just a bit of a joke... but if we're going to do something like that, I think we should get to know each other a bit more.”
“That said, I like good-looking guys, so I would never end up in that kind of relationship with Lotorl, so you shouldn’t misunderstand!”

The first “...Myaa-san.” contained a feeling of admiration and respect, and the last “Myaa-san...” was said in a tearful voice.

Myaa-san wanted to stay at the stable because it was cheaper, but I dragged her along as I decided to stay at an inn that comes with dinner.

“The money is...”
“If you pay with your body, I will pay the full amount.”
“You can't say it like that! We'll be in trouble if someone hears you!”

All jokes aside, I asked the innkeeper for a double room and I paid the full amount.

“Are you really okay with this?”
“I have plenty of money.”
“...It's better not to tell other people about things like that, you know?”
“I said it because it’s Myaa-san. I said it because it’s Myaa-san!”
“O-okay. I don't really get it, but I got your feelings across. Thank you.”

If you say something important twice, the other person will understand properly. Everyone too, when you say something important, please try saying it twice in a row.

The room I was shown to was snug and modest.
Well, I guess this is how a village inn would be.
In fact, we should be grateful that there is an inn in the village.

“Fuu, let’s take a break, let’s take a break.”
“Myaa-san, it’ll get dirty if you climb onto the bed with your shoes on, you know?”
“Eh? I think everyone sleeps in their shoes though...?”
“Oh... cross-cultural gap...”

My previous life is obvious, but even in this one too, I never slept in bed with my shoes on. Cross-cultural exchange is so fun!

...Honestly speaking, I don't want to sleep in bed with my shoes on. It's impossible. It's dirty, dirty, dirty.

Culture is an ingrained lifestyle habits, but I won’t say anything because anything I say will only spark a conflict.

“You look really reluctant...”
“Gugigigi, I won't say anything. I won't say anything, okay?!”
“O-okay. Maybe I’ll try taking off my shoes before I go to sleep tonight?”
“I think that's a good idea!”

When I used Cleaning Magic’s Clean to clean the dirty bed, my Universal Magic Skill level rose to 2, making me able to use some intermediate magic.

“So Lotorl can also use magic.”
“Yes, well.”
“How nice, if I can also use magic I think I could earn money a little more easily.”
“I guess so.”
“I want attack magic or status abnormality magic, but I don't have the money to buy magic items, it sure is hard to live in this world nya.”

Sorry Myaa-san! I don't want to get into trouble as much as possible, so I can't talk about Skill Synthesis, sorry!

I ate dinner with Myaa-san at the inn's dining room, but it wasn't very tasty and the portions were small, so I went back to my room and took some fruit out of the Storage and shared it with Myaa-san.

“It's not a magic bag, but a magic pocket, nya? I'm so jealous nya...”

I sliced a melon and put them on plates made of aero adamantite, and as we ate it with a spoon, also made of aero adamantite, Myaa-san’s pupils dilated and her black eyes got bigger, and she started staring at my stomach pocket. She was a little scary but cute.

Once our stomach was full, we stopped chatting and went to bed.


“Nhii-!? What’s that sound!?”

I suddenly heard a noise that sounded like road construction had started, startling me and making me jump to my feet.

“Gugagagaga! Supi─, fugogogogo!”
“A-a snore?”

It was such a loud snore that I couldn't believe it was coming from Myaa-san, who was sleeping with a very cute face. Could it be, is she suffering from some kind of illness? I thought.

“Appraisal... at skill level 20, it can’t tell what kind of disease a person has, huh?”

I took out the appraisal ring from Storage, equipped it, and tried appraising Myaa-san again.

“Sleep apnea syndrome, allergic rhinitis, cerebral hemorrhage... cerebral hemorrhage!?”

I hurriedly took out an all-cure healing potion and poured it on the sleeping Myaa-san.

“So cold!? What nya!? What's going on nya!?”
“I'm glad I noticed it early...”
“What do you mean?”

When I explained this to the confused Myaa-san, her expression turned pale and surprised.

“In short, I was dying?”
“That’s right...”
“Hiee... thank you so much for saving me nya!”
“No, no, you can sleep with me as a thank you. The bed got wet too anyway.”
“Eh, you can just use magic for that.”
“There is no magic in this world that can dry a bed, you know?”
“No, Cleaning Magic.”
“A thank you will be sleeping with me.”
“I-I got it nya... your eyes are scary nya.”

I moved to the bed where I was sleeping and slept with Myaa-san.
Of course, I will receive your full compensation for saving your life.

“Your breathing is rough nya.”
“Su─ha─, su─ha─, Myaa-san luv, I luv you, su─ha─, su─ha─.”
“Uuu, I can't sleep like this nya...”
“Uhehe, Myaa-san’s breasts are so soft.”
“Haa... you can do whatever you want until you're satisfied...”
“Ehehe, can I kiss you? Chuu─.”
“Stop it nyaa─!”

Like this, Lotorl enjoyed Myaa-san's body to her heart's content until dawn.


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