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I’ve sorted out my food, clothing and shelter, and although this is an undeveloped area, it is inside the city walls, so there is no danger.
Furthermore, since this is a tree house, it is extremely safe unless a wyvern or dragon comes and attacks.



A dragon!? Is it a dragon?? That’s too quick of collecting the flag!


Apparently a stone was thrown in. The window was left open. I don't remember going outside, but it might have been the me that left the note that went outside.

When I checked outside, I saw a child in the middle of his next throwing motion, so I grabbed my right wrist with my left hand, made a finger gun with my right hand, took aim, and used the wind magic, Air Gun, to shoot him in the head.


The evil brat is holding his head in agony. Ha ha ha! Punishment!
By the way, I can do the same thing with the light magic Ray Gun, but I felt bad about leaving burn marks, so I didn’t use it.

“What the hell are you doing?”
“That's my line! You're the one throwing stones, that’s dangerous!”
“S-shut up! Why are these trees growing here when there was nothing here yesterday? And why is there a house on top of those trees? It's crazy!?”

That might be true, but don't throw stones, just don’t.

“It's none of your business, right? Just go home. Or do you want another shot?”
“Do it if you ca-”

The evil brat is holding his head and writhing around. Hahaha. Punishment!

“Damn you! Remember this.”
“Isn’t forgetting it better?”
“Damn you...! I’ll definit-!”
“Hii-!? I-I'm sorrrryyyyyyy!”

Fuh, evil is gone.


After a while, that evil brat came bringing an adult with him. Really, geez.

“Aah, is anyone here?”
“Yes, yes, what is it?”

I thought about pretending to be out, but it might turn troublesome later, so I replied honestly.

“Is it just you? Are your parents there?”
“I don’t have any parents to begin with. It's just me.”
“...I see. Ah, my kid said that you bullied him, is that true?”
“The kid threw a rock at me, so I just counterattacked.”
“No! I only threw it once, but she shot magic many times!”
“That kid, he confessed.”
“That's not what I heard, is it? Did you throw the rock first?”
“No! That girl did it first!”

Since we are in front of his parent, I kept the power to about the same level as a finger flick.
How kind of me.

“Every time you lie, I’ll shoot you.”
“I'm sorry. Could you please refrain from using magic too much so he can explain properly?”
“It depends on that kid’s attitude.”
“...Come on, apologize properly.”
“Shit... I'm so sorry!”
“From now on, please use your voice instead of stones.”

The evil brat went home while his father pulled his ears.
I'm glad his parent was decent.


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