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A bit different with the postings this month regular stories will continue in February, been working on a backlog of commissions. This one will be finished over the next couple of weeks, enjoy the first 4 chapters while you wait!


“This is bullshit.” Caleb cried.

“Watch your language.” His mother said, spinning around in the hallway to face him and wagging her finger warningly.

Caleb slunk back down after being accosted, he was eighteen, technically an adult but he still hated being told off that way.

It made him feel like a child, not to mention being coupled with the fact that his mother was leaving on holiday with his Aunt and he was to be left in the care of a complete stranger.

“I don’t need a babysitter.” He whined.

His mother sighed, “She’s not a babysitter, she’s a Nanny, and maybe if you had proven to me by now that you were responsible enough to be left by yourself I would have.”

Caleb stepped back, he was sick of that been brought up against him. He decided for his eighteenth to throw a party, his mum went out for the night and said he could have a couple of friends over. But instead he decided to invite everyone from his school year; and throw a massive celebration which resulted in quite a few of damages that he was forced to pay back out of his meagre allowance.

It was his own fault that he was in this situation, he was aware of that. But the realisation didn’t make it any better that some strange woman he had never met was going to be staying in their house watching him for the next week while his mother was away.

“Can’t I just stay with friends?” Caleb asked, watching his mother wheel her suitcase out of her room.

She stopped and looked at him, her expression giving off that they had already had this conversation and she wasn’t interested in repeating herself.

“Caleb, drop it.” She told him bluntly.

Before he could say anything else the doorbell rang.

“That will be her, are you going to go get the door?” She asked him expectantly.

Caleb didn’t move; his mother let her suitcase fall to the floor with a huff before leaving to answer it herself.

Caleb followed behind; he stood at the end of the hall and tucked himself around the corner watching cautiously from a distance.

“Thank you so much for coming on short notice, it’s a huge help.”

He heard his mother say.

“It’s no problem at all dear, I’m happy to help.”

Caleb heard the stranger reply, he carefully peered his head around the corner to get a good look at them.

She was rather plain looking, middle aged woman maybe slightly older, she had a crooked nose and her long hair was pulled into a bun and had started to grey. She wore an old vintage style veneer dress; her whole ensemble looked like she had been travelled from the past into the future and looked vastly out of place from any other person he had seen at a similar age.

He hadn’t recognised the woman, which was a welcomed revelation; at least no one else he knew would find out that this woman who was a glorified babysitter would be watching him for the next fortnight.

“And that must be Caleb.”

Caleb quickly pulled his head back out of view and froze.

“He must be shy.” The woman continued.

Caleb was blushing red, he wasn’t sure if he should come out or not.

“Caleb, stop being a baby and come and say hello.”

He obliged, slowly stepping out into view he walked towards them both with an awkward smile on his face.


“Hello Caleb, my name is Nanny; I’ll be looking after you for the next couple of weeks.”

It was quite unnerving having this stranger in his house speaking down to him like he was a child, or a simpleton.

“What’s your actual name?” He asked rather rudely.

“Caleb, show some manners.” His mother scolded him.

Nanny chuckled, “That’s alright, I’m sure by the time you return he will be a well behaved young man.”

The way she looked at him as she spoke made Caleb feel incredibly small, it was almost eerie the way she glared at him.

“I’m sure you must be off, you wouldn’t want to miss your flight I can get myself sorted I assure you.”

His mother looked at her watch before responding, “My goodness your right.”

She quickly ran off to collect her bags before turning back and walking over to Caleb.

“Behave yourself.” She told him warningly.

She left him with a quick kiss across his forehead before saying her goodbye’s to Nanny.

Caleb watched her leave, as the Nanny closed the door he turned away and was going to walk back to his room before she called out over to him.

“Where are you off too?”

He stopped and turned around, seeing that she had already walked up to him and stood an arm’s length away.

“Ahhhh.” Caleb stuttered.

“Use your words.” Nanny told him.

“To my room.” He replied.

Nanny shook her head. “You haven’t even shown me to my room yet.”

“It’s over there.” He said, lazily pointing down the hall to his mother’s room.

Nanny sighed, “Not even offering to take my bags either, looks like I have my work cut out for me.”

“Whatever.” Caleb said, before walking to his room in a huff.

He had already crossed the threshold into his room when Nanny came storming in after him.

“What are you….”He hadn’t even the chance to finish his sentence before Nanny had him by the ear and was leading him over to his bed.

“You will learn quickly, that I won’t tolerate back talk.”

Caleb was stumbling over his own feet, he hadn’t even realised what was going on until he was already lying across Nanny’s lap.

He kicked his legs in frustration but she had a strong firm grip that he couldn’t escape. He was unsure how she managed it, it didn’t matter in the end, soon his pants were pulled down and she brought her hand down hard across his bare backside.

“OUCH.” He cried out.

He begged, whined, pleaded but it didn’t do any good, she spanked him hard like a disobedient child. Even as a kid he was never spanked, it was awful and he felt tears begging to fill the corner of his eyes.

“You.Will.Not.Speak.To.Me.That.Way.Understand?” She said, pausing to slap his bum between each word.

“YES.” Caleb cried, sniffling away back the tears.

“Yes who.” Nanny paused, readying her arm to slap him once more.

“Yes Nanny.” He sniffled.


She relinquished her grip and allowed Caleb to stand his feet, he pulled his pants up over his red bottom but his wincing made it clear he was in pain after the ordeal.

Nanny watched him carefully, like she was studying him as he redressed himself in front of her.

“I expect you have learned your lesson and we won’t need to do that again.” She said, waiting for him to finish dressing before warning him.

Caleb was too embarrassed to make eye contact with her, his gaze kept glued to the floor but he nodded in compliance.

“What do we say when we do something naughty?” She asked him.

Caleb stayed silent and mulled around frozen on the spot.

“I don’t know.” He replied quietly.

Nanny sighed, “We say we’re sorry.”

“I’m sorry.” Caleb quickly responded.

“Sorry who?”

“Sorry Nanny.” He corrected himself.

“Good boy, now are you going to show me the house now?”

“Yes Nanny,” He told her bashfully.

Caleb had to fight the urge to rub his sore bottom; his face was all puffy from the tears he shed during the spanking. He showed Nanny to each room as asked, even helping to carry her bags and escort her over to his mother’s room where she was going to be staying for the week.

Eventually it was time for lunch; Nanny had let Caleb return to his room while she got settled in.


He quickly turned off his browser from the adult movie he was watching hoping Nanny hadn’t seen. He wasn’t expecting her to just barge into his room like that unannounced, but after having his bottom blistered by her anything was to be expected.

“Why do you look so surprised?” She asked him.

“Sorry, what?” He stammered.

“Caleb, what were you doing?” She asked once more.

“Nothing.” He told her, looking incredibly guilty.

Nanny stormed over and took the mouse out of his hand and reopened the tabs. She was immediately greeted with the adult imagery and gave him a disgusted look.

“What is this filth?” She asked him accusingly.

“I’m an adult; I can look at what I want.” He replied.

She glared at him and Caleb quickly slunk back in his chair, afraid he might have taken things too far, he felt the heat rise in his bottom as if it was a precursor for what might be about to happen.

“I’m sorry Nanny.” He quickly blurted out.

She sighed, “Go have lunch, no more of this smut.”

He nodded and quickly scampered out of the room.

“And wash your hands.” She called after him.

As Caleb cleaned himself up, Nanny took a seat at his computer and soon had a child lock installed, ensuring he wouldn’t be able to visit those websites anymore.


Caleb ate in silence; he held his tuna and mayonnaise sandwich in both hands as he took a big bite from it. He wasn’t really paying much mind to his actions; he was feeling quite crestfallen from all the embarrassment of the morning. He was just thankful that Nanny hadn’t decided to spank him again for catching him looking at pornography.

“Oh Caleb,honestly.”

He quickly looked up and focused on her, cringing fearfully at the look she was giving him. He stayed frozen in his seat, his eyes growing wide as she moved over to him. Without having much time to process it she had pulled a tissue from her sleeve and wiped it under his lip before cleaning up the spilt blob of mayonnaise that had fallen over his shirt.

“You should have told me you needed a bib, I would have gotten one for you.”

Caleb blushed, but felt quite relieved that he didn’t seem to be in any trouble.

“Sorry Nanny.” He said, forgetting he still had a mouthful of food when he spoke.

“That’s alright Caleb but remember its bad manners to speak while we’re eating.”

He nodded his head in agreement, it felt silly being spoken down to this way, but he would rather stay on this woman’s good side.

After eating Caleb took the initiative to clear and wash his own dishes. He took a cursory glance at Nanny as he walked passed her and took note at her slight nod of approval. He never really did much to help around the house before, but there wasn’t much involved in cleaning dirty dishes. Nevertheless, he was quite diligent, making sure that each utensil was scrubbed clean and had no noticeable water spots. It felt very unnecessary, but the stinging beneath his pants reminded him what might happen if he ticked Nanny off again.

After putting the clean dishes away Caleb went back to his room but Nanny caught him on the way.

“Caleb, I think it would be better if you joined me in the living room; so I can keep a better eye on you.”

It was a pretty raw deal but Caleb didn’t argue, he nodded his head in a cooperative manner and decided to join her. For her part she let him play his video games and use the television while she lay back on the couch with a book.

It felt odd sitting on the carpet playing games while a stranger sat a few feet behind him. He occasionally would see her watching him through the reflection on the TV. Every so often she would make a comment about the vulgarity of the game he was playing; insisting it was much too violent for a sweet boy like himself. But she never asked him to switch it over so he just let the comments  roll off his back.

Eventually dinner time came around, Nanny cooked for the two of them; not that Caleb would have been able to anyway. For the most part they ate together in silence; Nanny tried starting a conversation but Caleb gave simple answers that didn’t really leave much opportunity for a follow up. Nanny was clearly bothered by his attitude, you could tell by her stiff demeanour. But funnily enough she didn’t call him out on it; instead she relented and stopped talking to him unnecessarily.

“I’ll take your plate.” Nanny said; the second Caleb had taken his last bite. “Go take your bath before bed.”

“I have a shower.” Caleb grumbled.

“Whatever it might be, I don’t care as long as you’re clean.” Nanny replied, clearly beginning to lose her patience.

Caleb didn’t dawdle and headed straight for the shower. He hated that this stranger had come into his house, his private residence and was ordering him around. Even his own mother didn’t talk to him this way, but she would never have spanked him.

The way the water bounced off his bruised bottom kept reminding Caleb of the humiliation he had suffered through. He was suddenly terrified that it might get back to his mother, but there was no chance she would ever consider doing something like that to him at his age. Even as a child she never used physical punishment; the worst he ever got was an occasional bar of soap shoved into his mouth for using crude language.

He hoped that if word did get back to her then it would work to his advantage and she would apologise for putting him in this position. It was highly unlikely, but until this morning he would have considered the likely hood of him having a Nanny dishing out corporal punishment just as unbelievable.

After his shower Caleb brushed his teeth and headed back to his bedroom where Nanny had been waiting for him.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

He felt quite uncomfortable seeing her perched at the end of his bed; especially considering he only had a towel wrapped around him. Not to mention this she was sitting in the same position he had his spanking earlier; suddenly Caleb was quite afraid she might pull him across her lap again.

“Your mother didn’t mention to me if you were a bed wetter or not.”

It was rather unnerving having her ask such a baseless question; he had never given her any reason to make her think otherwise of him.

“I’m not.” He replied.

Nanny sighed; Caleb couldn’t tell if she was annoyed or mulling something over silently in her head.

“I don’t believe you.” She eventually spoke up.

Caleb screwed up his face. “I’m not lying.” He said rather crossly.

“Nevertheless, I think for tonight you can wear a pair of these until I know I can trust you.”

Nanny suddenly pulled out a package she had prematurely hidden out of view.

“No, I don’t need those.”

Nanny held the package expectantly in the middle of her lap. Caleb recognised what they were immediately, ‘pull ups for teenagers’ it said across the front. She didn’t waste any time tearing the package open and pulling a pair of the padded underwear out of it.

“I won’t have any arguments young man; do you need another reminder of the consequences?”

Caleb suddenly twitched on the spot, the phantom pains once again reminding him that he was well aware of the repercussions that would follow if he put up to much of a fight.

“Please Nanny.” He pleaded, opting for a different approach.

“Caleb, no more fuss, if you wake up dry then we can discuss it. But until then I want to make sure both you and your bedding are protected.”

The young man suddenly felt trapped between a rock and a hard place.

“Can you call mum, she will tell you I don’t need them.”

“No Caleb, it’s getting late I don’t want to bother her.”

“Then I’ll call her.” He whined.

“Caleb.” Nanny raised her voice.

He could argue with her if he so wished, but that would most likely end up with him on the receiving end of another spanking before being forced into the humiliating underwear anyway.

So he didn’t bother, like a good boy he dropped his towel ignoring the shame of having his nudity on display. With a rather satisfying smile Nanny held open a pair of the blue underpants and signalled for Caleb to step inside.

Awkwardly he lifted his foot, bracing himself against Nanny for support as she lifted the underpants over his hips. They sat rather snuggly but seemed to fit against his slender frame. Caleb hadn’t realised just how juvenile they were until he saw a cartoon Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story staring back at him.

“How does it fit?” Nanny asked him expectantly.

“It’s fine.” Caleb replied unenthusiastically.

“Good, I’ll leave you to get settled then; I want lights off in ten.”

Caleb turned around suddenly. “But it’s too early.”

“Nonsense, a young man like you needs all the sleep he can get.”

Nanny pulled his door closed as she left the room, leaving Caleb alone to his thoughts.

He decided he might as well go to bed, what was the point in staying up for another ten measly minutes. Despite how early it was after the day he had sleep came rather quickly. Caleb was trying to remember if he had used the bathroom or pissed in the shower, he couldn’t quite recall before he had soon fallen asleep.


Like a lot of young man his age, Caleb could easily have slept in until lunch time if he hadn’t been woken up by Nanny during the early hours of the morning.

“Caleb, it’s time to get up, it’s not good to sleep in all day.”

Apparently Nanny was well versed in Caleb’s sleeping habits, or at least had enough inclination to know what he was like.

Caleb rubbed the sleep from his eyes; he wasn’t used to this early hour, and his body had been fine tuned to a rather unhealthy routine of roughly ten to twelve hours of sleep.

“What time is it?” He asked sleepily.

“Like I told you before, it’s time to get up.” Nanny repeated, pulling open the drapes and letting the morning glow of the sun light up the room.

The morning sun had even more of an effect on Caleb; he screwed up his face as it nearly blinded him. He was about to complain about wanting to go back to sleep when he was reminded by the bulk between his legs as he shifted underneath his comforter.

He grew quite stiff, like he was hiding something secret that he didn’t want Nanny to hear. It felt slightly unusual and different to the way he recalled it when Nanny first dressed him that night. Not that he really had much time to get used to it but something was unnerving him.

Sneakily Caleb slowly drew his hand closer to his crinkly pants and squeezed them. Immediately he was filled with an overwhelming dread, it was obvious to him that he had managed to wet them during the night. His heart beat quickened as his mind tried to draw a conclusion to why it might have happened. He couldn’t rationalise it in the slightest, not once had he ever had an accident before so why would he now.

Caleb’s eyes had mostly adjusted to the invasive sunny glow and he rather abruptly averted his gaze when he unintentionally locked eyes with Nanny.

“Caleb, is there something you’re not telling me?” Nanny asked.

Apparently she was somewhat of a mind reader, and uninclined to take his word for it when he shook his head.

Caleb had a strong grip on his comforter but it only took a couple of sharp tugs for Nanny to loosen it and pull it away from his body. Her gaze zeroed in on his soggy pull up like some sort of homing beacon. He sat fearfully as her hand pressed against the wet padding.

Nanny tut-tuttedas she shook her head, marking her disapproval.

“It wasn’t me, you did this.” Caleb hastily blurted out.

Nanny scoffed, “Do you really think I had something to do with this. Did I somehow sneak in to your room in the middle of the night and wet your padding for you, preposterous.”

It was true, the idea was rather farfetched, but Caleb truly had no idea why he would suddenly lose control and wet himself. Why now, when he was at his most vulnerable and needed to prove that he didn’t need to be in pull ups. It was hard to disagree with Nanny now, how could he prove otherwise.

“You better go have another shower then and get yourself cleaned up.” Nanny said, looking quite disappointed.

Caleb didn’t move, but he realised Nanny was waiting for him to get up so he relented. Nanny watched him expectantly as he toddled out the room with his droopy pull up hanging between his legs.

“Come find me when you’re done.” Nanny called out to him.

“Why.” Caleb replied, coming to a stop.

Nanny suddenly appeared in the hallway.

“Because I want you in another pull up before you start wetting all over the house.”

“What are you talking about?” Caleb whined. “I don’t need them.”

It was hard to argue with such a dominant figure like Nanny when he was dressed down to his soggy underwear. But it didn’t stop him from trying to fight against whatever absurdity she was coming up with.

“You also told me you didn’t wet the bed and look how that turned out.”

“That’s never happened before, and I didn’t wet myself yesterday.” He told her hoping to find reason.

“As far as I’m concerned it could have been a fluke.” Nanny told him.

“Well can’t you call my mum now, she would be awake.” Caleb pleaded.

Nanny shook her head. “No Caleb, I’m getting really sick and tired of all this back talk. Anymore and you’ll have no more chances, it will be straight over my knee again.”

She waited patiently for Caleb to make a move, he was thinking about his next actions but rather cowardly he decided to walk away. Ashamedly he toddled into the bathroom, feeling rather dejected he let his pull up fall to the floor with a wet thud.

The shower wasn’t as relaxing as he might have hoped for; knowing what awaited him when he stepped out left a sour taste lingering inside of his mouth. Eventually he stepped out, the walk back to his room was grim; he expected to see Nanny there waiting for him but was quite surprised when he opened the door to an empty room.

“Nanny,” He called out.

It felt silly having to ask her to come to him; he spied the open package of pull ups on his dresser. He easily could have dressed himself in a pair, but Nanny had given him his instructions and he wouldn’t dare do otherwise.

“Nice and clean,” She asked, stepping into his room.

Caleb nodded.

“Good, let’s get you dressed before you make a mess of the carpet.”

Caleb stood dejectedly while Nanny retrieved a pair of pull ups; he dropped his towel for her and held onto her shoulders like the night before. This time it was Woody smiling up from his crinkly underwear, after this he didn’t think he could ever bare to watch Toy story again.

While he stood their absentmindedly staring at his underwear Nanny picked a plain olive green shirt out for him to wear and threw it over to him. Without hesitation he hurriedly put it on and looked back at her expectantly.

“Can I get my own pants?” Caleb asked.

Nanny shook her head, “No I think I would rather keep an eye on your underwear.”

“Why, what the hell for?” Caleb cried out.

Nanny didn’t hesitate; before Caleb even had a chance to react she already had twisted his arm and slapped him hard on his padded behind.

“LANGUAGE.” She seethed.

Caleb yelped out in surprise, “I’m sorry.”

“You’re testing my patience; normally I wouldn’t give any more chances, understood.”

Caleb quickly nodded in obedience.

“Good, now march on down for breakfast.” She slapped his padded bottom for emphasis.

Caleb scampered down the hall towards the kitchen where he saw a plate of food already prepared by his regular spot at the table.

He was rather hungry, Nanny’s cooking was quite remarkable and he shovelled down the eggs and bacon. He was careful this time, not to spill a drop, Nanny sat across from him and he was constantly under her watchful gaze.

“I think we will go out, it will good to get some fresh air.” Nanny said, waiting for Caleb to finish taking his last bite of food.

“Where will we go?” he asked, feeling slightly petrified at thought of leaving the house in his pull ups.

“I think a walk to the park will do nicely.” She replied. “Take your plate to the sink and then you can go get your shoes.”

“Yes Nanny.” It was quite instinctive, the words left his mouth before he fully realised what he was saying.

Inwardly Caleb was cringing, he didn’t mean to act so agreeable but it had come out so naturally.

“And you can put some shorts on.” She called after him.

“T-thank you,” he awkwardly replied.

He hadn’t even thought to ask her about that, would he really have walked out the house with his pull ups proudly on display if she hadn’t said anything. Caleb decided not to dwell on what the answer might have been; he pulled the first pair of shorts he got his hands on from his dresser.

He spun around in front of the mirror hanging off the inside of his cupboard door; thankfully while his padding was definitely thicker than his underwear it didn’t seem to leave much of a bulge.

“Hurry up please Caleb.” Nanny called out.

Caleb sped it up, shakily pulling his sneakers on he didn’t even bother doing up his laces before rushing out to find Nanny waiting by the front door.

“Caleb,” she started, stopping him by the door when she could see he hadn’t done his laces.

“Honestly, it’s quite remarkable that you were even capable of putting your shorts on.”

She was berating him in a rather condescending manner, taking it upon herself to tie up his laces for him. He didn’t dare reply that he was more than capable of doing it himself, that he was in a hurry because she called out of him. It was much easier and less frightening to have her do it for him.

“Alright, let’s go,” She told him, retrieving her shoulder bag before closing the door behind them.


Caleb had hoped that they would at least be driving to the park but Nanny had other plans. He walked a couple of steps behind her with his hands in his pockets, looking very much the uninterested party. It would paint quite a picture for any passer-by to see them walking together. Nanny seemed to revel in the outdoors; she had a big smile on her face while Caleb looked miserable.

“Pick up the pace Caleb.” Nanny told him.

Nanny walked briskly, forcing Caleb to nearly trip over his feet as he tried to keep up with her. The slight waddle in his step from the extra padding made it even more embarrassing for him. Unfortunately it didn’t look like there would be any reprieve in sight for Caleb he realised; when he spied the playground they seemed to be headed towards.

“Where are we going?” He asked her suspiciously.

Nanny ignored him, and continued the same way.

Caleb didn’t really have much say in the matter, he didn’t even consider running, where would he go. He would only be able to run home and he could only imagine the horror that would be waiting for him when Nanny returned.

She took a seat on an empty park bench, closest to the playground. Caleb stood by for a moment and was awkwardly about to sit next to her before he was stopped.

“Go play.” Nanny pointed at the playground.

“You can’t be serious.” Caleb replied, his gaze following in her direction.

“Caleb, go play give Nanny some space.”

Caleb was furious, but managed to keep level-headed and walked over to the playground. He wasn’t the oldest one on the playground, but that was only because the youngest ones running around were being accompanied by their parents. He kicked bark around looking very uninterested before finally settling down on an empty swing set.

The sun was actually quite nice; it was warm out accompanied by a nice pleasant breeze. Caleb might have enjoyed himself if his mind didn’t constantly wonder back to the padding he was wearing under his shorts. Almost absentmindedly he slowly began to kick his feet and push off against the ground. He grew faster and before he realised he was happily swinging up and down and rather enjoying himself. He was enjoying himself so much in fact that he completely forgot Nanny was watching him this whole time. He tried stopping himself mid swing as he came down, but the impact was so fast he ended up coming off of the swing.

After the shook had worn off he tried pushing himself to his feet, it was about then that he realised his shorts were around his ankles. Somehow they must have gotten caught on the swing as he fell forward and now his pull up was completely on display and he had managed to draw the gaze of everyone around him.

He hurriedly fiddled with his shorts as he pulled them up but realised there was a huge gash down the side where he must have torn them.

“Caleb, are you alright?” Nanny asked, slightly frazzled and a little bit out of breath.

She must have sprinted over to him as soon as she saw him fall from the swing.

“I’m fine.” He groaned; too preoccupied with his shorts to really care what she had to say.

“What have you done to your shorts, they’re ruined.” Nanny gasped.

“Its fine they’re not that bad….”

Caleb was cut short, Nanny expertly pulled them out from under his legs and he had to catch himself on the swing set to stop from falling over again.

“NANNY!” Caleb shouted; ignoring the condescending looks he was getting. “What are you doing?”

“I might be able to save these, I’m quite the sower; but not if you make them any worse than they already are.”

“But everyone can see.” Caleb said, trying to pull his shirt over his crinkly padding but only managing to draw more attention to it.

“Stop that Caleb,” Nanny shrieked. “You’ll ruin your shirt too; don’t make me take that off of you as well.”

“I want to go home.” Caleb begged.

Nanny shook her head, “No I’m not done yet, go and play.” She said sending him scurrying off with a playful swat to his padded bottom.”

Caleb almost instinctively walked over to the slides; it was part of a big play system that he hoped he would be able to hide away from everyone’s prying eyes. He climbed into a tunnel system the moment he reached it, and decided to sit there for a moment right at the top of a big slide.

He heard scampering coming from behind him, but Caleb was too afraid and embarrassed to look around.

“What’s wrong?”

He heard a female voice call out.

“That boy’s blocking the slide.” A much younger one replied.

It wasn’t long before someone else was making their way up the plastic piped to where he sat.

“Is there any reason why you’re blocking the slide?” The stranger asked.

Caleb realised that she wasn’t going to simply go away so he turned around and looked at her. She was a younger woman, probably too young to be a mother but around the same age as he was.

“Well?” She asked again, impatiently.

Caleb looked down and the woman’s gaze followed, and she clearly recognised the padding around his waist.

“Oh my goodness.” She chuckled. “Aren’t you a bit old to still be in diapers, even my little niece doesn’t wear those.”

“They’re pull ups.” Caleb whined.

“Ohhhhhh, I’m so sorry, I meant aren’t you too old be in pull ups then.” She told him in a condescending manner.

“Just leave me alone.” Caleb said, turning his back to her in a failing attempt to act tough.

It was clearly an impossible task however, trying to act macho in her presence when he was dressed down to his padded underwear in front of this stranger.

“Ohhhh, big tough guy, let’s see how you like this then.”

Caleb wasn’t aware what was happening until he felt a thud and was already tumbling down the slide head first and backwards. He cried out in shock, a little yelp that echoed through the tubed slide. It might not have been a long drop but he was quite startled and shaky once he reached the bottom and slipped out onto the bark chips.

It was even worse when he realised that the shock of the incident had somehow caused him to release his bladder and the revelation that he was standing in the middle of the playground in a wet pull up soon followed.

“Nanny.” Caleb mumbled, almost about ready to start crying.

“NANNY.” He shouted louder, drawing the attention of a mother nearby.

“Oh sweetheart she’s just over here; let me take you to her.”

Caleb didn’t respond or turn to see his rescuer; she quickly pushed him over to the bench where she was seated and talking with another mother.

“Oh Caleb honestly,” Nanny sighed.

“I’m sorry, I got pushed.” He sobbed.

“Its fine, we were going to head off soon anyway.”

Nanny offered her apologies for the inconvenience and said her goodbyes; soon they were both heading off again in the direction of home.

“I’m not even going to bother changing you.” Nanny chastised him. “I only bought a spare pair of pull ups, but I think even those are to mature for you; it’s straight back to diapers as soon as we get home.”

“But it wasn’t my fault!” Caleb whined, behind his puffy tear-filled eyes.

The rest of the walk was silent except for Caleb’s occasional sob or sniffle. As soon as they walked inside Nanny pushed Caleb straight into his room and onto his bed.

“Nanny I don’t need diapers!” Caleb begged.

“Caleb, I’m honestly stumped that your mother ever let you out of them to begin with.”

Caleb groaned, but soon he was efficiently wiped and powdered with a thick diaper around his waist. It was much worse than his pull ups; these were so much thicker and truly made him feel like a baby.

“Nanny, please take it off.” he cried.

“No Caleb.” Nanny groaned.

“But what if I need to use the bathroom?”

“You’re wearing your bathroom now Caleb.” Nanny told him.

“That’s not fair, I’m not a baby!” Caleb nearly shouted.

“Babies are better behaved then you, you’re just a bratty little toddler, you can stay in here and think about your actions; come out when you’ve had some time to think on it.”

With that Nanny left him to sulk alone in his bedroom; the thick diaper wrapped tightly around his body, an ever-present reminder how far he had fallen.



Wow that’s a good one !!! Poor Caleb never gonna gain his nanny trust again about using the potty ! At least he wearing plain thick diapers instead a pampers or huggies that would be more embarrassing rsrs ! Curious to see the new dynamic and what gonna happen whe his mommy sees he’s using diapers and other baby utensils rsrs


One accident and no more potty? I think she is a little bit too strict. Let him beg for the potty a little bit longer.