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Caleb wasn’t sure how long he had spent scrolling through his newsfeed while feeling incredibly sorry for himself. If he was being honest, he was much happier left to his own devices, rather than having Nanny bearing down over him. He was used to spending a large chunk of his life locked away in the seclusion of his room anyway.

He was starting to get hungry though, his stomach grumbled and he knew he would have to eventually bite the bullet and leave the safety of his bedroom. Ideally he would be able to sneak to the fridge and quietly grab some snacks before tiptoeing back to his room. It was unlikely he could pull it off without getting caught however. Somehow Nanny had supernatural hearing and was always hot on his heels.

It was going to be a gamble, but after listening to his stomach loudly announce his growing hunger once more; Caleb decided to shoot his shot and make a move for the kitchen. To his dismay it was going to be even harder then he realised to go unnoticed. His thick diaper crinkled loudly, much more than the pull up had as he crept down the hallway. It was a tiny victory that he actually made it to the kitchen before Nanny appeared behind him, her large presence casting a shadow that loomed over him.

“Ahem.” She said, clearing her throat.

Caleb turned around cautiously, he felt even smaller now standing before her; his diaper was plainly obvious and it made him feel like a baby.

“I was hungry.” He told her softly.

“Then you ask me first.”

“Sorry Nanny.” Caleb responded submissively.

Nanny uncrossed her arms, “Well at least you’ve got your manners back.”

Caleb stood back and watched as Nanny opened the fridge and started pulling out ingredients.

“Go take a seat; I’ll make you a sandwich.” She told him.

Caleb started to move away, when he was suddenly pulled back by the waistband of his diaper.

“Actually before you leave.”

Nanny was giving Caleb a diaper check; she took her time feeling around his groin for any sign of wetness before she eventually replaced his padding.

“I can’t believe you actually managed to stay dry.” She told him.

Caleb was blushing; it was humiliating to admit but the tiniest part of him actually felt slightly proud of her comments. Even if he was overlooking her disbelief that he had kept his diaper clean.

Nanny returned with the promised sandwich and placed it down in front of him. Before Caleb could take his first bite, Nanny was tying a baby’s bib around his neck.

“Nanny is this necessary.” Caleb asked.

“Yes Caleb, you’re a messy eater, like any other toddler I’ve had the pleasure of babysitting in my time.”

“But where did you even get this?”

Caleb was right to be confused; the bib was white with blue trim but looked incredibly juvenile. Similarly to his diapers it was strangely sized up to fit someone his size.

Nanny chuckled, “I’ve got everything I need to look after little guys such as yourself; in anyway shape or form.”

She pinched his cheek before leaving him alone to eat his lunch in peace.

Caleb scoffed his ham sandwich down; he wanted to return to the solitude of his bedroom. A dollop of sauce splashed down onto the bib and he hated that Nanny was right in her assumptions after all.

Nanny returned to the dining room just as Caleb had finished eating and was returning his plate to the sink.

“I can take that.” She said, grabbing the plate and removing his dirty bib with a triumphant smirk that could only mean ‘I told you so.’

“Now Caleb, your mother left us with some money to go out so I was thinking we could go see a movie, would you like that?”

“Not really.” Caleb said.

There were a couple of movies he really wanted to see, but the thought of going out in public again after what happened at the park wasn’t ideal.

“Well that’s too bad, your mother expects us to go out; what would she think if she found out you sat at home all day.”

Caleb shrugged, he honestly didn’t care what his mother thought, he wanted her to come home already, but it wasn’t for lack of missing her, he wanted Nanny out of the house and his life for good.

“Fine I’ll come, can I at least pick the movie.” He asked hopefully, imaging the latest action flick he was hoping to see.

“Sure, as long as you behave yourself until we go.”

Caleb agreed, and with a small sparkle of glee in his eye left for his room where he spent the next couple of hours mulling about until Nanny came to collect him.

“Alright time to go mister.”

“Can I please have pants Nanny?”

Caleb was confident she wasn’t going to bring him to the cinema with his diaper sticking out for everyone to see. His experience at the park might have led him to believe otherwise, but they only came off after he had leaked through his diaper.

“Yes Caleb.”

She retrieved a rather tight fitting pair of shorts, it was difficult for Nanny to squeeze them over his diaper and once she managed to button them up it was obvious what he was wearing. The diaper bulge was massive; it was nothing like when he wore his pants over the pull up. Any thoughts of him potentially enjoying the movie had left the moment Nanny had buttoned up his shorts. He couldn’t argue with her, even to ask if he could try on another pair that might make his diaper less obvious.

“Thank you.” Caleb said bashfully, feeling utterly emasculated that he had thanked her for dressing him in his own shorts.

“You’re welcome Caleb.”

Nanny finished putting his shoes on before he waddled along hand and hand to the car. He hated being outside, at least he knew this time they were making a small trip to the car and not another to the park.

It didn’t stop him shivering with anxiety as he crossed the threshold of the open doorway.

It was a short trip to the cinema, Nanny had to come around and open Caleb’s door for him. He was terrified about walking around with this many people here. The park was a horrible experience, but this felt even worse, now there were people his age hanging about.

“Come on Caleb.” She held out her hand for him to take, as she stood by his open door.

“Nanny, people will see us.”

“Caleb, either you take my hand or I’ll pull your shorts down, spank you in the car park and then force you to come with me.”

Rather risk the consequences, Caleb reluctantly took hold of Nanny’s hand and followed her into the cinema. Just like the walk to the park, he was sure it must have been a sight for anyone looking in their direction. Caleb’s gaze stayed glued to the floor; Nanny had a firm grip on his hand and he wondered if she could feel his palms getting sweaty from the nerves.

“Hello, alright Caleb which movie did you want to see?”

Caleb finally looked up and realised a young woman was waiting for them to order tickets.

“That one.” Caleb said, hastily pointing towards the large poster of his favourite action franchise.

“Are you sure?” Nanny asked sceptically, “That looks awfully mature for someone like you, are you sure something like that wouldn’t be more your speed.”

Caleb followed the direction she was pointing at, and swiftly shook his head in disgust. Nanny couldn’t have suggested a more juvenile looking film, probably intended for toddlers judging by the infantile look of the cartoon characters on the poster.

“You said I could pick.” Caleb said in earnest.

The young woman at the counter was looking equally impatient and confused, perhaps that was why Nanny decided not to fight him anymore on the point and reluctantly agreed.

“Ok fine, but if this movie gives you nightmares, you better not come crying to me about it.”

Caleb stood shamefaced and blushing, even the box of popcorn and large Cola that was handed to him didn’t settle his embarrassment. He could only imagine what the girl working the register thought of him. She never said anything, and Caleb wouldn’t look up to see her reaction when he thanked her and he briskly walked away from the counter as soon as Nanny was finished paying.

It wasn’t hard to find their seats inside the dimly lit cinema, as soon as they lights went down Caleb actually breathed a sigh of relief. He took a large gulp from his soda and helped himself to a handful of popcorn and settled in to watch the advertisements.


The movie was probably about half way through and Caleb had momentarily forgotten his childish state. It wasn’t until he had sucked down most of his cola that he realised his need to use the bathroom. He held onto his bladder, this fight scene was too cool to miss; when he remembered the diaper he was wearing.

His heart skipped a beat; you wouldn’t have seen it in the darkness but Caleb was blushing red as he slightly adjusted himself into a better position before relinquishing the hold he had over his bladder. It was evident how much he needed to go; the large soda had gone straight through him and he was peeing for quite a while.

It must have been obvious what Caleb was doing, because when the flow finally came to an end Nanny reached over and slid a hand down his shorts. She clutched the sodden diaper in her palm and traced the cuffs before pulling it back.

“That sounded like a big wee Caleb; do you want me to change your diaper now?” She quietly asked him.

“No Nanny.” Caleb muttered sheepishly.

He probably could have done with a change, but there was no chance he would willingly chose to suffer through another one in public.

“Alright, but we both know what happened last time; you can explain to the cleaners if you leak all over the chair.”

Caleb shivered fearfully; he hoped Nanny couldn’t see how much of an effect her words were having over him. But deep down he knew she was well aware of the shame he was feeling.

As the movie played through Caleb would occasionally feel the urge to wee and would continuously spurt and trickle into his already well drenched diaper without much thought. He figured based on how thick it was when Nanny diapered him that it should at least hold throughout the length of the film.

Rather like he predicted, the end credits rolled and there didn’t seem to be any leaks. He even ran a hand across his bottom just to make sure nothing had leaked out the back. He felt quite prideful before he realised how ridiculous it was and there was nothing to be proud about not having a leaky diaper.

Nanny noticed the pedantic look he had as he ran his hands across his diapered crotch.

“You didn’t leak did you?” She asked him.

“No Nanny I checked.”

‘What a ridiculous thing to say to her,’ Caleb thought to himself.

Nanny still wasn’t satisfied and did her own check before they walked out of the theatre.

“Hmm, you definitely did a number on it but at least you’re right, it’s definitely done its job.”

Caleb was a bit taken back by her comments; it wasn’t that obvious that he was wet, she hadn’t even put her hand down his pants, which was an odd thing to be curious about.

As they walked down the steps, Caleb noticed he had a much more distinct waddle now and walked with much more gait with each step. He was beginning to feel quite nervous, a feeling that increased tenfold when he caught himself in the reflection of a decorative panel by the entrance to the theatre.

His diaper bulge was huge now, and desperately straining against the thin fabric of his shorts.

“Nanny I can’t go out like this!” Caleb cried.

“Whatever is the matter now Caleb.” Nanny said exasperatingly.

“Everyone can tell what I’m wearing.”

Nanny sighed, “Caleb, if you were so worried about everyone noticing your diaper then perhaps you should have thought about that before you soaked the thing.”

“But Nanny you won’t let me use the bathroom!” Caleb whined.

“And for good reason, do you really think you deserve to be wearing anything but diapers right now. Imagine if I had you in pull ups or underwear, you are nowhere near mature enough for those.”

“This is ridiculous.” Caleb stamped his foot in frustration. “I’m not a baby, I’m a grown man.”

“Maybe an overgrown man-baby, but definitely not a man.”

Nanny grew tired of Caleb’s tiresome behaviour and quite abruptly pulled him by hand out of the cinema. They were walking together, well rather Caleb look much more like he was waddling towards the theatre entrance when suddenly a voice called out.

“Caleb, is that you?”

Caleb turned around, his face a mixture of horror and shame as he came face to face with the young woman whom he recognised.

“S-Sandy.” He sputtered.

“Caleb, what are you wearing who is this?” Sandy asked.

The young woman looked quite shocked, unlike the embarrassed young man she was incredibly confused by the sight of her friend being dragged along by this stranger. She could also quite clearly tell that he was wearing what seemed to be a diaper between her legs. Being the eldest of her siblings she had a keen eye for those sorts of things, often being the one that was left with the baby sitting duties of her younger brother and sister.

“Caleb who is this, what’s going on, and is that a diaper you’re wearing?”

The questions fired off quickly, Caleb could barely process them let alone think of some sane answer to give her that would leave him with some credibility intact.

“It’s ummmm, it’s not what you think.” He fumbled his words, sounding exactly like a fish out of water might if it had the capacity to speak.

Nanny noticed Caleb’s discomfort and quite instinctively took over the conversation.

“Hi there I’m Caleb’s Nanny, are you a friend of his?” She asked sweetly.

“His Nanny?” Sandy looked up inquisitively at the strange woman who had a strong grip on her friend’s hand.

“Yes dear like I said, you can call me Nanny too if you like, what’s your name.”

“It’s Sandy, sorry….Caleb why do you have a Nanny.” She asked, redirecting the question back at him.

“Because dear.” Nanny began, answering on his behalf. “Caleb isn’t quite responsible or mature enough to be living on his own, so his mommy asked me to babysit him while she’s on holiday.”

Sandy screwed up her face; clearly she was getting more to question than any real answers.

“But Diapers, Caleb are you ok, should I call the police?” Sandy asked quite seriously.

“You needn’t bother the police, like I already said I’m Caleb’s Nanny he’s not mature enough to be left by himself, which is evident by his saturated diaper.”

“It’s wet?” Sandy asked in disbelief.

Sure enough Nanny made it her point right then and there to put an end to any question that she was anything but who she said she was. She pulled Caleb’s shorts down in one swoop; the yellowed discolouring on his diaper was plainly obvious. It was swollen incredibly to the point where it looked like the tabs holding it all together might rip.

“NANNY.” Caleb practically screamed.

He quickly struggled to pull his shorts back up over the bulging diaper before any more people would see his shame.

“I don’t know what to say.” Sandy stood their looking nearly as embarrassed as Caleb felt.

“What else is there to say, like I told you Caleb here is clearly not ready to be out of diapers yet. Until now he’s been putting on quite the show pretending to be a big boy, but as he has proven to me time and time again he just isn’t ready for that level of independence.

Sandy’s gaze was glued onto Caleb’s diapered bulge, try as she might she couldn’t manage to look away.

“Yeah I guess you’re right.” She eventually said.

“Sandy, don’t listen to her, she’s lying.” Caleb begged.

Sandy looked at Caleb, she could hear what he was saying, but looking at the thick diaper bursting through his shorts and after seeing the state of it, she was actually leaning towards Nanny’s explanation.

“But it’s wet Caleb.”

“It’s not my fault, she made me.” Caleb said, pointing an accusatory finger at Nanny.

“She made you wet your diaper?” Sandy asked sceptically.

“She won’t let me use the toilet.” He replied.

“But couldn’t you just take it off, I don’t understand.”

“I can’t she won’t let me.”

As rational as an explanation Caleb thought it sounded, to Sandy it was pretty implausible. Obviously being the same age as her friend, she wouldn’t let someone force her into such a predicament. She especially wouldn’t willingly piss herself.

“Sorry Caleb, I’ve got to go.” Sandy said, deciding it was best to excuse herself.

“It was nice to ummm, meet you.” She told Nanny, not forgetting her manners before making her departure.

“You too dear.” Nanny called out.

Caleb watched as Sandy walked off, he desperately wanted to call after her, but he didn’t want to make any more of a scene than he already had. He was quite aware now, of all the people sniggering and looking in their direction.

“Come along Caleb, you can see your friend another time.”

Fighting the urge to cry again, Caleb sullenly walked side by side with Nanny, hoping he would get the chance to explain himself to her later.


“Nanny why did you do that!” Caleb asked her angrily; now back in the backseat of the car.

“Tell her what, the truth.” Nanny told him bluntly.

“She will tell everyone, my life is over.” Caleb replied dramatically.

“Oh don’t be so dramatic.” Nanny responded. “It’s honestly ridiculous; if you had been more mature you wouldn’t have needed a nanny to babysit you to begin with. Not only that if you had even the slightest semblance of maturity shown to me then maybe you wouldn’t be sat back there in a drenched diaper; you brought this on yourself.”

Caleb sat with his arms crossed and stared out of the window gloomily. He could hear what Nanny was saying, but he definitely didn’t agree with her, nothing she said would make him feel otherwise. In his mind this was all her doing, he never invited her into his life that was all of his mum’s idea. Just because he threw one stupid party he was being treated like a baby, it was ridiculous. He couldn’t believe that Nanny couldn’t see the absurdity in all of this, he was a grown man made to wear and use diapers for goodness sake.

He hadn’t been paying much attention but when Nanny took a turn down a street he didn’t recognise, he realised they weren’t driving in the direction of home.

“Nanny, where are we going?” He asked frightfully.

“I have something to do Caleb, it shouldn’t take too long.” She managed to tell him without taking her eyes off the road.

“Where’s that.” He asked rather rudely.

Nanny sighed, “It doesn’t matter, believe it or not but I don’t actually answer to you, I’m the adult here.”

Caleb slunk back into his seat; he wasn’t in any mood to argue further. Having Sandy find him in such a vulnerable and unexplainable state had completely crushed him. He was horrified that she would talk to the rest of their group before he had a chance to think up some kind of explanation. They had always been close friends, but they were just as close as the others in his group so he was doubtful she would actually keep it from the rest of them. He tried not to dwell on the fact that he might be the butt of the joke for the rest of his life, instead Caleb clung onto some hope that his reputation could be salvaged.

He watched the scenery fly by, trying to gauge a rough idea of where they might be headed. It wasn’t until they pulled into a complex right up to the front of a building, where a large pastel sign painted a very obvious picture.

“A day care, why are we here.” Caleb asked, his eyes widening.

“Because this is where I work when I’m not looking after trouble makers like you.” She responded.

Nanny parked the car and opened Caleb’s door for him.

“I’m not coming out; I’ll just wait in the car.” He told her.

“Caleb I’m not having this argument, I might be in there for an hour, I’m not sure.”

“But you told me we wouldn’t be long!” Caleb whined.

“Caleb it’s not up for discussion.”

Without missing a beat Nanny unlatched his seatbelt and pulled Caleb from the car.

“Nanny stop I can’t go in there.” Caleb pleaded with her.

Nanny took one look at Caleb and scoffed. “You could have fooled me; you look like you belong here more than any of the other kids.”

Caleb dragged at his heels but Nanny was surprisingly strong and had no difficulty pulling him inside. The diaper definitely added a degree of difficulty when it came to fighting back, but it still didn’t explain how easily she overpowered him.

Nanny continued tugging him and Caleb stumbled inside, catching onto her shoulder for balance.

“Caleb, honestly.” Nanny scolded him.

“Who’s your little friend Beth?”

It was strange hearing Nanny called by her actual name, up until now he didn’t know what it was. He thought for a moment of calling her that from now on, but he had frightful memories of trying that on teachers and receiving after school detention for his brazenness.

“This is Caleb, do you mind taking him in for an hour or so, just got some work I need to sort out.”

“Of course.” The woman smiled.

Caleb watched as she walked around the counter and stood before him, she didn’t even acknowledge his diapered state and her gaze settled on his own.

“Hiya Caleb, I’m Amelia. Would you like to come with me?”

“No I want to go with Nanny.” Caleb wished the floor would swallow him whole, it sounded completely ridiculous talking to the stranger, and he couldn’t have sounded any more pathetic if he tried.

“Caleb, go with her, sorry to dump him on you, he needs a diaper change too.”

Caleb’s face grew red; he hadn’t even considered the prospect of someone other than Nanny changing his diaper.

“That’s ok, come with me Caleb and we will get you changed in a jiffy, then you can go play.”

Caleb wasn’t left with a say in the matter, rather efficiently before he could even grasp what was going down he was suddenly left holding Amelia’s hand as Nanny walked away from the pair.

She left him with a serious look that told him wordlessly that he better behave before she turned a corner out of sight. He walked silently with Amelia until they reached a room labelled ‘change room’ and she quickly ushered him inside.

There was a large changing table that greeted him on the other side of the door; it seemed that it was well equipped with diapers and other changing supplies.

“Up you hop Caleb.” Amelia said, patting the padded top of the changing table.

Caleb awkwardly pushed himself upward; Amelia noticed his struggle and supported him with a hand underneath his bottom.

He avoided her gaze as she tugged down his shorts leaving his sodden diaper on display.

“My goodness, you’re definitely a heavy wetter aren’t you, you definitely did a number on this one.”

“I don’t normally wear these Nanny is making me.” Caleb corrected her.

“Uh-huh, well Nanny definitely knows best, just look how wet this is.” Amelia declared, holding his soaked diaper up like a trophy.

Caleb sat there while she cleaned him up with wipes before; pulling another infantile diaper that seemed just as thick as the one he was wearing before out of a stack.

She lowered it underneath his bottom when Caleb finally spoke up.

“Why do you have all of this?” He asked.

“Because Caleb, you aren’t the only big boy we’ve had the pleasure of looking after.” Amelia replied.

Caleb waited for more to the story but realised she wasn’t going to say anything else.

“But it’s not normal, I’m an adult.” He tried explaining.

Although his argument was doomed to fail from the start, the fact she was pulling his legs upwards and powdering his bottom to protect him from diaper rash had made it so.

“You’re not really an adult though are you, maybe on paper but this diaper says otherwise.”

Caleb squirmed on the changing table, but Amelia kept a firm grip on his ankles.

“I’m not a baby!” He cried.

“Caleb, you need to get more comfortable with yourself, I think I have a way to help that.”

Caleb restlessly tussled with Amelia but it was a pretty meek reaction, it didn’t take much for her to have him fully undressed down to his diaper.

“There, this way you can get used to being in diapers and I get to see your cute padded tushie whenever I want to.” Amelia teased, gently swatting his puffy behind.

“Please can I put clothes back on!” Caleb begged.

But Amelia didn’t listen, and Caleb had no more luck resisting her than he had Nanny. He was led with his diaper signalling to the world his new status in the pecking order, to an open play area filled with plenty of other visitors to the day care.

“Off you go and play, I’ll let the others carers know you’ll be joining them.”

Caleb looked around the room and it suddenly began to sink in exactly how far he had fallen.



Love it! Question are you only posting once a month now or are you just busy I get it life gets in the way just wondering?


Day time jobs backed me up quite a bit! I'm still playing catch up to try and come ahead in my writing again. I've already written chapter 8 and will hopefully have 9 and 10 done in the next week or so , then I can jump back on the other stories to finish them off :)


Thank you really enjoy your stories. I know work life is hard. Hopefully you’ll get more subscribers in build up a bigger subscribers base where you can. Focus on what you really enjoy.