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Jake watched his mother flick through the racks of party dresses with a sorrowful look over her face.

“If only I had the chance.” She sighed.

Jake rolled his eyes; his mother was getting more sentimental around the holidays every year. He wasn’t a fool; he knew she regretted never having a daughter. He was an only child; his mother never had the opportunity to give him a brother or sister before his dad walked out on them and left her a single mother. His Auntie was happily married with a younger daughter. It was her they were out shopping for today.

Honestly his mother should be happy that he was joining them; normally a young collage age man such as himself would have plenty of other ways to spend the day instead of dress shopping. But he was aware how much the holidays meant to her; and being the good son he always was he would rather put a smile on her face than spend it doing what he wanted to.

Jake shuffled in his seat, they had come here after lunch and he hadn’t had the chance to use the bathroom yet. He figured he could hold it until they got home but he had underestimated just how long it would take to pick out a dress for a toddler.

“Mum,” he called out.

“Sorry, what did you say?” His mother replied, snapping out of her trance.

“I need to use the bathroom.”

His mother crooked her neck and looked around the store.

“You can’t hold it?” She asked him; obviously unable to locate a bathroom.

Jake shrugged, “I need to go pretty badly.”

“Just wait a minute I’ll ask,” His mother sighed.

She started to walk over towards an attendant when she caught sight of his cousin in her new dress.

“Oh my goodness, just look at you!” His mother swooned.

She immediately picked her up and started fawning over her sparkly red Christmas party dress. Jake watched as another woman joined them, commenting about the style and the choice. He realised his mother had absent-mindedly forgotten about his plight. With a groan he stood up and walked over to the gaggle of voices.

“Mum.” He said, standing their looking quite out of place.

“Love, look at your cousin isn’t she adorable, this dress is so lovely!”

Jake was getting frustrated, either his mother was choosing to ignore him or she was just so completely swept up in the moment she actually had forgotten about him.

“It’s cute.” He said eventually.

The worker caught wind of their conversation and looked at Jake thoughtfully.

“You know,” She began. “That style comes in a much bigger size too; it’s become trendy to match with a daughter or younger sibling. I’m sure we would have one in his size.”

Jake looked back at the woman with a blank expression; watching as she fought back the urge not to laugh. Clearly she was just having a bit of fun at his expense; and while it embarrassed him he didn’t take it seriously. That wasn’t to say that his mother felt the same way; strangely her eyes opened up to the idea.

“Oh that would be lovely, could we see it.”

All three sets of eyes turned to see if his mother was serious or not, finally the woman stopped looking like a fish out of water and spoke up.

“Oh, of course; I’ll be right back.”

She quickly scurried off to another side of the store leaving Jake to confront of his mother.

“Mum, what the hell.” He told her angrily.

“I think it would suit you Jake, would you like to see your cousin in a dress like you.” His Auntie asked his cousin.

She nodded with a pretty vague expression, as if she didn’t really understand what was being asked of her.

“Mum,” Jake repeated, letting her comments wash over him.

But she was ignoring him in turn; her eyes followed the worker as she returned with an up-scaled version of the dress in her hands.

“Found it, this should be perfect.” The woman said.

Before she could even bring it close to Jake, his mother greedily poached it out of her arms. She examined it with excitement before holding it before her son, trying to size him up.

“Mum this has gone too far.” Jake whined.

“Nonsense, I think this will look good on you; just try it on for me please.” She asked hopefully.

“I still need the bathroom.” He reminded her awkwardly.

“You can use the bathroom, after you try this on; come along.”

Without much resistance Jake followed along as his mother pushed and prodded him towards the changing rooms. The few people in the store looked in his direction; the giggling behind muffled hands didn’t go unnoticed and it caused him to blush. They stopped right at the door of one of the cubicles when Jake finally turned around and confronted his mother.

“Just stop, I’m not putting that on.” He nearly shouted.

“Fine, if you’re going to be like that then we can do it the hard way.”

His mother quickly shoved him inside before stepping in herself and locked the door.

“Mum what are doing.” He cried.

“Helping you get dressed; clearly you’re much too immature to manage that yourself.”

He was about to argue, but the voices he could hear whispering on the other side of the door kept him quiet. As humiliating as this all was, he would rather make less of a scene and hopefully it would be over quickly.

Jake stood limply as his mother undressed him, removing everything except his underpants.

“I wonder if they sell matching panties.” She said, shaking her head at the sight of his navy trunks.

Jake ignored her; he wanted this to move along as quickly as humanly possible.

“Lift.” His mother coaxed him.

Jake threw his arms up and his mother pulled the dress over. He could see himself in the reflection while she walked behind him to tie the sash up into a bow.

He truly looked ridiculous, he didn’t have the most masculine body to begin with but you could definitely see how unusual it looked sitting on his frame.

“You look adorable!” His mother cried with glee.

At least someone thought so, Jake wondered. He was definitely not getting any enjoyment out of this; but the smile he could see over his mother’s face as she played with the dress, almost made it worth it.

“Can I take it off now?” He asked hopefully.

Wordlessly his mother answered for him; she opened the door to the cubicle and pushed him outside.

“MUM.” Jake cried.

His shouting brought the attention of everyone in the store, and they all got to see the young man in a pretty Christmas party dress.

“Go show your Auntie and cousin.” She told him as he stood there, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

Quietly with his eyes glued to the floor to avoid any eye contact he shuffled his way down the aisle towards them. Jake didn’t have far to go, she was already walking towards him with the attendant and his cousin.

“You look, wonderful.” She told him, struggling not to laugh.

Jake was completely emasculated, he hated any attention and now he had seemingly captivated the whole store in the worst way imaginable. He had completely forgotten about his need to use the bathroom; the feeling of unease grew and soon his bladder gave out.

In front of the eyes of all these onlookers and his family he helplessly wet himself. It wasn’t until he felt the first spurts of warmth dripping down his legs did he finally become aware what he was doing. He watched on helplessly, not realising his mother had rushed in behind him and was holding the dress up and out of the way of his flow. Jake was completely frozen; almost like a passenger watching through a stranger’s eyes as he continued to soak himself and the carpet underneath.

Time didn’t move for Jake; around him the worker was moving quickly with some paper towels and helping his Auntie clean up the mess. His mother was apologising on his behalf; but Jake was hardly registering the conversation.

It wasn’t until he was being pulled by his mother into the employee bathroom that he finally felt aware of his surroundings.

“Mum, I’m sorry.” Jake said, ignoring how pathetic he sounded.

“Love, its fine, accidents happen.” His mother told him with a smile.

It was strange how his empathetic mother consoling him was actually making Jake feel slightly better. A man his age shouldn’t be having accidents and especially not while wearing an oversized party dress.

“Hold your dress for me dear.”

His mother gave him a simple request; it was humiliating but Jake held it high as he was told. He didn’t really have a chance to understand what for; that was until she was already tugging at the soaked underwear gripping to his skin.

“Mum.” He whined, but still didn’t move to prevent her.

In fact, Jake did the opposite and lifted his legs like a good boy so she could easily remove them.

“It will be over soon sweetheart.”

Strangely, at no point did Jake consider removing the dress or even insisting that he could clean himself up. He seemed quite content having his mother do it all for him. She helped herself to some wipes from a drawer underneath the sink; apparently this sort of thing happened regularly enough for the store to have some on hand.

Jake watched on as she cleaned him; he stared at his reflection in humiliation, it wasn’t until he met his own gaze he realised how much of a loser he felt like. After his mother stood up and washed her hands his Aunt decided to walk in and handed a package over to her.

“These should fit him?” She asked.

His mother smiled, “I think these will be perfect, hopefully it’s like riding a bike.”

Jake suddenly realised that his mother had been handed a package of adult diapers. Even worse he could see a vaguely juvenile spotty design it was sporting across the front.

“Mum what are those for?” He asked, rather stupidly considering he knew where this was leading to.

“Sweetheart, we don’t want you having another accident and ruining your brand new party dress.”

Jake shook his head, “But you said I was just trying it on.”

“Do you really think after this whole fiasco we could really leave without buying something; besides it looks good on you.”

Jake stamped his foot in frustration; he definitely disagreed with that. But realistically he wasn’t left with many options; soon his mother had him lying on the bathroom floor as she powdered him. To her own merit; it was like riding a bike and she easily had him diapered like back when he was still a newborn.

She then tugged him to his feet and fiddled with the fit, making sure it sat snugly over his hips.

“There we go, now you don’t have to worry about any accidents, we can try potty training another time when I think you’re ready.” She told him with a wink.

When they walked out of the bathroom thankfully most people had the decency to avert there gaze so he wouldn’t suffer through any more embarrassment. They walked up to the counter and he stood by silently as his mother paid for the dress.

“Would you like to wear it out, or would you prefer it wrapped.” She asked them jokingly.

His mother waited and looked at him, deciding now was a good time to let him answer for once.

“I’ll wear it please.” Jake replied; realising the alternative was waddling to the car with his diaper on display.

“Wonderful.” The woman said. “Also, we’re having an end of year sale on after Christmas.”

“Oh we’ll definitely be back.” His mother chimed in. “I still have Christmas shopping to do.”

Jake’s heart sank as he realised this might go on for a while; he just hoped that his mother would let him out of diapers. But if he had known that right at that moment a light trickle was already soaking into his padding; he would quickly realise that he wouldn’t be so lucky.



Amazing story! Love the thought of everyone in the store laughing at the sissy!