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Ron walked down the forest path, basking in the tranquility he enjoyed listening to the singing birds and the whisper of the leaves as the wind blew across the trees. He had never been to this place before, but somehow it felt familiar like he knew this is where he was supposed to be. It was an odd feeling, he wasn't sure why he had come to this place, but he walked the well trodden path as if he had been here many times before.

Finally the forest opened up into a clearing and Ron came across a stream cutting across his path. He walked up to the running river and decided to take off his shoes before attempting to cross. Cautiously he dipped his toes into the water and was surprised to find it was quite warm. He smiled to himself as he stood with his feet in the water, with the sun beaming overhead it basked him in a warm glow.

As the light of the sun grew it began to bother him and Ron attempted to cover his eyes but it did nothing to stop the shining rays baking him and disrupting his peace.

"hmmgfhh," Ron groaned, as his eyes fluttered open and he awoke from his dream.

The morning sun was shining through his bedroom curtain, at the perfect spot it was glaring right at his face. Ron tossed and turned before burying his head into his pillow with a heavy sigh.

Suddenly he noticed a rather wet clingy feeling underneath his bedsheets. Looking rather rattled Ron quickly sat up and threw back his duvet cover and saw to his dismay he had once again soaked his bedsheets with pee.

"Not again." Ron whined.

This wasn't normal behavior for a young man in his twenties.

Ron was only in his first year of university, it hadn't been going as well as he had hoped. He performed well in high school, but rather than ride the wave of success going into the next stage of his education he decided to take a gap year.

The first gap year led into the second which subsequently resulted in him taking a third than a fourth. Finally he decided that if he wanted to find himself with a proper career he needed to get his act together.

So on a whim he decided to quit his part time dead-end job and return to university. Of course his meagre savings dried up quickly so he had to return home. He didn't really miss his small city apartment, it was in a pretty average part of town too. But he did miss his independence.

He was rather ashamed to be walking up to the front door of his own home, his tail between his legs. Ron's mother of course had no quarrel having her son moving back home. She had rather missed him since he had flown the coop, so to speak.

He didn't take long for Ron to realise that all the time he took off between high school and university that it made going back to fulltime classes quite stressful. It was a combination of that and the embarrassment of being back home that he self diagnosed was the cause of his sudden bed wetting.

Ron's mother didn't help with the shame he was feeling by being so incessant to try help where she could. She always seemed to appear at his door right about when he would normally wake up and help with his wet sheets. It was quite nice of her to be so helpful but it embarrassed him to no end.

As if on queue, with Ron staring sitting on his bed with the large pee stain covering him his mother knocked on the door.

"Ron, are you awake?" his mother called out.

Ron groaned, "Yeah, I'm awake."

Without waiting for an answer, she entered the bedroom and headed straight for the laundry basket in the corner of the room. His mother was a petite woman, with greying hair and an always cheerful face. She spoke with the kindness of a mother who had seen everything and knew just what her child needed.

"Are you okay, honey? I heard you groaning earlier." she asked, looking him up and down.

Ron nodded, "I'm fine, just had a bad dream, that's all."

His mother noticed the wet sheets and soaked pajama bottoms, her mouth forming a small "O".

"Did it happen again?" she asked softly.

Ron nodded, his face flushing red.

His mother sighed and sat down beside him. "It's okay, honey. We'll figure it out together," she said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It's just so frustrating," Ron muttered, burying his face in his hands.

"I know, sweetie, but we'll find a solution," his mother said, rubbing his back soothingly. "Let me grab your wet stuff while you head to the shower, how does that sound sweetie?"

Ron nodded, appreciating his mother's kindness. He quickly stripped off his wet pajamas, tossing them into the laundry basket she had been holding out. Standing naked and vulnerable in front of her, he felt a sudden surge of embarrassment. But his mother didn't seem to notice as she busied herself with gathering up his sheets.

He could have stripped off in the bathroom but it would just mean her coming in and grabbing them At least this way he could shower in peace.

As he stood under the warm water, he tried to clear his mind of all the stress he had been carrying. The hot water of the shower felt refreshing on his body, and he washed himself thoroughly, feeling a sense of relief.

After a long and refreshing shower, Ron emerged from the bathroom feeling slightly better. His mother had left a fresh set of clothes on his bed and cleaned the mattress.

Ron donned his clothes and made his way down to the kitchen, where his mother was already making breakfast. The smell of bacon filled the air, making Ron's mouth water.

"Thanks, mom," he said as he sat down at the table.

His mother smiled warmly at him, "You're welcome, sweetie."

They ate together for a moment before his mother spoke. "I thought maybe we could go to the shops today, have a look for something that could help."

Ron sighed, swallowing a mouthful of food before speaking up. "Mum, we've talked about this."

"I know baby, but plenty of boys your age still wear diapers." she said.

"Really, how many 22 year old's do you know that still wear diapers, and do you have to call me baby." he groaned.

His mother's expression softened, "I'm just trying to help you, Ron. I don't like seeing you stressed and embarrassed."

"I know," Ron said with a sigh. "But there has to be another way. I'll figure something out."

"Okay sweetheart," his mother said, giving him a reassuring smile. "But if you change your mind, just let me know. I'm here to help you in any way I can."

Ron finished his breakfast, lost in thought. He knew his mother meant well, but he didn't want to resort to wearing diapers like a baby. He needed to find a solution to his problem, fast.

After his mother left for the day he began searching the internet, desperately for a solution. He really should have been studying, especially considering how far he was falling behind but he hated the idea of doing homework on weekends and his mind was preoccupied.

Eventually his search found him on another blog that suggested diapers and he closed the browser in disgust. Ron heaved a heavy sigh as he shut down his computer for the day and instead decided to unwind with some video games.

It was late in the day when Ron heard his mother come home through the front door. He looked up at the time and realised the day had gotten away from him, following the realization that he had pretty much accomplished nothing today.

Ron stood up from the carpet with a heavy sigh and trudged downstairs.

"Ron baby, how was your day, sorry I was gone for so long." his mother said with a soft expression.

"It's fine mum, do you want help with dinner?" he asked.

"No that's ok, but there was something I wanted to talk to you about." she said, pulling a large package out of a grocery bag.

Ron's eyes grew wide as he looked at the package in her hands, cringing as he instantly knew what it was.

"Mum you didn't." Ron cried.

"I know baby, but look." she said, tearing open the package and holding a thick diaper out in front of her. "Aren't they just darling, I remember putting ones just like these on you when you were an actual baby."

Ron studied the colorful design, and couldn't believe they made diapers with such infantile designs for adults, he was mortified.

"No, mum, I can't wear that. It's embarrassing," Ron protested, feeling more humiliated than ever.

"I know it's not ideal, Ron, but it's just temporary. You can't keep waking up with wet sheets every morning. It's bad for your health and it's not fair on me either," his mother said, her voice firm but gentle.

Ron felt a lump form in his throat as he listened to his mother. He hated feeling like a burden to her, and he knew she was trying to help him. But the thought of wearing a diaper at his age was just too embarrassing.

"I don't know if I can wear that, Mum," Ron said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I understand how you feel, baby, but you need to try. And you never know, it might not be so bad," his mother said, holding out the diaper towards him.

Ron hesitated for a moment before reluctantly taking the diaper from his mother's hand. He stared down at the colorful design, feeling like a child again.

"Okay, I'll try it," he said, feeling defeated.

"Good boy," his mother said, patting him on the back.

Ron felt his face flush with embarrassment at the praise. He was a grown man, and his mother was treating him like a child.

"I don't know how to ummm, put this on." Ron said awkwardly while toying with the thick diaper in his hands.

"That's ok baby, that's what mummy is here for." she said, retrieving some powder and baby oil from the same bag before taking Ron's hand and leading her adult son up to his bedroom.

Ron followed his mother reluctantly, feeling his cheeks turn red with embarrassment. The idea of his mother putting on a diaper made him feel even more humiliated.

Once they reached his room, his mother helped him undress. Ron felt exposed and vulnerable as he stood there naked in front of her. He couldn't believe he was actually doing this.

"Okay, sweetheart, you lie down on the bed and let me take care of you," his mother said, smiling reassuringly at him.

Ron felt like he was going to be sick as he laid down on the bed, feeling his mother's eyes on him as she started to slide the diaper underneath him. He closed his eyes, willing himself to just get through this.

"I'm going to put some powder on you now, sweetie, so it doesn't chafe," his mother said, and Ron felt a shiver run down his spine as she began to dust him with the powder.

Once she finished, she grabbed the baby oil and began

rubbing it into his skin with practiced ease, working the oil in thoroughly until he felt the slickness of it against his skin.

"Okay, let's get you all taped up now," his mother said, and Ron felt her start to pull the front of the diaper up between his legs.

Ron's heart beat wildly in his chest as his mother pulled the two sides of the diaper up over his hips, and he felt the sticky tabs fasten to each side. He felt a flush of

embarrassment wash over him as he realized he was actually wearing a diaper, and the realization that his mother was responsible for putting it on him made things ten times worse.

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" his mother said, giving him a reassuring smile.

Ron stayed silent, feeling too embarrassed to speak. He couldn't believe he was actually wearing a diaper, and the thought of him potentially wetting himself later filled him with dread.

"Okay, let's get you dressed," his mother said, helping him into a pair of sweatpants before leading him back downstairs.

Ron felt incredibly self-conscious as he sat at the dinner table, the thick diaper crinkling loudly beneath his clothing. He couldn't believe his mother had done this to him. He had always been a self-sufficient adult, but now he felt like a helpless baby.

The conversation during dinner was uncomfortable and Ron couldn’t shake the feeling of humiliation. He tried to focus on the food in front of him, but all he could think about was the thick diaper and how it made him feel like he had no control over his own body. The rustling of the diaper was a constant reminder of his new reality.

As they finished eating, his mother broke the silence. "Now Ron, I know this is new for you and it might be uncomfortable, but please try to wear it tonight. You need to get a good night's sleep and keep your bed dry."

Ron nodded, not wanting to argue. He was too humiliated to express his feelings anyway. All he wanted was to go to bed and pretend this day never happened.

When he finally went to bed that night, he found it difficult to relax. He was too aware of the diaper between his legs and the noise it made every time he moved. Each time he shifted, he could feel the bulk of the diaper pressing against him and it made him feel even more infantile. Eventually he succumbed to his tiredness and fell asleep.

But as he slept, he dreamt of a different reality. In his dream, he was in a nursery, surrounded by toys and stuffed animals. He was a baby again, wearing nothing but a diaper and crawling on the floor. A woman, who he presumed was his mother, was sitting on the floor with him, playing with him and cooing at him like he was an actual infant. He couldn't understand why he was dreaming of this, but it felt oddly comforting.

Then, suddenly he felt himself start to wet the diaper. The dream shifted, and he was no longer comfortable. He woke up to a dark room with a start and realized to his horror that he had wet himself in his sleep. He could feel his warm saturated diaper between his legs.

Ron felt a wave of shame wash over him as he realized that he'd lost control of his bladder. He was a grown man, and he couldn't even make it through the night without wetting the bed. He felt like he'd regressed back to childhood, and he didn't know how to deal with the feelings of humiliation that came with it.

As he lay there, feeling too embarrassed to move, his mother walked into the room. "Ron, are you okay?" she asked, "I heard you fussing when I got up for a drink."

"I wet the bed," Ron said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"It's okay baby," she said, coming over to him and placing a hand on his forehead, feeling his temperature. "I'll help you change. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

His mother began to unfasten the diaper tabs and carefully remove the wet diaper from between his legs. Ron couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as the wet material was lifted from his skin, but the feeling was short-lived as he looked up and saw his mother's gentle smile. It was a smile of love and caring, but it also reinforced the idea that he was helpless and dependent on her.

She cleaned him up with a warm washcloth, wiping away any excess moisture before applying baby powder to his skin. As she reached for a new diaper, Ron hesitantly spoke up.

"Mum, I don't know if I can keep doing this," he said, his voice shaking slightly.

"I know it's hard, baby, but you need to trust me. This is for your own good," she said, patting his thigh reassuringly.

Ron wanted to believe her, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being treated like a helpless infant. He felt like he was losing his independence and his dignity. But he also didn't want to disappoint his mother or make her worry about him. So, he remained quiet as she fastened the fresh diaper around his waist.

As she finished changing him, she gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Sleep now, sweet baby. I'm here for you," she said, tucking him into bed.

Ron closed his eyes, feeling more confused than ever. He couldn't stop thinking about how he had wet himself and how he had allowed his mother to change him like a baby. Eventually he fell back asleep and found himself dreaming again.

He was back in the nursery, dressed down to his thick diaper. Only this time he wasn't an infant again he was still his 22 year old self surrounded by babyish furniture big enough for him.

He felt a sense of excitement surge through him as he looked around the room, taking in the oversized crib and the colorful mobile hanging above it. He wanted to explore the room, to touch everything and see what it was like to be surrounded by baby items.

As he crawled across the floor, the bulk of his diaper slowed him down, but he was determined to explore every inch of the nursery. He reached out and grabbed onto the bars of the crib, pulling himself up to stand in front of it. The bars were just the right height for him to hold onto, and he felt a sense of comfort in being able to steady himself by holding on.

Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him and turned around to see his mother standing in the doorway. She was smiling at him, but there was a glint in her eye that made him feel a bit uneasy.

"You look so cute in your diaper, baby," she said, walking over to him and reaching down to pat his bottom.

Ron felt a flush rise to his cheeks as he realized that his mother was watching him crawl around the room like a helpless infant. He tried to stand up straight, to make himself look more adult-like, but the bulk of his diaper made it difficult to move properly.

As he struggled to maintain his balance, his mother reached out and grabbed his hand, leading him over to a large rocking chair.

Then he noticed his mother had a bottle in her hand.

"Here you go, baby," she said, holding it out to him.

Ron hesitated at first, feeling a sense of embarrassment at being fed like an infant. But his curiosity got the best of him and he opened his mouth, letting the nipple slide in between his lips. The warm liquid inside was oddly satisfying, and he found himself drinking more than he probably should have.

"Good baby," his mother cooed.

The dream continued for sometime as his adult self lay in his mothers arms as he drank greedily from the baby's bottle while his mother caressed his crinkly diaper.

As the bottle emptied, Ron felt a sense of fullness in his stomach, and he pulled away from the nipple. His mother took the empty bottle from him and began to pat his back, burping him like he was an actual infant.

Ron felt a sense of discomfort wash over him as he felt himself burp. The whole situation was so surreal and he wasn't sure how to feel about it.

"Feeling better?" his mother asked, a smile on her face.

Ron nodded but awkwardly shifted in his diaper as his stomach groaned.

"What's the matter baby, do you need to make a poo?"

Ron nodded, he knew this was a dream but he felt like he was a passenger with no control.

"That's ok baby, use your diaper, that's what it's there for."

Ron stiffened and didn't move.

"Be a good baby for mummy," she cooed, gently rubbing the back of his diaper massaging his bottom through the crinkly padding.

Ron felt a sense of shock wash over him as his mother's words sunk in. He couldn't believe that she was actually encouraging him to use his diaper like a baby. He felt a rush of conflicting emotions, a part of him wanted to obey her and let go, while another part of him rebelled against the idea of messing himself.

As he shifted uncomfortably in his diaper, he could feel the need to go growing stronger. His mother's insistent massaging only added to the pressure building in his bowels. He had never felt so vulnerable and helpless before.

He closed his eyes, trying to gather his thoughts, but all he could focus on was the growing need to use his diaper.

Finally, unable to hold it any longer, he let go, feeling the warm mess spreading through the padding of his diaper.

He felt a sense of relief mixed with shame and embarrassment as his mother praised him for being such a good baby. "That's it baby, you're doing so well," she said, rubbing his back through the thick diaper.

Ron squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the feelings of humiliation that were washing over him. He felt like he had lost all control over his body and his dignity. But at the same time, he couldn't deny the strange sense of comfort that came from being cared for like a baby.

Eventually, the dream trailed off into a blur of sensations and emotions. Ron couldn't remember much else of what had happened, but he knew that when he opened his eyes it would no longer be the dream world he was currently inhabiting.

As his eyes fluttered open, Ron stifled a yawn before closing his eyes. Suddenly an overpowering stench wafted past his noes and Ron's memory of the dream came flooding back to him.

But to his surprise, the feeling of his full diaper was still present. He had assumed that it was all just a dream, but as he shifted in his bed, he could feel the warm mess squishing against his skin.

With a sense of dread, he slowly pushed back the covers and looked down at himself, only to see the thick white padding of a diaper peeking out at him from beneath his pajamas.

Ron's heart began to race as he realized that it wasn't just a dream. He had actually wet and soiled himself like a baby, just like his mother had encouraged in his dream.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and shame, Ron tried to remember how it had happened. But his mind was foggy, and all he could recall was the sensation of being cared for like an infant.

As he lay there, still trying to come to terms with what had happened, he heard a knock at his door.

"Ron, sweetie, are you awake?" his mother's voice called.

Ron's face flushed with embarrassment as he realized that his mother was about to see him in his messy diaper. He wanted to crawl under the covers and hide, but he knew that he couldn't avoid the inevitable.

"Y-yes, I'm awake," he called back, his voice shaking slightly.

A moment later, the door creaked open and his mother walked in, a gentle smile on her face.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. Did you have a good night?" she asked, gently patting his head.

Ron nodded, feeling a sense of awkwardness wash over him as he realized that he was still wearing the same diaper from his dream. He could feel the mess squishing against his skin, and he bit his lip to keep from squirming.

"Did you make a mess in your diaper, baby?" she asked, a knowing smile crossing her face.

Ron nodded, feeling a sense of shame wash over him. He couldn't believe that his nightmare had become reality.

He was an adult, but he had messed his diaper, apparently having no more control than a toddler.

"That's ok dear, come with me and I'll give you a bath."

Ron's heart sank as he realized that he would have to walk around in his messy diaper until his mother could clean him up. His sense of humiliation grew as he stumbled out of bed, feeling the soggy padding between his legs.

"Here sweetie, let me help you," his mother said, holding out a hand to steady him.

Ron's cheeks burned with embarrassment as he allowed himself to be led to the bathroom. He tried to keep his head down, hoping that his mother wouldn't notice how red his face was.

Once they were in the bathroom, Ron's mother began to fill the tub with warm water. Ron watched as she added bubbles to the water, feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over him. He hadn't taken a bubble bath since he was a child, and the familiar scent of the soap brought back memories of happier times.

"Alright, let's get you out of that messy diaper," his mother said, snapping him out of his reverie.

Ron couldn't help but notice the strange glint in his mother's eyes. It was as if she was enjoying the situation a little too much, relishing in his vulnerability.

Ron closed his eyes, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief as his mother began to undo the tapes on his diaper. He could feel her cool fingers against his warm skin, and he shivered with discomfort.

"There we go," his mother said, tossing the soiled diaper into the trash bin.

Ron took a deep breath, feeling a sense of freedom that he hadn't felt in a long time. For a moment, he forgot about everything else as he stepped into the tub, feeling the warm water surround him.

His mother began to wash him with a soft cloth, her gentle touch soothing his nerves.

Ron couldn't help but sigh in relief as he leaned back, letting his mother wash away the last of the mess from his body. He had never felt so vulnerable and helpless, but at the same time, he couldn't deny the strange sense of comfort that came from being cared for like a baby.

As his mother washed his hair, Ron closed his eyes, letting out a soft moan of pleasure. He could feel the tension in his body melting away under her gentle touch, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards her.

"Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the running water.

His mother smiled at him, her eyes warm with affection. "Anything for my baby," she said, running her hand through his hair.

Ron blushed at her words, realizing that his mother was treating him like a baby on purpose. He couldn't deny that there was a certain allure to the idea of being taken care of like an infant, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of shame and embarrassment about it.

As his mother finished washing him, Ron reluctantly stepped out of the tub, feeling a sense of emptiness as the warm water drained away. His mother wrapped him in a fluffy towel, drying him off with gentle strokes.

"All clean now, baby," she said, kissing him on the forehead.

Ron nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him as he realized that the worst was over. He may have lost control over his body, but at least he had his mother there to take care of him.

He followed her back to his bedroom as she proceeded to select a pair of underwear for him to wear. She knelt down and Ron realised apparently she was set on dressing him.

As Ron stepped into his underpants he couldn't help but look over at the stack of diapers on his dresser.

He didn't need them during the day but part of him was going to miss the cushiness between his legs. Apparently his mother must have noticed what he was staring at because she suddenly stopped pulling his underwear  midway up his legs.

"Do you want to put on a diaper, sweetie?" she asked him in a soft, gentle voice.

Ron hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. For a moment he considered saying yes, but then for the first time in a while he had a sudden rush of clarity and he shook the thoughts from his head.

"No mum, that's fine, thanks." he said, awkwardly avoiding her gaze.

"Ok dear, if you change your mind, you know where to find me." she replied, before giving him a gentle hug and leaving the room.

Ron shivered as he caught his reflection in the mirror. He couldn't believe he had let his mother dress him and after giving him a bath because he had messed in a diaper.

"What's wrong with me," Ron said, speaking to his reflection.

Clearly his dreams were having an impact on him, he had to find a way to get control of his bed wetting and fast.

The fear of his dreams becoming a reality set in, and Ron became adamant that he wouldn't let things get any worse or humiliating than they already had.



Great story