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Caleb stood on shaky legs completely rattled and unsure what to do. He was terrified that at any moment everyone would turn and see him wearing nothing but his oversized diaper. His first instinct was to hide in the quietest corner of the room. Unfortunately it seemed he had arrived during a likely peak period and no matter where he turned there seemed to be nowhere private he could slink away to.

He couldn’t be certain but it looked like someone had finally taken notice of Caleb and was headed his way. Instinctively he turned and waddled in the opposite direction as quickly as he dared without moving fast enough that it might cause more unwanted attention.

Caleb had little to no bearing in the direction he was headed. In his haste he failed to see a toy train left haphazardly in the middle of the carpet. Just as it hadn’t been at all these past few days luck just wasn’t on his side and Caleb clumsily tripped and fell to the floor. He landed with a padded thud, ironically this time he welcomed his cushiony diaper as it softened his landing. What was less than ideal however was the spurt of pee he felt spray into the front of his diaper.

It was another blow to his self-esteem and his bladder control, clearly something was going on and it had started to weaken somewhat. Another unwelcomed revelation was his rather dramatic fall and grabbed the attention of many others in the room and he heard a lot of giggling he could only assume was being had at his own expense.

Rather amusingly Caleb crawled on all floors shooting off for a quieter corner of the room. He wasn’t sure why his decision had overridden any rational thought to actually stand up and walk over. But he was almost there and so on all fours he continued to scamper over to what must have been a reading corner and nestled himself into a bean bag chair. He grabbed the nearest book and turned himself to face the wall, making it obvious to anyone that he wanted no part in what was going on around him.

Caleb wiped a drop a sweat from across his forehead, his actions had left him a bit rattled and in his haste he now felt like his body was running on overtime. It took only a short moment for him to catch his breath and actually read the cover of the book he was holding instead of just blankly staring at it.

“Mama Bear and the little cub who was afraid of the potty.”

It was another sickening joke that fate seemed to be playing on him. Caleb lazily let the book fall to the floor and sunk back into the bean bag. He was staring up at the ceiling when a woman he didn’t recognise appeared above him.

“Hello there.”

Caleb looked up at the woman bashfully, he couldn’t gauge whether or not she sounded warm or cold. Her demeanour was just as much of a mystery, and only left him guessing what she must be thinking of him right now.

“Hello.” Caleb eventually replied.

“I didn’t believe Amelia when she told me we have someone your age with us.”

Caleb watched the woman’s gaze as it scanned over his diapered crotch.

“But clearly I misjudged her; evidently you belong here more than most of the others do.”

Caleb shifted uncomfortably and tried to adjust himself in a way that left most of his diaper covered.

“There’s no sense in doing that now I’ve already seen it. Do you need a diaper change, or will I have to check you?”

“No thank you I’m fine.” Caleb said.

He thought it best to put on his good boy shoes for now; especially considering the fact this woman was being rather cold towards him.

“At least you have manners, but I have a feeling you’re probably not being entirely honest with me, so hop up.”

Caleb didn’t move immediately and his eyes looked around hoping that someone might come to his rescue.

“That wasn’t a request young man.”

Caleb reluctantly stood up; he was still on shaky legs from the fall so the woman grabbed his arm as he steadied himself.

“No wonder you were crawling around before; you can hardly stand up straight. Now stick your crotch forward and let me get a good look at your diaper.”

Humiliatingly Caleb obliged and stuck his diaper out like a toddler readily accepting his diaper check before he could go back and play. The woman groped his padding before Caleb was made to spin around and she peered into the back of his diaper to check if he was messy.

“Just a little wet, I’m going to assume you didn’t realise and weren’t lying to me, is that right?”

Caleb nodded guiltily, he was wearing such a thick infantile diaper one would only assume he actually needed it, why else would he wear one. With that in mind it made it a bit easier to go along with the story.

“Well it’s not really wet enough that I need to change you right away, I’m sure your used to sitting around in wet diapers all day anyway, am I right?”

“I guess.” Caleb shrugged.

“Well I just came to check on you after your fall, while you’re here I would rather you just crawled like I caught you doing before. I don’t fancy the idea of writing a report back to your mother that her overgrown toddler somehow injured himself at our day care.”

It was obvious the woman wouldn’t leave without him giving her an answer, so again he nodded his head.

“Good, try not and get into too much trouble.”

Caleb watched the woman leave and sighed; he wasn’t sure if it was relief that he was left alone or in boredom since he was now left to face the rest of his time here without anything to pass it by. He briefly considered picking up the book he discarded earlier, but the embarrassment outweighed the idea of passing the time quicker.

Before he could make a decision on what to do to pass the time his stomach started to grumble. He hadn’t eaten in a while and was beginning to get rather peckish. Deciding to be brave for once, Caleb toddled out of the safety of his quiet corner and with as much bravado as he could muster approached the nearest worker.

“Excuse me.” Caleb asked politely.

The older woman turned and locked down on him, her large speckled frames hung on her crooked nose. It made Caleb’s stomach twist in a small knot the way she store at him, he thought he might have been in trouble.

“Yes, what is it?” She asked.

She didn’t sound angry, rather her voice was quite monotone, she reminded him of a librarian.

“Could I please have something to eat?” He told her hopefully.

“Well we don’t normally just hand out food when it isn’t lunch or one of our snack breaks, but I suppose since you came late we can make an exception. Would you like a drink too?”

Caleb hastily nodded; realistically he could probably do without a drink; especially considering it would mean him needing to use his diaper before he left the day care.

“Alright then, you can go wonder off I’ll come find you.”

Caleb waddled back to his quiet corner; it was like stars had finally crossed for the first time in a while. There was nothing particularly grand about having someone bring you a snack, but in his mind this was a small victory and subconsciously he would savour it.

Shortly after Caleb had returned to his spot tucking away into the cosy beanbag the woman returned. She handed him a packet of animal crackers and a baby’s bottle of apple juice. Caleb looked up at the woman reluctantly before he finally took the bottle that was being shoved into his face.

The woman seemed to identify the sceptical look on his face and said, “I didn’t want you spilling a cup and making a mess. I figured this would be more suitable considering the way you were dressed anyway.”

Caleb looked back at her quiet melancholy, “Thank you.” He replied swallowing his pride.

The woman silently nodded before leaving back to attend to her other duties. Caleb thought about ditching the bottle, but he was a little bit thirsty. So he quickly ripped into the crackers and gloomily drank from the bottle, watching the time pass by around him.


Sometime had passed since Caleb had greedily sucked down the bottle of juice; he had managed to find a slightly more interesting novel from the bookshelf. It wasn’t a gripping story, some cheesy fantasy story that was designed for grade school reading. But at least it wasn’t a potty training book for toddlers, as much as that probably seemed more fitting for him right about now.

The consequences of drinking his juice as quickly as he did meant his bladder had speedily caught up with him. He knew it would happen; it could have drunk it slower and maybe this would have been avoidable. But the longer he drank from the bottle, the more embarrassment he felt. It was one of those, deal with the consequences later type scenarios.

Caleb had been afraid he would have been disturbed by the other day care attendees. But for the most part they had left him alone; he did look rather unapproachable sulking alone in the corner with a sour face and his head dug into a book. Occasionally he would glance up to see a finger pointing in his direction and a confused looking face on the other end but that was it.

For a moment Caleb considered getting up from his spot and asking someone to take him to the bathroom. He would definitely be trying his luck, and he was sure he would probably have a better chance of winning the lottery so he didn’t bother. The thought of trudging up to someone only for him to be turned down and told he’s wearing a diaper for a reason didn’t sit very well. So instead he sat there, grinding his teeth in frustration and tried to wait it out.

The longer he sat their holding in his bladder, the more the pressure began to feel unbearable. He knew he was only delaying the inevitable at this point so he decided there was no point in fighting it anymore.

It was a wave of relief that washed over him just as quickly as his bladder emptied into the thirsty diaper. It felt like a never ending torrent that saturated the front of his diaper before pooling and being soaked up between his legs. As he continued to fill his diaper Caleb was rather nervous that he might have pushed it beyond his capacity.

When he finally stopped peeing, Caleb slowly pushed himself up enough that he could feel beneath the diaper and make sure he hadn’t leaked onto the beanbag chair. Thankfully he hadn’t and he breathed a sigh of relief. The diaper was still soaked however and he could see how much it had expanded after that singular wetting. It was almost comical how bloated it had become, he knew anyone would be able to spot its used state from a mile away.

He was so preoccupied with making sure his diaper didn’t empty its contents passed the leg guards that he didn’t notice Nanny standing right behind him.

“Caleb, are you ready?”

It wasn’t the relief he thought it would be having Nanny suddenly come and collect him. Especially when her eyes drew down and rested over his soggy diaper.

“Caleb you’re soaked, why didn’t you tell someone.”

“It just happened.” Caleb replied.

He couldn’t help the guilty look over his face as Nanny held at a hand and pulled him to his feet. That coupled with the fact that his bloated diaper pushed his legs out forcing him to stand with a bend made his story seem unbelievable.

“Right, well you definitely need changing before we go.”

Caleb was rather glad to take her hand and be led away from the main room of the day care, ignoring the sniggers and jeers made on the way out at his expense. He toddled towards the changing room he entered on the way in hand and hand with Nanny.

“Caleb, what on earth are you doing here?”

It was the second time Caleb had heard that voice today, he tried to think of the most horrible thing he could have done in a past life because apparently the whole universe was against him.

“Sandy, why are you here.” Caleb asked with a shaky voice.

“Picking up my sister, I don’t understand you’ve never been here before, where are your clothes, why is your diaper so wet?”

He wasn’t sure what question to address first, before even beginning to think of how he might answer any of them.

“How funny that we run into you twice today, aren’t you a lucky guy Caleb getting to see your friend again.” Nanny said.

Sandy looked at the woman in confusion, as abnormal as this whole situation was; she was as speechless as Caleb.

“Caleb why are you at day care?”

“For the same reason that he has a babysitter dear, Caleb can’t be trusted on his own he isn’t as mature as you are.”

“But he’s never been like this, I don’t get it, why is he in diapers.”

“Isn’t that obvious.” Nanny asked, “Just look at the state of his diaper it’s barely holding on.”

Nanny gestured down to his diaper as if it wasn’t obvious enough already that Sandy needed it pointed out to her.

“Now unless you’re offering to do it yourself; I need to take Caleb here to have a much needed diaper change.”

Nanny tugged at his diaper to emphasise her point while Caleb stood with his nose pointed down to the floor.

“Caleb.” Sandy spoke sympathetically. “Just walk away from her; I can take you home just stay with me until your mum gets back we can figure this out.”

“I can’t.” Caleb said sadly.

“Why not?” Sandy replied, beginning to sound rather annoyed.

“Because who would look after him and change his diapers, I don’t think you’re qualified to look after such a big baby young lady.” Nanny chimed in.

“Caleb, come on get a grip.” Sandy spoke to Caleb ignoring Nanny.

Caleb didn’t know what to do, he desperately wanted to leave with Sandy, he could be away from all of it. No more diapers, the humiliating changes or being treated like a baby anymore. But something prevented him from getting the courage to move away from Nanny. It held him firmly in place, still hand in hand with the overbearing woman who had such a huge hold over his life ever since she came into it.

“Sorry Sandy I can’t.” He told her; too cowardly to make eye contact as he spoke.

“Whatever Caleb I tried, I guess go enjoy being a baby then.”

Sandy walked passed Caleb in a huff, he desperately wanted to call after her but he couldn’t find his voice. When Sandy was out of sight he finally looked up at Nanny just as the waterworks started to flow.

“Nanny, why didn’t you let me go with her?” Caleb cried.

Nanny looked down with a snide look on her face. “I never said you couldn’t go, you decided to stay with me; I would have gotten paid either way.”

“It’s not fair, let me go!” Caleb whined.

“Nope you’ve caused quite a fuss and you already made up your mind.”

Nanny dragged the sobbing boy into the change room and forced him up with a helping hand over his soggy diapered bottom onto the table.

Caleb didn’t put up any fight as he continued to bawl while Nanny changed his sodden diaper.

“Honestly Caleb I didn’t think you could be any more of a baby then you already have been acting.”

Eventually she got sick of his whining and pulled a new pacifier from a packet it and shoved it between his wailing lips. Caleb’s first reaction was to spit it out but Nanny held on until he started sucking at the teat. He was still blubbering, his tears rolling down the side of his puffy face while he looked up at Nanny as she changed his diaper.

He didn’t try spit it out again, it honestly was helping somewhat and before he even fully grasped it, he had stopped crying altogether.

“Come on Caleb let’s go home.”

Nanny led him out to the car park, ushering him towards the back door where a car seat that hadn’t been there before was waiting for him. He didn’t prompting and meekly clambered in allowing Nanny to safely buckle him in.

As they were pulling away from the day care, Caleb looked outside and saw Sandy with her sister watching him drive by. They held eye contact for a while and he wondered what she must be thinking of him until they pulled out of the drive way and out of sight.


Days had passed by since Caleb had spent that miserable afternoon at the day care. His infantile treatment only got worse as all of his adult responsibilities were stripped away from him. He stopped fighting the changes, not that he had really put up much of a wall before then anyway. Every aspect of his life this week had been controlled by Nanny. She was in charge of when he got his food; he was dressed by her, bathed by her and tucked into bed when she told him it was time for sleep. He even had to take naps now and the pacifier became part of his daily ensemble. Not that he really hated the idea of sucking on a pacifier now; it actually had quite a soothing effect on him. He didn’t feel so anxious all the time, even less so than before Nanny had come and washed away his adulthood.

Of course Caleb was never allowed to use the bathroom; he was forced to go in his diapers for all their intended purpose. It got to the point that he didn’t even fight the need anymore, the slightest strain on his bladder or pressure on his bowels and he would willingly go in his diaper. He had noticed lately that he was using his diaper more frequently and sometimes spurts of wee would spray into his padding with little or no warning. It was a growing concern and he hoped he would be out of his diapers when his mother came home before any permanent damage could be done to his bladder control.

Speaking of his mother, she was supposed to be back today; Caleb hated the idea that she would come home and see him like this. He had pleaded with Nanny for her to end this charade before she came home and saw him. He assumed that she would get the tongue lashing of a lifetime if she saw the way Nanny had treated him. But Nanny didn’t seem to care and said that until he had proven to her that he was mature enough he would stay like this.

It was warm today, so Caleb was dressed down to his diaper; a thicker even more babyish looking disposable then he was made to wear at the day care. He was sitting in the middle of his play pen in the living room sucking on his pacifier and watching the television. He had his comics scattered around him and an unfinished Lego building left to one side. For all parts he looked like he might have even been enjoying himself. Nanny was reading behind him on the sofa and the television had been switched to the cartoons that Caleb enjoyed.

Caleb felt the slightest, ever so noticeable twinge in his bladder before a quick spurt of wee soaked quickly into the front of his diaper, lightly dampening it in a yellow hue. It was about then that the door opened and his mother walked in, back from her holiday to see what had become of her son.

“I’m back!” She declared, dropping her bags at the entrance to the living room, her expression changing as she spotted him in the playpen.

“Welcome home, I hope you had a wonderful trip.”

Caleb watched his mother in horror, forgetting about his pacifier it sat limply between his lips. Eventually she turned her attention back to Nanny.

“Oh yes, it was lovely; thank you so much for all you’ve done it put my mind at ease knowing Caleb wasn’t getting into any trouble.”

“Mum?” Caleb lisped.

“Yes honey, mummy hasn’t forgotten about you, just give me a minute and you can have my full attention.”

“Look what she did to me!” Caleb cried.

His mother walked over to the playpen and knelt down in front of him, placing a loving hand over his shoulder.

“Sweetheart, all I can see is that you’ve been well looked after and cared for, what seems to be the matter?”

“She treated me like a baby!” Caleb yelled, his pacifier falling from his lips.

His mother reached down and picked it up, lightly blowing onto it before slipping it back between his lips.

Caleb was in shock and watched as she pulled her phone out and started flick through images of him.

“Love Nanny has been keeping me updated every step of the way.”

He watched in horror as she scrolled through countless photos of him sleeping, in the middle of his diaper changes, reading his comics with his diapered but sticking in the air. He had no idea how he never knew she was taking pictures of him this whole time.

“She’s done a wonderful job of taking care of you, how’s your diaper though do you need a change?”

She didn’t wait for an answer and pushed a hand down into his padding, which Caleb hadn’t realised had already grown soggier since she had walked through the door.

“Not too wet but you’ll need a change soon.” She declared.

Caleb pulled the pacifier from his lips and held it limply in one hand, to well-conditioned to let it fall on the ground.

“Can I go change now, your home things can go back to the way they were.”

“Oh Caleb,” His mother sighed. “You were such a little terror before Nanny came into our lives; you’re much better behaved this way I hear. I don’t want to have to deal with a naughty boy again, this will be much better until I think you’re ready to grow up again.”

“Mum you can’t be serious?” Caleb asked fearfully.

“I’m afraid so Caleb, I promise I will do my best to take care of you just as well as Nanny has.”

“Mum, please?” Caleb begged.

Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes so his mother reached down and put his pacifier back in, and like clockwork Caleb started sucking.

“Keep that in for me sweetheart and I think it would be better if you called me mommy from now on. I used to love when you did that, I wish you never stopped.”

Without any grasp on what was happening, the front of Caleb’s diaper grew warm which his mother quickly picked up on.

“Ok now you definitely need a change sweetie.” She told him.

“That would be my queue to leave; I think I’ve had enough diaper changes for one week.” Nanny declared, standing up to leave.

“Don’t worry Caleb you’re in good hands.” Nanny said confidently.

Caleb looked absolutely distraught, it wasn’t supposed to be like this, everything was meant to go back to normal.

“You will still see Nanny again Caleb, I can’t be there to watch you all the time, you still need a babysitter.” His mother said, completely misjudging the source of his sorrowful look.

“We need to see her sometime to get you enrolled into day care too.”

“What for!” Caleb cried.

“Whose going to watch you while I’m at work, Sandy’s sister goes there too so at least you will have one friendly face and I’m sure you will make many more.”

As Caleb thought back to Sandy the waterworks started and soon he was bawling through his pacifier.

“I had to just leave you like this but I really must be off.” Nanny said.

“Oh that’s fine you’ve done more than enough already, he just needs some one on one time with mommy and he will be right as rain.” His mother replied.

“Of course, goodbye Caleb It’s been nice getting to know you, make sure you behave yourself for your mommy and I’ll see you at the day care soon I’m sure.”

Caleb continued to sob as his mother politely walked Nanny to the door before quickly returning to her new big baby, ready to be the dotting mother he desperately needed her to be.

“Shhhhh baby,” She consoled him. “We’ll get you into a fresh diaper and some nom-nom’s into your belly and you can tell me all about your week.”

She offered Caleb her hand and he hastily took it like a good baby boy and was helped out of the playpen. As he laid down on his bed for his diaper change his mother spoke up.

“This room won’t do at all for my sweet baby, we need to get you a changing table, and I think some redecorating might be in order.”

Caleb lay silently looking up at the ceiling as his mother pulled the tapes of his soaked diaper, and he wondered just how long this would last until he would be allowed to grow up again.




such a good mother to hire such a great nanny