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Sequel 4 - Greetings ─ Kamitou Family


Sunday, May 16th.

Today too, I'm planning to have a study session with Hiori and the others in the afternoon. But, the venue today is my house.

Also, Nanami-chan, who we studied with yesterday, has an appointment to study with her friends from her club, so she won't be participating in our study session. I wish Nanami-chan and her friends the best in their studies.

Today too, we’ll be gathering at around 2pm for our study session. But, only for Hiori, to greet my family about the fact that we started officially dating, and to spend some time alone with me, we have decided for her to come at around half past one.

“It’s about time.”

1:25 p.m.

It’s almost time for Hiori to arrive at my house. So, all four members of our family are gathered in the living room. This will be their first time meeting Hiori since we started officially dating, so everyone is looking forward to meeting her. Everyone is sitting on the sofa, drinking iced tea, while eagerly waiting for Hiori to arrive. I wonder if Hiori's family was also like this when they were waiting for me yesterday.

──Ding dong.

The intercom rings. Considering the time, it seems highly likely that it’s Hiori who has come.

I go to the monitor near the door and check the visitor. I see Hiori's face on the screen.


[This is Hiori.]

“I've been waiting. I'll go now.”


“...It's Hiori. I'll go pick her up.”

I head to the front door

When I open the front door, I see Hiori in casual clothes. She’s dressed in jeans pants and a short-sleeved shirt blouse. She looks cute in skirts and one piece dresses, but I also like her pants styles. It shows off her good figure and long legs. Also, she has a tote bag over her shoulder, so she looks like a college student.

When Hiori’s eyes meet mine, she laughs and bows her head slightly.

“Good afternoon, Akito-san.”

“Good afternoon, Hiori. ...You look great in today's clothes as well. You look beautiful.”

“Thank you very much. Akito-san also looks great in a V-neck shirt. You look cool.”

“Thank you.”

“...I want a good afternoon kiss today as well.”

Hiori’s cheeks turn red and she glances at me while making that request. Of course, my response is,

“Yeah, let’s do it.”

“Thank you very much.”

As she says this happily, Hiori hugs me and kisses me. Even though we kissed a lot yesterday, I still feel that the sensation and warmth I feel from her lips is amazing. There's no sign that I’ll get tired of it at all.

Also, it looks like from now on, when we meet each other even on holidays, it will become customary for us to kiss each other like this when we greet each other.

After a few seconds, Hiori pulls her lips away from mine. And then, I see Hiori with a refreshing smile on her face. That smile is cute, and if this were my room, I would have kissed her too.

I glance behind me, and... no one is watching, huh?

“What's wrong? Akito-san.”

“Yesterday, Nanami-chan and Youko-san saw our kiss and got so excited, you see. So I thought my sister and mother might be watching us today.”

“Fufu, I see. I couldn't see my family either, didn’t I?”

“That’s right. Now, come on in. Hiori. My parents and sister are waiting in the living room.”

“I see. ...Pardon the intrusion.”

Hiori goes into my house, puts on the slippers I prepared, and then tightly grabs my right hand.

When I look at Hiori's face, although there is a smile on her face, it feels stiffer than before. She might be nervous because she’s going to greet my parents and sister. I firmly grab Hiori's left hand.

Hiori and I go to the living room together.

“Everyone, good afternoon.”

Entering the living room, Hiori greets them with a smile. My family also greets Hiori with smiles, saying, “Good afternoon.” Perhaps because they have exchanged a few words, the stiffness of Hiori's smile seems to soften a little. While thinking about that, I look at Hiori's face, and my eyes meet Hiori's. When I give her a small nod, the corners of Hiori’s mouth turn up a little and she slowly nods.

‘Fuu─’ After letting out a long breath, Hiori turns to face my parents and sister.

“I'm sure you've already heard from Akito-san, but please let me inform you as well. As of last Thursday, Akito-san and I have started officially dating as lovers. While dating Akito-san on a trial basis, I’ve come to realize that I love Akito-san. I'm sure various things will happen in the future, but I want Akito-san and I to support each other and have a fun and happy time together. Please take care of me.”

Hiori says that in a firm tone as she informs my family that she has started officially dating me. Her serious demeanor is so beautiful.

After finishing her report, Hiori bows deeply towards my family.

I wonder if it's because my lover, Hiori, also told them that we've started officially dating. My parents and older sister are smiling even more than before. My mother and sister especially look happy.

“Please raise your head, Aoyama-san.”

As Dad says that in a calm tone, Hiori slowly raises her head. Perhaps because she sees my family's reaction, Hiori smiles with relief.

“Because we are family, I’ve been seeing Akito from up close when he was holding an unrequited love, when he started dating on a trial basis, and after he started officially dating. There were times when Akito was troubled during the period of unrequited love, but compared to the time before that, Akito has become more cheerful. After he started dating on a trial basis, I often see him looking happy. It was clear that he really loves Aoyama-san.”


“Please, be happy with Akito. As I said before, Akito is a kind and firm son. But, he has some areas where he may be lacking. Please take care of such Akito.”

“From me too, please take care of him.”

“Take care of Akito, okay! If it’s Hiori-chan, I can leave it to you!”

“...Yes! Please take care of me.”

Hiori shows a huge smile and bows deeply to my family again. By the looks of things, it seems like Hiori will get along well with our family.

Also, the words Dad said to Hiori resonate deeply in my heart. I have to do my best to be happy with my beloved Hiori.

“Really, I'm glad that Akito and Hiori-chan are now officially dating. I’ve known his feelings from his unrequited love stage, so much so that I wanted to banzai him.”

“That's certainly true. Mom wants to do a banzai too. Let's do it together, Dad.”

“...Well, it’s a joyous occasion after all.”

“If it’s going to be like that, let's all do banzai together! Right? Akito, Hiori-chan.”

“Y-yes, let’s.”

“If Hiori is going to do it, I’ll do it too.”

Really, to think that it goes to everyone doing banzai together.

Perhaps in order to banzai, Hiori places the tote bag she was carrying over her shoulder at her feet.

“Then, here we go──. To Akito and Hiori-chan now officially dating, banza─i!”




Led by my sister, we all cheerfully do banzai twice. I feel like this made the greeting somewhat lighthearted, but both Hiori and my family seem to be having fun, so I guess it’s okay.

But, I wonder how many couples and families in this world would go banzai together during the greeting for having started dating.

Although there was an unexpected turn of events where everyone did banzai, the greetings to my family also went off without a hitch.

After that, for about 20 minutes until Kazuo and the others arrive, I have fun spending my alone time with Hiori in my room. Just like yesterday, we hug and kiss each other, and talk about the manga on my bed.

And then, at the appointed time of around 2pm, Kazuo and the others arrive at my house one after another, and once everyone has gathered, today's study session begins.

Today too, I study for the exam while answering questions from Kazuo and Hazuki-san. If there’s anything I don't understand, I ask Hiori to teach me.

Also, halfway through, my sister stays in my room and teaches us things we don't understand, mainly humanities subjects, English, and mathematics. As a result, it becomes a very productive study session for all of us.


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