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“Khizr country? There is no direct connection to there, so you’ll have to to use the Gate to go to Saishal country on Furia continent, transfer to Zakal city, travel by horse-drawn carriage from there to Difas country, then go to Lycorus country on Yggdrasia continent by Gate, and take a boat to Dragen Island. You can find a teleportation gate to Ganasaki Island of Khizr country there, so first you can either buy a permit to the Saishal country for 150,000 El, or you can go to the Saishal Country by horse-drawn carriage for 100,000 El, although it will take some time.”

“P-please write it down on paper. I don't think I can remember it.”
“Sure, just wait a bit.”

I tried asking the uncle at the permit counter if he had a permit for Khizr country, but while it wasn't as bad as the fal'Cie l'Cie Pulse, hearing the names of cities and countries I'd never heard of made my head glitch. Purge in Cocoon?
By the way, the ones I've played in my previous life are 7, 14, and 15. I only know 13 from the internet.

* (T/N: I don’t play FF13, so I don’t know if the reference is correct, at least google can tell it’s an FF13 reference, if it didn’t tell me, I would have never known, maybe.)

When I looked at the directions to the Khizr country that Uncle had written, it looked like it would be a long journey.

“Um, how many days will it take?”
“It won’t be just days. It will take at least half a year. Well, if you don’t have to worry about transportation costs, don’t have any trouble along the way, and if the horse is in a good mood and the weather is good, I think you can cover that distance in one month at the earliest, that’s impossible though, hahaha!”

Should I give up on going to Khizr country? I thought that for a moment, but I don't want to live in a country where there are people who let a large herd of monsters attack a child, so I'm going to do my best and go.

“Please give me a permit to Saishal country.”
“Here you go. I wish you a good trip!”

I show my permit to Saishal country to the staff, pass through the large gate, and depart for Saishal country.

“Are you okay?”

When I arrived in Saishal country, there was a person vomiting near the gate. Let’s ignore him and buy a pass to Zakal city.

“Animal ears?”

When I went to the counter, there was an uncle with dog-like animal ears.

When I suddenly looked around, weren't there beastmen everywhere?

“This is a furry’s delight, I see. Wow, there are even ones with cat faces.”

Maybe there are even furry level 7?

Furry level 7 is kinda like a talking animal. Level 6 walk on two legs and wear clothes, and the cat-faced people are level 3 or 4. The dog-eared uncle at the counter is level 2.

I got excited when I saw a beastkin for the first time, but I only like animals and am not a furry fan, so I won’t suddenly go crazy and hug them, sniff them, or kiss them all over the place.

“Haa haa... Uhe, Uhehe...”

Yes, I won't.

I bought a permit to Zakal city at the counter and went through the gate.
I’ve beat myself!

“Haa haa... this is no good... there are a lot of them here too... uhehe...”

I’ll have to travel from Zakal city to Difas country by horse-drawn carriage, so if I were to share a ride with a beastman with a high furry level, I would become a criminal.
Praying that this would not happen, I headed to the carriage station.

“To Difas country please.”
“Hii-... that’ll be 50,000 El...”

Uhehehe, the rabbit beastkin-chan is so cute. I want to hug and stroke her right now.

When I was paying, I ended up unconsciously touching a furry hand.
If it weren't for the coachman, I would have attacked her. Dangerous, dangerous.


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