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In the end, my class decided to go with a cafe.

Last night, in the classroom I materialized, I kept praying that I would come up with a good idea, but I couldn't come up with one until the very end, and just went with the flow.
It's the cultural festival after all, so I wanted to think more about it, but... well, it can't be helped.

“Then, since we have some time, let's decide on a policy. For the time being, is there anyone who wants to be the leader for the school festival this time?”

It seems some schools have an executive committee for their cultural festival, but this school doesn't have that system. Therefore, at times like these leaders would be decided by candidacy.

“Me! I'll do it!”

It was Tadashi who raised his hand.
This is a man who was very excited even before our program for the cultural festival was decided. He has no qualms about running for candidacy at a time like this.

Tadashi is so unknowingly charismatic that when he announces his candidacy, others find it difficult to raise their hands. Sure enough, there was no one other than Tadashi who ran for candidacy.

“Then, Shindo-kun, please take care of the rest.”
“Leave it to me!”

Morimoto-san returns to her seat, and Tadashi steps forward in her place.

“Now then, before we decide on the content, I want to choose another leader. Preferably a girl... does anyone want to do it?”

As was the case when deciding class committee members, I think there is a common understanding that it is better to elect one man and one woman as much as possible.
After all, we are hesitant to contact people of the opposite sex frequently, so it would be smoother if each person acted as a liaison and contacted other classmates of their gender.

“...Is there, no one?”

However, there was no one running for candidacy.
The boy’s side probably has people who want to be in a vice-leader position, but this time Tadashi is looking for a girl, so it would be difficult for them to run for the position.

Of course, a middle management position is still needed, so a vice-leader will have to be chosen. If no girls want to do it, we will have to elect one from the boys...

“Then, I'll do it.”

The one who broke the silence, was a single girl.
A girl with short brown hair. This brown hair seems to be her natural hair.

“Oh, so it’s Nakatani-san? I’m counting on you.”

That girl is Nakatani Mei-san. She is a bit bossy and gives a scary impression, but she also has a wide circle of friends and has contacts with both boys and girls.

She's exactly like a female version of Tadashi.

“Then Nakatani-san will be the vice-leader.”
“Yes yes, best regards.”

And then, although it took some time, we finally decided on a policy.

“We decided to go with a cafe, but... well, to be frank, it's a bit vague. We need to decide what to serve, what the concept will be, and things like that.”

Tentatively, the person who becomes the leader is supposed to report what their class will do at a meeting that gathers the leaders from each school year and class.
However, they can’t just come up with it there. That place is only for reporting.

Hence, in some years, there are times when some programs overlap. If they are exactly the same, the guests will get bored, so in such cases, one party has to change the content of the program, or have the overlapping classes make something different through discussion.

Thus, what’s needed is a concept.
No matter the shape, just by changing what you serve, you can produce a difference. The reason there are so many cafes in this world is because they are able to skillfully bring forth that difference.

“Do you guys have any wish? Personally, I think I'd like a concept that's not too much like a school festival... for example, something like a fantasy style.”

With Tadashi as the moderator and Nakatani-san writing on the blackboard, the discussion progresses smoothly.
Until just now, Morimoto-san was the one writing and being the moderator by herself, so it was a little slow, but now topics are coming up more and more.
Because of that, Nakatani-san seems to be having a bit of a hard time.

“Street-corner style, huh? It's very modern, I like it. What's next?”
“I think it might be a good idea to try going all out to be more student-like. We'd serve customers in our uniform or something, and the food we’d serve would also be very student-like.”
“I don't know how that's going to play out but... I'll leave it as a candidate.”

Note that while this discussion is progressing, I am silently looking at the blackboard.
It would be impossible for a man who couldn't come up with anything other than a cafe even after thinking about it all night to suddenly come up with a concept.

“Hmm, there are a lot of things here. It's just the right time anyway, so for now, we'll write this down. There's a meeting tomorrow at lunch break, so we'll discuss it then. Nakatani-san, I'm sorry, but could you please write these down?”
“Sure. Leave it to me.”

These two sure are stable.
Plus, they both have friendships with both boys and girls, so it looks like preparations will go smoothly.

This year, I’m involved with Hiuri, and it might be more enjoyable than last year, so I’m looking forward to it.


“Our class ended up going with a game room. I heard Kazuki-kun's is a cafe.”
“That's right. From Hayashi-san again?”
“Yes. Rinrin is good at gathering information.”

We were interacting in the dream.
Continuing from yesterday, we were talking about the cultural festival. Hiuri's dessert today is a coffee float.

“So, what's a game room? You’re not talking about video games, right?”
“No, it's not. That kind of project won’t go through, you know.”

I said they can’t just come up with it at the leadership meeting, but there are exceptions. If the project is not allowed by regulations, as expected, they won’t pass it through.

“We prepare things like ring toss and simple target shooting, and give out prizes.The participation fee is low and the prizes are also cheap, so from a business standpoint, we are going with small profits and quick returns.”
“I see. I guess it's more for students and younger children than adults.”
“That's right. There's a cafe right next door anyway, so we thought it would be nice to be able to separate adults and children.”

Cafe is more of a program targeted toward adults.
We’ll probably put out some juice for kids, but that still won't ruin the calm atmosphere.

“Let's both do our best”

It’s not like it’ll particularly affect my grades even if we fail, but as expected, I want to enjoy it if I can.

“A, also...”
“...No, it's nothing. I’ll just give it a try, and if it doesn't work, I'll tell you.”
“...? Ok.”


(T/N: 方針 - policy; course; plan (of action); principle. The way the sentence go feel like it should mean ‘leaders’ or something similar.)

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