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Come to think of it, didn’t I promise the Real Estate Guild onee-san to show her my house when it was completed?
Let's invite her right away!

Teleporting within the city is dangerous in many ways, so I’ll use Flight Skill and Wind Magic Skill to move at high speed.

I use my Flight Skill to float a bit, and then use my Wind Magic Skill to shoot out a strong wind from my back.


I fell forward and collided with the ground. Failure failure.

This time, let’s carefully, little by little, shoot it out.

“O-ooh, fast, fast.”

With my current Flight Skill level, I can only reach the speed of running, but if I boost it with Wind Magic Skill like this, it is possible to reach the speed of a bicycle.

Now, to the Real Estate Guild, depart!


“Good afternoon.”
“Ara, welcome. Is everything going well with building your secret base?”
“It's going well, or rather, it's completed, so I came to invite you.”
“Eh? You already completed your secret base? If the construction is shoddy, Onee-san will be disappointed, you know...”
“It's okay. I think you'll be surprised for sure when you see it.”
“Really? In that case, let's go see it right away.”
“Yes, ah, but, you are still at work, right? You should come around evening──”
“It's okay, it's okay. There are other people around, and it's part of my job to make sure there's no problem with the place I introduced you to.”
“That’s, so you just want to slack off...?”
“It’s just some people who say that.”
“So you are slacking off.”
“I’m not.”
“...Now then, I'm off to do a little outside work!”

Onee-san grabbed my hand and forcibly took me outside.

“I won’t care if they get angry at you later, okay?”
“It's okay. Checking if a vacant lot opened up and if a bargain property is real are part of my job after all.”
“I guess it’s fine then.”
“Haa─, to think I can take a walk while working, what a refreshing feeling.”

Freed from work and completely relaxed, Onee-san raised her arms and stretched them out.

“Aren’t you just slacking off after all...?”
“No, this is work. A hard and painful heavy labor!”
“Aa─h, that's true─”

If Onee-san thinks so, then it must be so, inside Onee-san’s heart that is.

“Come to think of it, I haven't given you my name yet, haven’t I? My name is Lotorl.”
“Lotorl-chan, right? I'm Terla. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you.”

Accompanying Terla-san slacking off in the name of working, we went window shopping around the city while heading to our destination, my house.

“Eh? This is your secret base!? That's a lie... a house like this, a house? This is the first time I've seen this...”

It seemed like she was more surprised than I expected, I'm very satisfied.

“Eh, but wait, how do we get inside?”
“You get in like this.”

When I hugged Terla-san and jumped up using my Flight Skill, Terla-san strongly hugged me back. My face is right around Terla's chest, so the sensation is amazing! Guhehe.

“We've arrived.”
“We’re falling! We’re falling!”
“No, like I said, we’ve arrived in my house.”
“Save me!!”
“Migyaaaa!? It's going to break, it's going to break!!”

I decided to be moderate with the mischief.

“I thought I was going to die...”
“I'm sorry. I'm a little bad with heights...”
“I'm also sorry for surprising you.”
“It's okay. Anyway, this is a nice house, isn't it?”

Terla-san looked impressed as she looked around the room.
I'm glad that my taste doesn't seem to be bad.

“Thank you very much. Since you came all the way here, please have something to eat.”
“Yes, then I'll take advantage of your word and treat myself.”

Should I go with weed meat and tomato mushrooms for steak, and just plain melon for dessert?

As I am skillfully cooking, I hear Terla whispering to herself, “Will you be my child?” But I'm cooking right now, so I'm going to concentrate on this.

“Thank you for waiting. Please enjoy your meal.”
“It looks delicious! I’ll be having it!”

The finished dishes were arranged on plates and each served at the dining table.
The drink is a health potion. It tastes like vegetable juice, so it's completely more delicious than the cure-all healing potion. It might be a good idea to try synthesizing fruit juice later.

“This is delicious! Lotorl-chan, you’re really good at cooking!”
“Thank you very much. I'm happy you liked it.”

I have completely taken over Terla-san's stomach.
Now it’s only a matter of time before she falls to me.
If there was a title system, I might have gotten the title of Onee-san Killer.

After that, we had a casual chat and called it a day.
When we got out of the house, my face was crushed into Terla-san's chest as we got down, it was the best.

“I want a ladder.”
“For security reasons, it’s rejected.”

Now that I've safely dropped Terla-san off in the city, I think I'll do some shopping and head home.


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