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Sequel 5 - Midterm Exam


On May 18th, the first midterm exam for second-year students begins. It’s held over four days.

Perhaps thanks to the study sessions I had with Hiori and the others, and the fact that Hiori taught me the parts I didn't understand. I feel like I can handle the exam more than ever before. If it’s like this, I think I will be able to get a higher grade than I did in my first year.

Also, during the exam period, our schedule ends in the morning. So, after it’s over, the members of our study group eat lunch, and in the afternoon, we go to one of the members' houses and study for the next day's exam subjects.

By the way, during some of the study sessions during this period, I go to Himura-san's and Hazuki-san's house for the first time. Himura-san's room has a cute atmosphere, and Hazuki-san's room has a calm atmosphere similar to Hiori's room. But, her room’s walls have several posters and tapestries on them, and there are many character stuffed toys there, it’s a room where you can feel its owner’s hobby.

Hiori is obvious, but it seems Kazuo and the others are also doing well. I hope everyone can get through the midterm exam without getting a single red mark at least.


“Yosshaa! It’s over!”

Friday, May 21st.

The instant the chime rings signaling the end of the exam time for the final subject of the midterm exam, I hear that shout coming from Kazuo who is sitting in the seat behind me. By the way, the subject of the exam that just ended is World History B, which Kazuo is not good at. I pray that he didn’t mean that he didn’t do well in the exam. During the study session, he actively asked questions, mainly to me, so I think he’ll be okay.

Kazuo sits at the end of the column. So, he collects the test answer sheets from everyone in the same column, including me, and submits them to the teacher who is proctoring the exam.

When I hand Kazuo my answer sheet and look around the classroom... I see that the atmosphere is pretty nice, probably because both the midterm exams and this week's school are over. Himura-san and Shimizu-san are happily chatting with girls sitting near them.

Also, when I look at Hiori... Perhaps noticing my gaze, she immediately looks at me, smiles and gives me a small wave. I give her a small wave as well.


Before I know it, Kazuo is standing right near me. When our eyes meet, Kazuo grabs my right hand and squeezes it tightly with both of his hands. The power in those hands is so strong that my right hand starts to hurt immediately.

“Thank you for teaching me! Even in world history, I feel like I did better than I did in my first year! I think I can avoid a red mark! I might even get an average mark! I don't think I'll get red marks in English Expression II and Mathematics B we did today either!”

“That’s good to hear.”

In other words, the shout I heard earlier was due to the feeling of freedom now that the midterm exam was over. That’s good, that’s good.

“Thanks to the study sessions with everyone, it looks like I won't get a red mark on this exam either.”

“You did great.”

“Yeah! Now I can go to my club again after school today!”

Kazuo smiles, showing off his white teeth. Since the midterm exam is over, club activities will resume after school today. That shout might be partly of joy of being able to participate in club activities again.

“Do your best, Kazuo.”

“Yeah! Aki also has a part-time job starting today, right? Do your best!”

“Thank you, I'll do my best.”

When I say that, Kazuo lets go of my right hand and pats me on the shoulder.

Now that the midterm exam is over, I have a part-time shift right off the bat. But, since it starts at 2pm, there’s enough time to at least have lunch with Hiori, Himura-san, and Hazuki-san.

Shortly thereafter, our homeroom teacher comes to the classroom and we do our closing ritual. We are told that we worked hard on the midterm exam, and that our graded exam answers will be returned to us sometime during the next week's classes.

“Well then, that concludes today's assembly~. See you again next week~.”

With that, this week's school schedule is all finished... is what I'd like to say, but Kazuo and I are on cleaning duty this week. But, that too ends today.

“I'll be waiting outside the classroom. Akito-san and Kuraki-san, please do your best.” (Hiori)

“Do your best with the cleaning, both of you!” (Miu)

“Do your best. I'll be waiting.” (Kyoko)

“Thank you, everyone.” (Akito)

“I'll do my best with Aki!” (Kazuo)

When Kazuo and I say that, Hiori, Himura-san, and Shimizu-san leave the classroom.

Once most of the students except the ones on cleaning duty and our homeroom teacher have left the classroom, the final cleaning of this week begins.

This week, we had a midterm exam starting on Tuesday, and it ended around noon. That’s why, unlike the usual cleaning duty, we do our cleaning in a good mood.

After we finish the cleaning without any incident happening, I leave the classroom with Kazuo. When I do, I see Hiori, Himura-san, Shimizu-san, and Hazuki-san waiting for us. Since we finished the midterm exam and our cleaning duty, the six of us give each other words of appreciation, like “Thank you for your hard work.” Since we studied together most days during the period where club activities are prohibited, Hiori and the others' words resonate in my heart.

Kazuo and Shimizu-san have club activities after this, so the six of us move together until we reach the entrance.

“I already asked this to Kazuo before the closing ritual but, how did Hiori and the others do on today's exam?”

“I was able to handle every subject. There were also no discrepancies in the answer column, so I think I’ll be okay.”

“As expected of Hiori! I think I did well in English and world history. As for Mathematics B, thanks to Kamitou, Hiori, Saaya, and the others teaching me, I think I can avoid getting a red mark.”

“I'm happy to hear that from you two-ssu. Today we had an exam for Classic A that I'm not good at-ssu, but thanks to Kamitou-kun's teachings, I think I'll be able to get an average mark-ssu. Kamitou-kun. Thanks-ssu!”

“No, no. I also had Hazuki-san teach me Mathematics II and B. Of course, it’s also thanks to Hiori and the others, I did better than I did in my first year. Thank you.”

Although I was mainly taught by Hiori and Hazuki-san, I also often taught others, mainly Kazuo and Hazuki-san. Because of that, I was able to take the exam with a better understanding of the class content than ever before. For the first time, I might even enter the list of top rankers of the regular exam.

Perhaps because I said my thanks, everyone looks at me with smiles.

“That's my line! Thank you, Aki!”

Kazuo says as he thanks me in a loud voice and hits me on the back as hard as he can. This makes me feel quite a bit of pain in my back, but since I'm also grateful to Kazuo, let’s not say anything.

As we exit the entrance, I part ways with Kazuo and Shimizu-san, and leave the school with Hiori, Himura-san, and Hazuki-san.

“Now then, where should we have lunch? Do you guys have any restaurants you want to go to?”

“About that, we talked about that while we were waiting for Akito-san and Kuraki-san, but how about the ramen shop at the north exit of Kasagaya Station?”

“The ramen shop at the north exit... Aah, that one that’s famous for their soy sauce ramen and tonkotsu ramen, as well as their low price?”

“That’s right.”

Himura-san answers. From the looks of it, it seems that it was Himura-san who suggested going to a ramen shop.

“I actually like ramen. But, if it's with my friends who I usually eat lunch with, we don't go to ramen shops at all. Also, I've seen the inside of the ramen shop when I've passed by it, but it was all guys. It's kind of hard to go in there if it's just girls...”

“Ah... I went there with Kazuo and the others several times in my first year, but there were a lot of guys there.”

There were some female customers, but most of them were couples, married couples, and families. As Himura-san said, it may be difficult to go in if you are a woman alone or in a group of only women.

“When I told Hiori and Saaya about the same thing, they both agreed.”

“I like ramen too-ssu, but I've never been to that ramen shop before-ssu.”

“I went there once with my family. The tonkotsu ramen we had then was delicious, so I'd like to try it again.”

Ooh, so Hiori has also eaten ramen from that shop, huh? I also like tonkotsu ramen, so I feel happy hearing what Hiori just said.

“Kamitou also likes ramen so much that you had Hiori make it for you, so we talked about asking if we could go to that ramen shop later.”

“So that’s what happened. I don't mind that ramen shop. I also like that shop’s ramen after all.”

“Thank you, Kamitou!”

“Then, it’s decided-ssu!”

“I knew Akito-san would say yes.”

All three of them look happy. Especially Himura-san and Hazuki-san who have never been there before. It'll also be my first time going there since I became a second year student, so I'm looking forward to it.

The four of us head to the ramen shop at the north exit of Kasagaya Station.

It’s a popular ramen shop, and it is also lunchtime right now. So, we wait in line for about 10 minutes after which, a male clerk guides us to a table for four. Perhaps because it’s their first time, Himura-san and Hazuki-san take a good, careful look around the shop during the wait.

As with my previous visits, the majority of customers are male. Also, perhaps because their prices are reasonable, there are many Kasagaya High School students sitting at the counter and at the tables. Perhaps not expecting Hiori to come here, most of them are looking at us in surprise.

Hiori and I order tonkotsu ramen, and Himura-san and Hazuki-san order soy sauce ramen. I have a part-time job after this, so I'll be having them in a large serving.

As we wait, Hiori, Himura-san, and Hazuki-san agree to exchange a bite of ramen to each other. It seems like they want to enjoy a flavor different from the ramen they ordered.

Also, Hiori takes out a hair tie from her bag and ties up her long silver hair into a ponytail. She did say she sometimes put them up when eating soup such as ramen. Himura-san naturally gets excited about her hairstyle that is different from usual, and takes many photos of the ponytail Hiori with her smartphone.

After about 10 minutes, they bring out the ramen we ordered. After taking some photos of them with our smartphone, we start eating our ramen.

“...Yeah. Tonkotsu ramen is delicious.”

“It's delicious, isn't it? I vividly remember when my family came to eat here.”

Saying that, Hiori slurps the noodles deliciously. While it is tempting to order different flavors of ramen and exchange bites, I think it's also nice to order the same thing and enjoy it at the same time.

“Yeah! Soy sauce ramen is delicious!”

“It’s refreshing and delicious-ssu!”

Himura-san and Hazuki-san, who ordered soy sauce ramen, also seem to be satisfied. Girls who eat deliciously are cute. Hiori is especially cute.

After eating a certain amount, the three girls exchange bites of their ramen with each other as they promised. All three say that the ramen that’s different from the one they ordered is also delicious. Perhaps because I've been to this shop many times. Although I am not part of the exchange circle, looking at the three of them now makes me smile and feel happy.

All four of us finished our meal. Hiori and the others seem very satisfied. Thanks to them, this has become the most satisfying lunch I've ever had at this shop.

Also, because I gain energy from this lunch, I am able to work my first part-time job in a while from 2pm until night without any difficulty.


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