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Elliot was shuffled into the backseat of Lin’s Sedan and before he had time to react his mother reached over and shamefully he allowed himself to be buckled in. He looked at her quizzically and she smiled giving him a peck on the cheek as she condescendingly ruffled his hair. He sunk back low into his seat as his diaper crinkled reminiscent of just hours before on the trip over here. But now his diapered state was even more the focus of his worries, the stupid shorts his mother had chosen were woefully ill prepared at hiding the bulkiness. He was sure any keen eye experienced with what diapers looked like under clothes would be able to spot his crinkly bulge a mile off. He sighed and leant into the headboard as the car pulled off into the darkening sky.

It was pointless arguing the embarrassment he was subjected to, after all as far as both women knew he needed to be in diapers. But wearing them in the day time was a far reach, his prior accident was hardly his fault just an unfortunate happenstance. Everything about his predicament was beyond frustrating and poor Elliot was struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This whole trip would be spent being coddled over by his mother like a two year old. By the end of it as it finally came to an end he would be subjected to another long trip before eventually spilling the beans and confessing everything to her. He couldn’t go back to diapered bed times when they got home, this whole fiasco could have been avoided day one if he was smarter.

If he just played down his enjoyment of the diapers and admitted he was simply curious. Then his mother probably would have shrugged and let him get it out of his system in private. But trying to brush it off as a medical issue that he had hidden from her because of his embarrassment; it was so stupid of him and he wished badly he could go back to that moment with a better excuse. Or better yet avoid being caught out all or even going as far as to ever buying his first diaper and discovering this lifestyle in the first place. But as the car groaned over a hump in the road and he listened to his diaper rustle as it hugged him tightly, he really wondered if would have the strength to go back and give them up completely.

As both women yacked away Elliot had to stop from groaning. He hadn’t even thought to take his mobile with him to the restaurant, leaving him with nothing to preoccupy or distract him for the night. He listened in to their conversation for a moment but to him it was mindless drivel. Just comments and giggles as they spoke about their past. At least it was a preference to him being the centre of attention, he was happy to sink back into the shadows and be left out of it. He watched the scenery speed by as the day grew darker by the minute. Eventually Lin turned and they pulled into a restaurant with a relatively full car park. He was hoping at least it would be quiet but perhaps the bustling diner would work in his favour and people would be too preoccupied to look in his direction. That was something that seemed to be going in his favour for once, the moment the car rolled to a stop and he saw his mother step out; Elliot quickly clambered out on his own rather than risk his mother undoing his belt like a child’s.

“Someone must be hungry.” His mother teased as she poked his belly.

He watched her retrieve a bag he had failed to notice her putting in the car when they left. It was only a passing thought and he blushed the moment he realised that the bag was stocked with his changing supplies. The eureka moment came when his mother walked behind him and yanked his pants backwards giving him his first public diaper check.

“Mum pleaseeee.” He whined.

“Just making sure you have a dry bottom sweetheart.”

She gently urged him forward with a push on his behind forcing him to lead the group inside. As they stepped in he paused uncertain which way he was supposed to go. Thankfully his mother and Lin stepped forward and lead him towards the greeter.

“Hey there table for…. Three.” The young woman said as she veered her head to see Elliot standing awkwardly close behind the two ladies.

“Yes three please at a booth if you have one.” Lin asked hopefully.

The greeter obliged and she led them over to a booth which was thankfully off to one side of the restaurant giving them a reasonable amount of privacy. The young woman tilted her head and looked at Elliot with mild confusion as he scampered ahead and rushed his seat into the booth. She could have sworn she saw something sticking out over the top of his shorts and it definitely wasn’t underwear. Rather than dwell on it she kept her composure and retained her professionalism as she waited for them to be seated.

“Here are your menus my name is Sara I will be your sever today, I’ll be back soon to see how you’re going.”

She quickly scampered over to another waitress and called her over to an empty table.

“What’s going on Sara?”

“I think that guy over there is wearing diapers.” She said rather excitedly.

The waitress looked to the direction she was gesturing too and quickly spotted the young man sitting between the two women at the booth.

“How do you know?”

Sara whispered back. “I think I saw them sticking out his pants.”

The woman shrugged. “I think you imagined it Sara.”

She was about to protest when the two girls watched Elliot’s mother pour him a glass of water and stuff his napkin in the blushing boys shirt like a bib.

“Wow, ummmm ok that’s weird.”

“See I told you!” Sara practically squealed. “He looks like a little mama’s boy.”

“Even if it’s true I don’t get why you care?” The waitress replied.

“Ehhhhh.” Sara said throwing her hands up. “It’s different I guess, beats some creep hitting on me for the night I bet this will be fun.”

“Whatever you say, have fun with that.” The waitress said walking away seemingly uninterested about the whole thing.

Back at the table Elliot was quietly blasting his mother for forcing him into a bib.

“Could you stop please, people can see.”

“Oh relax.” She started as Lin chuckled. “No one cares, besides you know how much of a messy eater you can be.”

She was right he never really quite mastered the fine etiquette of his peers when it came to eating. Just the occasional slip though, but it always seemed to be the most sauce drenched piece of food that came tumbling off his fork onto his clean clothes. He glanced around cautiously trying to work out if anyone was looking at him, that’s when he caught eyes with Sara. She smiled and winked at him and he quickly looked away blushing.

“Elliot why are you so fussy, do you need your diaper changed?”

Mum STOP.” He hissed through gritted teeth.

She was about to query him again before Sara had trotted over stopping at their table.

“Hey! Are you guys ready to order now?” She said in a clear rehearsed voice.

“Hmmm.” Lin thought. “What would you recommend?”

“Well tonight’s specials are….”

The voices at the table all muffled together as Elliot awkwardly sat wishing something would whisk this young woman away from them. He sat determinedly still in order to avoid making the tiniest crinkle from his diaper against the vinyl booth he sat on.

“And what about you love?”

He looked up at her eyes landing on her cleavage before awkwardly pulling his head more upright to face her.

“I ahhhhh…” He trailed off, wishing he paid more attention to what the specials of the night were.

“He’ll have the chicken nuggets.” His mother spoke up ordering for him.

“Ohhhh good choice!” Sara said in feigned enthusiasm.

“Would you like the child’s size, or would he like the-“

“I’ll have the adults.” Elliot quickly interrupted.

“Elliot manners.” His mother scolded.

“Please.” He blurted out rather ashamedly.

“No problem!” Sara replied as she wrote down the last order on her pad. “If it’s too much for him we can wrap it up to take home.”

Elliot could feel her gaze looking down at him; his eyes were fixated on the table in front of him to ashamed to glance up.

She offered her thanks and just as Sara was about to walk off she suddenly turned back.

“Oh, I almost forgot to mention, we have plastic bibs for the messy eaters if you would prefer that, it would be more substantial than what he’s got.”

Elliot cringed, she had to be playing with him clearly she could see he was an adult, what kind of sick parallel world was he living in. Why was everyone treating this like it was normal, it was messed up he felt like he had hit rock bottom so many times now but no matter what it kept getting worse.

“That’s very sweet to offer but I think we’ll just see how that goes, right Elliot?”

He nodded slowly, like a zombie with no thought other than to act on command.

“No problem! The offer stands, so just give us a shout.”

Sara turned to leave, but as she did so his mother spoke up, further proving that poor Elliot still had further to fall, his pit of embarrassment not showing any signs of a flooring yet.

“There was one thing; I don’t suppose you have a parent’s room around, just in case I need to change any diapers.”

Both Sara and Elliot looked equally shocked by the statement, even Lin was surprised by her friends disregard for her son’s embarrassment. Sara looked to Elliot and could see how deep his cheeks had grown; he looked so flustered and humiliated.

“Ohhhh ahhhh…..” She quickly cleared her throat. “Sure yes, the parent’s room is just back there.” She pointed off in the direction. “But I’m not sure if the changing table would be sufficient……”

She tried to find the right word to finish her sentence.

“Oh that’s no bother I have a mat to place on the floor, just need it for a bit of privacy you know.”

“Ofcourse!” Sara awkwardly blurted out. “I’ll go put your orders in, if there’s… anything else just give us a.. shout.”

She smiled before quickly hurrying away, needing a moment to process the conversation that just transpired. Fuck me there’s no way anyone is going to believe what just happened.

Elliot meanwhile sat there in equal disbelief at what he just sat through.

“Why did….” He looked for the right words as he fought the urge to start crying.

“Oh Elliot, honestly.” His mother shook her head. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of plenty of people need diapers, don’t be such a baby.”

Baby, the word echoed through his ears, rattling in his head. Was that what he really was now, he defiantly didn’t feel like a man. One thing was for sure, he was going to come clean about everything, this all had to end TONIGHT.


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