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***A Patreon Comission***

George finished powdering himself up before fastening the tapes across the front of his diaper. It wasn’t a foreign concept for him to be putting himself into his crinkly padding; in fact he looked forward to it. Normally he would only wear his juvenile adult diapers at home but today was a special today. He was going to actually try wearing one while at work.

It took a lot of courage for him to finally get to this stage where he was willing to do it. He kept his love of diapers a secret from everyone in his life, it was embarrassing and he wanted to keep it hidden from the world. His long stressful hours at work meant he didn’t get a lot of time to indulge himself at home; the last thing he wanted was for his family to find out about it. Weekends when they went away were his only opportunity to do it without risk of discovery, and those opportunities were few and far between.

Like his grandfather had before him, George took up the mantle and got himself into the exterminating business. He wasn’t sure where the fascination of the job came from, but there was some satisfaction to be had when working alone and having control over your own hours. The biggest advantage other than the solitude of the job he had was the heavy plastic overalls he wore over his clothes when he sprayed houses. There should be absolutely zero chance that anyone would find out that the adult man was still wearing crinkly babyish diapers underneath his pants.

George spent some time in the mirror; fixing his clothing making sure there was no chance anyone would catch the big bulge underneath his pants. The overalls he wore were crinkly and puffy, it perfectly masked his diaper, and so he was feeling quite confident heading out to his work van for the day. He only had the one job; it was a big one, spraying a house completely that had been vacant for some time. The renovations to the property had disturbed all manner of creepy crawlies that scurried down the roof into the kitchen and spread out into the other rooms of the house.

He only knew the client as Riley, she sounded older over the phone but at least she had a very friendly sounding voice. It wasn’t uncommon for him to suffer some real assholes in his line of work. So a pleasant introduction was always a good and welcomed omen for how the job would go. Especially considering he was venturing out into unknown territory diapered up for the first time.

He felt a mixture of unease and excitement at the prospect of what he was doing. On one hand the diaper gave him a feeling of comfort and satisfaction, but he couldn’t shake the blush in his cheeks every time he caught his reflection in the rear-view mirror.

George’s heart rate hastened when he pulled up to the driveway and saw Riley at her doorstep waiting for him. She was quite an attractive woman, definitely older than he was but age hadn’t done her looks any disservice. She smiled and waved as he stepped out of the van, he nearly jumped out of his skin when she suddenly appeared at the back of his van as he went to retrieve his kit.

“Oh shit!” George shouted, catching his hand across his chest as he reeled from the sudden shock.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Riley said, stifling a giggle.

“T-that’s alright.” George stuttered. “I’m George, you’re Riley right, hope I have the right place.”

He chuckled nervously, placing his pack down and extending his hand.

“Yes this is the right place.” Riley smiled as she gently took his hand and shook it.

George blushed; this woman was even more gorgeous he could tell being so close to her. He quickly remembered his diapered state and his cheeks reddened even further. He turned around so suddenly that he forgot he had left his kit right behind his feet and tripped.

“Offt,” George cried, as he felt the air escape out of his lungs before he fell to the pavement.

“Are you alright!” Riley called out in shock.

She quickly ran over and helped him to his feet.

“It’s fine.” George said as she laid her hands over him.

But Riley was insistent, and as she helped stand the young man up managed to rest her hand across his padded bottom in the process.

George froze, he hoped desperately that his puffy overalls had masked the fact he was diapered underneath. But he could have sworn that her hand lingered ever so slightly longer than what was necessary as she stood him up on his feet.

“Thank you.” He told her.

Riley smiled; George knew he looked incredibly awkward, his face hanging open like a fish caught out of water.

“That’s alright, you’re awfully clumsy today.”

George chuckled, doing his best to laugh it off and mask how embarrassed he actually felt.

“Why don’t you leave your stuff in the van for now, I’ll show you around the place then you can get started.”

“Sure I guess.” George shrugged.

It was an odd request but nothing more than a minor inconvenience. He packed his kit back into the car and followed Riley inside. She was showing him room to room, honestly the house wasn’t that bad at all, and it probably could have been solved with an open window and couple of cans of bug spray. But he was never one to turn down a paying client.

He followed her room to room as she showed him around the house. George was growing more confident that his diapered state had gone unnoticed, and his anxiety levels were dropping. They reached the final room of the tour, George was stoked how easy this job was going to be, he would be home in an hour but with a full day’s pay for his troubles.

“And this is the nursery.” Riley declared.

She pulled the door open and urged George to follow her inside.

“I didn’t realise you have kids.” George told her.

There was no reason for that sort of information to be relevant, but George was feeling slightly awkward as he looked around the baby’s nursery. The fact that he was stood here wearing a diaper made it even more uncomfortable; not that Riley would have any reason to know that.

“My kids flew the coop a few years ago; my daughter has her own now. Being the best grandmother ever I wanted to change this room into a nursery for when I’m babysitting.”

George silently nodded as he mulled around the room, pretending to look for signs of an infestation he was to distracted by the ambiance of the room too really be paying much attention to his work.

He was so distracted that he didn’t notice Riley walking towards him and lowering her hand over his rear.

“I thought as much.” She said bluntly, while pushing up against his padded bottom.

George immediately stood up and froze; he was incredibly tense as he stared back at Riley fearfully.

“I thought I was hiring an adult to a problem, turns out you should be the one paying me to be your babysitter.”

“I ummmm, I…..” George shook, completely lost for words.

Riley waved him away, “Save It; take off your pants and show me what I’m dealing with.”

Like a well-mannered boy, George blushingly pulled his overalls and pants off, exposing his humiliating diapered state to this stranger.

Riley laughed, “I didn’t even realise they made such babyish diapers for people your age, it’s clear that you’re not an adult.”

She confidently walked over and grabbed his padding, sliding a finger inside.

“At least you’re dry.” She told him smugly.

“I don’t need them.” George said, not realising that his lower lip had been quivering.

“You could have fooled me; I guess that means you must like being a baby then.”

Riley turned George around and adjusted his padding so it sat better on his hips.

“How about you show me how much you like wearing your diaper?”

Riley paused for a response, but George was looking back at her with a puzzled look of confusion.

“Show me what a big baby you are and wet your diaper for me.”

George shook his head, “I can’t.”

“You will, or I’ll be leaving quite a colourful review on your website, I can’t imagine you will get much business once every one hears about what a baby you are.”

“Ok, I’ll do it, but please don’t say anything.”

Riley didn’t respond but watched him expectantly, a crooked smile appearing over her face. Riley slunk down to a squat and pushed, immediately he was rewarded for his action as he flooded his padding.

He didn’t dare look up during the humiliating act, he was too ashamed and afraid to meet Riley’s gaze. His pampers quickly absorbed all of his wetting, Riley hadn’t even realised he needed to go so much and the flow continued for some time before eventually it came to a halt.

Carefully he stood back up, his legs slightly bowed with the extra weight hanging between his legs.

“I don’t suppose you were smart enough to bring a change with you?” Riley asked expectantly.

George shook his head; of course he hadn’t dreamt that this sort of thing could have happened.

“That doesn’t surprise me.” Riley sighed.

She took out her mobile phone and started scrolling.

“What are you doing?” George asked.

“Finding someone that can do your job.”

“But I can do it.” George whined.

Riley shook her head. “No you’re clearly too much of a baby to manage such a grown up task.”

George stood up and started to pull his pants back on.

“Those can stay have.” Riley told him

“But you said I have to go.” George replied, having no idea how much he sounded like a soppy child.

“You can stay the day, that’s what I’ve paid you for, unless you want to give the money back?”

George stayed silent and obediently stepped back out of his pants.

“I thought so.” Riley said, looking incredibly smug.

“What should I do all day?” George asked rather fearfully.

“You can stay in here, like the baby you are.” Riley walked over to the changing table and pulled out a pacifier from the packet and inserted it between his lips.

George didn’t have much choice; he didn’t resist and instinctively started sucking the moment she let go.

“Unfortunately the diapers I have are much too small. Maybe I can get your replacement to pick some up on the way, otherwise you better get used to being in a soggy diaper.”

Riley chuckled; all George could do was slink back in shame. He hoped that whoever came to do his job wasn’t known to him, but the list of exterminators in this area was incredibly small, and a lot of them were in the family.


George was sitting in the middle of the nursery floor; he had been completely dressed down and was left in his soggy diaper. He had been left like this for the past hour now. Riley dumped a basket of toys in front of him and shut the door. The door wasn’t locked so George eventually had worked up the courage to waddle down the stairs and confront Riley.

She had all of his clothes; his keys were in his pants pockets so he couldn’t exactly leave without them. He mustered up the strength when he approached her, but his stuttering made him look like a meek little boy.

“Can I please have my keys and I’ll just go.” George Begged.

His pacifier was still bobbing in and out of his mouth, so it was a struggle to get the words out.

Riley chuckled and was unable to help herself. She pulled out her mobile phone from her pocket and snapped a picture.

“What did you do that for!” George cried.

“You just looked so cute toddling in here with your soaked diaper, begging me for your keys.”

“I wasn’t begging, you can’t just take pictures of people like that, delete it.” George said, pulling the pacifier from his lips so his words weren’t so muffled.

Riley scoffed, “Big words from a big baby, and actually this is my house so I can take photos of whatever I want.”

George wasn’t in the mood for an argument he just wanted to leave. He resisted the urge to stamp his foot out of frustration and ended up flailing his arms around. Even though he did his best to contain himself, he still looked like a toddler in the middle of having a temper tantrum and it hadn’t gone unnoticed.

“My you are mr grumpy pants aren’t you? Maybe you need a diaper change, you aren’t messy are you?”

Riley didn’t wait for an answer, she leaned over and pressed his padding against him before reaching over and pulling the back of his diaper out to check the state of his bottom.

“Nope not messy, but you’re still going to have to sit around in your soggy pants. Next time you decide to waddle around in diapers in someone’s home hopefully you’ll have the foresight to bring a change with you.”

“You can’t do this to me!” George whined.

“I paid for your services mister, it’s you here that’s the big pervert not me so consider yourself lucky I’m such a reasonable person.”

George’s eyes slunk down, she was right to some degree. It was his own stupidity that he gotten him into this situation in the first place. He decided to curb his attitude at least somewhat; she did have photos of him after all. There was also a pit of dread in his stomach to what angle she might be thinking of using that photo. His mind immediately leapt to the worst, the idea of her leaving a review and attaching that photo to it.

Leaving a comment, something along the lines of, “1 Star, doesn’t do the job and just sat around dressed like a baby all day.”

George shivered, he wasn’t entirely sure if it was because of the embarrassment or he was starting to get a bit chilly walking around nearly nude.

“I think I’ve had enough of you now, you can find your own way back to the nursery.” Riley popped his pacifier back into his mouth. “Keep that in unless I tell you otherwise, and stay in the nursery until I come and get you.”

She then sent him scurrying back into the nursery with a firm slap on his padded rump.

Eventually after George had spent sulking with his back against the nursery wall and his arms crossed over his legs he decided to find something to do. It was better than being bored all day, so he bit the bullet and began to sift through the basket of toys Riley had left for him.

There was nothing there that offered any real sense of enjoyment, not for someone his own age. He had hoped that maybe he might stumble across some Lego or other style of building blocks. He wasn’t embarrassed to admit he still collected sets and had a number of them built and on display at his home. They were collector’s sets and designed for adults; is what he kept telling himself anyway.

Unfortunately the only toys there were designed for a toddler; there was a set of plush blocks but he was pretty sure they were for teething and not used for stacking. He still tried it, and ended up feeling like an absolute moron when the tower fell after he placed the third block.

George sighed; feeling quite sorry for himself and ended up rolling a large wooden car around the carpet. He saw his own reflection in the mirror hanging over the wardrobe and felt abysmal. He was supposed to be a man, not some blubbering man baby sucking on a pacifier. He had his own business, he worked for himself, he was proud of his accomplishments. He was the might George that all arachnids and other creepy crawlies feared.

He saw a little critter crawling across the wall and he wondered if the bugs could talk what might they be saying about him. They must be laughing that the destroyer of their empires had fallen and now sat defeated in a soggy diaper.

George shook the images out of his head; he was going crazy cooped up in here. He decided enough was enough, he didn’t care that Riley had a photo of him he would deal with the consequences latter. He was about to stand up and run back downstairs to demand his keys, but his thunder was stolen when the door to the nursery suddenly opened.

“I want me keys back!” George cried out.

He wished he hadn’t been in such a rush to blurt it out, maybe he would have sounded more serious and manly had he taken a moment to compose himself. Or at the very least, if he had thought to disobey Riley and pull the pacifier from his mouth so he didn’t speak with such a lisp.

But it was too late for any of that; he was more focused on the pressing issue of who was now standing at the door way, a woman who wasn’t Nancy.

“Sorry, I didn’t realise…. GEORGE, what the fuck is that you?” Jenny shouted.

George was completely frozen, his mouth hung open in awe and the pacifier fell from his lips.

“Oh I see you’ve found the big baby, do you two already know each other.” Riley said with a sinister smirk.

“Yes, this is my cousin, sorry is this some sort of weird joke that I’m not getting?”

Riley chuckled, “How precious and fitting that it’s you that I found the number for.”

George stared back at Riley, it was clear that this wasn’t a coincidence and that Riley had jumped on the opportunity to humiliate him by hiring his cousin who like himself had also taken up the family trade.

“Will someone explain to me what’s going on?”

“Jenny this womans insane she has my keys and wont…-”

“SHOOSH.” Riley hissed. “This big baby came woefully unprepared to do the same job that I have now requested the services of you for. I found him diapered and toddling around the house like an infant in a soggy diaper and hadn’t even started working when I eventually said enough was enough.”

“That’s bullshit!” George cried. “That’s not what happened.”

“Then explain why your dressed in a diaper, why instead of just walking away your sitting in my nursery playing with your toys.” Riley explained gesturing to the toys littered about the place.

“Because YOU made me.” George said pointing an accusatory finger at her.

When George caught his breath he looked up at Jenny and realised he still had the pacifier sitting between his lips this whole time. He quickly pulled it out but the damage had already been done and his cousin had a look of revulsion over her face.

“George this is sick, why are you wearing a diaper.” Jenny demanded.

“Don’t be so hard on him dear.” Riley said coming to his rescue. “Some boys just take longer to grow up, others like little George here, much more.”

“He was always the immature one.” Jenny scoffed.

“That’s not true either.” George cried.

“I can only imagine, clearly little George has only been pretending to be an adult, I only imagine the toll it must have taken on him trying to model himself after your own.” Riley said.

Jenny was eating it up, every word was fuelling her ego and George knew it. They had always been competitive, they were a year apart he was the older of the two but by less than a year. There was never a time where they hadn’t been close or on good terms, but there was something immensely fun about always being the one that came out ahead of her. Even going into the family business it was Jenny who decided to do her own thing after George had already done it. So it was her that was following his lead, in his footsteps.

He hated that she wouldn’t admit that to Riley, apparently this was her victory and it seemed like George was about to find out just how long she had been waiting for it.

“Well I guess I had better get back to it, one of us needs to finish the job and it doesn’t look like the little baby is capable of doing that.” Jenny teased.

“JENNY, stop it’s not funny.”

“No you’re wrong about that baby cousin, it most definitely IS funny. In fact it’s hilarious; I wish I knew sooner what a big baby you always were. Oh I think the baby wet his diaper.” Jenny said, finally discovering that his pampers were most definitely not dry.

“Yes, unfortunately little Georgie here didn’t have the foresight to bring a change with him. Honestly he should never be leaving the house without a diaper bag, stacked full of changing supplies. It’s a shame his mommy isn’t around to take care of that, I’m surprised she ever let him leave the nest.”

Jenny chuckled, “Actually the big baby still lives at home, In fact why don’t I give you her phone number while I get back to work.”

“NO STOP.” George shouted.

But it fell on deaf ears, he watched both women giggling to themselves as they exchanged numbers and spoke in hush tones while he sat there and sulked.


As they continued to talk, George felt a surge of anger building up inside him. How dare they talk about him like he was some sort of helpless infant? He was a grown man, capable of taking care of himself and running his own business. He made a decision right then and there that he wasn't going to stand for their mockery any longer.

Standing up from the floor, the soggy diaper hanging from his waist, George walked over to Riley and grabbed her by the arm. "Give me my keys back," he seethed, his eyes burning with fury.

Riley recoiled at his touch, her eyes widening in surprise. "What are you going to do, George? Cry like a baby if I don't give them to you?" she taunted.

But George didn't back down. "Give me my goddamn keys!" he shouted, his grip tightening on her arm.

Jenny, who had been watching the scene play out with a smirk on her face, quickly intervened and yanked George's arm away.

"Bad babies have to be punished." Jenny added stepping closer until she was shoulder to shoulder with George.

He was still taller than her by a few inches but he was starting to feel dwarfed standing next to her. "See, I took a business class in college and in that class they taught us all about conflict resolution... and all we have to do is find out what the thing is that the other person cares about and take it away."

"I don't give a shit about your stupid business degree, gave me my keys!" George seethed.

"And if you don't do as your told you're going to be in a world of trouble." Jenny added.

All of a sudden George felt a jolt of shock run through his body as Jenny spanked his diapered ass. "D-don't hurt me." he said gently.

It was Riley who spoke next, "Oh we won't hurt you." she said, taking George's hand and leading him over to the changing table. "I'm sure you'll be just fine with a little discipline."

George's eyes went wide with horror when he saw Riley grabbing for a thick leather strap, fear and panic rising in his chest. He struggled to break free from her grip, but she was too strong for him.

"No, please, don't do this," he begged, tears starting to stream down his face. "I'm sorry, just give me my keys and let me go."

But Riley ignored his pleas, pulling him over her lap and lifting the back of his diaper. George felt exposed and vulnerable, his dignity ripped away from him. He knew what was coming next and he couldn't stop it.

The first lash of the strap across his bare bottom felt like an explosion of pain. He screamed and cried out, but the punishment continued relentlessly. He lost track of how many times he was struck, the pain blurring into a single, continuous ache.

Eventually, the punishment stopped, leaving George panting and sobbing on the changing table. He felt humiliated and defeated, like a helpless child. He didn't know how he was going to face the world after

this, how he was going to go back to his normal life after being reduced to nothing more than a diapered baby.

Jenny and Riley looked down at him with smug satisfaction. "That should teach you to behave like an adult," Riley said, her voice cold and unfeeling.

George didn't reply, too lost in his own misery to even speak. He just lay there, tears still streaming down his face, as they continued to ridicule and mock him. He knew then that things would never be the same again.

It was strange how the two women seemed to bond together over his humiliation. George was helpless as he sobbed, he stood slumped against the changing table, his diaper around his ankles and his bare nakedness on display.

"It's been a while since I've had to spank someone, and I can't say I've ever had to discipline someone as old as you before Georige, I didn't know I still had it in me." Riley chuckled.

"Yeah, it's been a while since the last time I changed a diaper." Jenny said as she stripped off her jacket. "I suppose I better not leave the baby sitting there without a diaper on."

He felt Riley grab the waistband of his pampers and pull them down around his ankles.  "Yeah, it would be a shame if Georige got an embarrassing leak all over the table."

George looked down and saw that she was right, his diaper was soaked through. He couldn't even remember doing it, his eyes growing wide in terror at the prospect of him uncontrollably wetting himself.

Jenny was right in front of him, standing over him, her arms folded in front of her chest. George just looked up at her, too defeated to even speak.

"Well I guess that means I'll have to give the baby a fresh diaper." she said, a smile slowly spreading across her face. "Are you going to be a good baby for me and lie still? Or am I going to have to hold you down?"

George didn't say anything, he just nodded his head and closed his eyes in defeat. Jenny nodded back to Riley and she grabbed his legs and pushed them up in the air.

Jenny rubbed some baby powder on his sore bottom and slid

a fresh diaper underneath him, snapping it into place around his waist. "There we go, all nice and clean. You don't mind if I do this to you do you Georgie?" Jenny asked.

"No." George answered, his voice trembling.

"I didn't think so. Good boy." She continued, sliding his pacifier back into place.

"Now it looks like the baby is all dressed up; I think it's time to take him home." Riley said, offering her arm to George.

"Yes, I think it's time we got our little man back to his mommy. " she said.

"Good, then when you're finished I hope you don't mind coming back and finishing what your baby cousin couldn't?" Riley said.

"Of course," Jenny chuckled. "I can't let him deface the family business with his shoddy craftsmanship."

George looked around the two women fearfully as he wracked his mind for a way out of this situation.

"Oh don't look so defeated baby Georgie." Riley smirked. "You just weren't quite cut out for the exterminating business. You're much better at packing your pampers." She told him, pushing her foot out against his thick padding.

He blushed a deep crimson and turned his face away from them, feeling ashamed for his humiliating position. "He does make a good baby though. Don't you think Jenny? I've always wanted my own baby."

Jenny nodded and slid her arm into George's, leading him towards the door. "Yeah, and it looks like he's going to be a cute little baby too. I'd let you keep him but I don't think his mummy would be too impressed."

"Yeah she must be getting sick worried, little Georige has been out all morning playing pretend and working a big boys job when he just isn't ready for that is he." Riley said, pinching Georges cheek.

George hated this treatment, the mockery that he was being subjected too. But he didn't have the confidence to run away or put a stop to any of it. He was terrified that the images of him would get out into public and destroy his image. He couldn't risk it.

So he allowed himself to be pulled along by the two women as they walked to the car. Jenny opened the passenger side door and pulled him in, buckling him in and strapping the seat belt around his waist.

"What are you doing?" George asked, blushing again as he realized that he was being treated like a toddler.

Jenny didn't respond right away, instead she walked around the car and slid in behind the wheel. "Taking you back home to your mother." She said obviously.

"Jenny this is absurd, I can drive myself, what about my van?" George whined.

"We can figure that out later, now put your pacifier back in your mouth." she said, chastising him.

Reluctantly George reinserted the pacifier into his lips.

"Now wave bye bye to Riley George, be thankful she hasn't already left a review for you yet."

George swallowed hard, and lifted his hand high enough for her to see and waved through the closed window as they pulled away from the drive way.


"You're a very good baby Georgie." Jenny said as she drove him home. "I'm sure your mother will be very proud of you when she sees how well behaved you are."

George sat there quietly, his eyes red from tears and his head hurting. He didn't say a word, he just sat there sucking on his pacifier and letting Jenny drive him home.

"I'm not a baby." George said, biting at the inside of his gums.

But it was even hard for him to believe what he was saying as he sat their being driven home in the passenger seat of his cousins work van. Naked as the day he was born except for the thick diaper that had been strapped to his waist and the pacifier between his lips.

Jenny laughed. "Of course you're a baby, you just wet yourself like a baby, and now you're being taken care of like one too."

"I hate you." George said.

This time Jenny turned to face him, and he saw the look of pity in her eyes. She laughed again and reached out to pat his head. "Aw, poor Georgie, it's just the way things are now. It's okay though, I know you secretly love this, otherwise why would you have your own secret diaper stash."

George pouted, biting the inside of his lip. He supposed that she was right, it was the way things were now. He was still ashamed of himself but the more he thought about it the more he realized that he was in no position to argue.

The way Jenny was talking to him was exactly how a baby would be addressed. He felt his cheeks flush as an involuntary shiver ran down his spine.

"No, I'm not a baby." he said again, this time the anger was starting to rise turning his face slightly red.

"Oh I think you're a baby Georgie." Jenny said, sliding her hand up his leg and patting his diaper. "A little baby who likes to play pretend at being a grown up."

"I'm not a baby!" George said louder. "I'm a grown man!"

"Sure, you're a grown man Georgie." Jenny laughed as she pulled into the driveway and killed the engine of the van.

"I'm a grown man!" He repeated, louder this time.

"Yes Georgie, now put your pacifier back in your mouth and let's go inside." She said, reaching over and taking the pacifier from his mouth and sliding it back into place.

In his shock George didn't even realize they had already made the short distance between his house and Riley's. To his dismay he saw his mother's car parked beside them, which meant there was no way he could get inside and change without being caught.

"Don't make me go inside." George pleaded with his cousin.

Jenny chuckled, "Well what's the alternative, do you want to go running down the street in just your diaper little man, or should I see if I can book you into the daycare down the road?"

"What about my clothes?" George asked desperately.

"What about them?"

"What am I going to wear?"

"Well you can wear what you have on of course, you're looking pretty cute in just your diaper." Jenny said, reaching out and patting his padded butt.

"But I can't, my mother can't see me like this." George said, his face blushing.

"Of course you can, and you're going to." Jenny said, sliding out of the van and walking around to the passenger side.

George gathered what little dignity he had left and stepped out of the vehicle, padding around to the passenger side to meet her. He stood in front of her, his head hanging low in defeat.

Jenny smiled and took his hand, guiding him out of the car.

This was his only chance to run George realized, as he stood out in the open yard. But he would be exposed in front of all of their neighbors, someone would probably call the police on him. He couldn't let that happen. There was no other option but to go inside and face the music, or at least maybe he could sneak in through the back door without his mother seeing him.

But when he turned around Jenny was already walking towards the house before he could stop her. She was headed straight for the glass sliding door when George caught up with her. "Don't!"

The door slid open and his mother was standing just inside the doorway, she was about to say hello to Jenny when her mouth fell open and she stared over at him in disbelief.

"George, what happened to you, where are your clothes."

"I-I wet my pants!" George said suddenly, remembering the lie he had come up with before.

His mother's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "What do you mean you wet your pants, George? You're a grown man!"

"I know, I know," George said, feeling the sting of humiliation deep in his gut. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I had an accident and Jenny had to change me."

His mother shook her head, clearly struggling to process what she was hearing. "But why are you in just a diaper what's the deal with that?" She said her head spinning between the two of them like it was attached to a swivel.

George's heart sank. He had hoped to avoid this conversation altogether, but it seemed there was no avoiding it now. "I-I don't know. I just couldn't hold it." Thankful she hadn't noticed the pacifier clutched in his fist. "And my clothes got dirty and there wasn't anywhere to wash them."

His mother's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "That doesn't make any sense, George. Jenny do you want to chime in on this?"

Jenny couldn't hold it in anymore and suddenly she burst out laughing. Her laughter seemed to be infectious because not a moment passed before his mother was laughing too.

"What's going on." George cried.

"Oh George, honestly." his mother sighed, pausing to wipe the tears of laughter from the corner of her eye.

"I've known about your little diaper fetish for quite some time now, and your little friend you did the job for has already filled me in on this mornings escapades."

George's heart dropped, he couldn't imagine a more humiliating predicament. Here he was dressed down to a diaper standing on his front porch in front of his mother and cousin. Now he finds out that his mother knew about his little diaper kink this whole time.

"Oh god." he moaned.

"Oh no honey, don't feel bad, most people have some sort of kink. It's just that some are better at hiding it than others." she laughed.

George could feel his face growing flush as he blushed deeply, his eyes stinging from the humiliation of having his little secret exposed. "I-I....." he stuttered.

"George," his mother said, clearly struggling to hold in her laughter.

"So everything is fine, don't worry." his mother said, reaching out and patting him on the head.

George nodded, turning to face his cousin who was grinning from ear to ear. Jenny leaned in and kissed him patronizingly on the forehead before stepping back off the porch.

"Well I better be off, someone has to finish the work that this little guy started."

"Thank you for bringing my baby back home Jenny, I'm sure he's all tuckered out from playing pretend all morning."

George cringed, hearing the same words come from his own mother about him 'playing pretend' as he had from the two women earlier. He was good at his job, he hated that they were both making a mockery out of him.

"I'll sort something out with his Van and just drop it off in the driveway." Jenny called out as she walked toward her own car.

"Don't put yourself out dear," his mother said. "I have a feeling Georgie won't be needing it for a while."

Jenny laughed wildly as she stepped into the drivers seat of her van and George spun around to face his mother who was still lingering in the doorway.

His face burning with embarrassment, his mother reached out and pulled him into a gentle hug.

"You look pretty cute in just your diaper. It's a shame you thought you had to hide this from me."

"I-I can't believe this." George groaned. "Can you let me inside before anyone else sees me, I just want to take it off."

"Oh no George, you won't be doing that."

George pulled back and his head spun up as he looked his mother in the eye.

"I'm afraid you're going to be back in diapers for quite some time young man."


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