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"H...hi, I'm Sam." he said unsteadily holding out his hand. "I'm Ellie," the young woman smiled, cautiously returning the handshake.

That's how it all started, on Sam's final year of school this girl had appeared out of nowhere. A new transfer half way through first term.

Sam had zero luck with girls, he was the last of his mates to ever be with a girl and now at eighteen years old it made him feel like a loser. It didn't help that they were all on his back to make sure he got laid before they left for college and now he was in his final year.

It all seemed rather poetic when Ellie happened to show up. He thought about introducing himself, but his nerves got the better of him.

After much persuasion and his friends threatening to make the introductions for him, Sam eventually found his voice and introduced himself.

Ellie was surprisingly easy to talk to, and without even fully aware of it Sam's nerves began falling away. They quickly grew rather fond of each other.

Soon the pair were spending all of their time at school together. Sam's friends were quick to point out that he should make a move quickly before he ended up stuck in the 'friendzone' permanently.

Sam wasn't in a hurry, he wasn't sure about his options if it got to that stage anyway. There's no way his mother would let him have a girl stay the night, she was rather fond of Ellie and spoken to her on multiple occasions.

But there was a big difference between dinner and spending the night. And Ellie seemed especially secretive about him going back to her place for the night. He still hadn't met her mother yet even though apparently she spoke quite highly of him according to Ellie.

One Friday Ellie approached him, looking incredibly nervous.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight." she asked him hesitantly.

"Oh, nothing why what's up." he asked, not failing to notice how odd she was acting.

"Mum want's to meet you, she's pretty insistent, only if you're free though."

Sam noticed how Ellie seemed rather hopeful at that last part. He wondered why she was so against him meeting her mother, she seemed alright on paper, maybe a bit overbearing but nothing more than what his own mother was.

"Oh sure, yeah that sounds good, I'll tell mum I wont be home." Sam replied, "Is everything alright?"

"Hmmm, oh yeah, it's all good, just nervous for you to come over I guess." Ellie shrugged, before making a hasty retreat.

After school Sam made his way home to find his mother waiting in the kitchen.

"So you're going over to Ellie's tonight?" his mother asked.

"Yeah, just for dinner, I don't suppose you mind dropping me off?" he asked hopefully, loving the idea of not having to take a bus.

"Sure love, I've been chatting with her mother so it would be wonderful to finally meet her too."

That was unusual, Sam thought to himself. He hadn't the faintest idea that they had been talking to one another.

Sam hadn't packed anything, leaving with only his phone. He figured if he took a change of clothes in a bag it might give his mum the wrong idea and she would call it off.

The whole drive over he was trying to decipher why Ellie had been acting so strange about the whole thing. She was pretty much radio silent too, her only response was "Cool" when Sam said he was on the way over.

It made him question if he had done anything wrong, she had been fine the day before only after inviting him to the house had she begun acting so strangely.

The only idea he could come up with was she lived in squalor or in some sort of tiny home. But when Sam's mother pulled up to the driveway it looked like any other house on the street.

A classic suburban house with a generous front yard, it looked well kept too. It left him with a slight feeling of unease as he trudged his way to the front door and knocked.

While he waited for someone to come to the door Sam realised his mother was standing beside him.

"Mum, you can go now." he told her quite rudely.

"Excuse me, mind your manners. I want to meet Ellies mother thank you."

Sam grumbled but before he could say anything else on the subject the front door was already opening.

A woman with long, wavy brown hair and kind eyes appeared at the door. "You must be Sam, I've heard so much about you," she said warmly, extending her hand. "I'm Sarah, Ellie's mother."

Sam shook her hand, feeling a bit taken aback by how friendly and welcoming she was. He had expected her to be a bit more reserved, given how secretive Ellie had been about her.

"Come on in, dinner's almost ready," Sarah said, ushering them into the house. "Ellie's in the kitchen finishing up."

Sam nodded and waved goodbye to his mother as she stood back to talk to Sarah and made his way through the house.

As he walked through the house, Sam took note of how cozy it was. There were family photos hanging on the walls, and the furniture looked well-loved and comfortable. It was cozy yet elegant, with warm colors and chic furniture that made it feel like a home.

When he reached the kitchen, Sam saw Ellie standing at the stove, stirring what looked like a pot of stew.

"Hey, you made it," Ellie said, a smile spreading across her face. "I hope you're hungry."

Sam felt a wave of relief wash over him as he realized that everything seemed perfectly normal. He mentally chided himself for being so paranoid.

"It smells great," he said, nodding towards the pot.

Ellie blushed, her cheeks turning pink. "Thanks, it's just something I threw together," she said, looking down at the pot.

Sarah cleared her throat, drawing their attention. "Why don't you two go ahead and sit down? Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes."

Sam nodded, following Ellie to the small dining table in the corner of the room. They sat down across from each other, and Sam couldn't help but notice the strange way Ellie walked.

It was unusual like she had some extra gait in her step she hurriedly moved across the room to take her seat. When she sat down Sam heard a strange crinkle and a smell of baby powder that seemed to waft passed his nose.

He looked over at Ellie who refused to make eye contact and blushed bright red.

Sam's confusion only intensified as he watched Ellie squirm in her seat. He couldn't help but wonder what was going on, but he didn't want to embarrass her by asking.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, leaning forward slightly.

Ellie shook her head, but didn't say anything. Sam could tell that she was struggling with something, but he wasn't sure what.

At that moment, Sarah came into the room with a pot of stew and a loaf of freshly baked bread. She set it down on the table and took her seat next to Ellie.

Sam frowned, sensing that something was off. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was definitely something strange going on. As they ate, he tried to study Ellie's behavior without being too obvious about it, but she seemed to be avoiding his gaze.

Suddenly, Sarah spoke up. "It's wonderful to finally meet you Sam, Ellie speaks very highly of you."

Sam looked over at Ellie who offered a small smile but continued to look away and focus on the food in front of her.

"Thank's," he replied. "Ditto, Ellie speaks a lot about you too."

His words seemed to meet Sarah's heart. "Awwww, pumpkin." Sarah swooned, leaning over to pinch her daughters cheek.

"Mum stop," Ellie blushed. "You're embarrassing me."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about sweetheart, Sam would never judge you, would you?" she asked, looking over at his direction.

"No.. never," he replied, awkwardly over a mouthful of food.

He hadn't realized a piece of beef dropped from the spoon and landed on his shirt splattering the front.

Sarah chuckled as she instinctively leaned over to dab his shirt and mouth with a napkin. "Oh love, if you're having trouble eating maybe I should get you a bib!"

Sam felt his face heat up as he watched Sarah clean him up. He wasn't sure what was going on, but it felt like there was some sort of unspoken tension in the room.

"Thank you," he said, trying to hide his discomfort. "I'm just a bit clumsy sometimes."

Sarah smiled warmly at him and patted his arm. "It's no problem at all, dear. We all have our moments."

"Mum," Ellie whined, "Don't embarrass him."

Sarah chuckled, "He's not embarrassed are you Sam?"

"No it's fine honestly," he lied. Truthfully he felt very uncomfortable about the whole thing.

As dinner went on Sarah continued to make small talk with him, Ellie offered hardly any input which made the whole meal incredibly awkward.

As they finished their meal, Sarah cleared the dishes and began washing them in the sink. Ellie excused herself from the table, and was stopped just out of view of Sam on the way to her room.

"Love what's the matter, you're so fussy tonight, do you need a change?" Sam could hear Sarah ask Ellie.

Sam's heart skipped a beat at Sarah's words. A change? What did she mean by that? Was Ellie sick or something? He couldn't help but feel concerned for her.

He stood up from the table, feeling like he needed to check on Ellie.

As he peered around the corner he swore he could see Sarah pulling the waistband of Ellie's pant's out like she was checking for something.

Ellie quickly pulled away and toddled off towards her room and he swore he could see a bulge in the back of her pants as she walked away.

Sam's mind was racing with questions as he tried to process what he had just witnessed. He felt like he was intruding on something private between Ellie and her mother.

He stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Should he ask Sarah about it? Should he talk to Ellie?

Before he could make a decision, Sarah turned around and saw him standing there. "Is everything okay, dear?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Sam hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I couldn't help but notice that Ellie seemed a bit... different tonight," he said carefully. "Is everything alright with her?"

Sarah's expression softened as she walked over to him. "Oh, sweetheart, Ellie is just... a little bit special," she said, placing a hand on his arm. "She has some special needs that require a bit more attention than most kids your age."

It felt strange hearing Sarah refer to the two of them as kids, considering they were both eighteen and legally adults.

"You're a sweet young man Sam, I'm sure you would never judge Ellie for being different would you?" Sarah asked, looking quite serious.

"No, of course not." Sam quickly responded, desperately trying to work out what was going on.

Sarah's expression softened even more, and she gave him a warm hug. "You're a good boy, Sam," she whispered. "I know Ellie cares for you too."

Sam felt a flush of warmth in his chest as he hugged Sarah back.

Sam nodded, still trying to process everything. He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for his earlier thoughts about Ellie's strange walk and the smell of baby powder.

As he made his way back to the table, he noticed a small bag he missed before sitting on the edge of the counter with the word "diapers" written on it in bold letters. He felt a knot form in his stomach as he realized what it meant.

Sarah followed his gaze and quickly moved to grab the bag, tucking it away in a cupboard. "That's just something we have to deal with," she said, her voice calm and composed. "It's nothing to be ashamed of."

Sam nodded, feeling awkward and unsure of what to say.

"Why don't we go and see Ellie, she should be in her room waiting for me."

"Sure." Sam said quickly getting up from his chair.

Strangely Sarah offered her hand out to him and oddly he felt compelled to take it. Sam felt incredibly awkward holding his best friend's mothers hand.

It was even more of a shock when she opened the door to Ellie's room and the view that greeted him.

Ellie was lying on her back on the bed, wearing nothing but a t-shirt and diaper, one that seemed soaked. Sam's eyes widened as he took in the sight. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Ellie looked absolutely traumatized, practically dead inside, as she might cry at any moment. Sam was about to apologize and excuse himself from the bedroom but Sarah was too quick and he lost the chance.

"Love, that diaper of yours is soaked," Sarah pointed out.

"Mum why did you bring Sam in here." Ellie whispered.

"Because dear," Sarah began as she fetched a diaper from the top of Ellie's dresser. "He was worried about you, you shouldn't keep secrets from your friend."

Sam felt like he was in a dream. He couldn't quite believe what was happening. As Sarah approached Ellie and pulled at one of the tapes he realized what was happening and quickly turned away.

He could hear tapes been pulled back as his friends dirty diaper was taken away.

"Lift up love," Sarah said, allowing her to easily slide a clean diaper underneath Ellies bottom.

The smell of baby powder lingered passed Sam's nose, the scent unmistakably similar to the one he had smelt earlier that day.

"Okay, all done," Sarah said, snapping the diaper closed and lifting Ellie up from the bed.

Sam looked over at Ellie who looked completely crestfallen, he had no idea what he could do to make her feel at ease.

"Ellie, are you alright?" he asked.

"Yes Sam," she snapped.

"Ellie that's not how we talk to our friends, it's not very polite is it?" Sarah scolded.

Ellie didn't respond and Sam ended up watching as Sarah discarded the dirty diaper in a pail that he hadn't noticed earlier sat in the corner of the room.

Sam stood there awkwardly as Sarah retrieved a diaper from Ellies dresser before taking it with her and walking right up to him.

"Sam dear, would you like me to put you in a diaper too?" Sarah asked looking hopeful.

"Ahhh, excuse me?" Sam stuttered, legitimately unsure if had heard her correctly.

"Ellie wears them because she has trouble going to the toilet on her own, I thought you might like to try one to bring you closer together." she explained.

"Mum can you just leave, don't be ridiculous he's never going to want to talk to me again now." Ellie cried.

Sam looked over at his friend and saw how heartbroken she was. Did she really think he wouldn't want to spend time together with her after this. He wasn't sure how he could prove how untrue that statement was, until he looked back at the diaper Sarah was holding.

Sam blushed and before he really knew what he was agreeing too he silently nodded.

Sarah smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Great! Let's get you changed then, I can show you your room too that you'll be staying tonight."

"I don't think I'm allowed to stay." Sam blushed.

"Nonsense dear, I already spoke to your mother and she was fine with the idea."

"Sam you don't have to do this," Ellie called out.

"It's fine Ellie, I don't mind." he lied.

Sam's heart was racing as he followed Sarah out of Ellie's room and into a nursery that had a changing mat laid out on the bed. He couldn't believe what was happening, but he felt like he couldn't back out now.

As Sarah began to undress him, Sam tried to distract himself by looking around the room. It was decorated in shades of blue and white, with a mobile hanging over the crib in the corner. He wondered if this room had once belonged to Ellie, but he didn't feel comfortable asking.

Before long, Sam was lying on his back on the changing mat, feeling the cool air against his skin. Sarah was gentle but efficient as she wiped him down with baby wipes and sprinkled a generous amount of baby powder over his nether regions.

Sam couldn't believe how vulnerable and exposed he felt, lying there with nothing on but a diaper. He wondered how Ellie must feel, having to wear one all the time. He hoped the experience would help him better understand his friend's struggles.

Finally, Sarah pulled the tabs of the diaper up and fastened them snugly around his waist, then helped him to his feet. As he stood there, feeling the bulk between his legs, he couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability wash over him.

"Okay, all done!" Sarah said, helping him up from the changing mat.

Sam stood up, feeling the bulk of the diaper between his legs, and couldn't help but blush. He felt like he was wearing a sign that said "baby" on it.

It didn't help that he was standing there with his diaper exposed in the middle of a nursery that apparently he was supposed to spend the night.

As he looked around the room Ellie walked in looking much more practical in her pajamas that still managed to leave an obvious diaper bulge in the middle of her pants.

Sam I'm so sorry, I didn't know my mum was going to do this." Ellie said, looking at the floor.

"It's fine Ellie. It's not your fault." he said, trying to reassure her. "I just wanted you to know I don't think any less of you."

It felt like the first time that night Ellie had really looked at him. She looked up with a big warm smile and threw her arms around him.

"You're an amazing friend Sam, you don't know how much it means to me that you actually understand." Ellie said.

Sam enjoyed the hug, it felt strange having an exposed diaper, but it wasn't as awkward as he had imagined. It actually felt strangely nice the way his diaper rubbed up against hers, the thin fabric of her pants the only thing separating their crinkly bottoms.

As they broke the hug, Sarah walked back into the room with a smile on her face. "See, I told you it would bring you closer together," she said, beaming.

Ellie and Sam blushed as Sarah fawned over the two of them, even taking a picture with her cellphone.

"Absolutely adorable," she swooned.

"Mum, do you have to do that." Ellie whined.

"Love you'll appreciate these memories once you get to my age," she replied.

"Come on Sam," Ellie ignored her, pulling her friend passed and out into the living room.

"Can't I get some pant's first?" he asked, feeling particularly vulnerable being the only one without any.

Ellie gave him a telling look but it was Sarah that answered the question as she followed them into the room.

"It's better this way Sammy, now I can keep an eye on your diaper if you need a change, and you can get more comfortable at the idea of wearing them around people."

Sam cringed as he heard her mention the idea of a change. He hadn't actually expected her mother to make him use the diapers, he assumed he would still be able to use the toilet it wasn't like he couldn't control himself.

Ignoring what she said for the time being Sam took a seat on the couch next to Ellie, as Sarah left the room he finally felt slightly more relaxed.

"She doesn't actually expect me to use this right?" he whispered.

"Yeah, I think she does." Ellie replied, looking guilty.

"But I don't actually need them," Sam scoffed, before reeling himself in, afraid that he might of offended Ellie.

"Well neither do I really, truth be told." Ellie said, clearing her throat awkwardly.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, remembering the soaked diaper he saw his friend wearing earlier.

"Well have you ever seen me wearing them at school?" she asked.

"I guess not," Sam replied. "But why were you....wet?" He asked, trying and failing to find a way to bring that up without it being uncomfortable.

"Sometimes I wet at night, now mum diapers me for bed at five every night, and as soon as I'm in them I can't use the bathroom." Ellie sighed.

"But why does she do it so early, why can't you do it yourself I don't understand." Sam said, chuckling uneasily.

"You don't think I've had this argument with her a hundred times already, you've seen what she's like and how overbearing she is."

Sam had to agree, ever since walking into the house she had been very assertive and treated him like a child. Now he was sitting next to his best friend wearing a diaper like a baby, he had to wonder how he had let himself get into this position in the first place.

As Sam sat on the couch trying to wrap his head around the situation, Ellie leaned in close to him and whispered, "I don't think she's going to change her mind about the whole diaper thing, so we might as well try to make the best of it."

Sam sighed, feeling defeated. He couldn't believe he was actually going to have to use a diaper like a baby. But he knew Ellie was right. They were in this together and they might as well try to make the best of it.

As they sat there together, trying to make small talk, Sam couldn't help but feel more and more self-conscious about the diaper between his legs. He tried to shift his weight subtly, but it only made the crinkling sound louder.

Ellie seemed to notice his discomfort and leaned over to whisper in his ear. "It's okay Sam, just try to relax and act like it's no big deal. It's not like anyone else knows about it anyway."

But as Ellie leaned into him, her shoulder pressing against his, Sam felt a wave of affection for his friend wash over him. She had trusted him enough to let him into this part of her life, and he felt honored by that trust.

Ellie smiled at him, her eyes shining. "Thanks, Sam. I'm so glad you're here with me."

Sam remembered why he had wanted to come here in the first place. The strong feelings he had for his friend, he desperately wanted something more and he was sure the fact they now shared this secret together would only help him.

It was definitely a silver lining, especially considering as Ellie loaded up a movie for them to watch he realized he was going to have to explain himself to his mates when they asked what happened if they found out he spent the night.

He shuddered as he pictured their reactions if they actually ever found out the truth that he was sitting on the couch next to her in a diaper, they would still think that he was the bigger weirdo.

As the movie started to play Sarah returned into the room with a tray of snacks and drinks for the two of them. She set them down on the coffee table in front of them and handed Sarah a glass of juice before handing over a child's toddler cup too Sam.

"What's this for," Sam questioned, awkwardly holding the cup in his hands.

"Sorry Sam, no caffeine at this time of night, it's just juice." Sarah replied.

"No I get that," Sam started, "But why the kids cup."

"Because sweetie, I saw you're a messy eater, I don't want you making a mess over my sofa, speaking of."

Sam sat frozen, looking at Ellie with pleading eyes as Sarah fastened a bib around him.

"Id prefer you to wear that while your eating if you don't mind." Sarah told him.

Her word's made it seem like he had some choice in the matter, but evidently her mind was already made up as she left the room again.

"Sorry." Ellie grumbled.

"Can I take it off?" Sam asked.

"It's up to you honestly, mum's always like that, you kind of have to set the boundaries yourself and see what you can get away with."

"I don't want to make her mad." Sam replied.

"Then just leave it on, I'm not really in a position to tease you about it." Ellie said, smiling awkwardly.

Sam pondered what to do for a moment, he decided it was just better to put on a brave face and deal with it. He noticed Ellie was watching him out of the corner of her eye waiting to see what he would do.

He slid back down into the sofa and held the toddlers cup up towards his mouth as he sipped on the juice and Ellie's attention returned back to the movie.

He wasn't sure if he had made the right call and was trying to gauge what Ellie thought of him but he couldn't figure it out.

It was rather humiliating being in his predicament, Sam made the most of it though and instead focused on the fact that he was making so much headway with Ellie.

As the movie continued to play, Sam started to relax a bit. The juice was sweet and refreshing, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in the childish cup.

Ellie shifted next to him, her thigh brushing against his. Sam felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him, and he couldn't help but wonder if she was doing it on purpose.

He glanced over at her, taking in the way her hair fell across her face and the curve of her cheek.

Suddenly, his mind was distracted by the fact that he quite desperately had the urge to use the bathroom. It was an incredibly shit predicament, here he had this beautiful woman leaning up against him and he was torn by his need to get up and use the bathroom or wet his diaper.

It would have been a no brainer any other day of the week, but he would risk dealing with Ellie's unhappy mother and ruin the moment that they were sharing.

Sam considered both option's but his body seemed to be taking the decision out of his hands and soon he felt a wet warmth spreading in the diaper between his legs.

He froze, his heart racing as he realized what had happened. He looked at Ellie, who seemed to be engrossed in the movie, thankfully not noticing the wet patch in his diaper.

He tried to focus on the movie, but his mind was racing with embarrassment. How was he going to get out of this? He couldn't just sit there in a soaking wet diaper for the rest of the night.

He glanced over at Ellie again, trying to gauge her reaction. But she still seemed oblivious to what had happened.

Suddenly, Sarah walked back into the room, her eyes immediately falling on Sam's wet diaper. "Oh dear," she said, shaking her head. "Looks like someone needs a change."

Sam felt his face turn bright red as Sarah walked over to him, pulling him up by the hand. "Come on then, let's get you sorted out."

Ellie looked up, finally noticing what was going on her gaze was fixated on Sam's saggy diaper and he could swear she almost looked disappointed in him.

"Ellie do you need a change too?" Sarah asked.

"No mum." she responded plainly before switching her attention back to the movie.

"Alright then, I think it's time you guys head to bed anyway. I'll get little Sammy changed into a clean diaper and put him to bed in the nursery then you can come say goodnight."

Ellie nodded and watched Sam as he toddled off with Sarah towards the nursery.

Sam felt a sense of humiliation wash over him as he waddled through the hallway with Sarah. He couldn't believe he had wet himself like a baby. But he knew he had no choice but to go along with it if he wanted to spend more time with Ellie.

Sarah led him into the nursery, where a large changing table was set up in the corner. Sam felt a sense of dread as he realized what was about to happen.

"Okay, let's get you changed," Sarah said, patting the table. "Hop up here."

Sam did as he was told, feeling like a complete idiot as he lay down on the changing table. Sarah began to undo the tapes of his diaper, and he felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him.

He closed his eyes, trying not to think about what was happening. But he couldn't help but feel a sense of arousal as Sarah wiped him clean with a baby wipe.

The crinkling sound of the diaper made him feel even more childish, and he couldn't help but wonder what Ellie was thinking of him right now.

"Looks like you've had quite a bit to drink," Sarah said, smiling at him. "But don't worry, accidents happen."

Sam felt a sudden urge to get up and leave, but he couldn't turn back now. He had to see this through if he wanted to be with Ellie.

As Sarah cleaned him up and fastened a fresh diaper around his waist, Sam couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. At least he wouldn't be sitting in a wet diaper for the rest of the night.

"Alright, all done," Sarah said, patting his diaper. "Now off to bed with you."

Sam hopped off the changing table, feeling the bulk of the fresh diaper between his legs. He waddled over to the toddler bed that was set up in the corner of the room.

He climbed into bed, feeling the soft sheets and cozy blankets surround him. He couldn't believe he was actually spending the night in a nursery, in a diaper no less.

Sarah leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight, sweetie," she said. "Sleep tight."

Sam watched as she left the room, closing the door behind her. He was alone now, in a room that felt too childish for his liking.

He glanced around, taking in the stuffed animals and mobile hanging from the ceiling. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, wondering what the hell he was doing here.

But then he heard a knock on the door, and his heart skipped a beat. Was it Ellie? Was she coming to check on him?

The door creaked open, and Sam's heart raced as he saw Ellie's face peeking through the crack. "Hey," she said softly. "Can I come in?"

Sam nodded silently, unable to find his voice. Ellie pushed the door open fully and stepped inside, closing it behind her. She approached the bed, looking down at Sam with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"Are you okay?" she asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Sam shrugged, feeling like a complete idiot. "I don't know," he admitted. "This is all just so...weird."

Ellie nodded, her fingers playing with the edge of the blanket. "I know what you mean," she said.

Her own diaper bulge was still obvious from the light shining in through the hallway.

I'm sorry about my mom," Ellie said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sam shrugged, feeling a bit self-conscious in his diaper. "It's fine," he said, trying to sound nonchalant. "I'm just not used to...this."

Ellie nodded, her eyes scanning the room. "Yeah, it's definitely not the most normal thing," she said with a small smile. "But my mom means well in her own strange way. I guess you know now why I don't ever have anyone over."

Sam chuckled, "Yeah I guess it makes sense now."

"The first guy I bring over to spend the night and he ends up spending it diapered in my old nursery." Ellie sighed.

Sam was glad it was so dark otherwise she would have seen how embarrassed and pink his face had gone.

"We'll I guess I better go to bed too, I'll see you in the morning Sam." Ellie said.

She leaned in and kissed him on the forehead and Sam felt his heart melt.

"Goodnight Ellie," Sam responded watching as she stood up to leave the room.

He had the urge to call out and get her to stop and spend the night with him, but he couldn't find the words.

Ellie paused for a moment, he could see her smile through the dim light that cast over the room. "Goodnight Sam, thankyou for putting up with all of this, at least you seem to be having a good time."

She gently closed the door leaving Sam in the complete dark alone with his thoughts.

Sam lay there for a while, the events of the night swirling around in his head. He still couldn't believe he was wearing a diaper and sleeping in a nursery like a child. But at the same time, he couldn't deny the strange sense of comfort he felt in the soft blankets and the warm padding of his diaper.

He couldn't help but think about Ellie, and how she had kissed him on the forehead before leaving. He had never felt so vulnerable in front of someone before, but at the same time, he had never felt so connected to someone.

He let out a deep sigh, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. Despite the odd circumstances, he actually felt happy.

He closed his eyes, sinking deeper into the soft bed. And before he knew it, he was fast asleep.

Sam didn't realise it, but as he was deep in his slumber a loud hissing sound was filling the room, just as quickly as he was flooding his diaper with pee.

"Good morning Sam!" Sarah said as she barged her way into the room waking him from his deep sleep.

Sam groaned as he rubbed his eyes, the sound of Sarah's voice jolting him awake. He was still groggy from his deep sleep, and the sudden noise made his head feel fuzzy.

"Morning," he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sarah walked over to the bed, a big smile on her face. "Did you sleep well, sweetie?" she asked, her hand reaching out to pat his diaper.

Sam cringed, feeling the wet padding between his legs. He had completely forgotten about the fact that he was wearing a diaper, and the wetness made him feel even more self-conscious.

"Yeah, I guess so," he said, trying his best to hide his discomfort.

Sarah didn't seem to notice, her attention focused on the task at hand. "Alright, let's get you changed," she said, patting the bed.

Sam groaned inwardly, not looking forward to the humiliation of being changed again. But he knew he had no choice. He sat up and allowed Sarah to help him out of bed, waddling over to the changing table once again.

As Sarah undid the tapes of his wet diaper, Sam couldn't help but feel a sense of shame. He felt like a baby, unable to control his bodily functions. And the fact that Sarah was doing this for him only made it worse.

But as she wiped him clean and fastened a fresh diaper around his waist, Sam couldn't deny the strange sense of comfort he felt in the soft padding. It was like a warm hug, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of safety in it.

She let Sam stand up and rather rudely went through his bag to retrieve his clothing.

"I can dress myself," he said, watching Sarah as she approached the changing table with his shirt and shorts.

"Well aren't you a big boy huh," she teased.

But thankfully for Sam she dumped the clothing next to him and he quickly stood up off the table and got dressed. Sarah didn't leave and he could feel his gaze across the back of his neck. It would have made him feel stranger if it wasn't better that the quicker he got dressed the sooner he could cover up his diapered state.

"Alright, all done," Sarah said, patting his diaper through the shorts once he was dressed. "Now let's get some breakfast in you."

Sam nodded, following Sarah out of the nursery and into the kitchen. Ellie was already there, sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in hand.

"Morning," she said with a small smile.

"Morning," Sam responded, feeling a bit awkward around her after the events of the previous night.

Sarah bustled around the kitchen, cooking up a storm. She seemed to be in a good mood, humming to herself as she worked.

Sam and Ellie sat at the table, watching as Sarah cooked. They couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy, wondering what kind of weird food she might come up with.

But to their surprise, the breakfast was actually pretty good. Sarah had cooked up pancakes, bacon, and eggs, and they all enjoyed a hearty meal together.

As he ate, the three of them chatted about their plans for the day. Sarah suggested a trip to the nearby amusement park, and Ellie seemed excited at the idea.

Sam nodded along, feeling a strange sense of excitement in his stomach. He had never been to an amusement park before, and the idea of going with Ellie and Sarah made it even more appealing.

As they finished their breakfast, Sam felt a sense of contentment wash over him. Despite the strange circumstances, he was having a good time. And he had Ellie and Sarah to thank for that.

He stood up from the table, feeling the bulk of his diaper between his legs. He tried his best to ignore it, knowing that he had no choice in the matter.

Sam sat on the sofa and waited for Sarah and Ellie to get ready, he couldn't help but focus on the padded bulge through his shorts. He sighed, as he realized his predicament and hoped that no one would notice what he was wearing, but he was doubtful.

A more pressing issue was rearing its ugly head when he felt a cramp growing in his belly. He shivered fearfully as he realized he would need to go number two soon, and he had a terrible thought that Sarah wasn't going to let him use the toilet.

He took notice of Ellie as she came out of her room, dressed quite lovely but he immediately took notice that she lacked a similar bulge beneath her own shorts which meant that it was only Sam who was going to be in diapers.

"How come you're not wearing....." Sam began but quickly shut up when he noticed Ellie's rosy cheeks.

"I don't need them all the time," she replied bashfully.

"But how come I have to wear one now," Sam whined, nodding at his obvious padded crotch.

Ellie shrugged, looking a bit uncomfortable. "I don't know, it's just part of Sarah's thing I guess," she said softly.

Sam sighed, feeling a sense of frustration wash over him. He couldn't believe he was in this situation, forced to wear a diaper like a baby. And the fact that Ellie didn't have to wear one only made it worse.

But before he could dwell on it too much, Sarah emerged from her room, carrying a peculiarly large. "Alright kiddos, let's hit the road!" she said cheerfully, grabbing her bag and heading towards the door.

Sam and Ellie followed behind, both feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

As they piled in, Sam couldn't help but feel a sense of dread when his stomach groaned again, announcing the pressure on his bowels was growing worse.

He had to use the bathroom soon, but he was afraid that Sarah wouldn't let him. He tried to distract himself, focusing on the upcoming thrill of the rides and the excitement of the park. But rides normally made him nervous, it took quite a bit of courage for him to finally muster up the will to go on them.

He doubted he could manage it this time, especially dressed the way he was, he would be to self conscious about his diaper to really enjoy himself.

Sam snuck a glance at Ellie and saw her gaze linger in the mirror looking back at him and she offered a fleeting smile before she turned away. He wasn't sure if it was because she felt guilty that her mother had forced him into diapers.

Or if it was just empathy towards his situation. Either way, it was a small comfort, and Sam tried to let it distract him from his current predicament.

He turned his head to look out the window, trying to take in the scenery as they drove towards the amusement park. As the car cruised down the highway, he felt the pressure in his bowels grow even more.

Thankfully the amusement park wasn't to far away and soon the sights of rollercoasters and theme park rides came into view.

The trio exited the car together and Sam awkwardly followed behind Sarah and Ellie hoping they might shield him from anyone potentially getting a glance at his diapered bulge beneath his shorts.

They had made their way into a line at the ticket booth and Sam's stomach groaned once more, this time he thought he felt a bit of gas escape his bottom.

Sam's heart raced as he realized he had to use the restroom right now. He tried to focus on something else, but the pain in his stomach became unbearable. "Um, Sarah?" he said nervously, attracting her attention. "I need to use the restroom."

Sarah looked at him, a frown on her face. "What's wrong?" she asked, noticing his discomfort.

"I need to use the restroom," Sam said again, his voice shaking with urgency.

Sarah stopped turned to him, a smirk on her face. "Oh, you do, do you?" she said teasingly, patting his diapered bottom.

Sam blushed and squirmed as Sarah's hand made contact with his padded bottom. He knew what she was implying, but he couldn't bring himself to give in. "Please, Sarah," he begged, his voice cracking. "I really need to go."

Sarah looked at him for a moment, and Sam could see the wheels turning in her head. He knew she was considering denying him access to the restroom, and panic began to set in. He couldn't hold it much longer.

But to his surprise, Sarah relented. "Fine, fine," she said, rolling her eyes. "But you're going to have to wait until we get inside, they won't let us into the park without a ticket."

Sam groaned, he wasn't sure if he could hold on that long but he was left with little choice.

He looked over at Ellie for some solace and she gave him a sympathetic glance, he wondered if she had ever been in this predicament.

Sam felt a sense of panic wash over him as he realized he might not make it. He tried to hold it in, but the pressure was becoming too much to bear. He shifted from foot to foot, trying to find some relief.

They were getting closer to the front of the line and he felt a bead of sweat form on his forehead as he tried to focus on anything else but the growing pressure in his bowels was getting worse by the second.

Finally, they reached the front of the line, and Sarah handed over their tickets. Sam was practically bouncing up and down at this point, his eyes darting around desperately. He needed to find a bathroom, and fast.

"Where's the restroom?" he blurted out, looking at Sarah with pleading eyes.

Sarah smirked. "Oh, don't worry, sweetie," she said, patting his diapered bottom again. "We'll find a restroom soon enough."

He wasn't sure if it was the feeling of her hand patting against his diaper or his body had simply given up. Instinctively Sam lowered his bottom downward as he hunched over and, he realized he had lost the battle.

A warm sticky log was making its way into his diaper and all Sam could do was push harder to make it go faster.

He had just pooped his diaper. The warmth of the mess made him feel embarrassed and disgusted. He was sure that everyone around him could smell it.

To make matters worse the pressure made him lose control over his bladder too.

A warm, sticky mess filled the front of his diaper, and Sam felt his face flush with humiliation. He couldn't believe it, he had just soiled himself like a baby. He looked up at Sarah, his eyes pleading for some sort of mercy.

But Sarah just laughed. "Oh, looks like someone couldn't hold it," she said, still smirking.

Sam felt tears of embarrassment welling up in his eyes as he realized that Sarah wasn't going to help him change. He was stuck in his soiled diaper until she decided it was time to change him.

He followed Sarah and Ellie through the park, feeling the squishy mess in his diaper with every step. He could feel the stares from other park-goers, and he knew they could see the bulge of his diaper beneath his shorts. He felt like a complete and utter humiliation.

Ellie looked at him with concern, but he couldn't bear to meet her eyes. Sam wanted to cry, to run away and hide.

But Sarah was already leading them towards the amusement park, and Sam had no choice but to follow. As they walked, he could feel the mess squishing around between his legs. He knew he needed to change, but he was too ashamed to ask.

Eventually, they came to a parents restroom, and Sarah pushed him inside as Ellie followed in from behind.

Sarah pulled out a spare diaper from her bag and gestured for Sam to lie down. He wanted to resist, but he knew it was pointless. He had already embarrassed himself enough.

Sam reluctantly laid down on the changing table, feeling the mess squishing around as he moved. Sarah untapped his diaper and removed it, the smell of his mess filling the small room.

Ellie wrinkled her nose in disgust, but Sam was too humiliated to feel anything at all. He just wanted to be done with this ordeal and forget it ever happened.

Sarah began to wipe him clean, her hands lingering longer than necessary. Sam squirmed under her touch, feeling even more embarrassed. He wondered if anyone had ever been changed by their own mother at his age before.

Sarah, meanwhile, seemed to be enjoying herself.

"Oh, you're a mess," Sarah said, wrinkling her nose. "Looks like you'll have to wear a diaper for the rest of the day."

Sam wanted to protest, but he couldn't find the words. He lay there, feeling exposed and helpless as Sarah wiped him clean and slid a fresh diaper underneath him.

He could feel the cool air against his bare skin as she powdered him, and he hated how vulnerable he felt

Sam was redressed as Sarah pulled his shorts back up over his diaper, before turning her attention to Ellie. "And how about you sweetheart, do you need a change?"

Before waiting for a response, Sarah walked over to Ellie and started lowering her shorts exposing the pull up she was wearing underneath.

Ellie blushed at the sudden exposure of her pull-up, but Sarah didn't seem to notice as she checked the state of the pull-up. "Looks like you're good for now," Sarah said, patting Ellie's bottom before pulling her shorts back up. "Let's go enjoy the park!"

Sam felt a wave of relief wash over him as they left the restroom, but he couldn't shake the embarrassment and shame of what had just happened. He knew that he would never live this down, and that his life would never be the same again.

There was only the slightest feeling of solace that Ellie was wearing some form of protection, it might have still been embarrassing but it was miles away in comparison to the thick diaper he was forced to wear.

Sam followed them both, feeling the weight of his fresh diaper between his legs. He felt like a baby, completely reliant on Sarah's care.

But as they walked through the amusement park, he began to relax just a little bit. He realized that no one was paying attention to him or his diaper. Everyone was too busy having fun, enjoying the rides and attractions.

Sam couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy towards the other park-goers, their carefree attitude and lack of worries. They didn't have to worry about wearing a diaper or being forced to use one like he did.

He tried to push these thoughts out of his mind, to enjoy the moment and forget about his humiliating experience.

As they walked, Sam noticed a sign for the waterpark, and he felt a spark of excitement. Maybe if he could go on the water rides it would mean he wouldn't have to wear a diaper.

He saw a gift shop off in the distance, he didn't care if he had to use his own money to buy some bathers, if it gave him a temporary reprieve from wearing a diaper he would take it.

He tugged on Sarah's arm. "Can we go to the waterpark " he asked, pointing to the sign.

Sarah looked down at him, and Sam could tell she was considering it.

After a moment of contemplation, Sarah nodded. "Sure, we can go to the waterpark," she said, a smile spreading across her face. "But you'll still need to wear your diaper, just in case."

Sam's heart sank at the thought of having to wear yet another diaper, but he tried to keep his spirits up. At least he would be able to go on the water rides and have a bit of fun and his diapered state would surely be out of view while under the water.

He followed Sarah and Ellie towards the waterpark, trying to ignore the crinkle of his diaper with every step.

As they approached the entrance, Sam felt a wave of excitement wash over him. He could see the water slides and wave pool in the distance, and he couldn't wait to get in the water.

But as they walked through the entrance, a lifeguard stopped them. "Excuse me, sir, ma'am, but your child will need to wear a swim diaper if he's going in the water," the lifeguard said, gesturing towards Sam.

Sam felt his face flush with embarrassment as he realized he would have to wear two diapers now. He wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. Also not to mention the fact he was eighteen and the lifeguard not only noticed the disposable diaper underneath his shorts but also referred to him as a child.

Sarah, however, seemed unfazed by the request. "Oh, of course," she said, "we'll just pop into the store and see what they have."

Sam followed Sarah and Ellie into the store, feeling like a complete fool. He knew that everyone around him could see the outline of his diaper, and he couldn't help but feel like a baby. He just hoped that they wouldn't run into anyone he knew.

Once inside the store, Sarah began to look at the different swim diapers on display. Sam couldn't help but notice how small they all looked compared to his regular diapers. He knew that he would feel even more like a baby in one of those.

Finally, Sarah selected a bright blue swim diaper with cartoon fish on it. "This one will be perfect," she said, holding it up for Sam to see.

"What do you think, sweetie?" she asked.

Sam looked down at the swim diaper, feeling a mix of embarrassment and resignation. He knew that he didn't have a choice. "It's fine," he muttered, not wanting to make a scene.

"What about you love?" Sarah asked, turning towards Ellie.

"I'm fine mum, I don't want to swim today." Ellie replied, looking at the swim diaper in Sarah's hand with a nervous expression.

"Alright, suit yourself," she shrugged.

Sarah paused and picked up a package of disposable swim diapers that were also on the shelf and headed for the counter.

Sam sighed, as he realized that he they were more than likely also meant for him.

He watched Sarah pay, thankful that he at the very least he wasn't made to use his own money.

"Thank you," Sarah said to the cashier before taking Sam and Ellie over to use their changeroom.

Sam had hardly stepped into the room when Sarah hastily removed his clothing, dressing him down to his disposable diaper.

"I can do it myself." Sam whined.

He looked over at Ellie who quickly stopped staring at his exposed diaper and faced away to give him some privacy.

"Nonsense Sammy," Sarah replied.

She gently cupped the front of his disposable before declaring, "All dry, aren't you a big boy." Sarah cooed.

Sam blushed, but did feel slightly relieved that he hadn't somehow managed to have an accident in the diaper. Losing the ability to tell when he used his diaper would be the last thing he needed.

Sarah tore open the package of juvenile swim diapers, and held out a blue one with Moana on the front.

"Step in sweetheart," she cooed.

Reluctantly Sam held onto Sarah's shoulders for support as she slid the crinkly underwear up his legs.

To his reprieve it was actually much thinner than his regular diaper. The moment was short lived when Sarah brought out the swim diaper and he realized how thick it would be when he had that on too.

Sarah laid him down and quickly snapped it into place, it was a quicker process than a normal diaper change, Sam thought to himself. Which was rather embarrassing that he had anything to compare it too to begin with.

Sam stood up to his feet and caught his reflection in the mirror. He looked like a large chubby toddler, he was surprised the store even carried swim diapers for someone as big as him.

"Don't you look precious," Sarah cooed.

Sam blushed and after he noticed that even Ellie was shooting him quick subtle glances all he wanted to do was get dressed.

But as he stood there in his exposed swim diaper and reached down for his pants Sarah stopped him.

"Not so fast, Sammy. Let's put some sunscreen on you first," Sarah said, holding up a bottle of SPF 50 sunscreen.

Sam groaned, feeling like he couldn't catch a break. But he knew better than to argue with Sarah.

He acquiesced and let her apply sunscreen all over his body, feeling embarrassed as she rubbed it onto his exposed stomach and thighs.

Finally, Sarah seemed satisfied. "There we go, all set for some fun in the sun!" she exclaimed, collecting his clothes and putting them in her bag.

"Wait," Sam cried. "What about my clothes, I can't go out like this." He said gesturing towards the bulky swim diaper around his waist.

Sarah walked over to him and cooed, playfully punching his cheek. "Sorry love, but these clothes aren't waterproof, you'll just need to go out like that."

"But everyone will see, I need a swimsuit." Sam whined.

"Sorry Sam, but I've already bought you cute little swim diapers, don't be greedy." she teased.

"But I'll pay, it's fine." Sam said, trying to find reason.

"I've made up my mind Sammy, now stop dawdling and come have some fun." Sarah told him, starting to get annoyed.

Sam knew better than to argue with Sarah. He let out a resigned sigh before following her and Ellie out of the changeroom and towards the waterpark. As they made their way to the wave pool, Sam couldn't help but feel like everyone was staring at him and his bulky diaper. He felt like a complete and utter embarrassment, wishing he had just stayed home instead.

As they walked towards the wave pool, Sam couldn't help but notice the stares and giggles from other patrons. He tried to ignore it and focus on having fun, but he couldn't shake the feeling of embarrassment.

When they reached the wave pool, Sam hesitated for a moment, feeling self-conscious about his swim diaper, but eventually he mustered up the courage to jump in as well.

But before he could the lifeguard walked up to them.

"It looks like your properly dressed now," he said with a big grin over his face.

Sam was going to retort but the man reached out and clipped a band over his arm.

"What's that for?" he asked nervously.

"So we can keep an eye on you," he replied.

"Ok Sammy, we'll be back in an hour for you, ok?" Sarah said, handing over a clipboard to another lifeguard.

"What do you mean?" he said fearfully.

"I'm going to go back into the main park with Ellie for a bit, she doesn't want to go swimming, and because you’re still in diapers I can't have you go wondering around unsupervised."

Sam's eyes widened in shock and it looked like he might cry.

"But don't worry, they'll look after you, if you have an accident, just ask them for help."

He watched Sarah and Ellie walk away; Ellie gave him an apologetic look before she too turned her back on him.

Sam was about to chase after them, but a strong hand on his shoulder kept him in place.

"Hey there little guy, don't worry, we'll take good care of you," the lifeguard said with a reassuring smile.

Sam felt a mixture of embarrassment and fear as the lifeguard guided him towards the kiddie pool.

Once they arrived, the lifeguard knelt down and checked Sam's swim diaper. "Looks like we won't have any accidents today," he said with a smile.

Sam blushed, feeling even more like a baby. He nodded silently, not knowing what else to say.

The lifeguard helped Sam into the shallow water, and he splashed around nervously. He tried to forget about his embarrassing swim diaper and just enjoy the water, but he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched and judged.

Eventually the lifeguard came back over and asked Sam why he was so glum.

"Why do you think," Sam said, gesturing at his diaper.

The lifeguard chuckled, "I imagine it must be pretty embarrassing being an adult and still in diapers, maybe I can find you something."

Sam watched the almost sinister grin over the lifeguards face before he walked away as he tried to figure out if he was being helpful or not.

When he eventually returned and Sam with wide eyes, spied the ultra girly ruffled swimsuit in the man’s hands he realized that he had other motives.

Sam's face burned with embarrassment as he stared at the frilly pink swimsuit. He couldn't believe that the lifeguard had actually brought it back for him to wear. He shook his head, trying to decline the offer, but the lifeguard insisted.

"Go on, try it on. It will make you the cutest little princess in the pool."

Sam felt nauseous as he reluctantly took the swimsuit from the lifeguard's hands. He knew that he had no choice, but to comply. He couldn't risk offending the man who was supposed to be keeping an eye on him.

The swimsuit was pink with ruffled edges and a cute bow at the waist. To his disgust, it even had a frilly skirt around the bottom.

He quickly stepped into the humiliating swimsuit and pulled it up and over his swim diaper, feeling the ruffles brush against his sensitive skin. He felt like a complete and utter loser.

The lifeguard let out a low whistle when he saw Sam in the swimsuit. "You look even cuter than I imagined," he said with a smirk.

Sam felt like he was going to throw up. He wished he had never agreed to come to the waterpark. What was supposed to be a fun day out had quickly turned into his worst nightmare.

The lifeguard gestured towards the kiddie pool. "Why don't you go splash around in there for a bit, princess?" he asked with a sneer.

Sam felt humiliated but he knew that he had no choice. He slowly walked towards the kiddie pool and stepped into the shallow end. The frilly skirt of his swimsuit floated around his legs as he moved, making him feel even more ridiculous.

As Sam splashed around in the pool, he couldn't help but notice other people staring at him. They pointed and laughed, making him feel even more self-conscious. He tried to ignore them and focus on having fun, but he couldn't shake the feeling of embarrassment.

After a while, Sam grew tired of the kiddie pool. He looked around for the lifeguard, hoping that he could go somewhere else. But the man was nowhere to be seen.

Sam felt a sinking feeling in his chest. He was alone, surrounded by strangers who were all staring at him and laughing.

Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, he suddenly felt a gush of warm liquid spreading through his swim diaper.

Sam froze, feeling humiliated and ashamed. He couldn't believe that he had wet his diaper like a baby. He wanted to cry, but he knew that he couldn't show weakness in front of all these strangers.

As he stood frozen, he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned around to see the same lifeguard who had brought him the swimsuit looking down at him with a smirk.

"Aww, did little princess have an accident?" he taunted.

Sam didn't know how to respond. He felt completely helpless and defeated. He wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and disappear.

The lifeguard gestured towards the change room. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up and into a fresh diaper," he said with a chuckle.

Sam walked alongside the man, feeling like he was on the brink of tears. He couldn't believe that he had just wet his diaper like a baby. And to make things worse, he was being led around in a frilly pink swimsuit that made him look even more like one.

Once they reached the change room, the lifeguard helped Sam out of the humiliating swimsuit and into a fresh diaper. Sam felt like he was in a nightmare. He couldn't believe that this was happening to him.

As the lifeguard finished changing him, he patted Sam's head patronizingly. "Don't worry, princess. Everyone has accidents sometimes," he said with a smirk before walking out of the change room.

Sam sat in the change room for a few moments, feeling utterly defeated. He couldn't believe how humiliating this experience had been. He didn't know how he was going to face Sarah and Ellie, let alone anyone else who had seen him in that ridiculous swimsuit.

Eventually, he gathered his courage and walked out of the change room. He looked around nervously, hoping that nobody would make eye contact with him.

To his relief, the lifeguard who had brought him the swimsuit was nowhere to be seen. He made his way towards the kiddie pool, hoping to find Sarah and Ellie.

As he approached the pool, he saw Sarah and Ellie sitting on a bench nearby.

"Sammy, we've been worried about you." Sarah said with a concerned look. "That's a very pretty swimsuit you've picked out."

Sam cringed and looked up at Ellie who was struggling not to burst out laughing. "It wasn't my choice," he whined. "I just wanted something to cover my diaper, and the lifeguard found this and made me put it on."

Ellie couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, Sam. It's just too funny," she said while trying to catch her breath.

Sam felt his face burning with embarrassment. He knew that he looked ridiculous in the frilly pink swimsuit. He just wanted to go home and forget that this day had ever happened.

Sarah put a comforting arm around him. "Come on, let's go home," she said with a smile.

Sam nodded, grateful they were leaving.

"Can I put my clothes on now," Sam asked Sarah hopefully.

"No dear, your suits all wet and I didn't bring a towel, besides you look precious," Sarah replied, patting his diapered bottom through the swimsuit.

Sam felt a pang of frustration and helplessness wash over him as he realized that Sarah was not going to let him change out of the embarrassing swimsuit. He knew that he was stuck in it for the rest of the day and there was nothing he could do about it.

As they walked through the waterpark, Sam could feel the eyes of strangers on him. He knew that they were all staring and whispering about him. He felt like he was on display, a freak for everyone to laugh at and mock.

When they finally reached the car, Sam climbed in the back seat and tried to cover himself with a blanket. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling of humiliation.

As they drove home, Sam couldn't help but replay the humiliating events of the day in his head. He felt like such a failure, like he would never be able to escape the shame of what had happened.

Unfortunately things were about to get exponentially worse when he saw his mother's car pulled up in front of Sarah's house apparently early to pick him up.

Sam's stomach dropped as he looked out the window and saw his mother's car parked in front of Sarah's house. He had hoped that he would have a few more hours to recover from the humiliating experience at the waterpark before being forced to face his mother. But now it seemed that his day could not get any worse.

"It looks like your mum is here early," Sarah said.

Sam's heart sank as he realized that he was going to have to face his mother in the frilly pink swimsuit, with a thick diaper underneath.

He was desperately trying to think of a way to explain himself. He was terrified how she was going to react. She was always an overbearing mother even though he was an adult she still treated him like a child.

Now he was about to face her dressed the way he was, it was mortifying. As he got out of the car, he tried to hide his swimsuit under the blanket. But Sarah had other ideas and took it away.

"Don't hide your cute little outfit from your mummy Sammy." she said before tossing the blanket back in the car.

Sam heard Ellie chuckle again, at least someone was enjoying themselves he thought bashfully. He watched his mother step out of her car, her eyes rested on him for a moment before they went wide and her mouth practically hung agape in shock.

She had to cover her mouth with her hand but Sam could see the smile appearing across her lips as he stood there mortified.

Sam's cheeks burned with humiliation as his mother openly laughed at him. She walked towards him, her eyes scanning his body up and down and taking in every detail of the frilly pink swimsuit and bulky diaper he was wearing.

"Well, well, well. Looks like my eighteen year old son has regressed back to being a sweet baby girl," she said with a chuckle.

Sam's heart sank further. He knew that his mother was going to make fun of him for a long time after this. He wished that he could just disappear into thin air or run away and never have to face his mother again.

His mother walked up to him and patted his bottom through the diaper, making him jump.

"Aww, my little baby looks so cute in diapers." she teased.

Sam's face turned an even brighter shade of red. He couldn't believe that his mother was treating him like this. He was an adult, not a child, but he couldn't help feeling powerless and vulnerable, just like he had when he wet his diaper at the waterpark.

"I-I..." he stammered, unable to find the words to defend himself.

His mother chuckled and ruffled his hair. "It's okay, sweetie. Mommy will take care of you," she said.

Finally Sarah walked over and told his mother her own version of events.

"I think Sammy must have been feeling home sick being away from his mommy, he started having accidents so I put him back in diapers." Sarah said while his mother hung on every word.

"Mum it's not true," Sam whined.

"Shhh baby, the grownups are talking," she replied, pulling him in close so that he stood right up against her with her hands resting over his chest.

Sam was forced to stand and listen as they spoke about him like he was a baby. Ellie looked on awkwardly, even joining in a couple of jokes at his expense.

Sam felt completely helpless and ashamed as his mother and Sarah continued to talk as if he weren't even in the room. He couldn't believe that he was being treated like a child, with his own mother calling him "baby" and talking about him wetting his diaper. He felt like he was a prisoner in his own body, unable to escape the humiliation of being treated this way.

As they continued to talk, Sam's mother turned to him and spoke in a baby voice. "Aww, did my little sweetie have fun at the waterpark today?" she cooed.

Sam could feel his face burning with embarrassment as his mother treated him like a helpless infant. He wanted to scream and tell her to stop, but his voice failed him.

Sam's humiliation reached new heights as his mother and Sarah continued to discuss him as if he were a small child. He tried to protest, but every time he opened his mouth, his mother would shush him and tell him that he was being silly.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, his mother announced that it was time to leave.

"But first we should probably get you dressed into something more appropriate," his mother said.

Sam breathed a sigh of relief; he was finally going to be back in his old clothes again. He followed behind Sarah and his mother, glad to be inside and out of the public eye for once.

"I'm never going to live this down," he told Ellie.

"It's alright, I can keep a secret if you can." she told him with a smile.

Sam nodded agreeably and Ellie continued. "I guess now you know why I never invited you over before."

"Yeah, it makes perfect sense now." he said, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Maybe next time we can stay at my place, and avoid all this."

Ellie nodded, "I'm sure we will work something out, you look cute by the way." she added.

Sam scoffed, looking down at the swimsuit he was still wearing his face scrunched up in disgust. He wasn't sure if Ellie was joking or not.

"You can keep it," he finally said.

"Nah that's yours, the hot lifeguard gave it to you." Ellie replied with a wink.

"I wouldn't know about that," Sam said awkwardly.

His face was rather blushy as he looked back at Ellie, remembering why he had been so agreeable to all of this in the first place. Hoping that if he played along that he would be the one she was interested in.

But standing next to her dressed in the juvenile swimsuit with the still somewhat waterlogged swim diaper underneath, he didn't feel her equal.

She only wore pull-ups at night as far as he was aware, and apparently because of a genuine condition. He allowed himself to be dressed the way he was without putting up much of a fight.

Sam was sure if there was an incontinence pecking order than the ones who wore pull ups to bed would be significantly higher in the hierarchy than the ones who wore daytime diapers.

Sam watched his mother and Sarah walk into the nursery and stumbled inside, realizing his clothes must have been put away sometime that morning.

But before he had a chance to look for them his mother was already grabbing at the straps of his swimsuit.

"Mum what are you doing?" he grumbled as the suit was yanked downwards.

"Sorry hun, I know you want to stay in your pretty suit but you can't stay in your swimwear all day." she cooed.

Sam cringed and wanted to retort that wasn't at all what he meant, he simply was saying that he could get changed himself.

Before he had the opportunity the suit was worked over his swim diaper and then the velcro holding his padded waterproof pants was pulled away and it fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

Sam quickly covered himself feeling mortified at being exposed in front of his mother, not to mention Ellie and Sarah who were standing off to the side.

"MUM," Sam cried.

"Sammy sweetheart, stop your whining." his mother replied sternly.

Sam stood stiffly as his mother started cleaning him up with a damp cloth that Sarah had handed to her.

"What are you doing, please stop." Sam begged.

"This will have to do baby, we can get you into the bath when we get home." she replied, ignoring his pleas.

Sam's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red as his mother continued to clean him up. He felt like he was being treated like a toddler, with his mother wiping him down as if he were unable to do it himself.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, his mother finished cleaning him up and handed him a fresh diaper.

"Okay, sweetie, mommy needs you to lay down so she can change your diaper," she said, guiding him over to the changing table.

"Mum stop, I don't need diapers." he cried.

But Sam's pleas fell on deaf ears. His face burned with humiliation as he laid down on the table, feeling like a helpless baby. He couldn't believe that this was happening to him.

His mother grabbed a fresh diaper from the changing table and began to unfold it. Sam wanted to protest, to tell her that he didn't need a diaper, but he knew it was pointless. His mother had made up her mind, and he was powerless to stop her.

"Up you go, sweetie," she said, lifting his legs and sliding the diaper underneath him.

Sam closed his eyes tightly, trying to ignore the crinkle of the diaper beneath him and the feeling of it being taped snugly around his waist. He felt like a prisoner in his own body, trapped in a diaper that he didn't want or need.

"All done, my little baby," she said with a smile.

Sam felt like he was going to be sick. He couldn't believe that this was happening to him. He was a grown man, not a helpless infant. But his mother and Sarah seemed to think otherwise.

"Come on, sweetie, let's get you dressed," his mother said, patting his bottom through the diaper.

Sam felt like crying as his mother taking a pair of denim overalls and a t-shirt from Sarah. He had never felt more embarrassed in his life. He couldn't believe that he was being forced to dress like a child.

"Can't I just wear my own clothes, please?" he pleaded with his mother.

"No, sweetie, you need to wear something that will fit over your diaper," she replied, pulling the overalls over his head.

Sam felt like he was going to die of embarrassment as his mother finished getting him dressed. He tried to keep his head down and avoid eye contact with anyone, but he knew that he looked ridiculous.

The overalls hugged tightly to his body giving him an obvious diaper bulge, these must have been Ellie's old overalls he realized.

Finally they left the nursery and made their way to the front of Sarah's house. Sam watched in dismay as his mother took a very full diaper bag from Sarah and he wondered how long his mother intended to keep treating him like a baby.

"Don't forget to say goodbye to Ellie and her mother make sure you thank them for looking after you." his mother said.

Sam nodded, feeling utterly humiliated as he looked at Ellie and Sarah, who both seemed to be hiding barely-suppressed smirks. He wanted to run away and hide, to escape from this nightmare of a day, but he knew he couldn't. He had to face them, to say goodbye and thank them for looking after him, even though he had felt more like a burden than anything else.

"Thank you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, as he looked at Ellie and her mother.

"You're welcome, sweetie," Sarah said with a grin, looking at him in a way that made him feel like he was a toy that she had just finished playing with.

"Thanks again," he said, before turning to leave with his mother.

As they walked away, Sam could feel the weight of the diaper pressing against his skin, the crinkle of the plastic sounding as he moved. He could feel the eyes of everyone around him on him, staring and judging him for being dressed like a baby.

He felt like he was drowning, suffocating in a sea of shame and humiliation. He wanted to scream, to run away, to do anything to escape from this nightmare. But he knew that he couldn't, that he was trapped in a world that he didn't want to be in, surrounded by people who saw him as a child.

And so he walked, head down, feeling like a prisoner in his own body, trapped in a diaper that he didn't want, being led by his mother like a helpless baby.

As they made their way to the car, his mother handed him a sippy cup filled with juice. "Here you go, sweetie. You must be thirsty."

Sam took the sippy cup silently, feeling like a complete idiot. He couldn't believe that his mother was still treating him like a baby.

As they drove home, Sam drank his juice as he tried to keep his head down and avoid any contact with his mother. He could hear her humming to herself, as if nothing was wrong, but he knew that everything had changed. He couldn't bear to think about what unspeakable horrors and embarrassment would befall him when they got home.

He looked out the window and sighed, he had resigned himself to this fate for the foreseeable future. Without even really thinking about any consequences Sam released his bladder and flooded his diaper. He shifted nervously in the wet padding, wondering if the dynamic between himself and Ellie would change forever. He could only hope he still might have a shot with her, but as he looked at his own juvenile reflection through the window, he realized he had probably blown it.


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