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“No no no…. come onnnnn.” Damien winced. 

He desperately held onto his bladder, the pressure was excruciating. The cola he had downed before getting on the train home had been such an abhorrent idea. He always felt the need to take a piss on the long bus ride home; it was such a stupid idea. But for some reason he wasn’t thinking rationally wanting a caffeine pick me up before getting home after work. Thankfully he was working off peak so the train carriage he was in was empty and secluded. No one would see him pathetically clutching onto himself in desperation and think he was some kind of pervert who plays with himself on the train. The ride home had never felt so long before, each stop was agony and he pleaded that no one would pick his carriage every time the doors opened. 

For a while his prayers were answered and he managed to luck out no one seemed to bother walking down to the final carriage when there was already plenty of space left on the others. It looked like his luck had finally run out though, when a middle aged woman dressed in a nice jacket and grey pencil skirt stepped through the doors. Immediately he ducked out of view, hoping he wouldn’t be spotted as she scanned for the best place to sit. Even more to his dismay he heard her heels clopping closer towards him as she opted to pick a seat on the row opposite him. How could he be this unlucky, this woman had her pick of anywhere she wanted and yet she managed to choose this spot? He tried lifting his hands away from his groin but the moment he did the panic returned and he immediately pushed them back and clutched on even harder. 

Unbeknownst to Damien the woman noticed and she kept an eye on the young man. She thought he was some kind of weirdo before she saw the lack of desperation over his face, and had to stifle a chuckle. The poor man must be busting, she revelled in the humiliation of others. The power she held in her position and the drive she possessed was empowering but there was something extra special about witnessing something like this. How perfect would this opportunity be, fate was telling her something and she couldn’t pass it by. Confidently the woman changed seats choosing the one facing Damien directly so that their knees would occasionally knock against one another.

He scrunched up in his seat, why was this woman even closer, he looked at her and she smiled quite wickedly. 

“Hello their I’m Lexi, I hope you don’t mind me sitting here?” 

She extended her hand for him to shake and carefully he realised head no choice and shook back as he pushed his free hand further into his groin. 

“No… ummm that’s fine I…. am.. Damian.” He awkwardly spluttered out. 

The woman smiled as she shook his hand with a much firmer grip than he was expecting. 

“I couldn’t help but notice you’re having some kind of problem.” 

She gestured toward his hands grasping together firmly in his lap.

Damian blushed. “Yeah, I kinda really need the bathroom.” 

She smiled coyley as she placed a hand on his knee. “You’re not wearing a diaper?” 

He looked up at her quite shook by her comment and brashness, this woman was clearly a decade older than him atleast. 

“Ummm no I’m not a baby, I just drank too much.” 

“And forgot to use the bathroom? Seems like something a baby would do to me.” 

She inched her hand closer up his thigh quickly growing in confidence. 

“Lucky for you I have a bathroom you can use at my house and I’d be happy to drop you home, my stops just here.” 

He looked up as the train beeped and announced they were stopping. He knew at this point he wasn’t going to make it to his house, but really going into some strangers home, surely he knew better than that.

“No… that’s fine, but thank you.” 

Lexi shook her head slightly. “Do you really think you can hold it, what’s it going to look like walking onto a busy platform with pants soaked in wee? Do you think the train conductor is going to be pleased when he realises you pissed all over one of the seat?” 

Much to his dismay she was right, he nodded in agreement against his better judgement.

Thankfully the woman was truthful her home wasn’t far away; she even shielded him from the people on the station by standing close to him so they wouldn’t see the embarrassing hold he had over his groin. He was briskly ushered inside as they approached her rather luxurious looking house in the suburbs. Until this point it had all felt a blur to poor Damian who was so focused on not wetting himself he had forgone all his instincts with his only goal right now to find a toilet. She took her time to before finally revealing the location of the bathroom. She led him over to a room and opened the door before gently pushing him inside. 

As Damian looked around he couldn’t quite grasp what he was seeing. In all reality it was indeed a nursery, but why was everything so much… bigger? The changing table, crib even a high chair was all scaled up for someone much larger. But not only that why was he brought in here instead of being shown the bathroom. 

“I don’t get it.” Damian asked with muddled confusion. 

Lexi grinned. “I’m getting you your bathroom.” 

She said it rather plainly and he finally understood what she was referring to as she plucked a rather thick looking diaper and spread it out over the changing table. 

“You can’t be… serious.” He asked desperately. 

She laughed quite dramatically. “Oh but you see, I am.” 

Ignoring his plight and please for her to stop he quickly found himself undressed by this strange woman against his will. He was so focused on not peeing himself he found he was unable to fight back. He begged and whined as he was laid down on the pink infantile diaper. He hadn’t even fixated on the fact it was a girls diaper he was being strapped into as she powdered him and pulled it tight over his body. The moment the final tape was shut he felt his bladder release and a torrent of wee cascaded into the thick padding. He lay their completely humiliated as it soaked up all his pee and could do nothing but sniffle away his tears of shock as the woman shoved a pacifier between his lips.

He looked up at her ready to protest but the next item of clothing she had for him was even worse. 

“You’re going to be my little sissy.” She said in a sing song voice. 

Poor Damian trembled as the pink frilly and very short dress was tossed over his shoulders and all he could do was wonder what was going to happen next and rationalise what had just happened.



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