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44 - This is not at the level of a reform!


[Desire the Magic Circle Breaker]
He is a person who leaves behind a feat so great it makes it into the history books, and also the main cause behind the retrogression of the magic circle field.
There was no detailed information of him in human history books, but it is said that the elves... especially in E Kingdom, where he used the magic circle breaker that allowed him to enter the country illegally, recorded him in detail as if he was the enemy of their parents.

Species is human.
Wand is [Nanatrois].
Magic element is [Darkness].
Job is――Ironically, the same as Randy, [Clown].
His motive for illegally entering was also for fun, “Because I wanted to test my skills,” he said, and it appears that he did not steal from or leave any damage to E Kingdom in particular. If anything, he offered a dance or something to the princess of that time.
...Already, that feels like Randy's previous life where he committed crime for fun.

He also illegally entered other famous places with strict security and left commemorative cards, as if he were taking a commemorative photo. ...He is the so-called [Chivalrous Thief] of this world.
That's why, even now, the elves of the E Kingdom still hold a grudge against him.
On the other hand, there are still deep-rooted fans who consider him as a dark hero.

No one knows the end of such Desire.
After illegally entering E Kingdom, he disappeared.
Whether he died of an accident or an illness, or whether he retired from being a thief and quietly lived to have descendants, the romantic tales continue to be handed down.

...Hence, Giam also warned him, “You should not let elves see the flowers of Nanatrois wand.”

As the sun began to set, we decided to leave Giam's laboratory and return to the guild.
Of course. I told Randy to pay Giam for the wand. If I hadn't told him, he would have been in the mood to take it home for free.

On the way, we stopped at the hospital where Heinz was admitted, but he was in a state where he refused any visitation request.
Randy muttered regretfully, “I wanted to show him the wand flower~”.
It seems that this guy is trying to show it because he thinks it’ll go well, but for Heinz now, it would do nothing but agitate him...

Thanks to the convenient appearance of Midia, it seems that I can clear the C-rank dungeon together with this guy... but the Heinz case is extremely troublesome and boundlessly annoying.
Christoph and the others seem to be worried, so it would be a problem if that anxiety were to hinder the dungeon conquest.
In this respect, Randy is unperturbed, for better or worse, fortunately.

However, when we returned to the guild, a large number of nobles――probably noble adventurers, had arrived and crowded the place. The receptionist, who should be at the reception desk, is nowhere to be seen.
The bird and dolphin familiar call out, respectively, “Please line up, in order!!” “We’d like, your cooperation, thank you.” but the nobles do not seem to hear them at all.

“I heard that other nobles have been arrested, but is it true!?”

“What about us!”

“I heard that you unfairly fired them just for drinking alcohol even though they did a subjugation quest!?”

“Enough already, let’s check the facts――”

From what I heard fragmentarily, it seems that all the noble adventurers who skipped the dungeon investigation were fired and forced to change jobs.
It was the so-called complete disinheritance. The end result of falling into commoner status.
I guess the information has become so confusing that other nobles who have some idea, as well as unrelated nobles, have become worried and are storming into the guild like this.

This is precisely a disturbing trend...

If the nobles storming into the guild continue to stay, subjugation quests and dungeon investigations will still prioritize the nobles, but if they feel uneasy about this situation and withdraw.
No, as expected, that’s too much.
I can only pray that it doesn't happen.

After passing through the stormy seas of nobles, I arrived at the book storage, and was able to once again meet with the young lady who I gave the cat earth familiar.
The young lady said, “Port-kun!” and tapped Port on the shoulder to wake him up from his sleep.
Port jumps up and says, “I’m sorry!?” in surprise.

When I asked the young lady how using the familiar felt, she said she inputted all sorts of information and experimented to see if it could answer correctly by asking it questions.
It seems that she have it record the workbook I gave to Port and asked it to come up with random questions.

Its learning ability is fine.
However, the young lady also pointed out its problem of fuel consumption and slow processing. She also said that Port’s studies were passable.
For the time being, the young lady gives back the cat familiar and returns it to its grimoire state.
The young lady, who has heard the noise outside, also says uneasily.

“Is everyone okay...?, it seems that you are all feeling quite uneasy about this incident.”

Midia let out a dissatisfaction in a different meaning.

“The problem is whether I can go to the dungeon with senpai tomorrow.”

‘It’s that?’ I made a tsukkomi in my mind, but it can be a surprisingly problematic issue.
Randy, who returned after somehow separating from us, opened the door to the book storage and announced triumphantly.

“Old man! I managed to get a request to investigate the dungeon tomorrow~!!”

It's too selfish, but it's not too bad in terms of an assist, which is unpleasant.
I check the quest.

“By the way, which dungeon investigation did you take?”

“Nn―. Heinz can't move, so for the time being, the members are me, the old man, the twintail ojou-chan, and Port. We are registered for investigating a D-rank dungeon. Ah, you over there, are you coming with us?”

Randy called out to the young lady af if picking her up, and she said, “Eh!?”, in surprise, and apologetically says.

“I’m sorry... I'm good with magic but my Job is Cook...”

Me and Midia ended up saying the same thing, ““Cook...?””
After all, it's a jackpot Job that can make one peerless in A Empire.

“Even though it would be strong If you knew monsters' weak point.”

“No, she's researching monster cuisine, so she has enough knowledge. She can even use [Shell Splitter] on a golem. But if she lacks experience, she won't be able to keep up with D rank.”

“It'll be okay if senpai supports her.”

“I won't be a supporter anymore”

“Me and that person will be the vanguard, Senpai and that guy (Randy) will be the rear guard. Port will be in the rear. We can split our role like that.”

“Don't call him that guy (Randy).”

The young lady was completely left out of our conversation, but she was the first to tell us.

“Thank you for the invitation. I’m sorry for saying this too late. I'm [Wendy]... just [Wendy]. Due to my lack of ability, my engagement was canceled and I was disinherited. So, feel free to call out to me.”

Oi oi, are you for real.
To think I’d meet the female version of the broken engagement pattern of the [things that happen in isekai] like this...


(T/N: Desire’s gender is unknown, but I use ‘him’ because Randy is also male, if it turns out that Desire is actually a woman, then I’ll change the gender starting that chapter.

Shell splitter (殻割り): ‘crack open’ according to deepl, 'break the shell' according to google. I think it’s similar to ‘kabutowari’, a ‘helm splitter’, just changed the ‘helm’ with the ‘shell’)

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