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‘Appropriately dressed,’ Charlie was escorted to a private pool where he was met by a cohort of mothers with their charges. Immediately he blushed and found himself clutching tightly against Anna. He shivered as their rubbery lycra swimsuits came into contact and rubbed against each other.

“Charlie don’t be afraid, mommy is here.”

She pulled him in close and led him to the waiting group, he was surprised that no one gawked or scoffed at his appreance. Maybe he really did look like a pre-pubescent girl, but surely his height would give it away.

“Sorry we’re a bit late everyone, she’s just nervous.”

She…….. Charlie couldn’t correct her after all what would all these women say if they knew he was a guy dressed like this. He could hardly bear the thought, the best option he had was to go along with it and keep his mouth shut, least risking someone hear his voice which would surely give away the illusion.

“That’s ok, we’re more than happy to accommodate for Charlie, everyone learns at their own pace!”

He looked up toward the voice and saw a young woman dressed as a life guard addressing them.

Ugh, just what had Anna told her, he returned her smile albeit more awkwardly as he silently preyed she didn’t know more than she was letting on.

“Ok class now that everyone has arrived…….” The lifeguard continued to speak.

Charlie was barely listening, to busy analysing the other people in their group, looking for any sign that his true identity could be in danger. Anna noticed his wayward glances and nudged him to pay attention.

“I’m Celine I will be your lifeguard today…” He quickly lost interest again.

It was hard paying attention when you’re an adult male dressed as a toddler girl standing amongst a group of strangers. Not only that but he hadn’t actually started processing the fact that he was going to be stepping into the water soon. It sent a shiver of fear creeping up his spine; he could almost swear he feel a few drops of pee leak into his swimsuit. Instinctively his hand reached down and prodded himself under his suit.

“Charlie pay attention.” Anna said quietly as she nudged him again. She caught him in the act and saw his retreating hands come up from under the frilly skirt of the suit.

“Did you wee?” She pried.

He quickly shook his head.

“Are you sure? Because if you did then we need to get you a swim diaper.”

Anna reached down to flip up Charlie’s skirt, but he quickly retreated back a step.

“Everything alright Charlie?” Celine asked.

The whole group looked in their direction and Charlie stumbled back close to Anna standing close behind her.

“She’s just excited to get in the water.” Anna replied.

“Well then that just about wraps things up, everyone hop in.”

Everyone followed Celine’s directions and entered the water with their little ones in tow.

“Ok Charlie, come on I’ve got you.”

Anna reached for his hand and just as quickly Charlie’s heart began to race.

“Charlie its ok, come on you’ll love it!” Celine shouted from the water.

The pressure was suddenly insurmountable and Charlie anxiously took Anna’s hands as they stepped forward together toward the water’s edge. As they were a mere stride away Charlie stopped, Anna was about to urge him forward when she heard it before she saw it.

The light pitter patter that quickly turned into a faucet as Charlie absentmindedly peed his swimsuit, saturating the thin suit in seconds as it cascaded onto the pool floor below.

“Oh Charlie…. Really?” Anna said in shock.

“I…..I… don’t know…..” He stammered as he started to shake.

“Charlie its ok, Anna feel free to get him cleaned up we’ll go slow while we wait for you.”

With the flow subsided down to a drip and the damage clearly evident, the flabbergasted boy was away by Anna. The teary boy stepped bow legged wincing with each step as the wet suit stuck stubbornly to him. He blushed deeply and in a vain attempt tried to pull away but with no luck as he was pushed inside the store front.

“Don’t dawdle we’ve already held everyone else up enough as it is.”

With no other foreseeable options Charlie allowed himself to be urgently pushed to the front of store.

“HI what can I….” The attendant trailed off as he looked down and saw Charlie in the wet suit.

“Swim Diapers in her size if you’ve got them.” Anna asked plainly.

“Ummmm yes ofcourse, cloth or disposable?”

Anna looked down at Charlie as she pondered.

“We have plastic covers to go with the cloth, it ahh would be thicker but hold more?” He continued.

“Well take it!” Anna smiled as she retrieved her bank card.

“Did you want to see the designs first?”

Anna shook her head. “No that’s ok I trust your judgement you pick.”

He awkwardly shook his head before retreating out back. It wasn’t long before he returned with what Charlie imagined would be the most juvenile and girly one they had on hand. In the other guys mind it was the closest thing that matched what he was already wearing and it was so girly that everyone who came in seemed to be avoiding the style like the plague. It was bright pink with white polka dots, looking very thick and sporting a see through pink vinyl cover. A white frill encircled the top of the diaper with rows of ruffles tracing down the length of the backside.

“Perfect choice.” Anna smiled before paying for the diaper.

She thanked the clerk once more before brashly pushing Charlie back toward the change room they had first entered when they arrived. There was no stalling this time or modesty as Charlie was quickly stripped of his swimsuit in front of another group of women. They thankfully looked away politely as his boyhood came into view.

“Anna I don’t need that.” He whined pathetically, not even believing it himself even as he said it.

She ignored his plea and let the soaked suit fall on the tiled floor with a splat. She quickly retrieved a towel and wiped him roughly with little thought for his comfort.

“Should have put you in diapers to begin with, won’t make that mistake again.” He heard her say, unsure if she was speaking to him or directly to herself.

With Anna satisfied he was sufficiently dried of the stale pee, Charlie was pulled down to a bench. He instinctively covered himself and forced himself to raise his legs as Anna forced the thick diaper beneath him. There was no argument as his hands were pulled to the side and the thick swim diaper strapped tightly over his groin. Charlie couldn’t even comprehend how submissive he was becoming in such a short amount of time. Anna looked relieved and he couldn’t work out if she was happy that it fit him or maybe because now she wouldn’t have to worry about his accidents. Perhaps it was partly due to both? Whatever reason Charlie was now securely dressed in a diaper for the second time in memory, not to mention just hours apart. He knew he wouldn’t be afforded any more levels of privacy and no shirt was offered as Anna quickly pulled him upwright and back out the door.

Charlie couldn’t help look back at the wet swimsuit that Anna had accidently left at the floor of their locker and wish he was still wearing it. At least he would have more modesty and not look the part of an overgrown baby who now had to face the same group that watched him piss all over himself at the mere thought of going into the water. He could only hope they would be as understanding and sympathetic to his plea that Anna seemed to be as she gently rubbed his shoulder as they walked.

“This isn’t your fault Charlie bear, I should have had the foresight of something like this happening. Especially after what happened at Denise’s house, I think diapers are exactly what you need.”

He didn’t have time to comprehend the deeper meaning of that statement as they were soon back with the rest of the swimming class.

“Charlie you’re all ready and dressed for swim practice!” Celine called out cheerily. “It suits you much better.”

He couldn’t tell if she was being genuine or not, as he looked back to her she had already turned her attention to someone else.

“Come on Charlie.”

Anna broke him from the trance as she took his hand giving him a real sense of dejavu as they stepped closer to the pool.

“If you wee it might hold it, but those diapers are mostly designed for holding in your number two’s.”

Then why the heck did she buy this for him, he didn’t dwell on it as he realised they now stood at the steps to the pool and Anna was already going in.

“Come on Charlie, the water is perfect!”

He looked down anxiously, this was his moment should he just cut and run, or was he really going to take her hand and get over his fears.


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