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When I arrive at school, Tadashi is already sitting at my desk as usual.
 I think the fact that he never gets better even when he becomes a high school student and even after he is warned is a serious problem, but Tadashi is probably doing this on purpose, so there is nothing I can do about it.

“Ah, right, the Black Thorn Princess came here just now.”
“Is that so?”
“But as soon as she realized you weren't here, she went back to her classroom.”

Unlike me, Hiuri is an honor student, so she comes to school earlier than me and does various activities on her own initiative.
 However, when she comes to my desk in the morning, she basically waits there while reading a book until I come. And today she went back as soon as she realized I wasn't here?
 Hiuri usually comes here when something happens. There have only been a few times so far when she has come here just to chat. Yesterday, we just looked at the cherry blossoms together and she didn't seem to want to discuss anything, but did something happen?

“Well, go and see her when you feel like it. To your dear princess.”
“...I guess I should.”

Hiuri being treated like a princess isn't a problem because she's close to what she wants, but more than that, going to see Hiuri is something to think about.
 Hiuri is in the next class, so going to see her means going to the next class. I don't have many friends to begin with, but if I go to see Hiuri, the boys’ bloodlust would be terrible.
 In reality, I have to go see her, but it seems better to wait until Hiuri comes over again or in the dream to talk to her.

“That's right. What’s your plan for summer vacation?”
“Summer vacation?”
“That's right. It's about time isn’t it? I want to make plans as soon as possible. We'll be busy next year, so let's have a lot of fun this year!”

That’s what Tadashi said, but I have no plans to go out to play.
 It's fine if I'm going out with Hiuri, but if not, there's no reason to go all the way outside under the hot sun. I would rather play with Hiuri in the dream than do that.

“You are going to say that you won't leave the house anyway aren’t you?”
“You know me well. I won’t go out.”
“On the contrary. That's not going to happen!”

For some reason, Tadashi looks confident. My image of an archaeologist is someone who is a bit more calm though, I wonder if his parents also have this kind of personality. Or is it just Tadashi?

“Because! Our plan to go to the beach, the Black Thorn Princess is going to come as well!”

...That's, amazing.
 Hiuri has good grades, but more than that, she is very athletic. However, the person herself is not the type to go out that much. When I asked her why, she said it was because there are so many temptations (delicious things) outside.
 That's why Hiuri rarely goes out on her days off. The dream Hiuri often uses thought guidance to induce drowsiness to play with me in the dream.

“What do you mean ‘our’?”
“We are the management of second-year students' joint beach project!”

Even if you say it like the most obvious thing, I don't know a single millimeter about that group.

“How did you invite her?”
“I don't know about that either. I left the invitation of the Black Thorn Princess to the girls in the management.”

Hmm, even if that's the case, I'm curious as to how the girls invited Hiuri...
 Maybe I could try asking her in the dream.

“Anyway! You’re going too, aren’t you, Kazuki!?’
“Eh... well, all right. I’ll go.”
“I knew it! I knew using the princess as a bargaining chip would work.”

I can recreate the beach in the dream, but it's been years since I've been to the actual beach, so it might be a good idea to refresh my memory of it.
 I might not want to go if I can't swim, but I can swim like normal so it's not a problem.

“Then, I’ll tell you the details another day.”
“Got it.”

I'm basically free every day except for doing assignments anyway. As long as nothing urgent comes up, it won't be a problem for me no matter when it will happen.
 After a while, the homeroom teacher arrived, so the conversation ended here.


Lunch break. I found Hiuri sitting alone on a bench outside.
 I remembered what Tadashi told me in the morning, so I think it’s just the right time to talk to her. Hiuri gives off an unapproachable atmosphere, so boys and girls don't approach her very often.

“...? Nakano-ku-!”

In that instant, Hiuri's face suddenly turned red.
 And when I saw her reaction, I remembered a certain something.
 Hiuri’s memories in the dream basically don't carry over to her real life. No matter how strongly she prays for it, it will only have an effect on the same level of thought guidance. However, there are exceptions to everything, and there is something in the dream that can have a strong impact on real life.
 The prime example of this is kissing. I found out about this when I kissed Hiuri for the first time, but it seems the sensation of having kissed me remains. Not clearly, but vaguely, but it seems that she is aware of the fact that she kissed.
 Because of this, real-life Hiuri often turns red the next day after we kiss. In the dream, Hiuri and I are in love, but in real life we're just friends after all.
 That said, there’s no way I can talk about it. In the first place, I wasn’t supposed to know about Hiuri's dream, so I had to pretend I didn't know about it.

“Are you okay?”
“Yes... I'm okay.”

Even though her face is red, Hiuri maintains a resolute attitude. I think it's amazing how quickly she switches like this.

“I heard you came to my class this morning...”
“Ah, about that... I didn't have any particular business, I just have something I want to ask.”
“Something you want to ask?”
“Yes. Nakano-kun, are you going to the beach?”

Is it about the beach project that Tadashi was talking about?

“Yeah, I decided to go.”
“I see... then, that's fine”

After only saying that, Hiuri fell silent. When this happens, it's best for me to just walk away without saying anything.
 Still, Hiuri in the dream aside, it's unusual for Hiuri in real life to be concerned about my plans. It seems Hiuri in the dream has been silently wishing every night so that she would be conscious of me, I wonder if that's starting to have an effect?
 Well, I guess I just have to listen to the details later at night.


(T/N: 念じる - ‘silently wish’ or ‘pray in her mind’. If anyone has a better word for it, please tell me.)

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Homie not even trying to get closer to her wth even if he says something wrong her dream verison should be able to guide her to still be nice to him the next day. Also homie self confidence is so lame. Doesn't wanna get close irl because people will be jealous and he's scared of gazes smh how can I cheer for him