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Main Story 21 - Hiori's Lap Pillow


I already looked at the photos from her middle school days. So, my Hiori's Album Viewing ended not long after that.

I drank all the iced coffee she brewed after lunch, so Hiori served me iced tea then.

“The iced tea is delicious too.”

“Thank you very much... By the way, Akito-san. For giving me a massage and relieving my stiff shoulders, and for listening to me talk about my middle school days and encouraging me, I would like to give you my thanks. Do you have anything you want me to do? Anything is fine as long as it doesn't violate the rules of our trial relationship.”

Hiori says that in a gentle voice. She's expressionless again, but she was smiling just now, so she looks brighter than usual.

Encouraging her aside, the massage is a thank you for cooking the meal. But, I don't want to obstruct Hiori's desire to thank me. Let's accept it here.

“I got it. But, what should it be...”

The other day, as a reward for my part-time job and as a thank you for holding Hiori when she was about to fall, I received a pat on my head. As expected, I’d rather not have her do the same thing.

Things I want Hiori to do... there is one. But what will Hiori think if I ask her this? But, it doesn’t violate the rules, and Hiori said anything is fine. Should I try asking her?

“...I-I want a lap pillow.”

I say while looking into Hiori's eyes.

For a while now, I've been wanting to experience Hiori's lap pillow, even if it's just once. But, when I actually ask for it, it's quite embarrassing. My cheeks are a little hot.

“A lap pillow, is it? That's fine.”

Without showing any particular dislike or embarrassment, Hiori accepts my request. I pat my chest in relief at that.

“Thank you.”

“No, no. Now then, shall we do the lap pillow on the bed? I’m sure it'll feel better that way.”

“Might be. Then, the bed, please.”

I get to lie down on Hiori's bed? For me, that alone is enough of a thank you. I'm glad I told her I wanted a lap pillow.

Hiori stands up from the cushion and moves the bed cover toward the wall. As a result, Hiori’s sweet smell gently wafts through the air.

Hiori sits on the edge of the bed and pats her lap with her right hand.

“Akito-san, go ahead.”

“...Please excuse me.”

Is it because I'm going to have a dream-like time from now on? Before I knew it, I was speaking politely.

I climb onto Hiori's bed and lie on my back. Following that, I gently place my head on Hiori's lap.

Although it is through the jeans, I can feel the softness and warmth of Hiori's legs on the back of my head. I can also smell her sweet smell. Also, since we’re on a bed, it's very comfortable.* (T/N: I didn’t know denim pants were actually jeans so I was surprised here.)

Also, since I'm lying on my back, I'm looking towards the ceiling, but... Hiori’s two mountains have quite a presence. At least more than my sister’s.

“Akito-san. How is my lap pillow?”

Hiori peers down at me as she asks me. As a result, more than half of my field of vision is filled by Hiori. Also, Hiori's long silver hair looms over my face and the sweet smell of her shampoo is thick in the air.

“It’s the best.”

When I honestly express my thoughts, Hiori smiles gently.

“I'm glad to hear you say that.”

“Hiori, how does the lap pillow on your side feel? Doesn't my head feel heavy?”

“It's fine. When Nanami was little, I used to give her a lap pillow sometimes. That's why I like the feeling of having her head rest on me. Of course, it's heavier compared to Nanami at the time.”

Hiori pats my head with a gentle touch.

When I hear her talk about Nanami-chan, Hiori's smile seems very mature. I wonder if she was showing the same face when she was giving Nanami-chan her lap pillow.

“Akito-san, have you ever had someone give you a lap pillow?”

“When I was little, my older sister often gave me one. There were times when she forced me to lie on her lap, saying ‘I’ll give you a lap pillow’. And there were also times when I fell asleep while watching DVDs or Blu-rays with her, and when I woke up, I’d be lying on her lap.”

But, no matter how things went, whenever I lie on her lap, she looked at me with a smile on her face like Hiori does.

“Nanami too, there are times when she fell asleep while we were watching anime together, and I put her on my lap. I think many older sisters who have younger brothers and sisters have had similar experiences.”

“If we do some research, we might find some interesting results.”

Don't some of my friends from middle school have older sisters? Maybe I’ll ask them if I meet them somewhere.

Maybe because I’m lying on her lap on top of a bed, we just talked about falling asleep, I suddenly feel sleepy. “Fuaah” I accidentally let out a yawn.

“Sorry, Hiori. This position just feels so good.”

“Please don't worry about it. If you don't mind, Akito-san, would you like to take a nap like this? I heard that a 15 to 30 minute nap is good for your body.”

“I'm happy to be able to sleep in the best environment I've ever been in. But is that okay with you, Hiori? Even though we’re having an at-home date.”

“I don't mind. In fact, isn’t that typical of an at-home date? Besides, I'm curious to see what Akito-san looks like when you sleep. I'll wake you up in about 30 minutes.”

Certainly, sleeping like this may be unique to an at-home date.

“Then, I’ll take advantage of your words. Good night."

“Good night, Akito-san.”

I slowly close my eyes as Hiori gently watches over me. I'm happy to be able to look at my girlfriend until right before I sleep, even if it’s only a nap.

Hiori’s warmth, sweet smell, and softness. Also, Hiori's periodic gentle pats on my stomach area. Perhaps because of those, I fall asleep shortly after closing my eyes.


Hiori wakes me up and I open my eyes. Then, just like when I fell asleep, I see Hiori looking at me with gentle eyes.

“Good morning, Akito-san.”

“...Good morning.”

Even though I didn't wake up naturally, it’s a very nice awakening. I wonder if this was also because I am on Hiori's bed, with Hiori giving me a lap pillow.

Also, being able to see Hiori as I wake up is the best. I end up thinking about how I hope that will happen every morning someday.

“You looked like you were sleeping comfortably, you know. You were making a good sleeping face. I took a photo with my smartphone to commemorate it.”

“Haha, I see.”

“Also, my heart skipped a beat when you turned over and buried your face in my stomach.”

Perhaps remembering that time, Hiori's cheeks turn slightly red.

Did I bury my face in Hiori's stomach while I was sleeping? I try to remember how it felt... but as expected, I can't remember what happened while I was sleeping. Of course, I don’t have the courage to bury my face in Hiori's stomach right now.

“I-I see. I had a good sleep. I don't remember the content, but I feel like I had a nice dream.”

“That’s good to hear.”

When I slowly sit up, I feel like my body is lighter than before the lap pillow. Probably because I took a 30 minute nap.

“Thank you for the happy time, Hiori.”

“You’re welcome.”

When I gently pat Hiori's head, the corners of her mouth turn up a little.

After that, at Hiori’s request, I read a girls love short story she has recently written and give her my impressions, and then we watch the Blu-ray of the first season of the [Akime Chijinchou] anime. Its short manga was exciting and interesting, and even though it's been a while since I watched its anime, I enjoy it quite a bit.

Time passed quickly and before I knew it, it was already past 6pm. I realized that it was already that time because Nanami-chan came back from club activities.

When I told them I was leaving, not only Hiori, but Ryou-san, Youko-san, and Nanami-chan also came to the door.

“I had a great time with Hiori and everyone today. Thank you very much.”

“That's good to hear. I also enjoyed talking to Kamitou-kun. Please continue to take care of Hiori.” (Ryou)

“I'm happy if we can get along well, Kamitou-kun. Please come again.” (Youko)

“I also had fun talking to Kamitou-san! I'd be happy to see you again.” (Nanami)

Ryou-san, Youko-san, and Nanami-chan all smile as they say so. I'm glad that Hiori's family has accepted the relationship between Hiori and me so favorably.

“Then, excuse me.”

“Akito-san. I'll accompany you until halfway through.”

“Thank you.”

I bow to Hiori's family and walk out of the house with Hiori. It is getting cooler at this time, just like the day before yesterday when I sent Hiori home.

“I'll accompany you until the intersection near the underpass.”

“Thank you. Then, shall we go?”


I hold hands with Hiori, and we depart from Hiori's house.

We pass by the park near her house. Unlike when I came to Hiori's house around noon, I don’t see any children at all. I wonder if everyone has gone home already.

“It was a very exciting at-home date, wasn’t it?” (Hiori)

“It was, wasn’t it? It was a lot of fun.”

“I had a lot of fun too. I'm glad I invited you on an at-home date. Besides... I felt lighter after talking about my middle school days.”

“That's good to hear. If anything happens to Hiori, I'm sure it won't just be me, but Hazuki-san, Himura-san, Kazuo, and Shimizu-san will help as well.”

“That’s true.”

Hiori smiles. Right after she entered high school, she became friends with Hazuki-san, and in her second year, she became friends with Himura-san and others. I'm sure they will support Hiori.

“Also, I'm glad that Akito-san read my novel. I'm happy that you thought it was interesting.”

“It was really interesting. There were many scenes where my heart skipped a beat. I also thought that the choice of words was good. Being able to write a novel is amazing.”

“Thank you very much.”

Hiori's smile turns into one of happiness. I want to continue to enjoy the novels written by Hiori.

“Akito-san. You have a part-time job tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah. I have a shift from morning until evening.”

“I see. Please do your best. By the way, what are your plans for the day after tomorrow?”

“There are no plans at the moment.”

“...I’m glad. If Akito-san is okay with it, would you like to go on a date with me the day after tomorrow?”

“Of course I’d love to.”

When I answer like that, Hiori smiles and nods.

A date with Hiori the day after tomorrow, huh? With this, I feel like I can work harder at my part-time job tomorrow.

“Is there anywhere you want to go, Hiori?”

“I'd like to go to the area around Hagikubo Station. I haven't been there much before. Besides, we already went to the shops near Kasagaya Station on our last after-school date.”

“I got it. Then, shall we have a date around Hagikubo Station?”


Hiori cheerfully replies. Hiori looks so cute as she does.

Perhaps because I was talking with Hiori, before I knew it, we arrived at the intersection near the underpass.

“After I get this far, I’ll be fine since the rest of the way is the same as my route to school.”

“Yes. I had a lot of fun today. Please do your best with your part-time job tomorrow.”

“Thank you. Then... see you the day after tomorrow.”

“Yes. See you the day after tomorrow.”

Hiori and I wave to each other, and I head home.

Today's at-home date was really exciting and fun. I'm sure I'll never forget this day.

After listening to Hiori's story from her middle school days, I got to know her more deeply. Also, by telling Hiori that I would protect her, Hiori smiled at me. I’ll do my best to become the kind of person who can protect Hiori.


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