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“Now then, shall we begin skill synthesis?”

I took out the equipment I bought at the armor shop from storage and turned them into potions.
I created herculean strength potion, defense up potion, and speed up potion.
I also created rings using the leftover materials.
I made them into a ring of herculean strength, a ring of defense up, and a ring of speed up, and stored each of them in the Storage.

As usual, I adjust the Skill level to 1 and synthesize them into my body.

“Tettere─! Lotorl has acquired Herculean Strength, Defense UP, and Speed UP Skills!”

Perhaps because of the Herculean Strength, my body feels light.
My speed of walking has also become faster because of the Speed UP.
As for Defense UP... I can’t tell.
I tried pulling out a strand of my hair, but the pain level hasn't changed, so I can’t really tell.
Next, I tried pinching my cheek, but this was also the same as before. What is Defense?

“Hmm? Well, that's fine for now. Now, what should I do next?”

Compounding a new medicine? Synthesizing food or alchemizing an unknown substance?
The things I want to do are endless.

“...Is it possible to synthesize Skills?”

I suddenly came up with that idea, so it’s time for an experiment.


“Fuh, here I go! ...Giiiiiiiiiii!!”

My turn! Draw!
I sacrifice the little finger of my left hand to summon a Lotorl Potion!
In addition, I activate a quick attack magic! Mega potion!
Due to the effect of the mega potion, the little finger of my left hand that I sacrificed is regenerated!
Turn end!

“I need a pain blocking Skill! Desperately!”

I put the Lotorl Potion I created as insurance in case I make a mistake with the synthesis away into Storage, and start synthesizing the Skills in my body.

“First, I’ll synthesize Defense UP and Speed UP and... Defense Speed UP Skill.”

I can do this, I thought. Just like an alchemist. I didn’t use Alchemy though.

“Fufufu. I have advanced one more step in my evolution.”

I wonder how far the little girl god is imagining how much of a cheat I am.

“I'm going to become the god of the new world! Just kidding”

I have no intention of becoming a god whatsoever though.

“Now, let's keep going!”

The result of synthesizing everything that can be synthesized is:
Compounding Skill level 35, Synthesis Skill level 37, Alchemy Skill level 40, Appraisal Skill level 20, Potion Creation Skill, Flight Skill level 5, Wind Light Flame Resurrection Cure-all Healing Teleportation Magic Skill level 1, Magic Recovery skill level 10, Swordsmanship Skill level 1. Storage Skill level 2, Body Modification Skill level 1, Herculean Strength Defense Speed UP Skill level 1.
And it became like that.
Is it by design that the Skill level becomes 1 when synthesized?

“I guess there was no need to force myself to synthesize them? Well, whatever.”

The Magic Skills are jumbled up, but it feels like it's easier to imagine magic than before, so it's okay, isn't it?

As a result of synthesizing Teleportation Skill with Magic Skills, I was able to learn magic that opens a teleportation gate to any arbitrary location.
This will reduce teleportation accidents. Wall butt incident avoided.

Thanks to Resurrection Skill and Cure-all Healing Skill being synthesized into the Magic Skill, it is now possible to heal injuries. Of course, resurrection and curing illness is still possible, but it seems like it will take quite a bit of magic power. That's a good thing because the only restriction was the amount of magic power consumed. I also have Magic Power Recovery Skill, so I can resurrect as much as I want. And I can recover as much as I want.

“With skill synthesis, my dream is expanding. I want more Skills.”

It might be a good idea to collect skills by visiting weapon shops around the world. Going home is easy with teleportation anyway.
If I have Skills like eagle eyes and maps, going around will probably be easier.

Now that I've finished with the first stage of my skill synthesis, I wonder if I should do food synthesis or maybe use alchemy to make fashionable goods to decorate my room?

“Mumu, I feel a presence that says I’ll come up with something...?”

Maybe because of the skill synthesis, I feel like my inspiration power has increased.

Hmm, for example, if I synthesize an ability-up skill into a seed and let it grow, maybe it will produce a fruit with a different ability-up skill?

“I guess I’ll try it.”

Since I want a plant that can produce a lot of fruit, I used grape seeds and synthesized Defense UP and Speed UP from duplicated rings into them.
To duplicate the ring, I simply split it vertically. And then, I reshape the one I want to preserve using Alchemy Skill and store it in Storage.

Let’s grow the grape vines outside.
I don't want them to grow big inside the house after all.

“I guess around here is fine.”

The area around my house is full of vacant land so I can plant wherever I want.
If I feel like it, I might even be able to cultivate a field.

I plant the grape seeds synthesized with Skills on the ground and spray them with a high fertilizer potion. Then, grape vines began to grow one after another, and in no time, grapes grew on them. I know it's a little late for this, but this is cheating, I’m a cheater! But, however, I have the mindset that I’ll use anything I can as long as it's convenient.

“Let’s see, appraisal appraisal... mumumu!?”

There it was! there was!
Attack UP and this one is Evasion UP!

“Nice, nice! Nic-!?”

Level UP!?

Even with mastered Appraisal Skill, it didn’t display RPG-like levels, so I thought anything other than Skill level didn’t exist, but this grape does indeed display Level UP.

“My ring, my ring!”

I wanted to know the details about the Level UP Skill, so I hurriedly took out the appraisal ring from Storage and equipped it.

“Level UP Skill, allows you to gain experience points and increase your level by defeating monsters and other actions, each time you increase your level, your ability values will increase...”

This is really a skill that can make you level up!?

“Dangerous, let’s synthesize it quickly!”

I liquefy the grape and synthesize it into myself!

“Tettere─! Lotorl has reached level 1!”

When I examined myself using Appraisal, it displayed level 1.

“Kukuku, I may be the first person in this world to be able to level up... fufu, fufufu, fuHAAHHAHAHA!!”

Pardon me. I let out a loud laughter that sounds like a demon lord’s.

But well, I don't really want to exterminate monsters after all this time though.
I already have food, clothing, and shelter, the city is peaceful, and there's no demon lord, so I don't think there's any need to go out of my way to put myself in danger.

I'm sure there are many people who are suffering tragedy somewhere in this world, but I can't save them all. At best, I wish I can protect the people who are important to me within my reach, that’s what I think.
I don’t have that many people who are important to me anyway, and I don't think I'll find that many people like that. I have communication disorder after all.

“Well, I'm not saying I won't get stronger though.”

Wouldn't it be fun to try out different ways to become stronger while having fun?

“For now, let’s synthesize the ability-up Skills.”

I go on to appraise the grapes that are ripe, finding ones with Skills that increase a person’s ability, like life force, mental strength, willpower, concentration, stamina, endurance, physical strength, magic power, muscle strength, charm, eyesight, hearing, dexterity, comprehension, destiny, and more, ones that have resistance-up Skills such as poison resistance, paralysis resistance, sleep resistance, faint resistance, fatigue resistance, pain resistance, and more, and unusual ones that increase things like item drop rate, experience points, economic fortune, morbidity rate, mortality rate, birth rate, goods’ quality, water quality, lipids, and more.
Of course, since they are originally plants, they also have ones for size, weight, pattern, nutrition, sugar content, texture, shape, flavor, scent, and tone.

“There are so many varieties that I get confused!”

The things to look forward to are increasing.

I was grinning from beginning to end as I compounded and synthesized the Skills, acquiring All-Ability UP Skill and All-Resistance UP Skill.

“Phew, let's stop here for today.”

As you’d expect, I was really tired.
No, actually, I'm not tired thanks to my Skills, but I have other things I want to do, so I'll stop here today.
I stored all the grapes that I selectively bred (?) into Storage and finished today's work.

Before I knew it, the sky was darkening into dusk. Just how focused was I?

“Let's go home and eat.”

I returned to the tree house and prepared for dinner.
Dinner is shogayaki made by synthesizing cabbage, pork, and ginger.
Eh? Where I got the pork, ginger, soy sauce, mirin, and alcohol? I just bought them normally at the market, you know?
There is no great difference in diet between this world and that world.
As expected, Japanese food such as sashimi, sushi, and miso soup is hardly available though.

Mu, now that I think about it, I didn't ask them where they got soy sauce and mirin from.
Let's ask them about it sometime soon.

“Then, itadakimasu! Munch, munch... hmm, it's mediocre...”

I suppose not everything can be synthesized.


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