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Main Story 20 - Hiori's Middle School Days


Hiori and I once again sit next to each other on our cushions.

Hiori drinks all the iced coffee that is left in her mug and takes a long breath.

“When I entered junior high school, there was a girl I started getting along with because we were in the same class and our attendance numbers were close. We deepened our friendship by talking about our favorite manga, anime, and dramas. That girl was in a sports club, so on holidays we would go to shops around Kasagaya Station and play at each other's houses.”

“You were pretty close, huh?”

“Yes. Our relationship can be called best friends. In fact, she introduced me to her friends from elementary school as [my best friend that I met in middle school]. That made me very happy. I thought I had met a good person in middle school.”

When I entered middle school, there was a boy I became friends with because we sat close to each other. We became friends by talking about things we liked in common. That's why I can empathize with Hiori at that time.

“By the way, Akito-san, have you ever seen me being confessed to in high school?”

“I have, a lot.”

“...Actually, when I was in middle school, a lot of people confessed to me, just like they do now.”

“I see.”

Earlier, I saw a photo of Hiori in her middle school uniform in the album, and she looked so cute even back then. Even though she was a middle school student, she felt mature. Her smile in the photo from her entrance ceremony was very charming. No wonder so many people confessed to her.

“Back then too, I turned down every confession. Among the people who confessed to me, there were students who were popular among the girls. So they must have hated or resented me. Some of the students started to glare at me. Among them, some made snarky comments like, [You're getting carried away] and [You're smiling even though you dumped him]. There were even some students who would persistently say those to me.”

“I see...”

I guess there are terrible people everywhere.

Come to think of it, even at Kasagaya High School, weren’t there many students who were giving Hiori sharp glances? So the reason she doesn't mind being stared at is because she's gotten used to it from her middle school days.

“But that girl encouraged me and supported me. Sometimes she even protected me when they said unpleasant things about me. Thanks to that girl, I was able to go to school every day. But, one day in June, my best friend relationship with that girl dissolved in an instant.”

“...What happened?”

Most likely, the dissolution of their best friend relationship is related to Hiori's current coolness and expressionlessness, that’s what I think.

“Haa...” Hiori lets out a long breath.

“The girl had a male senpai who she had a crush on. As her best friend, I also gave her romantic advice. I remember giving her advice that she should tell him straight that she liked him. Later, the girl confessed her feelings to that senpai.”

“...And, the result?”

“...She was dumped. Because he had a girl he liked, he said.”

“...It can’t be, the girl that the senpai liked is,”

When I make eye contact with Hiori, she has a complicated expression on her face and she slowly shakes her head vertically.

“It was me. He said he fell in love at first sight when he saw my smiling face with that girl. It seems he asked her to set up a place to confess his feelings for me since we were together. She said that she can’t do that and refused though.”

Even just being dumped would shock her. On top of that, the reason why she got dumped was because he liked Hiori, who she just consulted... I think that girl received quite the shock.

Also, how could that senpai ask the person who he just dumped to set up a place to confess his feelings? Couldn’t he think about the feelings of the girl who just confessed to him?

“The look on that girl's face when she talked about her confession was very scary. She looked at me with a very sharp look and said, [If it wasn't for Hiori, this wouldn't have happened. Now I understand exactly how girls who glared at you or said hateful words to you feel.]”


“Then, the reason why that senpai dumped her was because he [fell in love at first sight when he saw my smile]. Because of that, she said to me, [Hiori's smile brings misfortune to someone. I hate Hiori, including her smile], and then our best friend relationship dissolved. Before then too, there were many people who fell in love with me and confessed to me after seeing my smile. That’s why my heart was gouged by that girl's words. I became afraid to smile in public.”

“After that, Hiori became expressionless.”

“...That's right. Immediately after that incident, they said a lot of unpleasant things to me, mainly about that girl. Since that girl was popular, most of her friends started glaring at me.”

“I see...”

Is Hiori remembering those days? Tears are welling up in both of her eyes.

I offer the handkerchief I brought to Hiori. She accepts it, saying “Thank you very much,” and wipes her tears.

“Since then, during my middle school years, I never showed my smile again. I also stopped showing any other emotions on my face. Before I knew it, being expressionless became natural. Even so, the number of people confessing to me didn't really decrease, though.”

Perhaps her expressionless face has become natural, so she gives off a cool impression. Also, Hiori is beautiful and has great style. Her long and beautiful silver hair is also eye-catching.

Because of the heartless words of a girl who used to be her best friend, Hiori no longer showed her smile. And at some point, not showing her smile became the norm.

Just hearing Hiori’s story right now makes me feel pain in my heart. But, I think that Hiori's suffering back then was even more painful. Also, I feel anger welling up towards the girl who used to be her best friend.

“When I became a second year student, I was in a different class from that girl, so my fears gradually diminished. Going to different high schools also gave me a sense of security. Right after entering our school, I met Saaya-san in the literature club. I enjoyed talking with her, especially about books.”

“Is that why you started showing your smile a few times when you were talking with Hazuki-san?”

“Yes. When I smiled, Saaya-san gave me that bright smile and said, [You're even cuter when you smile].”

I'm sure that gave her a sense of security and she started smiling at Hazuki-san.

“By the way, have you told Hazuki-san about this?”

“I haven't told her about it in detail. Just like Akito-san this time, when we were looking at the album, Saaya-san said, [Once you reached middle school, you became like what you are now]. When I told her that a lot of things happened, Saaya-san just said, [If you're alive, there are times when a lot of things happen], but she didn't ask me anything deeper.”

Maybe she saw Hiori's expression when she said that a lot of things happened, and guessed that Hiori had gone through a painful experience. I think not asking anything deeper was Hazuki-san's kindness.

“This was also the reason why I fell in love at first sight, but you showed your smile at the cat, didn’t you?”

“I've always been a cat lover ever since I was little after all. I'm happy when they snuggle up to me and let me touch them.”

“I see.”

I would be happy too if my favorite animal became affectionate with me. Another reason might be that it's a cat and not a human.

Come to think of it, when I confessed to Hiori and told her that I liked the way Hiori smiled as she petted the stray cat, Hiori said that it reminded her of many things. I guess those were what she just told me.

“By the way, does speaking in polite language have anything to do with what you just told me?”

“No. I started speaking in polite language when I imitated a character from a magical girl anime that aired when I was in the first year of elementary school. Until then, I only used casual speech.”

“So that’s how it is.”

It was a very cute reason. I too have imitated the voices of an anime character before. At one time, I always added “-daze” at the end of my sentence.

“I understand why Hiori has been expressionless since middle school. Thank you for telling me.”

“No, no. But, don't your mood worsen after hearing something like this?”

“...I have some anger towards the girl who used to be your best friend.”

I express my honest feelings, and gently place my right hand on Hiori's head.

“You must have had some painful feelings back then. I also felt pain in my heart when I heard Hiori’s story. But I think Hiori was in even more pain back then.”


“There are people who fell in love with Hiori's smile. And confessed to you. And were in shock when you dumped them. There were also people who were in shock when they found out that the person they were in love with liked Hiori's smile. But, Hiori didn't live your middle school life with a smile on your face because you wanted to hurt someone, right?”

When I ask her that question, Hiori looks into my eyes and nods.


The voice she put on those three letters gives the impression of being very sincere. I know it wasn't a lie.

“I see. In that case, Hiori didn’t do anything wrong. You can keep smiling.”

When I say that, Hiori's eyes widen.

“I'm not trying to rush you. But... someday, I hope you’ll show me a bright smile like the one in the photos in the album. I’m interested to see what it would be like if the current Hiori smiles brightly. I will always accept Hiori’s smile.”

I place my right hand on top of Hiori's head and pat it gently. When I do, I smell the sweet smell of shampoo coming from Hiori’s soft hair. As I pat her head, the heat I feel from my hand gradually becomes stronger.

“Even now, there are people in high school who are glaring at Hiori. You might face some bad times just because you’re dating me on a trial basis. But, I'll protect you.”

As I say that, I gently kiss Hiori's right cheek.

Although they are touching for only a second or two, Hiori's warmth I feel on my lips is very strong. Also, perhaps she is surprised by the sudden kiss. The moment I kiss her, Hiori's body trembles in a twitch. I also feel that tremble on my lips.

When I move my lips away, Hiori's cheeks quickly turn red. The redness on her cheeks is the strongest I've ever seen. When I look at her like that, I think ‘what a bold act I did’. Ah... my whole body is getting hotter.

“I-It’s a kiss vowing I’ll protect you. Also, I wanted to kiss you because I love you. It was sudden too, so if you don't like it, I'll apologize. Sorry. I’ll add a rule saying ‘any kiss, even if it’s not on the lips, is NG’──”

“I don't dislike it. Although I was surprised when you kissed me so suddenly. I could feel the kindness that Akito-san had towards me. It made me feel lighter. Thank you very much, Akito-san.”

As she says this in a very gentle voice, Hiori looks at me with gentle eyes... and smiles. I've seen her smile at Hazuki-san several times, but compared to those, her smile right now is the cutest. Is it because it is directed at me? It's a good match for the smile that made me fall in love at first sight.

“You’re smiling now.”


“Yeah. it’s very cute.”

I pick up my smartphone that is on the low table and take a picture of the smiling Hiori. ...Yeah, she looks really cute.

I display the photo on the screen and show it to Hiori.

“...I am smiling. Although my face is red. I'm sure it's thanks to Akito-san that I was able to smile.”

“I'm happy if that's the case. Also, Hiori's smiling face... I like it. But if you don't like it, I'll delete this photo right away.”

“Please keep it. I want you to keep it. Because I'm happy you said you liked it.”

“I got it, thank you. I'll treasure it.”

I'm so happy I can always see Hiori's smile towards me.

“I hope I can smile and laugh even a little bit. Showing such a bright smile like in the album may be difficult though.”

“I see. I'm fine with Hiori's pace, but I'd be happy if you could smile and laugh.”


Because she's smiling, her reply just now is very cute.

Looking at Hiori's smile again... it's so charming. My affection for Hiori has become stronger. From now on, I'm sure she’ll show me more of her smiles, even if it's little by little.


(T/N: the ‘smile’ after high school is 微笑み. This can translate to ‘a small smile’ but I usually translate to just a ‘smile’.)

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