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Sequel 6 - Movie Date


Saturday, May 22nd.

The sky is clear and a cool breeze is blowing gently from time to time. There's no danger of rain, so it's truly a perfect day for a date.

9:45 a.m.

I'm standing on the Tokyo Chuo Line Rapid Inbound platform at NR Hagikubo Station.

Today, I’m planning to watch an animated movie called [The Angel who Leapt Through the Sky] with Hiori as promised. The movie will start at 10:30 a.m. at a movie theater in Kinjuku ward of central Tokyo that we both have been to many times before. The day before yesterday when we reserved online tickets, I discussed with Hiori about which seat we should take.

Also, we plan to have lunch at Kinjuku, and, in the afternoon, go to a town called Takano, where Himura-san and Hazuki-san live. Our plan is to go to the shop where the two of them work part-time and the cat cafe that Hiori and Hazuki-san have visited several times.

* (T/N: Now there’s a furigana. It’s called [Takano] actually. Another wrong translation, damn.)

According to Hiori, both Himura-san and Hazuki-san have shifts this afternoon, and we’ve told them that we’ll go to the shop at that time. By the way, they know we're going on a movie date.

Just like when we all went to the amusement park during Golden Week, I’m supposed to meet Hiori on the train.

I send a message to Hiori about the departure time of the train I’m planning to take from Hagikubo Station and the place I am planning to ride. When I do, after about 10 seconds, my message is marked as [read] and I receive a reply saying ‘I understand’. With this, it should be okay.

[Soon, a rapid train bound for Tokyo will arrive on platform 4. Please move back behind the yellow line. Soon──]

A broadcast announces the arrival of an inbound train. If it's like this, it looks like the train will depart from Hagikubo Station on schedule.

Shortly after that, the train bound for Tokyo arrives.

When I get on the train... because it’s the first car, some seats are empty. So far there are no two empty seats in a row, but depending on how many get on and off at Kasagaya Station where Hiori is waiting, I might be able to sit with Hiori.

Eventually, the doors close and the train departs Hagikubo Station as scheduled.

The LCD display installed just above the door displays the time it takes to reach each station until the final stop, which is Tokyo Station. 2 minutes to Kasagaya Station, and 10 minutes to Kinjaku Station, huh? Let's hope that there will be no delays or suspensions due to accidents or power line troubles.

This also became a topic of conversation when we all went to the amusement park, but riding the train makes me feel uplifted. I wonder if it's because I commute to school by bicycle or on foot. It might also be because I'm about to go on a date and will soon meet Hiori.

[Soon, Kasagaya. Kasagaya. The exit is on the right.]

Since it only takes 2 minutes to arrive from Hagikubo Station, I wonder if the announcement is already made. I already sent Hiori a message about the train and the car I am in, so Hiori will probably be right in front of the door when I arrive.

The train slows down and enters Kasagaya Station.

I see people on Kasagaya Station platform... mostly near the stairs and escalator. Since it's Saturday, many people are dressed casually.

Eventually, the train comes to a stop.

On the other side of the door near me... stands Hiori wearing a navy-colored, short-sleeved one-piece shirt. She is carrying the same bright brown tote bag she had on our Hagikubo date. Hiori seems to have noticed me as well, and she waves at me while giving a bright smile. Feeling happy that Hiori is here, I give her a small wave.

After the door opens and the people inside the car get off, Hiori gets on board.

“Good morning, Akito-san.”

“Good morning, Hiori. I’m glad we met up properly. Today is our first date since we started officially dating after all.”

“That's certainly true. Until now, we’ve been holding study sessions after school and on weekends to prepare for the exam. And yesterday, we only had lunch with Saaya-san and Kyoko-san. ...There are two empty seats over there, so let's sit there.”

Hiori points to a seat right near us. There are two empty seats in a row there. It’s probably empty because some people got off at Kasagaya Station.

We sit in the two empty seats. It's only less than 10 minutes until we get to Kinjuku Station, but let's enjoy the time sitting with Hiori.

Anyway... looking at her from next to her like this, she sure looks good in the one-piece. It's navy in color, so it also accentuates Hiori's beautiful white skin. She has one button left open, so I get a glimpse of her décolleté, and my heart skipped a beat.

“Is something wrong? you've been staring intently at me.”

“...I just think you look really wonderful in that one piece. It suits you.”

“Thank you very much.”

As she says her thanks, Hiori smiles happily. She really is cute. Perhaps thinking the same thing as me, some of the passengers around us are glancing at Hiori.

I gently place my right hand on Hiori's left hand. When I do, Hiori gives me a gentle smile and lightly presses her lips.

“Akito-san also looks wonderful in a jacket. You look handsome. It has three-quarter sleeves, so it looks cool.”

“Thank you. It's sunny today, but when the wind blows, it feels cool and comfortable.”

“I see. When we get to Kinjuku, let's take a photo together with our smartphone.”

“Yeah, let’s.”

Because the memories of today's date will remain in form.

After that, we talk about what kind of movies we have seen at the movie theater in Kinjuku. And about what kind of theater animation movies we like. We get pretty excited when we find out that we’ve watched the same movie there, and that they have several of our favorite theater animation movies.

Because talking about movies with Hiori is interesting, the ride to Kinjuku Station goes by in a flash.

“We've arrived at Kinjuku! I only come here a few times a year, so every time I come to Kinjuku, I get overwhelmed by the number of high-rise buildings and people.”

“It's just like what you’d expect of the city center. It's the ward where the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building is after all.”

“Isn’t it? By the way, Kinjuku Station is said to be the busiest station in the world.”

“Heeh, so that’s how it is. That's the first time I heard about it.”

So this is the most used station in the world, no wonder there are so many people around. Also, since there are so many people, there are quite a few people who look at Hiori, mostly people passing by.

While enjoying the view of Kinjuku, we head towards the commercial building where the movie theater is located. Perhaps because she only comes here a few times a year, Hiori looks at the surrounding scenery with sparkling eyes, she looks adorable.

When we arrive at the entrance of the building where the movie theater is located, I take a two-shot selfie with Hiori.

We enter the building and use the elevator to the 9th floor where the movie theater is located.

“There are a lot of people even inside the movie theater.”

“That’s true.”

Perhaps because it’s just after 10am on Saturday, there are a lot of people at the front desk of the movie theater. There is a long line of people heading for the ticket counter. There are many different people coming here; couples like us, groups of students, families, elderly couples, and people coming alone.

There is a ticket machine corner next to the ticket counter for those who have made reservations. There are several ticket machines, so there are no people lining up for them.

We head to an empty ticket machine and issue two tickets for the 10:30 screening of [The Angel who Leapt Through the Sky] that we have reserved. I feel somewhat relieved when the reserved tickets are issued properly.

“Here, Hiori.”

“Thank you very much. Making the reservation was the right decision. If we had to wait in that long line, we might not have been able to buy tickets to sit next to each other at the 10:30 screening.”

“That's true. Also, if the line is that long, we might not finish buying the tickets in time for the screening to start.”

“Right. We have a little time until the movie starts, so let's go to the concession stand.”


We go to a concession stand near the ticket counter.

The concession stand sells pamphlets and goods for currently showing films, as well as advance tickets for future screening. Of course, it also has goods and pamphlets for the [The Angel who Leapt Through the Sky] movie that we will be watching.

I look at the [The Angel who Leapt Through the Sky] corner with Hiori. Hiori purchases a pamphlet and a set of postcards depicting the main characters.

As the screening time approaches, we use the restroom and head to the food and drink corner.

They sell a drink and popcorn set for couples, so we purchase that. By the way, for the popcorn, we choose salt flavor, and for the drinks, I go with ginger ale and Hiori goes with zero-calorie cola.

Soon after we buy popcorn and drinks, they notify us to enter for the screening of [The Angel who Leapt Through the Sky]. We head towards the entrance of the screening room. We give our tickets to the female staff member and go inside with our assigned number.

We enter the screening room and go to the seat numbers written on our tickets. Over there, there are only two seats side by side outside of the aisle at the back. Hiori reserved these two seats because she wanted it to feel like a private room so she could watch the movie comfortably.

Hiori sits on the deeper side and I sit on the aisle side, setting the tray with popcorn and drinks in the seat holder.

“It is at a bit of an angle to the screen, but it's in the back so it's easy to see.”

“That's true. Besides, there are only two seats here, so it feels nice and private.”

“Yes. That’s why, I think I will be able to enjoy the movie more.”

Hiori says while smiling. Hiori is so cute that I might end up looking at her instead of the screen during the screening.

As the screening time draws near, more and more customers arrive. Perhaps because it's based on a romance shoujo manga, there are quite a lot of women here. There are some men here and there, but most of them, like me, are accompanied by a woman.

Eventually, the screening room goes dark and previews of upcoming movies are shown. Since this is an anime movie aimed at women, many of the previews are for anime movies and live-action movies starring young male actors and idols. Hiori is interested in the anime movies.

After the preview is over, the movie finally begins. The screening duration is 100 minutes. Let's fully immerse ourselves in the world of the movie.

This work has a reputation for being a tear-jerker, but... will it actually make me cry? Hiori is next to me, so I want to avoid crying loudly.

The other day, I flipped through the original manga in Hiori's room, and thought the artwork was very beautiful, but even when it became an anime, that beauty hasn't changed.

A few minutes after the main story begins, I feel a weight and warmth on my right shoulder. At the same time, I feel a slightly sweet smell. When I look in that direction, I see Hiori leaning closer to me and resting her head on my right shoulder. When Hiori’s eyes meet mine, she gives me a gentle smile.

“Can we watch in this position?”

Hiori asks in a low voice that only I can hear. I wonder if it's because we often snuggle close together when we watch Blu-rays on our at-home date.

I nod my head at Hiori's request. Then, Hiori raises the corner of her mouth and says “Thank you very much” in a small voice.

After that, I watch the movie while snuggling up close to Hiori. Several times, mainly during heartwarming scenes,

“Akito-san, aa~n.”

“Thank you. Then, Hiori too. Aa─n.”

We feed each other popcorn. I’m enjoying my first movie date with Hiori.


(T/N: I assume Kinjuku is a parody of Shinjuku.)

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