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Main Story 22 - For Me, It’s a Reward


Sunday, May 2nd.

The second day of the five consecutive holidays. Today I'm working part-time at Zosol from 10am. It's a seven-hour shift, ending at 5pm. It's a long shift, but I have a date with Hiori tomorrow, so I use that as an incentive and work hard. Also, about 30 minutes before I started my shift, I received a message from Hiori.

[Please do your best at your part-time job.]

This message alone will keep me motivated until the end of my shift.

Also, I received a message from Kazuo and Shimizu-san, saying, [We'll do our best in the three-day training camp starting today!]. It seems like the two of them will be enjoying the training camp by talking during the bus ride, and walking around the training camp during their free time at night. Knowing that made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

The second day of the consecutive holidays is Sunday. It's sunny and a little cooler than yesterday. It's a perfect day to go out. As of 10am, when I started my shift, there were already quite a lot of customers.

I continued to serve customers almost constantly, and before I knew it, the time for lunch break came.

“Today too, you're serving customers with a great expression, Kamitou-kun.”

As soon as I started eating my pizza toast, Tsukushi-senpai, who was working on the same shift as me, said that. Senpai is looking at me with his usual refreshing smile.

“Thank you. Also, you always say that these days.”

“Because I really think so. The power of a lover called Aoyama-san is amazing, isn’t it?”

“It's just a trial right now though. But, ever since I started dating her, I've had a lot of fun every day.”

“Haha, I see. Hearing about your progress with Aoyama-san has become a source of pleasure for me lately.”

“I see.”

From now on, when I am on the same shifts as Tsukushi-senpai, it looks like we'll be talking about Hiori.

“So, did anything happen with her after the day I met Aoyama-san? If I recall correctly, Aoyama-san went to Kamitou-kun's house that day, wasn’t she?”

“Yeah. That day we had an at-home date at my house. And yesterday we had one at Hiori's house.”

“Ooh, even at Aoyama-san's house.”

“Yeah. Hiori made me ramen for lunch, and we watched anime that we both liked, Miyabi-sama and Chijinchou. Also... Hiori gave me a lap pillow and I took a nap there for about 30 minutes.”

“On top of giving you a lap pillow, she let you take a nap there, huh? You’re getting along really well, aren't you?”

Saying that, Tsukushi-senpai also starts eating his pizza toast.

Both of our at-home dates were fun, but yesterday's at-home date at Hiori's house was especially fun. It’s not just about what I said to Tsukushi-senpai, but also the fact that I read Hiori's short story, kissed her on the cheek, and had Hiori smile at me for the first time. It was a really nice day.

“Something good happened during your at-home date, right? Your face is slightly red.”

“I-Is that so?”

“Yeah. And you are smiling.”

Apparently, it naturally appeared on my face. There are things that are embarrassing when pointed out. I feel heat getting stronger, mainly on my cheeks. I'm sure my face is getting redder.

“Since you went to Aoyama-san’s house yesterday, did that mean you also met her family?”

“Yes. I greeted her parents and younger sister. They accept our relationship.”

“That's good. Even when you date normally, there are times when your girlfriend's father might object or not be happy about it. If it's a trial, that’s even more...”

“That’s what I thought too. It seems like the fact that we decided on the rules for our trial date and that she was having fun talking about me was a big factor.”

“I see.”

Well, Ryou-san did say, “If something happens to her, I won't forgive you.” It's probably normal for a father to think that way, but Ryou-san was quite scary at that time. I still get chills when I remember it.

“From what I hear now, it seems like you are going to officially date.”

“Haha, is that so?”

“But, I don't think it will be long before you start dating officially.”

“If so, that’s nice... that’s what I think.”

“I'm rooting for you. By the way, are you going to meet Aoyama-san during these holidays?”

“We're going on a date around Hagikubo Station tomorrow. Also, although it will be with our friends, we will be going to Tohto Dome Town on the 5th day.”

“Ooh, you have a lot of plans, huh? I went to Dome Town last year and it was really fun. I'm starting to look forward to our part-time job after the consecutive holidays.”

“Haha. I hope our relationship will deepen then.”

The 5th day, the last day of the consecutive holidays, is also the day to update whether or not we want to continue dating as trial lovers. I hope I will be able to talk to Tsukushi-senpai about Hiori during my work after the holiday, just like now.


Lunch break is over, and I begin my afternoon counter duties with Tsukushi-senpai.

Just like the day when Hiori came to this shop before, the number of customers started to subside just past noon. When there are no customers at the counter, I sometimes talk to Tsukushi-senpai.

And then, at around 2pm.

“Thank you for your hard work, Akito-san.”

“Hello-ssu! Kamitou-kun!”

“Aren’t you working properly, Kamitou.”


What the? Hiori, Hazuki-san, and Himura-san came here together!

I didn't expect them to come here, so I couldn't help but shout that out loud. Hazuki-san and Himura-san giggle at that.

“Why are you three here?”

“Last night, we talked about going to Hiorin's house today-ssu. We also knew about the at-home date you had yesterday, so we talked about that and about Kamitou-kun-ssu.”

“I see. Himura-san also asked me about my date with Hiori.”

The date at Hiori's house was a lot of fun. That's why Himura-san repeatedly said, [I'm jealous!] in her response.

By the way, I told her that I saw Hiori's album, but I kept that incident in Hiori's middle school days a secret. Of course, the fact that I kissed Hiori on the cheek too.

“It's about the person I like after all. Of course I'm curious. It seems like she had fun, so that's the most important. ...Going back to the topic, Hiori said that Kamitou has a part-time job at Zosol. I was curious about what Kamitou is like when you’re working. Besides, Zosol sells tapioca drinks. So we talked about having tapi at Zosol before going to Hiori’s house.”

“So that’s how it is.”

Tapi... Aah, does that mean tapioca drink?

If they talked about it last night, they should have told me that the three of them would be coming. I guess they wanted to see how I would react if they showed up without letting me know. Judging from Hazuki-san and Himura-san's reactions earlier, that seems possible.

Still, to think I'd meet Hiori and the others during my part-time job today. For me, it's a wonderful reward.

By the way, Hiori is wearing a long skirt and a parka, Himura-san is wearing slacks and a dress shirt, and Hazuki-san is wearing a one-piece dress with lots of frills.

“Everyone looks cute in your casual clothes. They look good on you guys. It's the first time I've seen Himura-san and Hazuki-san like this, so it's refreshing.”

“Thank you very much.”

“Thank you-ssu!”

“I-I'm happy to be told that I look good, even from Kamitou. Thank you.”

Hiori’s was clear, Hazuki-san’s was cheerful, and Himura-san’s seemed a little embarrassed. The reactions of all three of them are also cute.

“For a while, I was watching Akito-san at the counter from near the entrance of the store. It’s admirable that you’ve been working hard today.”

“Your customer service is pretty good, Kamitou. Sometimes you talk to the clerk at the counter next to you though.”

“The sight of you getting along and talking is wonderful-ssu. Kamitou is a beautiful guy-ssu, and the store clerk next to you is also a beautiful glasses guy-ssu. It gave me a lot of ideas for boys love-ssu...”

Hazuki-san puts her hands on her cheeks and looks entranced. Boys love being her favorite is just like her, but I wonder why she is looking at me and Tsukushi-senpai alternately. Aren't we doing this and that in your brain? Are you the type of person who can handle the raw material-ssu?

“‘What a beautiful sight-ssu’... Saaya excitedly said that.” (Kyoko)

“‘My urge to write a new BL short story is rising-ssu’... she also said that.” (Hiori)

Himura-san and Hiori explain the situation. Looking at Hazuki-san now, I can easily imagine what she was like then.

‘Haha’, Tsukushi-senpai laughs refreshingly next to me.

“So the brown-haired girl likes BL. I don't read BL at all, but if you manage to write a short story inspired by looking at us, I'd definitely want to read it.”

After saying that, Tsukushi-senpai puts his left hand on my right shoulder. Even though he may be fantasized about having BL with me, his behavior is no different than usual. Doesn't it bother him? Or has he been fantasized many times before? After all, as Hazuki-san said, Senpai is a beautiful guy.

“I publish my work on a submission site under the pen name [Kazuki Saya]-ssu!”

“Kazuki Saya-san, huh? I know that pen name. I've read many of your girls love works. They have quite a strong depiction of romance. Even my friends from university have high praise for them.”

“Thank you for your kind words-ssu!”

Hazuki-san looks very happy. She might be the happiest I've ever seen her.

“By the way, Kamitou-kun. Who are these two? Aoyama-san is also with them, so I'm wondering if you guys know each other.”

“The excited brown-haired girl is Hazuki Saaya-san. She's a friend of ours and is connected to Hiori through the literature club. And the red-haired girl is Himura Kyoko-san. She's also a friend of ours, and is also mine and Hiori’s classmate.”

“I see. I'm Tsukushi Yamato. I'm a second year student at the Faculty of Science at Tohto University of Science. Please take care of me.”

“You're smart-ssu! My name is Hazuki Saaya! I'm in science class! Please take care of me!”

“My name is Himura Kyoko.”

“Hazuki-san and Himura-san, is it? I guess this is what they call ‘birds of a feather flock together’. You’re both beautiful girls.”

“No, no, we’re not really~”

“Thank you.”

Perhaps because she received praise for her own novel, Hazuki-san is being affectionate.

In contrast to Hazuki-san, Himura-san just smiles. However, if it was Hiori who called her beautiful, she might have become like Hazuki-san now.

“If we stay here forever, we might be a nuisance to other customers.”

“We got too excited-ssu.”

“Since we’re here anyway, let's have Kamitou serve us as customers.”

“I got it.”

After that, I serve them in this order: Hiori, Hazuki-san, and then Himura-san.

Hiori’s order is tapioca milk coffee, Hazuki-san’s is tapioca cocoa, and Himura-san’s is tapioca milk tea.

The three of them sit at a four-person table near the counter. Because there are three beautiful women together here, many of the customers in the shop are looking at them.

The three people in question take photos with their smartphones, not caring about the gazes of the people around them.


They say and start drinking the tapioca drink they ordered.

“Milk coffee is delicious.”

“Cocoa is good too-ssu!”

“Milk tea is pretty good. As expected of Zosol.”

Each of them gives positive feedback. As a store clerk, I'm happy. Tsukushi-senpai also seems to hear them, and ‘fufu’ he laughs happily.

After that too, in between serving customers, I look at Hiori and the others at their table.

Hiori and the others are chatting and laughing while drinking their tapioca drinks. I wonder if we were like that when we had tapioca drinks on Friday. Once in a while, the girls look at me.

Also, I can see Hiori smiling. Is it because Hazuki-san is here? Or maybe it's because after what happened yesterday, she decided to show her smile little by little. Either way, I'm happy to see her smile. And I'm not the only one who thinks so,

“Hiori smiled! I'm so happy! So cute...!”

Himura-san says happily. It's true that she's cute, so I nod in my head.

The three also exchange sips of each other's tapioca drinks. Himura-san is really excited when she drinks Hiori's milk coffee. For me, it’s as expected, but some customers look surprised.

After about 30 minutes, Hiori and the others stand up from their seats and come to the counter again.

“Thank you for the drink-ssu. The cocoa was delicious-ssu. Also, do your best at your part-time jobs-ssu.”

“The milk tea was delicious, too. But I think I liked the milk coffee better. I don't like coffee, but the milk coffee here is delicious.”

Isn’t that because Hiori put her mouth on it? I was about to say that, but I was worried about how she would react if I did, so I kept it to myself. Also, I wanted to drink Hiori's milk coffee too.

“Do your best with your part-time job. I'm going to paradise now! Kamitou!”

Himura-san says that while in a state of high excitement. When she said paradise... it’s Hiori's house, right? If it's there, it's paradise for me too.

“Have fun in moderation, Himura-san.”

I'm worried that Himura-san will run wild when she’s at Hiori's house.

“Hazuki-san. Please keep an eye on Himura-san so that she doesn't run wild.”


“Fufu. The milk coffee was delicious. Akito-san, please do your best at your part-time job. See you tomorrow.”

“Yeah. Thank you for coming, you three. See you soon.”

Hiori and the others wave at me and leave Zosol. After this, the three of them will probably have a fun time at Hiori's house. Himura-san seems to be constantly excited. I want to monitor what's going on in Hiori's room.

Thanks to Hiori and the others coming, I can vigorously work until the end of my shift.


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