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45 - Everyone goes to the dungeon anyway


From the next day onwards, my daily life became quite busy.

In the end, the young lady――[Wendy] accompanied us on our investigation of the D-rank dungeon.
Her Job, [Cook], has a mysterious characteristic that if you know the procedure to cook the  ingredients, you would gain the correction of the visibility of the vital points.
Normally, this can only be used with normal ingredients, but if you have knowledge of monster cuisine like Wendy.

“! I can see it!!”

This is the correction that shows the vital point, or rather, their weak point.
But first of all, if you don't have the physical ability to attack monsters, the correction would be meaningless.
Using my acceleration magic [Quick] to add some correction to Wendy, she takes the initiative to defeat monsters that can be easily defeated, earn experience points, and raise her level.
Midia assists Wendy by dealing with things she can’t deal with, like the agile [Constriction Bat].

When I was mapping the inside of the dungeon with [Scan] using [Wand Flower], I found a nice sitting duck (monster).
I ask Randy.

“That treasure chest――it's a [Mimic]. Can you stop its movement as usual?”

"Oh―. it’s that isn’t it! Got it!”

It is a type of monster disguised as a treasure chest, and it is well known even in the adventurer community that defeating it makes it easier to level up.
When this mimic opens its lid and bares its fangs, Randy floats [Wand Flower] with a technique formula written on it around it, and activates the electromagnetic force of the wind magic circle, leaving it unable to move.
Because it's disguised as a treasure chest, the metal part is pulled by the electromagnetic force, leaving the main body bare and vulnerable like a sitting duck.

I give instructions to Ports that have a hard time earning experience points in our party.

“Port! You do it!!”

“Is, is that okay!? I'll do it!”

Port stabs the main body of the mimic with an appropriate weapon for him, a short sword. His level seems to have risen as well.
The dungeon exploration this time ended successfully as well.
Wendy also seems to have gained confidence as an adventurer, and says, “I hope you will invite me again.”
Midia said that she wanted to have Wendy in the vanguard, saying that “She will move best in there”.

Because, after all, the other adventurers――the commoner adventurers as far as we can see, their level of ability is barely enough to reach C rank.
There is no problem up to D rank.
But when I started the simulation training using the grimoire I created, I saw that no one could handle the level of a C-rank dungeon.

Whether as vanguard, rearguard or supporter.
Evasion attack, and defense. When it comes to supporters, I want them at a level where they can do the minimum self-defense.
Presently, the only people I can take with me is Port. I'm annoyed, but Randy is also keeping up by making full use of [Wand Flower] and props.
To put it the other way around, except for those two, the rest still have a long way to go.
Of course, the adventurers are not satisfied with this result and are positively working hard with intensive training.

On the other hand, a disturbing movement that I was afraid of emerged.

“Oh! This is a subjugation quest isn’t it!”

“Is this okay!? Even if we accept them?!”

“Yes! By all means, please.”

The monster subjugation quests that never went to commoner adventurers began to come in.
The popularity of the noble residences that were overflowing in the city is gradually disappearing. The restaurant that caters to nobles is also in a state of a slump.
As expected, rounding-up noble adventurers all at once has an effect.

Of course, there are still some serious noble adventurers like Christoph and the others, but at least the nobles who used to get their kicks at the guild buffet are gone. Gradually, we commoner adventurers began to eat breakfast and dinner in the buffet area, just like we were supposed to.
However, I was instead asked to make [Fall First], which is a French toast I invented (or rather, I reinvented from my previous life).


The serious problem is the lack of adventurers.
It's a good thing that the troublemakers have disappeared, but on the contrary, the number of honest adventurers is decreasing in this current situation.
Even if all the commoner adventurers were to go out, doing dungeon investigation and monster subjugation requests as well as miscellaneous tasks, they would still not be able to function satisfactorily because of the mandatory requirement of four party members.

I was hoping, by any chance, that the ban on accepting solo would be lifted.
When I asked the receptionist about it, she replied like this.

“At the moment, it seems that the government has made a request to M Country. In particular, they are sending elite adventurers to investigate C-rank dungeons that everyone cannot go to.”

“M Country...? Not E Kingdom??”

M Country is a kijin-oriented island nation.
I knew W Country has some interaction with the kijins, as I’ve seen them here once in a while, but to think they’d ask Country M to investigate a dungeon here, what kind of change of heart is this?
“Actually,” the receptionist answered my doubts.

“With the opening of the [Westdelia International Expo], the royal family of M Country will become the guests of W Country. It seems that they are planning to stay here until the event is held... in line with that, they will be accompanied by adventurers.”

An Expo...?
Come to think of it... it was in the newspaper article.
That thing where it talked about A Empire declaring that they were going to hold an exhibition? ...Right.

I remember another thing.
I’m pretty sure, W Country is also recruiting human resources for the [Westdelia International Expo]――


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