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Returning to the city, I go to the Real Estate Guild to check for vacant lands.

“A vacant land? Is it for building a secret base?”
“Something like that.”

When I asked the onee-san at the Real Estate Guild if there was any vacant plot of land that didn't cost anything, she seemed to think it was a child's play, so I went on with it.

“Hmm, would this be a good place?”

She spread out a map of the entire city on the table and used her finger to point while asking whether the area is good.

“A place a little more remote would be better. It's a secret base after all.”
“Fufu. Then, how about this one?”
“Fumu, it's nice and far from other private houses. I'll go with that. Thank you very much. For going along with me.”
“No, I'm glad I was able to kill time too. Hey, can I go see the secret base once it's completed?”
“That’s fine, but it's a secret to everyone, okay?”
“Yes, of course.”

Onee-san may be imagining something as small as a dog house, but I’m planning to build a regular house. I can already imagine Onee-san’s surprised face.

I head to my destination while checking the map of the city that Onee-san gave me.

As I moved away from the city center and approached my destination, the number of private houses gradually decreased, and I finally arrived at an undeveloped area overgrown with weeds.

“Certainly, if it’s here, it won’t cost anything.”

My neighbor is a farmer who can be seen far away. It seems like I don't have to get along with my neighbor.

Not having a water source is inconvenient, but I can liquefy the ground with Alchemy Skill, and turn it into fresh water with my Compounding Skill. In the first place, I can make potions, so I don't think it will be a problem.
If it’s like that, I might as well try digging a well.
For now, let’s build a house.

“Pan! Don! Zumomomo!”

* (T/N: I think that’s a sound of: ‘clap’ ‘hit the ground’ ‘house growing’, yeah, FMA reference.)

I only said the sound effects.
There's no way I can rip that off every time.

The rats have become a trauma and I’m scared of them, so I'm thinking of building my house on top of a tree this time.

I buried four chestnuts evenly spaced in the ground and sprinkled them with a high fertilizer potion.
The four chestnuts visibly grew into trees one after another and continued to grow thicker and bigger, and although I wouldn't say it was as big as a Jomon cedar, it grew into a large chestnut tree.
I jumped up using my Flight Skill, pruned branches that were getting in the way of building a house using various magic skills to raise their level, and used my Alchemy Skill to build a treehouse with a conical roof using wood powder synthesized with aero adamantite.
Finally, I use Synthesis Skill to fuse the house and tree together, and it’s complete.

“Phew, isn’t this a pretty good job?”

Since it's a treehouse, it's not very spacious inside, but I built a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and toilet inside.
A bed in the living room. A sink, a stove, and a dining table with four chairs in the kitchen. Bathtub in the bathroom. A seated toilet bowl in the toilet. I made each of those.
Since the Storage Skill level has increased to 2, the storeroom is no longer necessary.
Of course I don't go to the toilet. Because I'm an idol.
Come to think of it, I'm running out of fertilizer potion, so I'll go make some for a bit.

I lay down on the bed and rested for a while.
I was hungry but too lazy to get up, so, while still lying down, I took out some mushrooms and a long thin branch from storage, stabbed the mushrooms with the branch, made a marble-sized fireball with the tip of my index finger, roasted the mushrooms, and ate them. So yummy─.

When I woke up, it was pitch black, so I went back to sleep and slept soundly until morning.
When I was in the forest, I could hear the sounds of various creatures, but perhaps partly because I was up in the trees, it was very quiet here, it’s a bit lonely.

Breakfast is boiled potatoes and steak, as well as tomatoes, edible weeds, and mushroom salad.

“Munch munch, gobble gobble, gulp.”

This deliciousness without any seasoning. Hooray for Compounding Skill!

I suddenly had an idea.
I wonder what would happen if I synthesized potatoes and meat...

“It's a meat potato. So grotesque.”

It turned into a potato that looked like raw meat. It's gross and more importantly, it looks grotesque. My sanity drops drastically.
For now, should I try and see if I can cultivate it?

Since it would be a pain to go outside each and every time, I decided to make a planter, fill it with soil, and cultivate it inside the house.

When I planted the meat potato in a planter and sprinkled a high fertilizer potion, meat flowers bloomed and meat tomatoes ripened. So gross! It's too disgusting!

When I harvested it and fried it in a frying pan, it smelled good like meat, and when I ate it, it tasted like meat and potatoes.
It's good that I can get protein and carbohydrates at the same time, right?

For now, I think I’ll try synthesizing all the food I have.

“It turned into an object that is difficult to describe...”

A plant that resembles a creature that should never exist in this world, pulsating with black and purple color, is groaning as it is planted in a planter.
Even if I appraise it, it’s still a mystery because it only shows ??? marks.
I think it's edible because it was synthesized from only food but, well, I don't think I'd want to eat it.


I ate it since it was a rare chance, and it was really delicious, but it also tasted really bad.
At first, it tasted like I had stuffed my mouth with all the delicious things in this world, and while I was chewing it, a juice that was a condensation of all kinds of filth, including feces, urine, and vomit spread into my mouth and I vomited it up.

“Peh! Peh! What a horrible taste.”

It might be delicious if I lick it without biting into it, but my mouth smells like gutter so I won't eat it anymore. I gargled with a potion.

It would be a waste to just throw it away, so I used my Alchemy Skill to turn it into fine powder, and when I gave it a lick, it had a heavenly taste and flavor, so I decided to make a transparent seasoning container from resin, put it in, and use it as rice seasoning.

When I tried sprinkling it on a meat potato leaf steak and grilling it, it gave off such a delicious aroma that I inadvertently made an ahegao face, just this aroma alone made me want to eat 100 bowls of rice.

It was baked so well that I forgot how hot it was when I bit into it.


Ah, I died.



The next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor.

“So terrifying... terrifyingly delicious...”

It was so delicious that my brain short-circuited and I passed out.

I feel like if I continue to use this seasoning, I will end up no different than a drug addict, so I decided to store it away.
I will only lift the ban once every few years, such as on special days.

“But, just a little more... ahaaaaaaaaaa!”

I fell down and passed out.



This is no good!
I burned all the seasonings and leftover steak to charcoal and discarded them.
I hurriedly created a forgetting potion and wrote a note to myself before erasing my memory of the past hour or so.

“Huh? What was that?”

There was a note I didn’t recognize on the desk.

“Synthesizing food is dangerous, you have to be careful in synthesizing two types at a time, and if you synthesize everything at once, you will lose your memory... I see.”

It appears that I have failed.
Let’s be careful when synthesizing food

“So good!”

I made tomato mushrooms and weed meat.

Tomato mushroom is a red glossy mushroom that’s dripping with juice that I synthesized from tomato and mushroom.
Weed meat is a healthy, fiber-rich meat that has no meaty smell.
Both turned out delicious.

I haven't eaten much, but for some reason I'm full, so let’s leave the food synthesis for another day.


(T/N: lol.)

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