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Tonight, I was in the dream with Hiuri again. However, today the scenery is different from usual, and is not the white room.

“As expected, cherry blossoms are beautiful, aren't they?”
“I like cherry blossoms too.”

I can change the appearance of the white space as much as I like depending on my ideas.
 Right now, I have created a lo~ng row of cherry trees. Hiuri and I weren't lovers yet during the cherry blossom season, so the conversation ended up toward doing flower viewing right now.
 In real life, it's already July, so seeing the cherry blossoms blooming feels out-of-place, but Hiuri said she wanted to see it, so I obeyed. The reason she likes them is because their name is the same as her surname, ‘Sakura’.

“Let's eat something like a bento instead of something sweet today.”
“What kind would you like?”
“Things like eggs, sausages or ham...”

Hiuri’s sweet tooth is probably because she has a preference for childish food. She doesn’t really like eating burdock root or boiled vegetables. But Hiuri is a good girl, even if it's something she doesn't like, if it properly materialized it seems like she will eat it.
 But in the dream where I can materialize anything I want, we can eat whatever we like, I won't materialize anything that Hiuri doesn’t like. As requested, I make a bento box containing Hiuri's favorite food and a bento box containing my favorite food appear.

“Looks good”
“Ah, I'll bring out a leisure sheet as well.”

In the center of a wide street, in the middle of a row of a large number of cherry blossom trees in full bloom, just the two of us.
 Normally, there would be a lot of pedestrians and other cherry blossom viewers, so it would be a bit of a difficult place, but in the dream, Hiuri and I are the only ones there, so we can enjoy it to our heart's content.

“Mm~, delicious!”
“That's good to hear.”

That said, Hiuri prefers food over flowers. She more or less also enjoys cherry blossom viewing, but if anything, she seems to prefer eating. In real life, she’s maintaining a slender figure, so she’s probably just putting up with it.

“...Kazuki-kun, here Aa―n.”

It would be embarrassing if there were other people around, but if it's just me and Hiuri, we can do things like this to our heart's content.
 When it comes to feeding each other, we've done this many times before. I still feel some embarrassment, but I don't use that as a reason to reject it.
 Hiuri, while looking at the bento I gave her, says.

“Someday, I also want to give you my own cooking.”
“Me too. I'm looking forward to Hiuri's cooking.”

I've never tried it, but I wonder, can I make a kitchen and ingredients appear in this space and use those to cook? It doesn't make much sense because I can materialize the finished product, but if I can eat Hiuri's cooking, it's worth trying.
 In fact, the only dishes I can materialize are ones that I have eaten before. If Hiuri can cook here, I might be able to expand my repertoire of what I can materialize.

“Besides, someday I want to go see the cherry blossoms in real life as well.”
“For that, I think we need to become more intimate in real life.”

In real life, Sakura-san and I are good friends with a good relationship.
 There's nothing particularly strange about going to cherry blossom viewing with just friends, but since Hiuri is probably talking about going with just the two of us, as expected, that's not going to happen if we’re just friends.

“You can confess to me in real life, can't you?”
“Will you properly accept?”
“...You sissy”

But, since she said something like that, it probably means she doesn’t know whether Hiuri will accept my confession or not.
 Hiuri in the dream and Sakura-san in real life are like two different personalities. Things rarely go well.

“Well, for now, let's just enjoy the cherry blossom viewing with you.”
“Yes. Is there anything you want to do? I can do almost anything as long as I know it.”

Even if she wants to ride in a car, I've never driven a car, so the only thing I can come up with is something that looks like a car. It’s the same with other things, if I don't know something, I can only create something similar to it.

“Hmm, then I want to see a storm of falling cherry blossoms!”

I imagine a storm of falling cherry blossoms in my head. Not too strong and beautiful to look at... the most beautiful storm of falling cherry blossoms I've seen...
 When I do, the wind begins to blow and the cherry trees around us begin to sway. At the same time, cherry blossom petals begin to fly in the sky.

“Yeah, this is good.”

Before our eyes, as if enveloping me and Hiuri, a blizzard of cherry blossoms.
 I wasn't much of an outdoors person, so I've never experienced this kind of cherry blossom viewing, but I once have seen a blizzard of falling cherry blossoms from cherry blossom trees planted by a river.

“It's a sight I wanted Hiuri to see too.”
“Yeah! As expected of Kazuki-kun.”

I'm glad that Hiuri was satisfied as well.
 It's convenient that I can create miraculous scenes like this any number of times in the dream. Although their rarity will decrease, their beauty will not decrease, so showing it occasionally is probably just right.
 I'd like to see the actual scene with Hiuri someday... but as expected, that would require me and Hiuri to become lovers in real life.

“I'd love to go and see it with you someday...” (Hiuri)
“...! Me too.”

Apparently Hiuri was thinking the same thing. It’s kinda like telepathy, probably a bit different, but that's how it feels.
 Just as a bonus, I place some illuminations around the cherry tree, creating a starry sky.
 Just by thinking about it, in the blink of an eye, it becomes a landscape of cherry blossoms at night.

“Nighttime cherry blossoms are also good, aren't they? If it’s night... even if we become lovers, it would probably be difficult.”
“As expected, there’s no parent who would let a man and a woman go out at night. Neither mine nor Hiuri’s.”

But if it’s here, we can do it.
 We can’t completely recognize the moment when the scenery changes. The scenery had just changed before we were aware of it, just as how it should be in a dream, that’s the extent of what we can recognize. But thanks to that, we can look at the beautiful scenery without feeling uncomfortable.

“Hey, Kazuki-kun.”

Before I knew it, Hiuri was standing next to me, holding my hand.

“Just the two of us at night, it's a great mood don't you think?”
“That's right. Romantic, is it ok if I call it that? Though I feel like it's not something that a student like me can understand yet.”

Hiuri looks a little dissatisfied with my answer.
 Note that I'm not like a dense protagonist. I know what Hiuri really wants right now. However, the way she gets embarrassed and appeals to make me the one who says it is cute, so I tease her a little bit.

“Come one, look at the night sky...”
“That’s not it!”

Finally, she can't hold back anymore and pulls my hand. This causes us to lose our balance, but we manage to hold on. Hiuri’s face was right in front of me.

“Look, at me...”
“Sorry, sorry. I was just teasing you.”
“I know it already, but you're unfair.”

It's not ‘terrible’, but ‘unfair’ was it?
 Hiuri, who doesn't seem to be the type to get involved with other people to begin with, isn't that good at communicating. When she first came to the dream, she didn't talk much with me either.
 But since Hiuri became my lover, she has been picking up that kind of appeal more and more. Boys of the world, this is my girlfriend. Isn't she cute?

“Look me in the eye, okay?”
“Yeah, I see you.”

Just like that, Hiuri and I pressed our lips together.

“This, is what they call romantic.”
“I see. I learned something new.”


(T/N: the (Hiuri) part isn’t in raw, I put it there to make it clear who is speaking, it’s not like it’s that much clearer in japanese on who is speaking, but, Hiuri often ends her speech with ‘wa’ so it’s a bit easier compared to english. But this doesn’t happen all the time, so sometimes I don’t know who is speaking either.

Also, the schedule will be 1 chapter per day, with 2 chapters on Sunday (my time). This one will count as the double release for Sunday even though it's not Sunday.)

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I get Stockholm syndrome vibes idk lol kinda being forced to be together everytime at night sounds weird. Though ig not really because for 2 months they just talked before going out, and if he was really serious he could get closer in real life using her dream verison to help him get closer but I wonder why they haven't thought of that. Sounds like they haven't tried so 🤷