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46 - It should not be a crime to demonstrate competence from a different side


“I see! That sounds interesting.”

In Jean's laboratory, I had approached him with a plan to dispatch a cutting-edge familiar to [Westdelia International Expo] to recruit personnel for W Country.
As for the familiars, since then, we’ve been working on improving the quality of grimoires and their covers.
The paper and cover are made of delicate fibers similar to those of Herkovara, improving the speed of magic power processing.

However, even creating the delicate grimoire requires skill, making it more expensive.
Also, in order to use it, they need to have [Familiar].
The value of the grimoire changes with each element.
In particular, the slower the magic speed of the element, the more expensive the grimoire will be.

Since it is an international event, Josiah consults with Giam about one request that is difficult to fulfill.

“If it’s possible... I want to prepare familiars for all elements. I can handle the light element, but I need someone with the dark element who can use [Familiar]. Do you know of any, Giam-san?”

“Hmm... I think there are a few among people in E Kingdom. If it's within W Country... I don't have anyone in mind.”

“Is that so...just in case, I'll ask the government office to check as well.”

“However, if this succeeds, the world’s perception toward grimoires and magic circles may change! Weeell, creating the grimoires used for familiars was also an idea that I came up with by looking at Josiah-kun's wand. Anyway, Josiah-kun's contribution is big!!”

“...? Is that how it is??”

“Look! When I was observing the magic tubes in Josiah-kun's wand――Helcovara wand, I came to the conclusion that I could make use of it in a grimoire!!”

I see.
The research on my wand――the Herkovara wand is still continuing, and the shape of the wand has changed a lot, no, quite a bit.
Roughly cut areas are now naturally curved.
The handle is now thicker, as if to match the [Wand Flower] that blooms at the tip.
I thought the [Wand Flower] was also falling to pieces out of desperation, but it seems they were trying to arrange their shape to match my magic power and now it never falls off.
The [Wand Flower] is shaped like an upside-down chandelier, and the magic stones composed of my magic power emit a silver glint.
Analyzing it with [Scan] results in――

Herkovara Wand: C
Physical Attack: 350 Durability: 500 Magic Attack: 150
Material: Herkovara (three years old)
Effect: Increases physical attack power and durability by absorbing magical power.

Its rank has increased, and its correction to magic attack, which was considerably low, has also increased sharply.
Giam says that this is also the growth of the wand.

“The wand senses the flow of the owner’s magic power, restricts the unnecessary magic tubes, and conversely, thickens the necessary magic tubes. The increase in magical attacks is also evidence that the wand has started to adjust the magic tubes to improve the flow of your magic power. If you use more and more magic, the wand's rank will increase, and the magic attack should also increase!”

‘More than anything!’ Giam then speaks passionately.

“Because of their characteristics, the Herkovara themselves have not been studied. Even so, various clarifications have been made about them. Herkovara's ability to greatly absorb magic power and convert it into its own durability is actually the ability to store life energy. Originally, the area where Hercovara grew naturally was an arid area with little magic essence...”

...Well. In short.
What Giam used for the grimoire was the storage mechanism of Herkovara. And it’s not only for storing magic power, If you look at the formula, you can see that it is also used for the learning mechanism of the familiars.

Anyway... I've made a request to the government office about exhibiting the familiars, by myself. Somehow, I felt kind of uncertain.
I invented these familiars formula because it was my personal hobby, and even other formulas, they’re all original formulas that I improved.
But, in the end, wasn’t I following the will of that shitty god? I thought.
I'm worried that I might get into trouble if I don't follow that thing’s words, or more importantly, I'm worried that this thing is really an act of my own will.
...Maybe I am tired.

When I returned to the guild, I saw commoner adventurers activating the grimoire for special training and started the special training against a dummy opponent.
Among them, Port is there.
Port is talking with Randy while enchanting a mithril knife with a transfer magic circle.
Randy is amused and gives him an idea.

“This will transfer Port’s magic to the place this thing is stabbed to. That will be an interesting surprise attack!”

“I, I see. Certainly, there are ways to attack like that...!”

“I mean. If it's an object, you can transfer anything, can't you? You can just drop rocks from above to stop them in their track.”

“Uwaa... if you say it like that... Can it be used in a C-rank dungeon...”

That guy, he seems enthusiastic when talking about what to do in dungeons...
Midia, who seemed to be thinking the same thing as me, called out to me, “Senpai.”

“Are you going to put Port in senpai’s party?.”

“...He seems to be aiming to become a national courier though.”

“Studying. I don't think he's done much of it at all.”


It's troublesome, but I guess I should properly talk to him...


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