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Come to think of it, even though I was reincarnated in a fantasy world, I never went to the weapon shop.
Let's go right away!


Ooh, truly a fantasy weapon shop!
At first glance, they look like just cosplay props, but they’re all real!

“Uwaaa, a sword that looks like the evil eye user would like it.”

I'm neither an evil eye user nor a chuunibyou person, but my heart is bouncing in excitement.

Let's wander around the shop and look for things that have skills or magic attached to them.

“Sharpness up, this one is poison, sleep, paralysis, confusion, defense up, herculean strength, speed up, there sure are a lot of variety.”

The price is also reasonable.
I can buy them, but I'll be in trouble if the bad guys notice it, so let’s just be satisfied to know that such skills and magic exist.

“Ojou-chan, what a strange coincidence, meeting you in a place like this.”
“Ah, the onii-san who I know but don’t know your name!”
“O-ooh, I guess I didn't say my name. My name is Daigen, best regards!”
“Once again, I’m Lotorl. Please take care of me.”

He held out his right hand in a gesture to ask me to shake his hand, so I shook it with both of my hands and answered with a smile.
It ended up feeling like an idol handshake event, but it just happened naturally because his hand was just so big. There's no ulterior motive.

* (T/N: I don’t know who he is, I assume he’s one of the adventurers Lotorl talked to in the guild. Also, Lotorl shaking his hand with both hands is similar to what Idols do in the handshake event.)

“If you're having trouble choosing equipment, let me introduce you to my recommendations.”
“I’m not having trouble though, ah, could you please buy me this, this, and this?”
“Nn, well, I don't mind, but I think it's too hard for Ojou-chan to use it, you know?”
“Don’t worry about it, quickly, quickly!”

I asked Daigen-san to buy me a defense up helmet, strength up gauntlets, and speed up boots. The total price was 600,000 El.

“I bought it?”
“Thank you very much! I'm afraid people will look at me strangely if I buy them, so that's helpful.”
“Is that so? Well, I'm glad I could help.”

I paid for the purchase with my card and put each box of equipment in the Storage disguised as an item box in my stomach pocket.

“That’s... I see. I guess being cautious is the basics of being an adventurer.”

He looked at my stomach pocket and then looked at my face and it hit me.

“Daigen-san, do you have Appraisal?”
“Nn? Well, what do you think?”

My current Appraisal level is 10, but I should be able to appraise Daigen-san's skills.
I tried to do it, but the result was so blurry that I couldn't understand it.
Then, let’s equip the appraisal ring from my Storage.
The blur disappeared and Daigen-san's skill list was displayed.

Appraisal, Iron Wall, Mood Maker, Dauntless, Sewing Skill level 30, Shield Technique Skill level 20, Cooking Skill level 10.

“Is that something you can tell?”
“I can tell to some extent through experience. It's something other than skills or magic, what you might call “intuition”. Well, in Ojou-chan’s case, it might also be because you suddenly started rummaging around and stared intently at me.”
“I see.”
“Anyway, Ojou-chan’s Skills and Magic are all over the place.”

The list of my current skills:
Compounding, Synthesis, Alchemy, Appraisal, Potion Creation, Flight, Wind Magic, Light Magic, Magic Recovery, Teleportation, Swordsmanship, Flame, Storage, Resurrection, Cure-all Healing, Body Modification, and in addition, I plan to add Herculean Strength, Defense UP, and Speed UP soon.

“Collecting skills is like a hobby for me after all.”
“I wish you could share a little with me too.”
“I’ll share it with you depending on the money, you know?”
“I've never done it on anything other than my own body, so I can't guarantee its safety though.”
“Alright, alright. Well, let’s see, first I want Flight Skill, then Swordsmanship and Storage. How much is it?”
“Ummmm, about 5 million El, I guess?”
“Aah, how about just Flight?”
“About 2 million?”
“...Hmm. Should I cut down on food expenses...?”

Daigen-san touched his chin with his right hand and rubbed his stomach with his left hand as he seemed to be thinking about how much he could cut down on food expenses.
I don't think you should cut down your food expenses with that huge body.

“Can’t you just wait until you have saved up enough money?”
“No, flying in the sky is a man's romance! I'll pay you 2 million El!”

After saying that, Daigen-san took out a card from his pocket towards me, and I, enticed, also took out my card and received the 2 million El.

“Alright, come at me!”
“I can't do it here. Please come to my house.”
“Oh, I see. Let's go quickly!”

The second guest to our house was Daigen-san.
Why am I bringing a man into my house? That's what I thought, but he’s not the type of person who would do anything weird, so I guess it's okay.


“Ooh, amazing house you have there!”

My nose becomes longer when people are surprised when they see our proud house! This seems like it will become a habit.

“But, how do you get in?”
“With Flight Skill of course.”
“I see!”

Hugging Daigen-san is kinda meh, so we just held hands and flew.

“Ooh! The inside is nice too! I want to live in a house like this too!”

If you compliment me that much, my nose might just pierces through the sky. In the end it might even turn into a drill nose as it breaks through the heavens.

“Then, I will synthesize a Flight Skill, so please make your hands into a bowl.”
“Oh, already? I'm getting pumped up!”

I take out a Flight Potion from my Storage and pour it into Daigen-san's hand.


The Flight Potion seeped into Daigen-san's hand.
When I appraised Daigen-san's skill, it displayed Flight Skill level 1.

“Ooh! Really!? Let’s flugeah!?”

Bonk! With that terrible sound, Daigen-san hit his head on the ceiling. That’s because he suddenly flew...

This house is made of aero adamantite, but no matter how well it absorbs shock, if you hit your head at that speed, it would be quite painful.
Or maybe, he’s okay because he has Iron Wall Skill?

“It hurts, but I’m okay! Hahaha! With this, I can fly in the sky too!”
“Good for you. But, from now on, it would be better to ban Flight Skill inside the house.”

He’s itching to fly in the sky as soon as possible, so I decided to call it a day with this for today.
I wanted to see his surprised faces when I served him food, but I guess it's okay for today.

“Then I’ll save up some money and then visit you again!”
“You can just visit me normally, you know.”
“I see! See you then!”
“See you later. Please fly low and take care on your way back.”

As soon as he walked out the door, he used his Flight Skill to literally fly home.
I guess it's because he’s at his most excited, he started yelling, that’s quite a nuisance to the neighborhood.


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