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Sequel 3 - Beneficial Insect


At around the appointed time of 2pm, Himura-san, Hazuki-san, and Kazuo & Shimizu-san couple arrived at Hiori's house one after another in that order.

Immediately after Himura-san arrived, Nanami-chan also came to Hiori's room. Hiori and I had been kissing quite a lot until the intercom rang, so right after entering the room, “You’ve been making out haven’t you?” Nanami-chan saw through us and said that.

With all seven of us gathered together, we begin studying for the midterm exam. By the way, the sitting order clockwise from me is: Hazuki-san, Kazuo, Shimizu-san, Himura-san, Nanami-chan, and Hiori.

“Nanami-chan! If there's anything you don't understand about Japanese, English, or social studies, please ask me! But for mathematics and science, please ask your Onee-chan, Kamitou, or Saaya who is from the science class.”

Just before we start studying, Himura-san says that to the second year middle school student Nanami-chan. To think she’d clearly told her to ask us for math and science subjects even though they are middle school level. Did she not have that much confidence in teaching them? Well, I guess it's better than not being able to teach her when asked.

“I understand! I'll be relying on you for humanities subjects and English, Kyoko-san!”

Nanami-chan says that to Himura-san while giving her her characteristic bright smile.

Perhaps moved by Nanami-chan's reaction, Himura-san grins and pats Nanami-chan on the head. Himura-san seems to like Nanami-chan very much. I guess she considers her cute just by being Hiori’s younger sister.

Now that I've become Hiori’s official lover, I want to get the grades that match that. At our high school, after every regular exam, a list of students with the highest grades is posted on the bulletin board. I’ve never been on that list in my first year, so my goal is to get to that list for the first time in this midterm exam.

Every once in a while, I glance at Hiori and see her studying for the Mathematics II exam using a workbook. Sometimes, she teaches Nanami-chan, Himura-san, and Shimizu-san. It looks like I’ve gotten used to seeing Hiori teaching someone.

Also, perhaps because of what Himura-san said just before we started studying, Nanami-chan asks Himura-san questions several times. Apparently, Himura-san is good at teaching subjects she’s good at, and Nanami-chan too, she thanks her, saying, “I understand now. Thank you very much.” Himura-san fawns her every time it happens. I also thought she was really cute when Nanami-chan thanked me, so I can understand why Himura-san does that.

“Ah, I don't understand this part...”

I got stuck on a fill-in-the-blank English translation problem. After thinking about it for a while... I still have no idea. Let's ask Hiori.

When I glance at Hiori, I see that she has just finished teaching Shimizu-san. All right, let's ask Hiori.

“Hiori. There's something I don't understand. Can I ask you?”

“Of course you can.”

Ooh, she sounds so happy. Is it because it’s my first time asking a question today?

“I don't understand this fill-in-the-blank problem.”

“I see. Let me see...”

Saying that, Hiori approaches me. Until she’s almost touching my arm. As a result, I can gently feel Hiori’s warmth and her sweet scent. Because of that, my heart starts racing, but I still listen to Hiori's explanation and try to understand the problem.

“And then, you put this word in parentheses.”

“I see. So that’s how it is. I understand now. Thank you.”

“No, no. Akito-san, who is asking a question and understanding what he didn’t understand, is admirable.”

‘There, there’, Hiori says as she gently pats my head. Her smile is also really gentle.

She’s quite good at teaching, and she also praises me for being able to understand something I didn't understand. Isn’t Hiori suitable for being a teacher for school or cram school? She’s going to be very popular.

“Even at times like this, you’re being lovey-dovey-ssu.”

Hazuki says while grinning. Before I know it, everyone is looking at us, and Himura-san and Nanami-chan are grinning just like Hazuki-san. That's why I'm a little embarrassed about this situation. I should probably change the subject. Thinking that, I look around the room.

“Ah, it's already half past three, huh? That's quick.”

“That’s true. It's been an hour and a half since we started the study session, so should we take a short break here?”

When Hiori suggests that, we all show our approval. I think taking a short break here can help us concentrate on our studies after this.

“Well then, I’ll get some sweets from the first floor... Hiii-!”

As Hiori uncharacteristically shouts, her face turns pale and she tightly grabs my right arm. Her face looks scared and her body is shaking.

“W-what's wrong, Hiori?”

“...T-there's a big spider over there...”

Saying that in a frightened voice, Hiori points towards the door with the index finger of her trembling right hand. I turn my gaze towards that direction and... I see an oversized spider on the door of the room. I'm sure everyone else also sees that spider.


I hear voices of multiple women screaming in unison.

When I look around, I see Himura-san and Nanami-chan hugging each other while frightened, and Shimizu-san clinging to Kazuo's back. Most likely, the screams just now were these three people’s. It seems the four of them, including Hiori, are afraid of spiders.

“That’s one huge spider!”

“It is-ssu. We only meet something this big once a year-ssu. I was a bit surprised-ssu. The window is open with a screen, so it might have gotten in through that gap-ssu...”

From their reaction, it seems that Kazuo and Hazuki-san are fine with spiders.

When I was little, I was scared of insects, but as I got older, my fear decreased, and now I'm fine with bugs appearing in my house.

“Recently, there have been many sunny and hot days after all-ssu. This week, I found a small insect at my house-ssu. Anyway, that’s one splendid huntsman spider-ssu.”

“Heeh, so that's its name, huh, Hazuki. As expected from a science class!”

“Thanks-ssu. This spider is not harmful to humans, and is a beneficial insect that preys on cockroaches, flies, and small mice-ssu, but... it looks like it’d be better to get rid of it-ssu, right? Hiorin.”

Hazuki-san turns her gaze at Hiori and says that with a wry smile.

Hiori looks at Hazuki-san, and violently shakes her head several times.

“P-please let it outside. I think spiders are happier living in the great outdoors than in a room of a high school girl like me.”

Although she still looks frightened, Hiori says that in a firm tone. To think she asked to let it outside even though she must be very uncomfortable with it. She's so kind. If it’s my older sister, if she comes across an oversized spider like this, she’ll say, “It’s fine if you kill it, just get rid of it!”

“Roger-ssu. Then, let's take that spider outside-ssu. Kuraki-kun, who has a wide range of arm movement, will go and catch it, and Kamitou-kun and I will support him from both sides-ssu.”

“Yeah, I got it!”

“Let's go with that plan, Hazuki-san. Hiori and the other three... will stay by the bed. That way, you can stay as far away from that spider as possible.”

Besides, it will make it easier for me, Kazuo, and Hazuki-san to move around as we get rid of the spider.

Perhaps because of my instructions, Himura-san, Nanami-chan, and Shimizu-san gather around Hiori.

Me, Kazuo, and Hazuki-san, who are in the expulsion group, slowly stand up from our cushions.

Also, Hazuki-san warns us that, “If you put out your hands, you might get bitten-ssu,” so I take a couple of sheets of tissue paper from the study desk and wrap them on my right hand.

“Everyone, what's wrong? I heard a scream.”

I hear Youko-san's voice from outside the room. She probably heard Hiori and the others' screams and got worried and came over.

“An oversized spider appeared, and Hiorin and the others got surprised-ssu.”

“I see. Hearing what you just said gives me chills. Okaa-san is also scared of oversized insects.”

“I see-ssu. It’s at the door, so please don't open it-ssu. Me, Kamitou-kun, and Kuraki-kun will take it outside, so rest assured-ssu.”

“Okay, I understand. Well then, I’ll go back to the first floor, okay?”

After hearing such a voice from Youko-san, I hear footsteps coming from outside the room, which then disappears. She must have returned to the first floor.

Although we exchanged words with Youko-san, the spider is still sticking to the door. Kazuo stands in front of the spider, with me on his left, and Hazuki-san on his right.

To make sure the spider doesn't move, Kazuo slowly approaches the door. Perhaps because the room has fallen completely silent, I feel some nervousness in the air.

And when Kazuo is close enough that he can reach for it,

“Here I go!”

‘Oryaaa!’ Kazuo shouts as he quickly extends his right hand towards the spider.

But, perhaps noticing the air flow caused by Kazuo's large hand approaching it at high speed. The spider narrowly evades Kazuo's right hand.

“Damn it, it ran away.”


The spider starts moving, and at Kazuo's words, Hiori and the others behind us scream.

──Bam! Bam!

Kazuo repeatedly tries to catch the spider as it moves toward the ceiling. However, the spider is nimble so he can’t quite catch it.

However, when the spider reaches the ceiling, it changes course. It moves towards me.

“Kazuo! It’s coming here! I'll ambush it and catch it!”

“Yeah! I leave it to you!”

“I'll be on standby to open the window so you can get it outside at any time-ssu!”

“I got it!”

I'll concentrate on the spider's movements. I'll definitely catch the spider that scared Hiori.

The spider is walking on the wall heading towards me. It has been running away from Kazuo's capture until just now, so it has picked up quite the speed.

Then, when it arrives in front of me, I quickly extend my right hand. Although it’s through the tissue, I feel the sensation that I’ve grabbed something.

“I caught it.”

“Now, get it out quickly-ssu!”

Saying that, Hazuki-san opens the window near the study desk.

Partly because Hiori and the others are scared, I throw the spider as hard as I can. ...Ah, it went over the outer wall of the Aoyama house. I'm sorry if any of the people living next door are afraid of spiders.

“It flew all the way until next door-ssu.”

“I threw it as hard as I could after all. ...Everyone, I’ve let the spider escape.”

Saying that, I turn back to the room.

Hiori and the others who are not good with spiders pats their chest in relief. Himura-san and Nanami-chan, who had been scared as they hugged each other, let out words of relief, “Thank goodness.”

“Thank you all three of you. The inside of the room is cool anyway, and we don't want any insects coming in, so let's close the windows.”

“I’ll do it-ssu.”

Hazuki-san closes both the window next to the study desk and the window near the bed. With this, there won't be any insects coming in from outside, I guess.

“Well done, Aki.”

Saying that in a happy manner, Kazuo raises his left hand towards me. So, I say “Thank you,” and give Kazuo a high five with my left hand. With that flow, we also give Hazuki-san a high-five with our left hands.

“I'm glad we managed to get it outside. Also, the four of you are not good with spiders, huh?” (Akito)

“When I was little, I was not good with insects in general, regardless of their size. Nowadays, if it’s small, I can catch insects with a tissue and get them outside. But if it’s as big as the spider just now, I get so scared that I can’t do anything...” (Hiori)

“As for me, I’m still not good with all insects, regardless of size. If it's small, I ask Onee-chan to get rid of it.” (Nanami)

“I can't deal with insects either! The only things I can deal with are flies and ants. I quickly go to my dad. If there’s no one at home or if it's late at night, I'll kill them with slippers or insecticide. I don't have the advanced technology to keep them alive and get them outside.” (Kyoko)

“I’m also the same, Kyoko-chan.” (Miu)

Although there are some differences, it looks like all four of them are not good with insects in general, not just spiders. From now on, it will be warmer and easier to encounter insects, so it will be a bad period for the four of them.

“But, to think that Akito-san is fine with insects and can even remove them properly when they are that big. Akito-san is very reliable. I love you more and more.”

“I know how you feel, Hiori-chan! Last summer, when I saw Kazuo-kun get rid of an insect that appeared in my room, I fell in love with him even more!”

“Isn’t it!”

Hiori and Shimizu-san are happily talking to each other. It’s probably because they both have boyfriends that they can relate to each other. Also, seeing my lover and my best friend's lover laughing together sure is nice.

I never thought that Hiori would think of me as reliable and love me even more. Until just now, I thought of that spider as a bad insect that scared Hiori, but it seems that in many ways, that spider was actually a beneficial insect.

“From now on, if you have any problems with insects, feel free to rely on me. If I'm with you, I'll get rid of them right away.” (Akito)

“Thank you very much!” (Hiori)

Hiori says that very happily. The reason why Hiori seems that happy is probably because she saw me work together with Kazuo and Hazuki-san to get rid of the spiders just now. I was the one who caught the spider too. Whenever Hiori gets anxious about something insect-related, let’s try to resolve it right away.

After that, Hiori brings cookies and marshmallows from the kitchen, and we take a break while eating them.

After a 20 minute break, we resume studying for the exam. Just like before the break, I continue my studies while answering questions from Kazuo, Hazuki-san, and Nanami-chan.


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