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Main Story 19 - Hiori’s Album


While taking occasional breaks to use the restroom, Hiori and I watch [Miyabi-sama wants to be confessed to] up to the final episode of the first season of the anime. We do this while talking about our impressions, so we finish the final episode in a blink of an eye.

“The first season was very interesting.”

“It was interesting. It's the first time I've watched so many episodes in a row in one day. I thought it was nice. Maybe it was because I was talking to Hiori though.”

“That may be true. We both love this work. It was a very enjoyable time. Also, it made me want to reread the original manga about the episodes that were made into anime."

“Me too.”

Because we haven't read the first part of the original work in a while.

Also, I want to eventually watch the Blu-ray of the second season of the anime with Hiori. I'm sure it will be a fun time like this one.

“Akito-san. Now that we've finished watching Miyabi-sama's Blu-ray, what should we do next?”

“Let’s see...”

As I say that, I look around the room. What catches my eye is something that looks like a blue photo case on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf.

“Hey, Hiori.”

“What is it?”

“That blue one on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf. Is that an album?”

I ask Hiori while pointing my finger at it. If it's an album, I'd love to see it. I'm really interested in what kind of atmosphere Hiori has had so far.

Hiori looks me in the eye and gives a small nod.

“Yes. That's my album.”

“I see. I want to see the album. Can I?”

When I ask her, Hiori lowers her gaze a little. Perhaps because of that, Hiori’s expression looks cloudy.

After a moment of silence, Hiori slowly nods.

“If it’s Akito-san, you can take a look.”

“Thank you. If you don't want me to see it, you can just close the album or cover my eyes with your hand.”

“I don't think that's likely to happen, but... I understand.”

Hiori slowly stands up and takes a blue album from the bottom shelf of the bookshelf. She hands me the album and sits down on the cushion next to me again.

“It's mostly filled with photos of me. They are generally in chronological order.”

“I see.”

I move the mug containing the coffee and place the album I received on the table.

I wonder what Hiori looked like when she was little. I'm sure she was cute. While holding such anticipation, I turn over the cover of the album.

“Ooh, Hiori as a baby is so cute!”

On the first page is a family photo taken when Hiori was a baby. With Youko-san holding her, and Ryou-san, it’s a photo of the three of them. Watching it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

“My mother's friends have told me many times that I remind them of my mother from when she was a student. I might end up looking like my mother in this photo in the future.”

“I see. I'm looking forward to seeing what Hiori will look like when you’re an adult.”

If possible, I want to become her official lover and see her up close.

As I turn the page, Hiori in the photo gets a little bigger. Is this her in her early childhood? Hiori in the photo has a big smile on her face. There’s also a photo of her making a peace sign. as if she was,

“An angel...”

“...It's a little embarrassing when you say things like that.”

Hiori's cheeks are slightly flushed.

“Sorry. I accidentally let my feelings come out in words.”

“It's okay. I know you're complimenting me.”

Hiori says in a gentle voice.

As I turn the page and keep looking, her younger sister Nanami-chan is born. After that, photos of her with Nanami-chan or her friends also appear.

“Hiori smiling in every photos are so cute. Also, as expected of Hiori's younger sister, Nanami-chan has also been cute ever since she was born.”

“Ever since she was little, Nanami has been a bright and cute little sister.”

Perhaps because she is talking about such a cute little sister, Hiori's expression is also bright.

Even when I met Nanami-chan for the first time, she spoke to me friendly and gave me a cute smile. I don't think Nanami-chan's brightness will change from now on.

Because the photos are in chronological order, every time I turn the page, I see Hiori and Nanami-chan growing up. This is so much fun.

Still, most of the photos of Hiori when she was little are of her smiling. I wonder if she was like Nanami-chan. Of course, it's possible that they have chosen and posted many smiling photos.

Eventually, Hiori becomes a middle school student. There is a photo of Hiori in a sailor suit next to the signboard for her junior high school's entrance ceremony. She's giving the peace sign and smiling cutely. Compared to when she was in elementary school, she looks more mature.

“So the girls' uniform at Hiori's middle school was a sailor suit. It looks good on you, it's cute.”

“Thank you very much. Middle school, is it...”

Hiori's voice was somewhat fragile as she muttered that.

When I turn to the next page, Hiori's expression is the one I’m used to, her cool one. There are also photos of her smiling faces that I have seen as well.

“Up until now, I've seen a lot of Hiori smiling, but from this page onwards, I'm seeing more of the current Hiori. I love the smiling Hiori, but I also love the cool and calm Hiori now.”

“...I see.”

Hiori says while looking down. Then she slowly stands up from the cushion.

“...I'm going to go to the bathroom.”

“Yeah. I got it.”

Hiori leaves the room.

I look at the next pages by myself. Most of the photos are of the cool, expressionless Hiori, with occasional photos of a smiling Hiori. The photo from the high school entrance ceremony is completely the current version of Hiori.

Apparently, her current level of coolness was established when she was in middle school. Was it because of puberty? Or was it because of human relationships or the environment?

“...She’s late.”

It’s been more than 10 minutes since she left the room. Is her stomach feeling unwell?

Or did she get embarrassed because I kept saying ‘cute, cute’ while looking at the album. She did say that she was a little embarrassed when I said that Hiori in her early childhood was an angel.

The other thing would be... did I hurt her feelings when I said that since middle school she has become the same Hiori as she is now? She did look down.

In any case, I said too many things while looking at the album. I'll have to apologize when Hiori comes back.

As I lean against the bed, I can smell the sweet scent of Hiori. It smells good, but the owner isn't here. A feeling of loneliness is sprouting within me.


I hear that sound, so I look towards the door. Hiori has come back from the bathroom.

“I'm sorry I'm late.”

“No, it’s fine.”

I stand up from the cushion and head right in front of Hiori.

“Hiori, I’m sorry. I said a lot of things while looking at Hiori’s photos. If any of the words I said hurt your feelings... I'm sorry.”

I bow deeply towards Hiori.

I was so excited about Hiori's photo that I didn't think about her feelings. If I made her feel uncomfortable, it would be inexcusable. What’s more, I did it on our at-home date.

“Please lift your face, Akito-san.”

Hiori says in her usual voice.

I'm scared of how she’s looking at me. But, there’s no way I can refuse. When I slowly lift my face, I see Hiori with her usual cool and expressionless face.

“I don't feel any unpleasant feelings at all. I do feel embarrassed being told that I'm cute over and over again. But I don't feel displeased. In fact, I'm happy to be called cute by Akito-san.”

“I see.”

“But, um... there were a lot of things that happened before I became the person I am today. I was lost on whether to tell Akito-san about it or not, so I went to the bathroom.”

“So that’s how it is.”

When I pointed out that Hiori became cool, Hiori looked down. Based on that, it doesn’t seem like a very good story.

“I thought if it’s Akito-san, it would be okay if I tell you, so I came back. Akito-san... do you want to listen?”

“...I'll listen. Maybe I can do something for Hiori.”

“...I understand.”

“Of course, only what you can talk about. You don't have to force yourself.”


Until around the time she entered middle school, there were many photos of Hiori with a cute smile. What exactly happened during Hiori's middle school days?


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